Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1028

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Chapter 1028

"Then tell me why. I'm not very patient."
Luo Rumeng said.
"No way!"
Dongfang De is about to die. "It's about our misty peak. It's not worth mentioning. There's nothing to say."
"If it's not so important, why don't you say it
Luo Rumeng didn't believe in dongfangde.
"Although it's not a big deal, it's the secret of the misty peak after all, so it can't be said to outsiders."
Dongfang De is still tough.
"Oh, is that true?"
Luo Rumeng languidly hung her hair, and her face suddenly became cold. "Since it's not a great event, it's better to destroy them and save them my time!"
Say, the white vitality on the hand erupted again.
Looking at Naro's dreamlike look, it seems that he is bound to destroy the illusory seal and the soul lamp.
These two kinds of treasures, in Luo Rumeng's yuan Qi extrusion, have already sent out the painful murmur.
Magic tools are channeled.
Xuanyuan night rain heartache, a strong stare at the Qin Dynasty, because the Qin Dynasty pull her to death, do not let her to save the baby.
"Don't you say she won't be destroyed!"
Xuanyuan night rain heartbroken tears.
"This I have overlooked a problem. She is a psychopath and is not sure
Qin Dynasty dry cough twice, let Xuanyuan night rain gas spit blood.
Dongfang de and they were all scared. At last, the old man's face sank and said.
"Luo Rumeng, stop! What you want to know, benxian will tell you! "
"If I had said that, it would have been over."
Luo Rumeng heard this, look light, the vitality of the hand also stopped.
The two treasures, the misty seal and the soul lamp, have been preserved for the time being.
The night rain of Xuanyuan breathed a long sigh of relief.
It's too dangerous!
"Ben Xian also said, it's not a big deal."
Dongfang de turned his eyes and said solemnly, "it's just that the misty peak always has rules. The person who gets the misty seal and the soul lamp is the orthodox misty peak leader. In the misty peak, there is a secret stone wall, on which are engraved the magic arts of the four families of the misty peak. Only the ethereal seal can be opened, and the magic on it can be seen with the soul lighting lamp. "
Then the people understood.
So it is. It's similar to the dog beating stick of the beggars' sect.
It's the keepsake of the leader. No wonder it's so nervous.
"That's why..."
Luo Rumeng laughed.
"That's right, so please return the treasure to us."
Dongfang de zhengse road.
"Return NIMA!"
Luo Rumeng suddenly scolded, at the same time the vitality of his hands burst out, two kinds of treasures began to whisper again.
"Luo Rumeng, you madman, I have told you that you even want to destroy the treasure. You have no faith in your words!"
Dongfang de was shocked.
Xuanyuan night rain is also fast heart disease.
God, take me, I can't stand it.
"Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"
Luo Rumeng said angrily, "return the headmaster's Keepsake! Just headmaster's keepsake, as for you who have been hiding for thousands of years, are you nervous! Do you think that after living for more than a thousand years, my head is just as funny as you
Dongfang de was said to be livid.
He did not expect that his own trick, unexpectedly was so Luo Rumeng to see through.
"This old man really treats Luo Rumeng as a fool."
The Qin Dynasty stood at the bottom and couldn't help but say, "for such a childish reason, who would believe Egypt"
"I hate being played with me most."
The strength of Luo Ru Meng's hand increased, "it's time to punish you!"
Say, want to pinch to explode two magic weapons directly.
Xuanyuan night rain's heart is no longer good, collapsed in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
"Wait, wait!"
Dongfang de held out his hand again, "Ben Xian told you, all told you!"
These two magic weapons are too important to be destroyed.
Anyway, if this treasure house is opened, I will feel it at the first time.
Now, let's keep two kinds of babies first.
Dongfang de looks like a compromise, but Luo Rumeng still does not believe it.
"Don't talk nonsense, you don't have any credibility to speak of!"
Luo Rumeng said that he would crush the magic weapon.
"These two kinds of treasures can open the fabulous treasure house!"
Dongfang de spread this sentence around with vitality.
For a moment, all the practitioners present were shocked.
Ethereal treasure house!
In this world, is there really an ethereal treasure house?"You're kidding."
Luo Rumeng also looked slightly stagnant, but soon disdained to smile, "and then I'm making up these lies that even children don't believe. The ethereal treasure house, this legendary thing, does not exist at all. "
"If you don't believe it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
Dongfang De's face is not very good-looking.
In order to hold two kinds of treasure, he had to publicize it out loud.
Anyway, I have a secret method. As soon as the treasure house is opened, I will feel it.
People from other sects do not have this ability.
Knowing this secret, they will seize two kinds of treasures from luochamen by any means.
At that time, it will certainly do great harm to luochamen!
Hum, luoshamen, you want to be the king. Now benxian will push you to the position of fengjianlangkou, so that you can enjoy the feeling of attention!
"This ethereal treasure house is the treasure left by the illustrious immortal in the human world, the founder of our misty peak. It is said that this treasure house was opened only once in 3000 years. But no one knows where to open it. In the treasure house, there are fairy methods and all kinds of immortal utensils. If anyone gets these treasures, he can create a new school comparable to the eight schools! What's more, with the help of these treasures and immortal methods, it's not a problem to become an immortal as soon as possible. "
"These immortal methods and treasures are really not attractive to you."
LUO Rumeng held two kinds of treasures tightly, "but as far as I know, the most coveted one in the ethereal treasure house is Caihua pill
Dongfang de and a few immortals look at each other, unexpectedly Luo Rumeng will know this matter.
"That's what my brother told me. I didn't expect that the magic treasure house really existed."
Luo Rumeng took a breath and then said, "the most magical thing in the ethereal treasure house is the nature pill that the ethereal immortal practiced and made. It is said that even if you are a Sanxian, you can break through your own shackles and enter a higher level and continue to practice towards a higher level. "
That's right. This is what Dongfang de has been dreaming about.
Sanxian, how great these two words look.
But only these immortals can know the pain of these two words.
Once the soldiers are separated into immortals, it means that they will never be able to advance in the realm.
To a certain life, they still can not get rid of the suffering of samsara.
No matter how powerful you are, after you die, everything becomes a cloud.
So, this is too important for them!
"There is no such thing in the ethereal treasure house. It's just a rumor."
Dongfang de doesn't want to expose this matter again. It would be bad if he provoked all the immortals in the mountains.
"Ha ha, you just said to me, what I don't believe and haven't seen doesn't mean it doesn't exist, does it?"
Luo Ru Meng Jiao laughs again and again, let Dongfang de gnash teeth, wish to stab this woman to death.
Worthy of being the white haired Witch of that year, how hateful!
"As you are so nervous, it is estimated that this ethereal treasure house is about to open."
Luo Rumeng is smart and makes Dongfang de pale with a few words.
"Well, even if it's given to you, you don't know how to open it."
Dongfang de knows that he can't stay here any more. Otherwise, things about two kinds of treasures will be caught up.
He and a few immortals nearby looked at each other, made a decision, and then turned into four rays of light, instantly disappeared on the misty peak.
The four immortals did not want two kinds of treasures and left directly.
"Oh, dear."
Luo Rumeng bumped two kinds of treasures and said with a smile, "originally I wanted to return the things to their original owners. I didn't expect that you old guys should be so generous, don't want to. Well, then I can't sweep your kindness, so I can't accept it
The practitioners nearby were unable to laugh or cry.
This Luo is like a dream. She really can't be behind the scenes.
Dongfang Ying opened her mouth and didn't dare to speak.
This woman is too fierce. I'd better not provoke her, lest she be killed by her unhappiness.
As for the misty seal and the soul lighting lamp, put them in luochamen first. Anyway, she doesn't need to be covered with fairy envoys.
Let the old men of Dongfang de worry about it!
"Little elder, take it away."
In fact, Luo Rumeng is not interested in the ethereal treasure house. She has no military solution. As long as she practices slowly, she can improve her realm a little bit.
So, after flying down, she threw the misty seal and light soul lamp to Xuanyuan night rain, and was hastily picked up in her arms by Xuanyuan night rain.
These two kinds of treasures attract the coveted eyes of all practitioners in an instant.
The treasure house!
Not to mention the alchemy pill, it is the immortal method and the immortal utensils inside, which is enough to make the practitioners crazy!Xuanyuan night rain is not feeling, she only feel that this is her mother left her legacy, to cherish.
At that moment, the Qin Dynasty found that Xuanyuan night rain caught two time bombs.
Well, it's better not to ask about it.
Now, as soon as the old ghost of Dongfang de publicized it, they would not have to live peacefully in the future.
In other words, the night rain is very dangerous.
Since Xuanyuan night rain has been a member of his luochamen, then this risk should be borne by his Qin Dynasty.
"Elder Xuanyuan, I'll take care of these two kinds of magic weapons here."
The Qin Dynasty said, lighting up his Xumi Jie.
Xuanyuan night rain hesitated.
Did Qin Dynasty covet its own magic weapon?
But when she saw the eyes of Qin Dynasty, she did not have that kind of greed.
She suddenly thought that the Qin Dynasty was going to bear the danger of these two magic weapons for her.
He is weak in cultivation and alone. He has a magic weapon to open the ethereal treasure house. There are bound to be a lot of people who have bad intentions to stare at themselves.
The Qin Dynasty is different. He has powerful magic power and is the master of luochamen. Ordinary people dare not provoke him.
Xuanyuan night rain is still a little hesitant in his heart, should we believe him
"Don't worry, it won't be broken by you."
The Qin Dynasty gave Xuanyuan night rain a guarantee.
Looking at this man, Xuanyuan night rain can't help but think of that day, the man in front of himself, told her to take her away that scene.
Anyway, I already believe him.
So, just keep believing.
All the practitioners were very surprised. Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Yeyu really gave these two kinds of treasures to the Qin Dynasty.
With these two kinds of treasures, maybe Xuanyuan family can cheer up again!
Xuanyuan night rain, even gave up such an opportunity, and to please the Qin Dynasty?
It seems that in her heart, life is more important.
The true world, where the fittest live.
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