Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 498

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Chapter 498

"Where does BMW share men and women, I know nonsense every day!" Qin Lin's eyes were clear.
"Tut, University Committee, didn't you find out?" The Qin Dynasty said with a smile, "those who drive BMW are women. But the BMW buyers are all men. "
"Fuck you!" Luo Qinglin patted the steering wheel, "this BMW is my own money to buy."
"Yes, yes, our university committee, of course, is a self reliant woman!"
Looking at the Qin Dynasty that seems to have nothing to do with it, Luo Qinglin is not angry to fight out.
"Can you be serious? I'm worried to death. Why are you heartless? Don't you care about me?" Luo Qinglin bit her lips white and said, "or, you didn't want to be my boyfriend from the beginning, so I wish my parents hated you? I'm in your heart, really, that bad? "
Seeing Luo Qinglin's melancholy appearance, the Qin Dynasty was in a panic.
This girl, it seems to make this more and more true. Originally Qin Dynasty so gag, just want to remind Luo Qinglin, not too involved, let oneself sink too deep.
But now it seems that the girl is stubborn to the end, which makes Qin Dynasty, can only sigh in the heart.
"Well, what do you want to do, I'll give my best to you!"
"Why do you want to die bravely?"
"Eh? Didn't you make me serious? "
"I want you to be serious, not to let you die!"
It's fruitless to reason with women. The heart of Qin Dynasty is crying.
"Or I'll pretend to be a big boss or something. I can borrow a good car, Benz or something, as long as you make a noise. "
"Well, forget it." Who knows, hearing the suggestion of Qin Dynasty, Luo Qinglin shook her head and said, "I think about it and think it's not good to cheat them like this. The ugly daughter-in-law wants to see her father-in-law. You cheat for a while, but you can't cheat for a lifetime. I don't want to look like that if they know about you
Seeing Luo Qinglin's appearance, Qin Dynasty couldn't speak.
I can see that she really cares about herself.
But now I really don't have a good identity. The security guard of Guangyuan has resigned for a long time. It is estimated that the assistant of Tianying company has been dismissed. He is really head cramp, good what mouth.
Qin Dynasty this helpless ah, but can't tell Luo Qinglin again, oneself is casually joking.
Cough, don't talk now. Let's drag this thing over.
"Look at you Before he thought out how to let Luo Qinglin forget this matter, the beautiful girl school committee suddenly patted her forehead and said.
"How to talk about these things? The key has not been solved."
She looked at the Qin Dynasty and then said.
"That's it. It's settled. You can say that it's the senior planner of our company. It's my direct subordinate and my college classmate at the same time. I'll dress you up a little bit, with a little bookish air, maybe my mother will be satisfied
"Tut Tut, are you taking advantage of your position to force me to hide rules in the office?"
Qin Dynasty asked, almost let Luo Qinglin gas half dead.
"You go to die, who wants the hidden rules, you annoying devil!"
"Oh, ah, but now this annoying devil, but your boyfriend" Qin Dynasty chuckled up and put his hand around Luo Qinglin's waist.
This makes Luo Qinglin's body suddenly slightly tremble, good hang didn't drive the car to the corn field nearby. This, this guy, how dare you.
"No, don't make fun of it. I'm driving!" Although I like this feeling very much, Luo Qinglin feels a little feverish on her face and is particularly embarrassed.
Her face is too thin, feel so in front of the Qin Dynasty, especially embarrassed. So, stretch out a hand, loosen the steering wheel, in the Qin Dynasty trouble claw not light or heavy to pat.
"Take it away. It makes me itchy."
"Well, don't put it on your waist."
Qin Dynasty took the hand back, the sense of emptiness on the waist, as if into the heart, let Luo Qinglin no reason for a burst of loss.
But soon, the loss turned into surprise and shame.
Because the hand of Qin Dynasty, although left her waist, but turned to put on her leg.
Luo Qinglin's upper body is a thin waist white shirt, and her lower body is jeans. Because girls love beauty, so they wear a very thin cotton pants. In this way, it's warm and won't damage Luo Qinglin's beautiful leg shape.
And the hand of Qin Dynasty is placed above, even if Luo Qinglin can restrain, still can feel the temperature of this magic hand. What's more, his hands are not honest. Just let them go and rub what
"You, you are so bad..." Luo Qinglin vomited out a breath of heat, turned her head and winked at Qin Dynasty.
This should be a warning, but in the Qin Dynasty, it seems like encouragement.However, the girl was driving after all, and the Qin Dynasty didn't want to have any door opening incident, so she stopped harassing Luo Qinglin.
Luo Qinglin this just slightly relieved tone, and then glared at the Qin Dynasty, just to slow down the speed of the car.
"I think about something unhealthy every day!" Luo Qinglin concluded.
"Well, I don't have it. It's just that your car is too small. I have no place to put my hands. I have to find a place to put them."
The excuse of the Qin Dynasty made Luo Qinglin want to vomit blood.
This guy touched other people's legs. How could he still look so righteous!
That's too much!
"Well, I'll settle with you later. I ask you, how did you come out in this suit, and the suit I bought you? "
Qin Dynasty is now wearing a black coat, inside is his patient's clothing.
"Elder sister, I ran out of the hospital when I went to the toilet. I grabbed a coat and came out. There was no time to change my suit."
originally, after I left the hospital this time, I was taken by Liu Chang to take over the task in the organization.
However, the headquarters of the organization is not in southern Jiangsu, but in Kyoto. If you go to Beijing, Luo Qinglin's affairs will not be settled for a while.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty chose to sneak out. It is estimated that Liu Chang will find himself absent now. He should be furious.
"Well, fortunately, I have a suit of clothes ready."
Luo Qinglin said, pointing back with her right hand.
Qin Dynasty looked back and saw a black paper tape in the back row.
Look at that brand. It's still playboy.
"Come on, change your clothes and let me have a look."
Luo Qinglin said, parking the car on the side of the road, and then said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah? Here it is? " Qin Dynasty Leng for a moment, this wilderness wild, let oneself change clothes?
"Yes, why, I don't mind a woman. What's your shame?"
Luo Qinglin gave him a look.
"This, the wild..." The Qin Dynasty held her arms tightly and looked at Luo Qinglin with a kind of frightened eyes. "I'm afraid, you, when you're changing clothes, you suddenly do something bad to others..."
"You die for me!" Luo Qinglin really want to punch Ko this annoying ghost, she pushed the door and got out of the car.
"Hurry up, change it!"
This damn thing! I must have done something wrong in my last life, otherwise how can I like him!
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