Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 175 Chairman Position

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Nobody knew what kind of ideas Jack gave to Wu Feng husband and wife. But Qin Chao and the other have sat in the cars on their way back to Liao House.
Wu Xin and her grandmother sat in one car while Qin Chao, Liao Shasha and Yu Lu sat in another.
After all day shopping, Liao Shasha was tired and immediately slept in the car.
“Our big bodyguard, not bad.” Yu Lu and Qin Chao sat at the front. The former was having a jealous face, sneered, and said, “You’ve performed the hero save the beauty drama so well, even incidentally stole the heart of that girl, Wu Xin.”
“Lulu, look at how you’re talking.” Qin Chao immediately said with a smile, “It’s as if I am a big wanton-thief.”
He continued as he drove, “I am doing this with a good intention. Wu Xin was in danger so I, as a bodyguard, naturally have to step forward. Alas, you also know that in my line of work braving danger to complete the task has become a habit. Besides, Wu Xin is also little Shasha’s good friend. I was just fighting for little Shasha’s face.”
“Humph, fighting for a face doesn’t require you to vie for a wife!” Yu Lu did not believe Qin Chao’s nonsense, “Seeing Wu Xin’s lustful look….And your impending son-in-law status that has been blessed by other people’s grandma, I truly must congratulate you. By the way, when are you going to get married? I am going to send you a gift.”
“Ahem, what marriage.” Qin Chao touched his nose in embarrassment while using his other hand to steer the car, and said, “That’s just a quick-fix measure, you also saw that shameless couple wanted to force Wu Xin to sign something. I am just helping her a bit.”
“Helping?….Humph, humph, you’re too enthusiastic about that ‘helping a bit.’” Yu Lu curled her lips, “If Wu Xin is not a beauty, can you still be that enthusiastic?”
“Lulu….” Qin Chao immediately put on a bitter face and sadly said, “In your heart, am I that low….?”
“You? Your ‘low’ can’t be described with elegant words.” Yu Lu sternly said, “Your sin, can fill the entire hell! Speak, did you do something with Wu Xin!?”
“How could it be!” Qin Chao immediately raised his right hand and swore, “I swear to God, Wu Xin and I are innocent!”
“Really?” Yu Lu raised her eyebrows, turned around and carefully looked at Qin Chao. As if she can look for any clue from Qin Chao’s face.
But Qin Chao’s face was very serious, and no clue can be found on it.
After a long time, Yu Lu still can’t find anything wrong with his face. Therefore, she reluctantly turned away.
“Humph, for the time being, I….” But Yu Lu’s peripheral vision suddenly caught something. Her eyes then fell on Qin Chao’s coat pocket, only to see a small section of a bra drilled out of his pocket like it was waving at her.
Yu Lu’s eyes lit up, immediately reached out with her hand and, in a flash, grabbed that portion of a bra and pulled it out.
“Humph, humph….” Yu Lu’s body emitted a strong murderous aura. Coupled with the gleaming bra, Qin Chao suddenly involuntarily shivered.
“This is what you’re so-called help, right?” Yu Lu shook the bra, “Helping her in the bed?”
“Ahem….” Seeing the bra, Qin Chao can help but recall the passion inside the Mandala Bar’s toilet and became somewhat thirsty. But Yu Lu’s murderous eyes made him trembled.
“It’s a misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding, I bought this for my girlfriend.” Qin Chao quickly found an excuse.
“Oh?” Yu Lu revealed a sneer, “For your girlfriend you say? Is your girlfriend an E cup?”
“This….” Qin Chao awkwardly smiled, “It shows my good wish to her.”
“Wish your head!” Yu Lu immediately threw that bra at Qin Chao’s head, “This obviously belongs to Wu Xin! Qin Chao, you’re good, I finally see through you! You think I am going to bring you coffee? You better drink pesticide!”
“Lulu, Lulu, you misunderstood!” Qin Chao wanted to cry but no tears would come out, “Me and Wu Xin are really innocent!”
“Yo, you said it so lightly.” Yu Lu was not amused and immediately scolded, “You said you’re innocent? Giving you a bra is innocent!? This is really a nice gift, right? I’ve heard that some evil guys like to do some evil things with girls’ underwear.”
“What, what nonsense you’re talking about!” Qin Chao was sweating bullet by now, “Bite your tongue, little Shasha is behind us. Don’t be a bad influence on a kid!”
“Humph!” Yu Lu gave a sneer and crossed her arms, “As long as she follows you, sooner or later she will turn bad! Tonight….No, from now on, no more coffee for you!”
“Nooo….” Qin Chao bitterly cried while his evil hand quietly reached out.
Yu Lu grabbed her bag and hit Qin Chao’s hand with it.
“Take back your dirty hand and go touch your Wu Xin!”
“Lulu, don’t be like this….” Qin Chao pitifully said, “My hand never touches her, really, I swear.”
Qin Chao secretly said in his heart, I used my other hand.
“Humph!” Yu Lu has started to become immune to Qin Chao’s words. She rolled her eyes, leaned against the door and did not say anything.
Qin Chao can only helplessly shrug his shoulders. Looks like I can only rely on Wu Xin to calm her anger.
Just as Yu Lu and Qin Chao began their cold war, this babysitter’s phone suddenly rang.
When she answered the phone, Yu Lu’s body suddenly shook, and her face became deathly pale.
“Very well, I know….First, I want you to block this news, don’t let other people know….Em, rest assured, I know what to do.”
“What happened?” Qin Chao asked while driving the car. He knew the situation did not look good.
“Something big.” After hanging up the phone, Yu Lu looked at Qin Chao with a complex look, “Director Liao….He was assassinated in the US….”
“What!” Qin Chao was stunned, but they both suddenly heard an extreme cry in fear from the back seat. The two people looked back and found Liao Shasha – without knowing when – already woke up. Her face was pale and her body trembled. Her big beautiful eyes have already lost their spirit.
Liao Dongkai is dead.
This news, in Dongchuan City, was like an explosion of an atomic bomb, the entire Dongchuan City trembled.
Suddenly, various large and small forces in the City began to launch their counterattack at Liao Family industry. Even within the Dafa group, members of the Board of Directors were at each other’s throat, trying to replace Liao Dongkai as the Chairman of the Dafa group.
It was worth mentioning that, among these forces, one did not take any action, and that was Murong Jiang’s gang force. Vaguely, he seemed to be standing on Liao Family’s side, safeguarding the interest of the Liao Family.
Suddenly, some forces were confused and disoriented because they knew Murong Jiang was a very cunning guy. If something did not benefit him, he would not do it. If this was a normal time, when Liao Family fell, Murong Jiang would certainly charge at the front.
But now, Murong Jiang’s attitude made everyone ponder.
On the meeting room at the top Dafa group building, a group of shareholders was sitting and watching a large LCD screen on the wall.
In that LCD screen, Liao Dongkai and some of his business partners from the US were sitting in an open-air restaurant, talking about something. This restaurant was circular, surrounded by grasslands and lakes, especially used for rich people to do business. Outside the restaurant, there were professionally-trained super bodyguards. It can be said that the place was very safe.
But on that screen, they saw Liao Dongkai was suddenly caught by a shadow from above and then taken to the air. They panic look on his face was very clear. Then, that shadow broke his neck and threw him on the ground.
Having done all these, the dark shadow flapped its wings and strangely left the scene.
If not for the panicked crowd and the corpse on the ground, it was as if this dark shadow had never appeared.
The illustrious and brilliant leader of the Dafa group, Chairman Liao Dongkai inexplicably died in a foreign land.
“Poof!” The screen was turned off. A middle-aged man stood in front of the screen and bitterly said.
“This is the recording from the restaurant. The killer’s modus operandi is very strange and the Interpol has now taken over the case. Now, I, Tang Ao, as the Vice-Chairman of the Dafa group, on behalf of the entire group, express our deepest condolences at the sudden death of the Chairman.”
With that, he hung his head. The people in the entire conference room were silent. The few female shareholders pulled out their handkerchiefs and pretended to wipe the tears from their dry eyes.
Only one person in that room who truly cried and that was Liao Shasha. This young girl’s eyes swelled and her body constantly twitched. Yu Lu was hugging her tightly, trying to transfer her strength toward this bereaved young girl.
Qin Chao stood behind the two of them. As a bodyguard, he was not qualified to sit among the shareholders. Watching Liao Shasha’s sad look, he can only silently sigh.
Liao Dongkai, Liao Dongkai, rest in peace. Your daughter, and….em, the young babysitter Yu Lu – I will take a good care of them for you….
As the old saying goes, a person’s death is an important contribution to others. Qin Chao felt that his thoughts were somewhat evil.
But even if he was, someone is even eviler than him.
“Done.” Tang Ao also took out a handkerchief and pretended to wipe his eyes, “We are so sad because of Director Liao’s death. But even so, the group cannot be left without a leader. As we all know, I, Tang Ao, as the group’s Vice Chairman, on the account of seniority, other than Director Liao, no one is more senior than me. On the account of ability, I think all of you won’t think that I am not qualified….”
“Tang Ao, what do you mean by this?” Listening to his words, Yu Lu knew the direction where he wanted to go. She wiped Liao Shasha’s tears, stood up and asked, “Director Liao has just passed away, and you already want to compete for the Chairman position?”
“Compete?” Tang Ao proudly walked to the front of the conference room, sat at the comfortable boss chair, and contemptuously looked at Yu Lu, “Yu Lu, your words are a bit harsh. How could you even say that this is a competition? Other than me, do you think there are other people who are qualified for this position?”
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