Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1202

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Chapter 1202

"Li Na, let's go out this Saturday."
Finally, through the boring lecture of old man Ma Zhe, Li Na ran out of the classroom with her own textbook.
At this time, a girl in the same class suddenly ran over and said to Li Na warmly.
"This Saturday?"
Li Na side head, thought for a while, "but I seem to work this Saturday!"
"Work, where do you work?"
The girl asked.
"KFC, it's not easy to see the job. It's a busy morning."
"That's OK. We'll wait for you. We'll play together in the afternoon."
The girl then said, "Li Na, let's play together more. You see, you're always on your own. You're out of the group
"Well, well, it's going to be hard for you to wait for me."
The other party was so enthusiastic that Li Na nodded and agreed.
The girl's eyes flashed with joy.
"OK, that's settled! Which KFC do you work for? We'll find you then
"In Tuanjie Lake..."
Li Na said an address.
"Xiaoqiu, will it be too much trouble for you If it's too much trouble, let's go another day... "
"It's OK. It's OK. What's the trouble?"
Min Xiaoqiu immediately waved his hand, "by the way, we'll have dinner at KFC! I'll have a class later, so I'll leave first! "
With that, he swung his hair, lifted the bag on his shoulder as if showing off, and then walked away.
LV bag.
Li Na just looked at it casually, but she didn't go to her heart.
What a girl lacks is a person who loves her, not a bag she loves.
Min Xiaoqiu quickly left the teaching building.
She looked left and right, then turned to a small alley behind the library.
After that, she took out her new iPhone and made a phone call.
"Hello, young master Tang, I've done everything you told me Well, don't worry, I'll take her there Mm-hmm. how can I not do well what master Tang told me... "
"You've done a good job. The money has been transferred to your account. When it's done, the rest of the money will go to the account immediately. "
Tang Zong put down the phone with satisfaction.
Ten thousand yuan. Although it's not much, it's enough to sleep several beautiful female students.
It's not worth it to this woman.
But as long as Li Na can be cheated to his side, the 10000 yuan is not wasted.
"Dad, it's done."
Tang Zong put down the phone and said to Tang Xianhe, who was waiting on the side.
"Well, that's good. I'll be able to account for the division's beating."
Tang Xianhe clapped his hands with satisfaction. "At last, you have some brains and bribed the girl's classmates to deal with her."
"This girl is not easy to handle."
Tang Zong said with a smile, "after the last contact, I found that her head is very smart, not the silly girls I usually contact. If I do it again, no matter what I say, she will not believe it. What's more, she doesn't work as a tutor now. She can only start from the people around her and lure her to our territory. "
"Well, you can take care of it. Don't let anything go wrong."
Tang Xianhe patted his son on the shoulder and then stood up. "I still have some business matters to deal with. You must not regard this matter as a child's play again, now your father and I, also by the family member's reproach cannot raise the waist. It's up to you to stand up again
"I know, Dad. Don't worry."
Tang Zong Li cut chest, "this time I will never lose the chain, after all, I am also the future successor of the Tang family."
"It's still early to say that. I need to observe more about your ability and your brother's ability..."
Tang Xianhe didn't want to talk about this topic. He turned his head and said, "I'm gone. You keep staring at this matter. I'll leave it to you. If you have any thorny problems, you can leave it to him. "
The bodyguard in Tang Xianhe's mouth is the golden haired and blue eyed man that the military division left them.
This big man was called Su Jia by his military adviser.
Tang's father and son thought that the name was strange. He was a foreigner, but he wanted a Chinese name.
So, it's easy for them not to call out.
"I see, Dad, you go to work."
Tang Zong waved.
After Tang Xianhe left, the boy immediately took out his mobile phone and called his friends.
"Hello, Huang Ping, my father is gone. Where shall we play today?"
"Play? Are you still in the mood for that? "
Huang Ping satirized over there, "you are going to be notorious now. Which party and club are you going to be? I don't know the name of your young master Tang was killed by someone else, and he peed his pants...""Fart! I didn't pee my pants
Tang Zong Li carve exclaimed, "Lao Tzu is injured, OK?"
"You were scared out of your wits! People say you are a coward. "
"You have no guts
"Well, look for yourself. Who else is going to take care of you now, besides me?"
Huang Ping said that Tang Zong was out of power.
Indeed, now only Huang Ping can take care of him.
Other people, when they heard that they were looking for them, they lost all their shadows.
Don't look at the usual out door, front and back Cluster, now can't.
These famous children feel ashamed to go with themselves.
Damn it. This time it's a big loss.
Directly related to his reputation of Tang clan!
How to get a girl in the future!
"Well, well, don't be depressed. So, the young widow of the Yang family is having a party tonight. There are many people who covet her. How about going with me to see her? "
"Well, well, that's settled."
"OK, I'm really upset about the girl's pouting recently. Let's have a good time tonight
With that, Huang Ping hung up.
After hanging up, I couldn't help sighing.
There used to be four big families in Kyoto.
They are Huang family, Tang family, Yang family and Si family.
The Tang family's reputation began to stink in Kyoto since the last incident.
Many of the Tang family's enemies also took the opportunity to discredit them and suppress their stock prices.
If it was not for the Tang family, it would have collapsed this time.
As for the family, it's all over.
The fire of Si family manor turned everything into ashes.
Before this, the secretary seems to have launched a commercial war on Dafa group.
But the result is that Si Jia was defeated, and Dafa group took the opportunity to acquire all the industries of Si Jia.
The Yang family also began to go downhill. Since the early death of their leader, the whole Yang family has been supported by the widow LAN Ruoxi.
To put it bluntly, from Huang Ping's point of view, it must be lanruoxi, the woman who used her beauty to have an affair with all kinds of people, so that she could support a large family.
Otherwise, how can a woman do this?
But even so, the Yang family also began to go downhill.
Huang family, because there are many contacts in the officialdom, so the Yang family is the strongest among the four families.
His brother is also very strong, can fight with him, it is only the young master of Tang family.
However, the second young master of the Tang family didn't compete with each other. He still had to drag the fool of Tang Zong into the water.
In this way, the Huang family can always step on their Tang Hua's head.
But I am also very depressed recently, because the beautiful girl of the Wang family, just like the stubborn donkey, still refuses to follow his father's introduction.
Hum, I'm the eldest young master of the Huang family. Can't I be unfair to a woman!
They have let the company's people in operation, within three days, their company will become worthless.
No woman can refuse herself!
Absolutely not!
Wang Yuan, who had just finished school from the old pervert class, couldn't help sneezing.
< BR, I'm on my way to meet you? Is it cold and cold? "
"It's OK. Maybe I'm a little tired recently."
Wang Yuan smiles at her younger sister and says, "some things in the company are very annoying. My father urges me to have a blind date every day. Mr. Huang and Mr. Huang are really tired of me! "
"Sister Xuejie is so beautiful that she needs a blind date!"
Li Na laughs, "those who pursue the elder sister are not all lined up outside the school gate."
"Just your mouth is sweet."
"Wang Yuan couldn't help laughing," she said. I think it's almost the same that you're in the Tiananmen Square. "
In the school, many boys are flocking to Li Na.
It is very rare for the Department of mathematics to produce such a department flower.
What's more, she's still such a wonderful little beauty.
"No, my sister made fun of me..."
Li Na's little face flushed instantly.
"No. Where are you in a hurry
"Go to the student union. This evening is the first round of interview."
Little Li Na said.
"Oh, is that nervous?"
"Hee hee, it's OK."
"Well, do you want me to teach you some experience..."
Wang Yuan came up mysteriously.
"Of course it's in the way..."
Li Na was trying to listen, but her mobile phone suddenly rang."Ah, my sister, it's my mother..."
Li Na didn't dare to delay Xu Mei's phone call. She thought about herself again.
After all, mother and daughter depend on each other.
"It's OK. I'll wait for you."
Wang Yuan is not busy now. She prefers to chat with Li Na a little more, which can make her feel like she is back in her freshman year. There are not so many rotten buttocks.
Li Na answered the phone and the mother and daughter had a few words.
"Ah? I have enough clothes, mom Don't buy it for me... "
"It's OK. I've selected some fashionable and beautiful ones for you. You go to Kyoto University, you have to dress up! These are all high-end goods. They should be sold at the counter outside! "
Xu Mei said.
"Well, you can send it by express company."
Li Na had to say.
"Express company? What are you wasting that money for. Elder brother Qin told me to take him to Beijing for a few days. "
Li Na is going to cry.
One guess is that his mother took the initiative to find Qin Dynasty clothes.
Brother Qin is so busy that he has no time to go to Beijing every day.
My mother, I'm not reliable!
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