Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1148

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Chapter 1148

Qian Tielong is also thinking.
How to deal with this man who looks like a little white face.
Judging from his young age, he may have just graduated from university.
Hum, Shi Ying must have been seduced and confused by his sweet words. In addition, he was young and strong, which made Shi Ying happy.
For these college students who have just entered the society, they should do this
"Boy, there are two ways ahead of you. One is that you continue to pester Shi Ying, but the price is that I can't get along with Qian Tielong. You have to think well. If you offend me, you will not be able to move in Shanghai in the future. "
"Oh, so It sounds terrible... "
Qin Dynasty patted chest, "big brother, what about the second one?"
He took Shi Ying's hand and didn't let this little excited girl talk.
"Second? Hehe, this second is a good way. "
Qian Tielong said with a smile, "I'll give you a chance to work in Huarui advertising company. You must have heard of the name of our Huarui company. Usually want to enter our company's college students, that one is squeezed out of the head. Now, with a word from you, I can give you this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "
"Oh, there is such a good thing."
In the Qin Dynasty, his eyes were shining.
"Of course, as long as you break up with Shi Ying, you can come to work in our company. At that time, you can have high salary and rich treatment
In Qian Tielong's heart, he was calculating.
As long as the boy agrees, she can see his true face clearly.
Even if he went to work in the company, he gave him two days to work, and he was opened for any reason.
At that time, he really lost his wife and broke the army, but he could carry the beauty home, ha ha!
Qian Tielong, Qian Tielong, are you so smart.
"Ha ha That sounds good... "
Qin Dynasty laughed twice, and then a word almost didn't let Qian Tielong suffocate.
"But what is Huarui? I've never heard of it. "
Although the Qin Dynasty was the chairman of Dafa group, he seldom interfered in business affairs. Yu Lu and Liao Shasha were both involved.
Previously, Dafa group also had business contacts with Huarui advertising.
However, with the establishment of Daqin era advertising company, the advertising of Dafa group is basically done by Li Xue and them.
This is undoubtedly a golden mountain directly handed over to Li Xue, let her slowly dig.
With the support of Dafa group's huge business volume, Daqin era rose rapidly and became one of the top companies in the industry.
Even Huarui, which was the first in the industry at that time, could only fall behind.
Therefore, it is understandable that the Qin Dynasty did not know the name.
"You, you are deliberately insulting me!"
Qian Tielong's whole body trembled, "I'm not finished with you!"
"But you and I are long gone."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said, "besides, I'm not interested in men either. If you can't hold your breath, I recommend you go to prison. When you get there, you will have incomparable enjoyment. Go straight from zero five to one point five. "
As a fashionable man, Qian Tielong naturally understood the meaning of 0.5 and 1.5.
He was gnashing his teeth and his eyes were burning.
"No quality at all. How can Shi Ying like you?"
"Better than you are not something."
The Qin Dynasty continued to destroy Qian Tielong's defense line with the attitude that it was not enough to kill people.
"Qin Dynasty, don't pay attention to this guy. We'll go to other supermarkets and buy it."
Shi Ying is really lazy to pay attention to Qian Tielong. She takes the arm of the Qin Dynasty and looks like a bird in accordance with others.
Of course, she didn't realize that her appearance made Qian Tielong angry.
All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, I wish I could kill the Qin Dynasty with the broken wine bottle on the ground.
Where did this kid come from!
It's just a gun, even Huarui company has never heard of it!
Shi Ying, Shi Ying, your eyes are so vulgar!
I'm not better than him!
Shi Ying said so. Naturally, the Qin Dynasty nodded.
But they don't want to take care of Qian Tielong, but Qian Tielong doesn't want to give up entanglement.
"You are not allowed to go!"
He came forward and pulled Shi Ying's sleeve. "Shi Ying, listen to me..."
"Let go."
The Qin Dynasty held out his hand and pushed him.
The strength of the Qin Dynasty was not too big, not so overbearing, but Qian Tielong couldn't resist it. He stepped back three steps, as if he had stepped back involuntarily.
"Shi Ying, let's go."The Qin Dynasty took Shi Ying and turned to go outside the supermarket. The two men soon went out.
Qian Tielong was furious and said he wanted to run!
He caught up in three steps and two steps.
But at the gate of the supermarket, they were stopped.
"Excuse me, sir. Please pay for your consumption."
The clerk said politely to him.
"Consumption? Consume your uncle! "
Qian Tielong watched the two men go farther and farther away. He was in a hurry and glared at the shop assistant and said, "I didn't buy anything at all!"
"Sir, here are two bottles of French Bordeaux that you consumed."
The shop assistant was not angry. He reached out and pointed to the broken wine bottle in the dustbin of the cleaner behind him. He said with a smile, "a bottle costs two thousand eight, and a bottle costs three thousand one. Would you like to pay by card or cash?"
The shop assistant said, Qian Tielong suddenly remembered that he had broken two bottles of wine.
"Swipe the card, who has nothing to do with so much cash?"
Qian Tielong saw that the two figures were getting farther and farther away. He became anxious and began to turn over his wallet.
This turn, the face suddenly changed.
Where's my wallet!
Did you forget to take my wallet when I went out?
No, it should be!
I always remember a principle when I go out. I ask for money!
It means ID card, cell phone, key, wallet.
Together, it's asking for money.
Now, the key and wallet are still
I wipe, ID card is also in!
The ID card is clearly in the wallet, OK!
How come the ID card is in my pocket, but my wallet is gone?
What the hell?
"May I have your credit card, sir..."
The clerk continued to smile.
He had a smile on his face, but he was in the dark.
You know you're a pauper.
I've seen too many people dressed like dogs and empty pockets.
One of them was caught on the street in Shanghai. It was all like this.
I spent all my money on clothes.
All live on the face, and then eat and drink what are saved, live suffer.
"You, you wait..."
Qian Tielong didn't care about Shi Ying and Qin Dynasty. He took off his coat and searched for it.
MAHLE Gobi, it's really gone!
"Sir, if you don't have a credit card, you can call your friends, relatives Ask for their help. "
"Kindly," the clerk reminded.
"Who said I didn't have a card. Do you know what I do? I have plenty of cards and I have plenty of money! "
Qian Tielong was unhappy.
I have many cards!
"Well, please show me your credit card."
The shop assistants are trained, not angry with customers, continue to speak slowly.
"You, you wait!"
Qian Tielong also knew that his wallet was really gone. He had no choice but to take out his mobile phone.
A new Samsung mobile phone, or a 5-inch large screen, usually do not take this phone display, had to call a friend for help.
But take out a press, the mobile phone screen is a piece of black, also do not give oneself a response.
"What's the matter?"
Qian Tielong frowned and thought that today's mobile phone was a little light.
Something's wrong!
Qian Tielong picks open the back cover of the mobile phone. I'll pull a straw, right! Make me happy! The battery inside is missing!
"MAHLE Gobi, damn it, my cell phone battery! How can I make a phone call without a battery
"When can you check out, sir?"
The shop assistant doesn't care about this man's cell phone battery. Maybe he realized it himself and took it off.
Anyway, it's serious to get the money for the wine.
"Shit, my cell phone battery is gone. Are you blind and can't see it?"
"Sir, I'm sure this battery wasn't lost in our supermarket. If you don't believe it, watch the surveillance video. However, before that, please pay your consumption amount, otherwise you can't leave here today. "
Said the clerk.
Qian Tielong is going crazy. Isn't it playing with himself!
How can I make a phone call without a battery!
"Yes, can you lend me your mobile phone..."
The clerk looked at him contemptuously and took out his mobile phone.
After Qian Tielong got his mobile phone, he didn't know who to call.I don't have a phone number in my head. Now who still remembers the phone is directly stored in the mobile phone.
It looks like you have to use your own mobile phone card.
Qian Tielong is ready to take out the card in his mobile phone, but when I look at it carefully, I have no mobile phone card.
Well, damn it!
"Do you have any questions, sir?"
The clerk looked at Qian Tielong holding his mobile phone and didn't make a phone call. He just had a cold sweat on his head and couldn't help asking again.
"Oh, no, nothing..."
Money Tielong is getting nervous today.
The wallet is gone. The ID card is here.
Cell phone battery is gone, card is gone, mobile phone is in!
This, this is God is playing with my money iron dragon?
"Sir If you don't pay, we'll call the police. "
Since he doesn't pay, he has to let the police solve the problem.
Said the clerk.
A group of customers nearby pointed to Qian Tielong and talked.
"Oh, look at this man. He has no money to buy things."
"Maybe it's a thief..."
"Look at him, he is not like a good man!"
Qian Tielong listens to these words which can make him angry to death, but he still has to smile on his face. Now, it's not the time to keep pretending.
"I pull, I pull..."
He said this, his eyes straight to the next door.
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