Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 647

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Chapter 647

"Argus, I never seem to welcome you."
In front of the referee, Qin stood in front of him in a cold red robe.
"It was God who guided me here."
Behind Argus, there are four men in black suits. Their breath seems to be strong. But the Qin Dynasty didn't pay much attention to it, because he even broke through St. Peter's Cathedral. Even if the Knight Commander of the temple Cross came, he was not afraid.
"Unfortunately, I am not a God, so you are not welcome here."
The Qin Dynasty waved their hands and ordered them to be expelled.
"Now, get back to the Vatican. Please."
"Pagan, do you think that we will return empty handed when we come to the eastern countries all the way, at great risk?"
Argus with a sarcastic smile, "and I'm not here for you, but for her!"
He said and pointed to Suji standing behind the Qin Dynasty.
"You pervert, are you looking for my girlfriend
The Qin Dynasty seized the collar of Argus, put him in front of him, and said, "if you dare to touch a hair of her, I will let you see your God!"
Behind Argus, a man with a thick moustache suddenly opened his eyes and said, "how dare you disrespect the magistrate!"
He said, raising his right hand.
In his hand, a sudden burst of silver light.
The Qin Dynasty felt that an unstoppable force pounded on him. Suddenly, he could not help loosening the collar of Argus and took Suji back two steps.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Argus and the four black suits came into the room and closed the door.
"The power of angels?"
The Qin Dynasty was quite familiar with this power. Because this is the strength of Liu Ying.
"That's right."
Argus nodded. "Do you think these are just ordinary Templar Cross knights? Then you are wrong. These are the elite of our Holy See - Angel Paladin! Angel, show this guy your strength
Argus finished, and the man with a thick moustache came up.
On him, a silver armor, slowly unfolded.
At the same time, he stretched out a fist and hit the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty held out his hand to block the blow.
But in the place where the two hands and fists were crossed, a huge silver cross burst out.
Then, the surge of power and the chanting of angels came out at the same time. The body of the Qin Dynasty, uncontrollably, flew back out and bumped into his own wall, leaving a pit in the wall.
"Qin Dynasty!"
Suu Kyi was startled, and her beautiful eyes were filled with anger.
"Do you dare to beat my husband? Get out of here
With that, Suu Kyi flew up and kicked angel.
Suu Kyi's power comes from Jiuyou giant elephant. Although not as terrifying as the Qin Dynasty, but not nearly.
Angel's body, like a broken kite, flew out.
But he didn't hit the wall, but a pair of white wings popped up behind his back, which greatly opened and stabilized his body in the air.
Angel looks at Suu Kyi and suddenly disappears.
When Suu Kyi was in the back.
"Those who inherit the queen of the vampire, your soul will go to hell forever!"
Suu Kyi's back, also pop up a pair of black wings. This wing is made up of flame, which impacts on angel, and instantly lifts him out again, directly hitting the next kitchen window. Smashed the glass and fell out.
But at this time, the three paladins appeared around Suu Kyi. Each of them raised their hands, and a silver awn flew out, as if three chains were entangled in Suu Kyi's body.
"The dark Pope, come back with me to the Vatican and face the trial of heresy."
Angus, holding the Bible in his hand, said to Suu Kyi, "only hell is your eternal destination."
Suu Kyi was blocked by three paladins at the same time and couldn't move. She was very surprised.
"Argus, you're paralyzed..."
At this time, the Qin dynasty fell down from the wall, stepped on the ground, and said to Argus, "trespass on my house, destroy my house, bully my wife This time, you really make me angry
"Chimera, judge him in the name of God."
Argus pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said.
A paladin turned his head and held out his empty right hand.
A silver chain, immediately tied to the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Can you trap me with it?"Qin Dynasty sneer, arm twist two times, unexpectedly the chain a little bit open.
The other two Paladins saw this, and with the other hand, released the second chain and bound the Qin Dynasty.
Now, Qin Dynasty and Suji are tied with three chains. Angel, meanwhile, jumped in from the window, releasing the silver chain with both hands, adding a restraint to the two people.
"This is the captivity of angels, from the power of real angels!"
Argus is very devout, one finger at the sky, the other hand holding the Bible, on his chest, "you dirty souls, can't get rid of."
"Paladin? Angel? Is it amazing? "
In the center of the eyebrow of the Qin Dynasty, there was a small sword. Then there was a golden glow on him. The chains, constantly, began to break.
Since the power of the devil can be suppressed, then who can!
Suu Kyi was also very smart, and soon understood this truth.
Half kneeling on the ground, she began to use the power of Buddhism.
"Oh! Well! How about it! Boom! Mi! Hum
The six character Daming mantra, transformed into Sanskrit of six colors, floated around her body.
These angels start to break down in captivity.
A few paladins were surprised and increased the power of the bondage. But that won't stop those chains from collapsing.
Soon, in the sound of clattering, Suji and Qin Dynasty broke away from the chain and stood up.
"I don't want to destroy the house. Go out and fight!"
The Qin Dynasty came over, took Suji and flew out the window.
Argus thought that two people were afraid to run away, with four paladins to catch up.
As soon as the Qin Dynasty and Suji flew out of the house, they went straight to the roof.
In the city, the roof is the most suitable fighting place.
Four paladins, flapping their white wings and carrying Argus, followed them closely.
"You go up first, I'll kill one first."
The Qin Dynasty saw the most closely pursued Paladin, patted Suji's upturned part and said.
Suji turned her head and glared at the Qin Dynasty. Then she flew up first.
The Qin Dynasty remained, holding a white lotus chop in his hand. He did not rise but fell, like a missile, and fell into the paladin.
Since the other side wants to make enemies with himself and wants to attack Suji, the Qin Dynasty will not be polite any more.
He cut the lotus flower in his hand and stabbed the paladin's chest with a sword.
The Qin Dynasty, with the body of the paladin, fell to the ground and smashed several deep holes into the ground.
At the same time, the white lotus chop, the paladin nailed to the ground.
The paladin, the pit did not pit a sound, mouth directly spurt blood.
The Qin Dynasty solved a paladin and, in an instant, jumped into the air again.
The three paladins, ignoring their killed companions, were besieging Suu Kyi with a big white sword in their hands.
At the same time, facing the attack of three paladins, Suu Kyi is struggling even though she bears the emperor Jiuyou.
She holds a long black sword in one hand, and at the same time uses her spatial ability to twinkle and wrestle with several people.
"Die for me!"
Seeing Suji bullied, the Qin Dynasty was furious.
As soon as his body shook, the whole man screamed, and instantly joined the battle group.
"The evil king kills the moon!"
A black crescent flew out, straight to the ground, and was punching Suu Kyi's angel.
Angel turns, palm in front of her.
"Bang!" The air trembled.
The black crescent, as if it had hit an invisible wall, exploded in front of angel.
There's nothing wrong with angel, but the light in my eyes is colder.
"Don't you understand? An ignorant heretic? "
Angus sneered from below, "they are real angels. This time, you are about to accept your punishment!"
"Whether he is an angel or a devil, I will die!"
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his right hand, and his mind started to crush the damned Angel Paladin directly.
But angel also stretched out his right hand to the Qin Dynasty in the air.
It's like the sound of broken glass, the force of two people's ideas, colliding with each other.
A huge silver cross, flashing in the air.
Su Mingji had to resist the latest curse.
After the silver light dissipated, angel put down her hand. But at this moment, the Qin Dynasty appeared in front of him, and the black sword of the evil king of yin and Yang in his hand stabbed into his chest."See your God
Qin Dynasty sneers, the sword issued a fierce black.
"Evil king full moon kill!"
A black ball of light, instantly engulfed angel's body, put him into the night sky, blink of an eye into a meteor.
"There are two left."
Qin Dynasty put down the evil king sword, and looked at the opposite Argus, and the two Paladins.
"Do you think this will kill the knight of God?"
Argus saw the Qin Dynasty and killed two Paladins. Instead of being afraid, it was a sneer.
"The result is obvious, isn't it?"
The sword in the hands of Qin Dynasty, aimed at Argus, "when I kill those two eyesore, the next one is you."
"Qin Dynasty, be careful behind you!"
But at this time, Suu Kyi next to her suddenly reminded me.
Qin Chaosi did not doubt Suji's words, he immediately turned back.
Behind his back, the paladin, who was stabbed by himself at the beginning, stood there intact. At the same time, behind the beat of the huge white wings, a white sword in his hand, stabbed himself.
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