Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1107

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Chapter 1107

Ralph played a good hand.
Air to surface missiles, even if there is a tank running underneath, will be doomed.
"Boom, boom!"
The Red Flag cars of the Qin Dynasty drove very fast, and the missiles fell behind the left and right, which lifted the ground and some parked vehicles around, or detonated them directly.
Finally, the Qin Dynasty was not spared. A missile landed in front of the car.
The red flag car of the Qin Dynasty was blown up.
Ralph was very surprised that so many missiles had not detonated a red flag car.
But the car flies so high that it is five or six meters. If it falls down again, it will be scrapped.
Then, a scene that startled him appeared.
The car kept rolling in the air, but at last it fell steadily to the ground. After a slight vibration, it continued to fly freely.
What kind of shock absorber is this car? It's OK!
The car is OK, but Zheng Siqi and Cheng Ying in the car are about to collapse.
It's the first time I try to feel carsick.
Moreover, without this seat belt, two people might have been hit by the seven meat and eight vegetables for a long time.
It was opened in the Qin Dynasty It's a roller coaster
"You're sitting tight. It's time for me to make a phone call."
The Qin Dynasty has opened the signal shielding area, took out the mobile phone, and called anqing Baiying.
"My lord Why didn't you contact people for so long If you forget someone else "
as soon as you answer the phone, the voice of Anqing Baiying is coming.
Qin Dynasty frowned, this fox spirit, to the master of the house is not big or small.
However, who let his first day be the master of the house was eaten by the girl.
"Don't make a fuss. There's business. You use your mobile phone to locate me, and then tell me the nearest dock, we're going to leave by boat. "
"In this way..."
Anqing hundred cherry seems to the people next to a command, and then, her voice rang up.
"My Lord, the nearest port to you is Baltimore. There is a cruise ship of our company, Princess Anqing. The departure time is ten minutes. If you drive, it will take half an hour to get there from your location. I'll ask the cruise ship to wait for you
"OK, but the customs may refuse us. We expect to board the ship by force."
"Well? Why did the customs stop the owner? "
"Ha ha, because I robbed a beautiful woman from the U.S. government, they wouldn't let me go."
Qin Dynasty ridicule words, let sitting in the back row of Zheng Siqi pretty face red.
"Hee hee, it's just that No problem. The cruise ship belongs to the owner. When you get on the cruise ship, you will get to your home. When we're on the high seas, they can't help us
"Will it bring trouble to the family business?"
"No, our industry gives us a lot of foreign exchange earnings every year. It's too late for them to curry favor with us. My Lord, I have arranged for you to board the boat successfully What's more, remember to come and see people. They are really lonely... "
"I see..."
Qin Dynasty did not have time to chat with the goblin, and hung up the phone in a hurry.
"Cheng Ying, tell me how to get to Baltimore port."
Cheng Ying on the map of this area are recorded in the mind, she gave the Qin Dynasty constant guidance.
The red flag car was galloping through the streets of Washington, followed by military vehicles.
"Sir, they seem to be heading for Baltimore port!"
One of the FBI got the clue, he told Ralph.
"I've seen it for a long time!"
Ralph said that these people were trying to get out of the sea!
Dream, I will never let any of you leave America half a step!
"Get me general Gordon!"
Ralph made a phone call to the general Gordon. He was very angry.
"Gordon, aren't your men all rubbish! So many armored vehicles and armed helicopters can't even stop a red flag car made in China
"How could it be!"
Gordon, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, touched his white beard and said, "isn't the quality of Chinese made cars famous for their poor quality! I'll give you a lot of face by sending out armored vehicles and helicopter gunships. One roadblock can do it. "
"Have you ever seen a Chinese car that can't be damaged by an air to ground missile?"
"You're kidding. I suggest you see a doctor."
"See for yourself!"
Ralph sent out a video he had recorded before.
Gordon on the other end of the phone watched the video and remained silent for a long time."Why don't you talk? Stupid? "
"I personally believe that this is the latest technology product in China."
Gordon was serious. "Ralph, do you remember the seventh fleet?"
"Of course I know..."
Ralph's voice was heavy, too.
On that day, the seventh fleet, which was to have military exercises with the island countries, as well as the super carrier Washington, which was under great pressure, was completely destroyed because of a mysterious robot weapon.
This incident is tantamount to a big slap in the mouth of the US military, so no one has been willing to mention it.
Today, the old man Gordon raised it himself, which surprised Ralph.
"I suspect that this red flag car and that robot are all products of a series. It seems that China's research in this area has made a rapid progress. "
"What should I do Are they allowed to leave with satellite weapons? "
"Of course not!"
Gordon, as commander-in-chief, naturally knows the power of this thing. "The president has ordered that satellite weapons must be left at any cost. So, I just sent out the m1a1 MBT, waiting for them to kill themselves. "
"Even the main battle tanks are out!"
Ralph gulps. "You're still tough."
"It's all for America."
"Yes, for America."
Ralph hung up, a little relieved.
With the m1a1 MBT, this matter is basically settled.
If a few armor piercing bullets go down, whatever red flag car you have, it will become scrap iron.
The Qin Dynasty drove all the way to the Baltimore port.
Although there were many difficulties along the way, we were close to our destination.
"We're almost there."
Cheng Ying has been able to see the distant port, can not help but feel relieved, "finally want to go home."
"Well Finally, I'm going home... "
Zheng Siqi is also very emotional, she did not expect, this time home things, unexpectedly will make such a sensation. Even if she doesn't want to do research, write a book and put it on the Internet, it may still sell well.
What's the title of the book?
My red flag?
No, it seems too boring.
The girls I chased with the red flag?
It seems to be too literary and artistic. I heard that literature and art are not popular nowadays.
The girls I've shaken in the red flag?
This, this is good!
It is said that the title of YY book is attractive.
Cheng Ying and I, two beautiful women, were shocked in the car! This, let's call it a car shock.
Cough, OK, see the headline party again.
Where did the Qin Dynasty know that Zheng Siqi's little brain with a high IQ of 150 would have these messy ideas.
He's shaking his head now.
Several U.S. main battle tanks in front of him made him feel deeply.
Damn it, Lao Mei is really cruel. For Zheng Siqi and satellite weapons, even such big guys have been sent out.
This thing is a city killer!
A total of five main battle tanks, pressing the tracks, blocked the way of the Qin Dynasty.
"You have no way to escape!"
Ralph sat in the helicopter and looked down triumphantly. "Surrender. This is your only way out."
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are both weapons experts. Seeing the iron King Kong outside, they can't help but exclaim, "even m1a1 is out, they are too exaggerated!"
"Are you going to surrender?"
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Of course not
Zheng Siqi immediately said decisively, "we have you in this man-made man-made, what are you worried about?"
"Please, I'm not a man-made man. I'm a normal man!"
Qin Dynasty women's head is helpless.
"Whatever you are, I believe you."
Zheng Siqi has thoroughly pushed the Qin Dynasty out of the category of human beings.
"I believe in you, too. I'll listen to you."
For the first time, Cheng Ying handed over his command to another person.
As long as it's the Qin Dynasty She can believe it.
"Well, I'll tell them."
Qin Dynasty opened the window, stretched out his left hand, and made a gesture to Ralph in the air.
"Is he capitulating?"
Ralph is a little proud, in front of his country's main battle tank, everything is floating clouds.
"No, he put up a middle finger at us..."
The FBI with the telescope, in an odd tone, said.
Ralph grabs the telescope, looks down, and says, "grass!""Since they don't want to surrender, leave their bodies."
Gordon told Ralph over the video phone, "anyway, we still have a backup of the satellite plan. Zheng Siqi is dead. We try to decipher it ourselves. We must not let China get the information."
"Let the MBT fire!"
Ralph knew he couldn't do it. He waved and ordered.
Suddenly, the barrel of a main battle tank was aimed at the red flag car of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty took back his left hand and rolled up the window.
"M735 polished tail stabilized shelled armor piercing projectile!"
Zheng Siqi, sitting in the back row, suddenly said.
The Qin Dynasty didn't know what it meant.
"This is their new armor piercing projectile, which can penetrate 1000 mm of armor. I think they're going to use it against us
Zheng Siqi smiles, but there is no fear on her face.
"Then why are you not afraid? Our cars don't have that heavy armor
Cheng Ying couldn't help asking.
"Because I'm in a man-made monster car."
Zheng Siqi mouth, has been hanging a smile, "I, believe my judgment!"
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