Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 785

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Chapter 785

"Lily, you, how could you..."
Si Yaqian is a little shaky. Qin Dynasty wants to help her, but she gets angry eyes.
"You, what kind of ecstasy did you give my daughter?"
"Auntie, I think you are a little anxious now."
Qin Chao sighed, stood there and said, "actually, Lily and I have known each other for a short time. If you really object, I promise you can leave lily
Yang Li and Fang Wen's situation is different, Qin Dynasty is to help Fang Wen get rid of the family. But Yang Li's mother is not bad, if not oneself and Yang Li united to cheat her, she is a very open-minded mother.
Therefore, this matter is our own fault, and we should take the responsibility.
Next to Yang Li, her small face turned pale.
"Really?" Si Yaqian doesn't believe it.
"Yes, I promise you."
The Qin Dynasty nodded.
Their relationship with Yang Li should not have happened.
"Uncle, how could you..."
Yang Li on one side, tears in her eyes.
"Auntie, to be honest, I already have a girlfriend."
The Qin Dynasty knew that there were some things that should not be kept hidden. Simply, they should speak out together. This is good for everyone.
"It's your girl who's going to be one year old tomorrow, isn't it?"
Si Yaqian, vaguely understood something.
It turns out that all this is actually the wishful thinking of his daughter. This young security guard has already had a girlfriend. And her daughter, she wanted to be a third party.
"Uncle, I don't care..."
Yang Li took Qin Dynasty's arm and said with tears in her eyes.
"Yang Li."
The Qin Dynasty turned around and put her hands on Yang Li's shoulder.
"We shouldn't have started."
"Should be, should be..."
"Yang Li, calm down."
The Qin Dynasty knew that at this time, he had to be ruthless.
There are so many girls with him that he can't have one more.
Yang Li is good-looking and young. Many boys will like her in the future. He and she together, will only delay this lovely little girl.
"Don't you feel anything about me, uncle?"
Yang Li sobbed and asked.
"If not at all, I'm lying."
The Qin Dynasty looked at Yang Li's eyes, wiped away her tears for her, and said, "but feeling doesn't mean we are going to be together. Go back to your life, Yang Li. We are not one person in the world. "
"It's not like this, it's not..."
Yang Li cried more fiercely.
The Qin Dynasty turned to look at Yang Li's mother.
"Don't worry, auntie. I won't contact Yang Li again. I owe the Yang family a favor. If my aunt needs my help in the future, please call me. "
Si Yaqian looked at the serious expression of the Qin Dynasty, his mouth slightly opened, as if he wanted to say something, but he took it back.
And the Qin Dynasty is very determined, shake off Yang Li's hand, turn around and stride to leave the villa.
Yang Li stood up and rushed to the door, but there was no Qin Dynasty outside.
She held the door and, hysterically, called out in the night.
Just don't know, Qin Dynasty, can hear her call.
"Forget it, lily, come back..."
Si Yaqian stood behind her daughter, pulling her daughter, said.
"I hate you!"
Yang Li looked back at her mother, wiped away her tears and ran back upstairs.
Si Yaqian recalled the hatred in her daughter's eyes just now. She felt powerless and leaned against the shoe cabinet.
On the shoe cabinet, there is also a box containing the latest Apple 4S.
Originally, it was a gift Si Yaqian wanted to give to the Qin Dynasty.
But no one would have thought that things would be like this.
There is a saying that is good, the world is unpredictable
And the Qin Dynasty, out of the seven color city, they quickly adjusted their emotions.
From then on, she did not contact Yang Li. Although she was a little reluctant, it was for the sake of both of them.
Some inappropriate things, early termination, is also good.
What's more, tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of their love with Suu Kyi. I have to make a good adjustment.
Just when the Qin Dynasty was ready to move home, a familiar voice suddenly rang up.
"Tut I didn't expect that uncle was still a lover. "
Hearing the sound, the Qin Dynasty immediately looked up.See Han Bing that female devil, with long purple hair, sitting on a high street lamp, shaking her legs, looking at the Qin Dynasty, half smile.
"Are you laughing at me?"
Qin Dynasty looked up at Han Bing above and said coldly.
"That's not true."
Han Bing shook her small head, and then said slowly, "it's just that I've known Yang Li for a while. According to my analysis of her character, it will only make her very painful to leave her so rashly. "
"The long pain is better than the short pain."
The Qin Dynasty said, "if it ends like this, sooner or later she will find her own happiness."
"Hee hee, uncle is really wrong this time."
Han Bing held up a finger and put it in front of him, shaking at Qin Chao, "the more Yang Li's character is, the more she wants it. Uncle, you will only make her more reluctant to stop you! "
"What does this have to do with you?"
The Qin Dynasty knew that all demons had the ability to see through the human heart.
Yang Li is just an ordinary person. She has no defense in her heart, so she can be seen through at a glance.
"Hee hee, it's just boring. I want to have a chat with uncle."
Because he can't see through the heart of Qin Dynasty, Han Bing wants to know the man under him.
"Chat? In the middle of the night, I'm not interested in it
Qin Dynasty curled its lips and left.
"Uncle, don't go in a hurry."
"Why should I listen to you?"
"Tut, that's not what you said." Han Bing shook her legs and laughed again, "uncle, if you go away, I will incarnate as you, go to Yang Li's house, knock out her mother, and then go to bed with her Is it fun? "
"You're a pervert
Qin Dynasty frowned and looked at the female devil on the top of his head, "and you are a woman. How can you sleep with Yang Li?"
"I'm not, but we demons are changeable. It's just a very easy thing to create a man's body at will. "
Han Bing said, originally a small beauty image, suddenly a little change. After a while, another Qin Dynasty sat on the street lamp.
"You may try it."
Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and made a clucking voice, "but I don't guarantee that you can go out alive."
"Oh, my uncle has lost his temper."
The Qin Dynasty above the streetlights changed back to the appearance of the female devil. Han Bing shook his purple hair and asked the Qin Dynasty, "you human beings are really strange. You don't like Yang Li. Why do you care about her so much?"
The discourse of Qin Dynasty was stagnant.
"And I changed to be you, accompany Yang Li every day, she can not be very happy. As for yourself, if you continue to accompany your wives, you don't have to worry about the poor little nurse. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone? "
"Demoness, you're a little too much in charge."
Qin Dynasty says, gently wave a hand.
The street lamp suddenly broke into two pieces from the middle.
That half of the street lamp, hit the ground, splashed a spark.
And Han Bing's body floated up, and then gently fell on the ground, looking at the Qin Dynasty vividly.
"Uncle's temper is really bad. He is just a little devil. Don't kill him..."
"I'm not interested in killing you. Stay away from me."
The Qin Dynasty snorted coldly.
"Uncle, don't be so heartless..."
Han Bing fiddled with her hair and said, "after all, I shot you, you shot me We are all in this relationship. How can uncle be so heartless? "
The Qin Dynasty was violent.
"What? I shot you, you shot me. Don't be so vague. It's just playing football
"Of course it's football. I didn't say it's another uncle. You always have those unhealthy things in your head."
Han Bing seems to win in the fight, very happy.
Qin Dynasty did not have this idea, and she bickered.
"I don't care about you. I'm going back."
"Uncle, look at you. It's boring."
Han Bing pouted his mouth and looked at the Qin Dynasty with some dissatisfaction, "it's rare that people run out of hell and secretly report to you."
"Tip off?"
The Qin Dynasty was puzzled.
Han Bing nodded, "uncle lives in such a good world, naturally do not know what kind of news happens every day in the terrible hell."
"Just say what you mean."
Qin asked coldly.
"People just want to tell Uncle something, and make him happy."Han Bing looks a little aggrieved, looking at the Qin Dynasty.
"Don't come. What's the condition? Go ahead."
The Qin Dynasty knew that the words of female demons could never be believed. Well, Roxie, maybe not. Because, she and herself, already had some fetters.
"What uncle said is too heartless."
Han Bing is Jiao Di Di Di said, "people do it because they like uncle."
"Do you like me?"
Qin Dynasty scoffed, "do demons have feelings?"
"It's because of the excellent genes that keep attracting me."
Han Bing said, "uncle, such an excellent man, people, naturally want to be moved..."
"Well, if you have anything to say, just say it."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to have too much contact with Han Bing, but it was OK to know some news.
"Well, although uncle is so cold, who makes people like you. Well, I'll tell you. "
Han Bing suddenly appeared behind the Qin Dynasty, a hand lying on his shoulder, said, "where's uncle Do you know, now in hell, because of you, it's a mess... "
The Qin Dynasty didn't understand.
"Hee hee, uncle, your soul is the same as the sweet cakes See, your soul will be all hell, the seven monarchs are beginning to move Uncle, you should be careful. Many demons have been watching you. "
"Ha ha, am I afraid of them?"
"Maybe uncle is not afraid of But the people around me... "
"What do you say?"
Qin Dynasty some touch, turn around a look, Han Bing has disappeared. This female devil, come suddenly, leave quickly.
What does it mean
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