Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1010

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Chapter 1010

The giant rosefinch has a wingspan of more than 10 meters, which is very frightening.
"Come on
Zhao Jingjing raised her head and was very excited to look at the huge bird that was diving down.
The rosefinch calls and grabs Zhao Jingjing with one paw.
That claw, there are two Zhao Jingjing on the sharp thorn, is able to grasp Zhao Jingjing's body to wear.
Zhao Jingjing suddenly let out a roar and stretched out her arms.
In her hands, the vitality expanded rapidly and became two huge white arms in the blink of an eye.
The arm was thick and long, like the arms of two giants. It held the huge rosefinch firmly, as if a human had caught a small sparrow.
The rosefinch panicked and kept flapping its wings, but could not get rid of its arm.
"No way!"
Even the way of heaven, which controls the rosefinch, has opened his eyes and can't believe what happened in front of him.
That's a rosefinch! One of the sacred beasts!
Although only separate body, but also extremely powerful existence!
The man caught the rosefinch with his magic arm!
The women of luochamen are all abnormal!
"Disappear for me!"
As soon as Zhao Jingjing's arms were forced, the huge, vigorous arm tore the rosefinch in the air into pieces of feathers.
The poor rosefinch separated and was killed like this.
The holy beast under his control was killed, and the way of heaven spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was half kneeling on the ground, and his face was very ugly. It seemed that he had no ability to fight.
"Younger martial brother Only, it's up to you... "
The way of heaven breathed heavily and said to the Chu wind who was a little flustered.
"Elder martial brother Tiandao..."
Chu Feng is very embarrassed.
He himself was just a practitioner in the early days of Yuanying.
To be a representative is highly recommended by martial uncle Ding in wine.
The other side's sister Zhao, is obviously a golden age master!
The two elder martial brothers are not rivals.
How can you be a little guy at the beginning of a baby!
"Sister, you, you should be more careful..."
Chu Feng is holding peach wood sword, very nervous ground says to Zhao Jingjing in front of.
"Ha ha."
Zhao Jingjing laughed, "I don't have the habit of being merciful. If you're afraid, just give up. "
"Well, that's not allowed!"
But Chu Feng shook his head stubbornly, "my master told me that I must dare to face the fear in my heart. If a person can't even overcome his own fear, he will never have any great development, let alone become a real master! "
"Oh? What your master said is quite right. Who is respecting the teacher
"My teacher, my teacher has passed away."
Chu Feng's face was a little gloomy, "but he must be in the heaven, and he is looking at me at this time."
"In that case, I'll take two moves with you."
Zhao Jingjing laughed again. She only thought that the little Taoist priest was quite interesting.
"Be careful, younger martial brother. She is very good!"
The way of heaven is now difficult to speak, panting to remind Chu Fengdao.
The voice has just landed, Zhao Jingjing has stretched out his palm to the Chu wind.
A huge energetic arm flew out and grasped Chu Feng's body.
It seems that Zhao Jingjing is going to take Ko. She is really merciless.
"Younger martial brother, be careful!"
The way of heaven hastened to remind him.
"Five ghosts carrying skill!"
And Chu Feng looked at the huge arm flying over, very nervous.
But subconsciously, he threw a spell.
The huge arm, as if under the influence of a spell, actually caught another place in front of Chu Feng, and passed by Chu Feng's body.
"Not bad."
Zhao Jingjing grabs empty, not angry, but laughs, "good reaction."
"Small, be careful!"
Chu Feng suddenly took out a spell and stuck it on his forehead.
"My Lord, you are as urgent as a law! Let's invite Erlang Zhenjun to come on me quickly
It's a magic fight!
It seems that Chu Feng is really desperate, even the Shenda technique has been used.
This divine fighting skill can temporarily invite the immortal in the sky to attach to the body, but it can't last long. After that time, it can't be used any more.
But in the time of attachment, the practitioner can greatly improve his ability.This is the magic fight.
"Sister, be careful!"
At this time, the momentum of Chu wind suddenly became different from before.
At the center of his eyebrows, a naked eye grew up, shaking from side to side, and finally staring at Zhao Jingjing.
The Chu wind waved his hand and lost the peach wood sword. In a twinkling of an eye, he grabbed a two meter long three pointed two blade knife from the air, whistling and dancing.
Chu Feng yelled, then waved the three pointed two blade knife, facing Zhao Jingjing, it was a knife to chop.
A golden light rushed out, and the ground in front of him was divided into two parts.
Zhao Jingjing jumped up to avoid the golden light and fell to one side.
"The strength has increased a lot."
"You demons, you will be captured with your hands!"
Even Erlang's style of speaking has changed completely.
He looked at Zhao Jingjing and his eyes on his forehead glowed with gold.
A golden light flew out like a searchlight and hit Zhao Jingjing's feet.
If it was not for Zhao Jingjing to step back quickly, this light would directly shine on her.
On the ground, a ping-pong ball thick pit was burned out.
There are a lot of tricky moves for Erlang.
"Take your life!"
Erlang God is addicted to others, waving a three pointed two blade knife, a jump toward Zhao Jingjing.
The body of the three pointed and two edged knife shook, shining on Zhao Jingjing's head, and split it up.
But Zhao Jingjing suddenly stretched out his left hand and grasped the blade of the three pointed two blade knife with Yuan Qi arm, and then looked at Erlang Zhenjun who stopped in the air.
"Addicted? Now it's my turn
She said, pulling the three pointed two blade knife behind her.
Rao is Erlang God. He is also pulled forward by this huge force.
Then, his abdomen, ate Zhao Jingjing's fist.
The Chu wind of Erlang Zhenjun's appendage directly spurts out a mouthful of blood.
Zhao Jingjing's punch is not light!
"What an enchantress, she has some strength in her fist!"
Erlang Zhenjun gnaws his teeth and stares at Zhao Jingjing in front of him.
"There are more comfortable ones in the back."
Zhao Jingjing said, a big step forward, at the same time a palm push on the body of the Chu wind.
"The Dragon King opens the sky!"
Chu Feng's body flew out directly, leaped hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye, and finally blasted on a mountain in the distance.
There is one less mountain around the misty peak.
If a person is knocked out of the arena, the contest is over.
Chu Feng also scattered Erlang God attached to the state, extremely embarrassed by Wudang elders to help back.
The magic fighting skill was killed before it could exert its power.
"Yes, I'm sorry..."
Chu Feng said timidly to the leader of Taiqing, "I, I'm so bad that I haven't even met the corner of someone else's dress..."
"Boundless heaven."
The leader of Taiqing touched the forehead of Chu Feng, and then said, "you have performed very well. I am glad to see you."
"Really, really?"
Hearing that he was praised, Chu Feng felt like a dream.
"Well, did you tell a lie?"
"No, no, no, thank you, master, martial uncle. In the future, Chu Feng will surely practice more. In the next Hongmeng Taoist meeting, we must make Wudang into the final
"Good, good. It's up to you."
Taiqing laughs and touches his beard.
And this one is finished.
In the last four matches, two schools were finally decided.
One is luoshamen, the other is the former seed school, Shushan.
It has to be said that Shushan is under great pressure this year.
Although the lineup is also the strongest, but the opponents can not be underestimated.
In every meeting of Hongmeng Taoist Association, only one representative of luochamen came up to fight against the eight major sects in a state of confusion.
I don't know if Shushan can keep its first place this year.
"Today's Hongmeng road will end temporarily."
Oriental cherry as the host, announced, "the final will be held tomorrow, please rest in the palace temporarily."
It is the usual practice to delay the final one day.
Because after a day of continuous fighting, even the immortals will be a little tired, not to mention the practitioners who want to consume their own vitality.
When they left, Zhao Jingjing and three representatives of Shushan ran into each other."Hehe, these are not the demons of luochamen."
Haotian holds a fan in one arm and shakes slightly. "It's really a pity that I can't take care of you today."
"you're a guy with arms. It's really hard to speak!"
Little Liu Ying couldn't help frowning.
"My arm is also given by your master. This gift, Haotian, will be sent back one day. But before that, I'll take care of some of your minions and pass the time. "
"You're not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big."
AI Xiaoxue held her arm and couldn't help sarcasm.
"If it's a big story, you'll find out tomorrow."
"Would you like to start today?"
AI Xiaoxue holds a pistol in her hand, and her eyes flash sharp.
"Why not? Afraid of you
Haotian also put away his fan and pulled out his reincarnation sword in a twinkling of an eye.
The two men were tit for tat, and there was a spark of hatred in their eyes.
"Forget it."
But at this time, Zhao Jingjing but pull AI Xiaoxue, "let him live one more day good."
"Don't be impulsive."
Shen Qing also stopped Haotian and said, "if you have any grudges, please put them to me for tomorrow."
"Yes, Uncle..."
Haotian had to step aside.
But Mo Tianya is surprisingly not picky, just coldly looking at the Qin Dynasty sitting on the referee's bench in the distance.
His enemy was the Qin Dynasty.
AI Xiaoxue also put away the pistol. Since sister Zhao wants to solve him tomorrow, let him live one more day.
"Master, that guy is too arrogant. Do you want Chiyoda to solve him tonight?"
Qiandai kneels beside the Qin Dynasty, serving the Qin Dynasty to drink tea and asking.
"No need."
Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "if you rob my elder martial sister's head, she will be angry."
"A thousand generations obey their masters."
When the Qin Dynasty opposed it, the thousand generations did not say more.
And at the same time, in a flash under the misty peak.
"So much energy has been collected."
Ji Yuanyuan looked at the shining Qilin jade and said with a smile, "tomorrow, as soon as the Hongmeng road meeting is over, it will be the death of all of you!"
But Ji Yuanyuan didn't know that when she was trying to urge Qilin jade, a group of people in black secretly went up the misty peak.
"Tomorrow is the day when we will be famous."
A leading figure said, "this seat should let all the practitioners in the world know that the sect of this seat is the real first door in the world!"
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