Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 534

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Chapter 534

"Vice president Tang, you'd better save the province." Yu Lu, with a sarcastic smile on her face, said to Tang Ao, "even if you buy their shares, you can't sit on the position of chairman. Because Miss Liao's fiance owns 51% of the company's shares. This number, in any case, you can't surpass. "
"Oh, Mr. Yu, don't be so absolute." Tang Ao's face also hung with a sneer, "I know the name of the Qin Dynasty. On the road of Dongchuan City, we should also respectfully call him lord Qin. But I Tang Ao believes that no matter how fierce a person is, he has a soft side. Mr. Yu, in fact, I've always been very strange. Why do you trust him so much? "
"Nothing, just because he is Miss Liao's fiance." Yu Lu's face is still, she can believe the Qin Dynasty, of course, not so simple.
"Ha ha, there is no absolute thing." Tang Ao or that sentence, "and you also see, the group is in your hands, can only slowly loss. If I were Tang Ao, I would let the group rise again and become the real leader of the northern economy. Mr. Yu, you can't be too selfish. You have to think about the company and the old shareholders here. "
"Yes, Mr. Yu! You can't be too selfish
"Yes, yes, everything should serve the interests of the group."
"I support president Tang. After all, he has been in the group for more than ten years."
These shareholders have a word to say at once. In a word, I attacked Yu Lu.
"Have you said enough?"
Yu Lu's face did not change, she sat there quietly, waiting for everyone to finish, she dropped a word.
"Mr. Yu, we are also doing it for you."
Tang Ao looked at the beautiful president in front of him and became very gentle and said, "after all, you are just a young man, and you are not experienced enough to control such a large group company. However, you can stay by my side, I am willing to teach you a little bit. When you have the ability one day, I will exchange the group to you, isn't it OK? "
"Ha ha, vice president Tang, I think you misunderstood two things."
Yu Lu smiles and raises her two slender fingers.
"The first thing is the president of the company. It will never be you."
She put down a finger.
"The second thing is that the company is not mine. I just work for others. Therefore, it is totally wrong to say that the group has not been exchanged with me. By the way, vice president Tang, don't think that nobody knows what you do behind your back. "
"Ha ha, you can't arrange me like this. You should be responsible for what you say."
Tang Ao is still.
"Well, you'll get paid for these things anyway." Yu Lu said, pointing to the statement on the table, "let's go on with what we said before. Since Vice President Tang is willing to buy your shares with money, you can participate in it by yourself. I don't care if you sell it or not, as long as you give me back the money today! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! "
After hearing this, all the shareholders hesitated.
It seems that things are not quite the way they were discussed before. When Tang Ao looked for them before, Tang Ao told them that she would make Yu Lu give in today. That's why I want to force Yu Lu to step down.
But I didn't expect that Yu Lu would be embarrassed.
Is this share to be sold or not?
If you don't sell it, what can you do to plug the hole of such a large sum of money!
Sell, oneself and heartache. After all, this is Dafa group, the largest group company in the north. The annual profit is sky high!
These people can not help but put the eyes of help, cast on the body of Tang Ao sitting on the side.
And Tang Ao knows that if he doesn't say anything, he may lose the support of these shareholders. So he said.
"Mr. Yu, you can't be so absolute. Do you know a girl who runs a restaurant
Tang Ao's words immediately brightened Yu Lu's eyes.
I guess it's right. Wu Xin's disappearance is really related to this guy. He is really bold. In order to become the chairman of the group, he even dares to do such things!
Not to mention kidnapping, but to burn Datura is a big crime! Tang Ao, Tang Ao, Qin Dynasty is not here now. If Qin Dynasty is here, I don't know how you want to die!
"Tang Ao, I think you are good scar forget the pain" Yu Lu looked at Tang Ao coldly.
"General manager Yu is joking." Tang Ao intentionally or unintentionally, looked at the female secretary standing behind him, and then said, "I am a timid person, but it does not mean that I have no threat to you."
Yu Lu noticed the guy's eyes and took a look behind him.
That is a figure enchanting, the face is delicate, but also very cold woman.
Tang Ao is famous for his lust in the group. Many female secretaries who have just graduated from university follow Tang Ao for a few days. They either resign voluntarily or are accepted as mistresses by him.And that woman, in any way, doesn't look like a mistress.
Then why, Tang Ao will always take her around?
There must be something strange about it.
This situation is a little embarrassing, Yu Lu's mobile phone suddenly rings.
The beauty of the president's face suddenly some ugly.
Everyone in this room knows that it's over. There must be a guy who's going to have bad luck.
In the meeting, who dares to call the beautiful president, that is not to blame for bad luck!
The crowd also held a kind of schadenfreude psychology, want to see which unfortunate ghost will be scolded.
They were guessing and waiting to see the good play, but at this time, they found that Yu Lu picked up the phone and looked at it. The anger on her face suddenly disappeared. Instead, it was a kind of joy, excitement, and excitement.
Like a little girl, she hopped out of the meeting and went out to answer the phone.
Soon, Sammi, her secretary, came in and informed everyone.
"Directors, I'm sorry, but there's something wrong with Yu, so this is the end of the meeting."
Did the meeting end?
All shareholders were stunned.
Yu Lu even announced the end of the meeting, and at this critical juncture?
Even Tang Ao is a little confused.
This beautiful president, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd! What's more, who can make her ignore such an important thing as a meeting!
"I feel like a practitioner has entered the company."
When all shareholders dispersed, the cool and proud beauty who had been standing behind Tang Ao suddenly opened his mouth to speak.
"Ah, to the fairy, how could there be a second one here besides you?"
Tang Ao was startled, and the upper man's momentum disappeared completely. Instead, he asked in a flustered way.
"First, I'm not a practitioner."
The woman, who was called a fairy, suddenly flashed a golden light in her eyes, "I'm a magician. Second, are you questioning my judgment? "
"Oh, no! Absolutely not Tang Ao repeatedly shook his head, with the rattle like, "you see my mouth, just can't speak!"
"First of all, there is a true practitioner coming into this place."
The Secretary's shining golden eyes looked at the floor under her feet, as if she could see through the reinforced concrete. "Second, his strength is very weak. It seems that he can break through at any time at the critical point of concentration and foundation construction. But even if he is the foundation, he is not my opponent. Because I am jingchuqi of huangjimen! "
If Suu Ji or Hua Niang were here, they would be very surprised to hear the name.
Although the six gates of the devil's road are well hidden now, there will still be some people's names introduced into the cultivation world.
Among them, Jing Chuqi of huangjimen is one of them.
She was orphaned since she was a child and was taken away by the elders of huangjimen, and then she was granted Huangji magic skill.
When she was only ten years old, her Huangji magic skill had reached the fourth level. The realm has reached the level of foundation construction.
It can be said that she is the real master of the younger generation. However, because the magic skill has such a characteristic, that is, the cultivation in the early stage is very fast, and the progress in the later stage is too slow.
Therefore, when Jing Chuqi was 18 years old, he entered the yuan infant period. However, at the age of 21, there has been no breakthrough.
As an old saying goes, it's easy to get into the devil once, but it's hard to cultivate immortals for thousands of years!
Although the way to repair the devil is fast, it will not be solid because it is too fast. In the late stage, it is difficult to get into the blue sky.
But if it is really a great master, it is quite terrible.
In those days, rod, the most terrifying God of the evil way, was such a character.
Therefore, in his time, he had been in the field for such a long time without any rival.
Also formally because the magic road has been lack of such a pillar of the great master, just by the right people pressure hit.
"But even if he's psychic, in my eyes, it's just garbage that can be solved by hands."
Jingchuqi said a word, then not in a voice, just follow Tang Ao behind, as if his shadow.
That Tang Ao face is full of smile, way, "then rely on the respect fairy."
There was a smile on his face, but in the heart of this guy, there was a deep disdain.
MAHLE Gobi, what B. If you have the ability, don't you want to work for me! Hum, the person who returns the evil way, what's wrong with the devil way? He who is short of money will die.
Last time, the contact person of the magic way found me a so-called expert of monster gate.
As a result, before we see the result, we have no news.
I don't know whether the Qin Dynasty killed him or he didn't look up to the task and ran away.
If the Qin Dynasty killed him, it is unlikely.
Tang Ao knew that Qin Dynasty should have practiced Kung Fu, otherwise, he would not have broken the hard marble conference table with one hand.However, he doesn't look like a cultivator or a demon cultivator.
you can see the man behind me, with his temperament and shape, tut tut.
If that guy of Qin Dynasty really dares to come this time, I will let him have no return!
This Tang Ao thought of the idea anyway, because this guy of Qin Dynasty is now wandering in the hall on the first floor.
"Well, you've finished your phone call, and Mr. Yu hasn't come down," the receptionist said sarcastically, "is it time for me to return the car key?"
"What's the matter with you?" Qin Dynasty in the Heart funny, "this just a few minutes, you Yu always seems to be on the 30th floor, do you let her directly jump down from the window to look for me?"
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