Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 816

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Chapter 816

Mei Renyang is very depressed today, depressed to the extreme.
That Shi Ying should play tricks on herself!
Damn it, I'm in this position, I don't know how many young beauties of the bank throw their arms at him. If he didn't want to change his taste, how could it be Shi Ying's turn to be the woman who is nearly thirty!
However, she did not look like she was nearly thirty. Compared with those girls in their twenties, she is beautiful and charming. She is the best in the world.
It's a pity that such an excellent person in the world has found such a rude guy.
Hum, Mei Renyang sneers in his heart. He didn't believe that the woman would lose her job like this. You know, every year, some people, in order to get an employment quota, grab the head.
In a day or two, she will be obediently back in front of her and become her crotch minister, ha ha ha!
Mei Renyang was very excited to walk around his office. When it was time to get off work, he picked up his expensive suit, put it on and walked out the door.
"Section chief."
"Is the section chief off work?"
"See you tomorrow, section chief!"
Everyone in the Department said hello to himself respectfully.
That Coquettish female secretary, also cast a wink at oneself.
This female secretary is also a beauty, but the front, back, top and bottom are tired of their own, no new ideas to speak of. Mei Renyang said "hello" and left the bank quickly.
After leaving the door, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have made an appointment with manager Chen of the stock exchange to have a massage in the never night city.
The young lady there, the technique and the leg technique are all fascinating. Last time, manager Chen almost explained that he was there. Unexpectedly, this time, he still clamored to go with him. It was like killing himself.
Which technician should I go to this time? It's better to ask manager Chen which one he likes best.
Mei Renyang laughs and takes out his mobile phone. At this time, he suddenly felt a black in front of him. A smelly and dirty sack was immediately put on his head and caught him in.
"Who are you? Let me go!"
Mei Renyang struggled desperately, his heart in an instant, produced thousands of ideas.
Tissue that sells human organs!
Whatever it is, he can't help but pee his pants!
Did not wait for him to understand what kind of, a sharp pain hit his nerve, let him immediately into the state of black screen crash.
A figure with a face mask on his face knocked Mei Renyang unconscious. He carried the sack with the man on his shoulder and rubbed it twice. Suddenly, he climbed up the nearby building, just like the spider man, ran up to the top of the building along the wall.
And here, there is another person, waiting for a long time.
"Well done."
Qin Dynasty mouth in its mouth with smoke, spit smoke ring, looking at the man half kneeling in front of him.
"If you work for the headmaster, you will die."
Said the man in great fear.
"Well, it's still a while before dark, and I'm ready to prepare. You can leave now. Tell Mo Ling that Luosha is very good. "
The man turned into a black shadow and disappeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty took a look at the sacks on the ground and the two thick legs that stretched out the sacks. They couldn't help kicking.
"It's really hard for me to deal with a piece of garbage when I'm so busy all day."
, he said, looking around. "The scenery here is not very good. The Oriental Pearl is good. Let's go there."
With that, he reached out and grabbed Mei Renyang. He threw himself into the distance like a big bird.
At this time, in the hotel where the little princess stayed.
"Qin, where are you?"
Eliza ran out of her room and knocked on the door of the Qin Dynasty next door.
The two agents standing at the door looked at each other.
What is the concept of a princess knocking on a man's door at night?
"princess, what are you going to do?"
Smith, who lives opposite, opens the door and looks at his princess pounding on the door of Qin Dynasty. He can't help asking.
"I'm bored. I want to talk to him."
Said the little princess casually.
"Princess your highness, Mr. Qin just went out, not here."
The little princess and Smith were shocked at the same time.
"How can he do this!"
Smith was very angry, "as the princess's security personnel, unexpectedly left suddenly! I want to complain to Mr. Liu. This is an extremely irresponsible act! "
"Damn Qin, he left me alone and ran away!"
The little princess was also very angry, but she did not seem to think about her safety. She stamped her feet, and suddenly remembered that when she was walking in the park during the day, the beautiful woman invited Qin Dynasty to have dinner in the evening.Did this guy run away on his own and went on a date with a beautiful woman?
Damn it!
Isn't this princess beautiful!
The little princess gritted her teeth. She wanted to get that guy back!
However, Smith must not allow himself to go out so late, so depressed.
Eliza hesitated for a moment in front of the door of the Qin Dynasty. Suddenly her eyes turned and said to Smith.
"I'm going downstairs to eat. I'm hungry."
"Your Highness is waiting in the room. What do you want to eat? Let's send the waiter to the hotel."
Said Smith hastily.
"I'm not a pig. I don't like being treated like this. The empress mother told me that we should do everything by ourselves. "
"rare Princess Highness has this heart."
Smith nodded immediately. "OK, let's go downstairs with the princess."
Two agents, together with Smith, followed the little princess down the stairs in the elevator.
At the restaurant on the first floor, I ordered a light supper. The little princess ate two mouthfuls, but she didn't feel as delicious as the hamburger that she ate with the Qin Dynasty in the daytime.
, "it's really dangerous today." Smith, while drinking soup, sighed with emotion. "If it weren't for the amazing Chinese, Princess Royal would be dangerous."
How did those terrorists know about the princess's coming down to China? It seems that our information department is not safe enough. "
," Smith, do you think he will be the master of martial arts? "
Eliza couldn't help asking, with an expectation in her eyes.
"Even Bruce Lee can't be so powerful."
Said Smith, waving his hand.
"I'm not talking about that kind of Kung Fu, but another kind of Kung Fu! Such as what, acupoints, qigong, and so on. "
Eliza said, holding out her forefinger and middle finger together, and making two gestures, with the sound of wheezing in her mouth.
"How can it be, science has proved that those don't exist! Your highness, never trust those things.
"But science cannot prove the existence of God."
Eliza, however, made Smith speechless.
"I think Kung Fu must exist, but we don't know it. Smith, I'm very interested in Qin. Why don't you dig him up and be our royal guard? "
"princess, it is impossible. He is a Chinese."
"Britain can provide better conditions for such talents."
"Princess highness, do not think about this."
Smith said, "you'd better go back and rest early. There are other travel plans for tomorrow. Besides, the mayor also wants to meet you, followed by senior officials of the city and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... "
"Oh, my God, I have a headache at the thought of it!"
Eliza pressed her forehead. "I'm here to play, not to a meeting! You can do it for me! "
"That's not possible. You represent the royal family. It's your responsibility."
"I hate responsibility."
Smith shrugged his shoulders in the face of Eliza's protest.
Eliza also knew that the argument was fruitless. She put down her spoon, stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."
As a temporary bodyguard, Smith naturally followed, with the princess came to the bathroom door, stood outside waiting. Some girls who came and went looked at the foreign man with strange eyes.
Smith waited for half an hour, but the little princess didn't come out. He was suddenly a little flustered, lying on the door of the women's toilet and shouting a few times.
, "Your Highness, are you there?" Please answer
There was no answer in the bathroom, only one girl came out and gave Smith a blank look and scolded him. Smith was flustered, which was obviously wrong. He quickly regardless of the difference between men and women, rushed into the women's toilet. A girl was lifting her pants. When she saw Smith rushing in, she screamed and hid in the guard. She didn't dare to come out and scolded the hooligan.
Smith couldn't control so much. He knocked on the door of the guard one by one, looking for the little princess.
Still, no one answered.
At this time, Smith looked back, saw the open window, and suddenly thought of something.
The outside of the bathroom is a lawn. Did the little princess jump out of here? He immediately took out the walkie talkie, informed everyone to start looking, and let people contact Liu Chang.
I got out of the window and landed on the lawn behind the hotel.
Sure enough, there is a row of clear foot Sakura on the lawn. Judging from the footprints, the little princess should have run away by herself instead of being held hostage.
A little bit of dessert, but to find the princess immediately. Smith chased the footprints and ran into the darkness.
"Little princess, don't get in the way God bless, Queen bless... "A gust of night wind blew, and Mei Renyang felt a little pain in his head. When he was blown by the night wind, some of them woke up, but his mind was still confused. At this time, he closed his eyes and thought about what happened today.
He was going to have a massage with manager Chen. He was still wondering which technician he was looking for. I wanted to ask manager Chen's opinion, so I took out my mobile phone and prepared to call. At this time, it seems that someone has wrapped himself in a sack Then I was knocked unconscious
Yes, yes, I was plotted by others!
When I think of Mei Renyang, I wake up.
He suddenly opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him. The whole person was cold from head to foot, and his heart almost flew out. Suddenly, a series of terrible and hysterical screams came out of his throat.
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"
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