Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1030

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Chapter 1030

Looking at Su Fei's shy appearance and her white and tender thighs, Qin Dynasty's saliva can't stop trying to drip down.
Suu Kyi's thigh can be called the best. It's too swollen to touch.
Now, it's time to try her sister's hand.
Just as the Qin Dynasty stretched out her hand and began to draw on Princess Su's thigh, a beautiful red figure suddenly flew out beside her, and a big flying foot kicked on the body of Qin Dynasty.
The body of the Qin Dynasty flew out directly like a kite with a broken string and hit a tree nearby.
"Ouch, who's going to have such a tough foot!"
The Qin Dynasty stood up in confusion and was ready to be furious, but when he saw the kicker, he was immediately quiet.
Su Fei opened her eyes again. Seeing Suji in a red windbreaker, she couldn't help pushing her glasses. "You're back too"
"well, I finished my work with the Qin Dynasty and came back together."
Suu Kyi looked forward to her, smiling, and took her sister's arm.
How close, almost let that damned sex wolf take advantage of elder sister!
The elder sister is also, all so big person, unexpectedly still believe his that set!
It seems that in my sister's heart, there is no defense against the Qin Dynasty at all!
"Why? Qin Dynasty, don't you want to touch the bones? How did you get there? "
Su Fei just closed her eyes and opened her eyes when she heard the noise of Qin Dynasty. She didn't see the scene of Qin Dynasty being kicked off.
"Ha, no, it's OK."
Qin Dynasty in situ jump two times, "I this is to touch the bones before, to warm up, warm up."
"Feel your bones and warm up?"
The skill of Qin Dynasty is more and more mysterious in Su Fei's eyes.
"Warm up, of course! This is a professional sport! Oh, no, professional physiognomy. "
When Qin Dynasty saw Suji's horrible eyes, she was confused.
Suu Kyi, he's a killer!
"Well, have you finished warming up? Let's go on. "
Su Fei urged.
"Ah? Really, really
If Suu Kyi is not here, let alone touch her legs, even if she touches her whole body all over the place!
But now the female tiger is standing here. The Qin Dynasty has no courage.
"Of course I have to touch it."
Su Fei said anxiously, "this can be related to the whole Su family, and my father, can not be touched! Hurry up! Do you feel embarrassed here? Why don't we touch it in a few places? "
Touch in a few places
This if just now, get this word, Qin Dynasty should be happy to die.
But now, looking at Suu Kyi's murderous eyes, he just wants to cry.
"Oh, no, no, it's right here..."
The Qin Dynasty laughed awkwardly.
In this crowded place, Suu Kyi was able to keep him alive and not beat him to death.
"Then hurry up"
"I, I haven't finished warming up yet!"
Qin Dynasty secretly took a glance at Suji and found the smile on her face and looked at herself.
A knife in a smile! This is the real smile hidden!
Although Suu Kyi usually looks very generous, she doesn't say how to spend it outside.
But this time, what I want to touch is not others, but her twin sister Suu Kyi!
As the saying goes, rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of their nests.
Well, it's time to delay.
"Hurry up, then. I have work to do."
Because it was related to the safety of her family, she did not dare to neglect her. She could only suppress her work temporarily.
But Qin Dynasty you also too ink!
What warm-up? You've already started the eighth set of radio gymnastics!
"One two three four, two two three four..."
Seeing that the Qin Dynasty had done the jumping movement, Su Fei could not stand at last.
"Hello, Qin Dynasty, what are you doing? Are you playing with me?"
When the imperial concubine Su was angry, the Qin Dynasty could not afford to pay for it
The Qin Dynasty said in a hurry, "right now, the warm-up is over! We are serious about this matter. You must be patient! Mentality is very important! "
"Then hurry up!"
"Yes, yes, I'll be quick, I'll be quick."
Suji also did not break through the Qin Dynasty, just watching, smiling face Yingying, let the Qin Dynasty panic.
It is estimated that this girl is going to abandon herself completely at the moment when she reaches out her hand.
The eighth set of radio gymnastics is over, Qin Dynasty is thinking about whether to do a set of eye health exercises, suddenly ran to an acquaintance.
"Boo Hoo hoo, heartless, you're back at last."
Hearing this man's cry, the Qin Dynasty was shocked.Who ah, call no conscience, who has no conscience!
Su's sisters were also frightened. They thought that where did the Qin Dynasty provoke girls.
But take a closer look and feel relieved.
Chen Yingyang.
"You have no conscience. You've been away for so many days, but you've killed our brothers."
Chen Yingyang held a handkerchief in his hand and covered his face with tears and snot.
"Eh? What's the matter with you? "
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and pushed away Chen Yingyang's warm embrace.
Looking at a black rim of Chen Yingyang's right eye, the Qin Dynasty said, "keep a distance from me, or you may get another eye black So, who's fighting? "
"Boo Hoo hoo, you have no conscience. The underworld dare not offend you. This time you have to help us!"
Chen Yingyang cry that called a miserable, "if you don't help, people will die to show you!"
Qin Dynasty and Su's sister, Qiqi cold sweat.
"If you have something to say, say it well..."
The Qin Dynasty hastily advised the way.
"Yes, tell me. How did you get your eyes?"
Su Fei also asked.
I'm the boss of this school. How could someone beat his employees? How can this be.
"Well, it's not the young master who just started school."
"Master Si?"
Qin Dynasty and Su's sisters looked at each other. Who was that?
"In fact, I just knew this man."
Chen Yingyang said, "I've only heard a little before. I heard that he was very domineering in his freshman, and his family had a good foundation. He took bodyguards when he went in and out. I thought, our school, consumption is so high, there are a few students with background is very normal, also did not go to heart. However, I was patrolling with Zhang Li today when I suddenly saw this young master Si directing bodyguards to beat up two students. Zhang Li and I went up to fight. Unexpectedly, even the two of us were beaten. Wuwuwuwu... "
"How bad it is
Su Fei immediately frowned, pushed her glasses and said, "it should be si Longkang of Si family. I have a little impression. I didn't expect that the family of the secretary should be so arrogant and despotic. It's too much. "
"Woo hoo, this is not over."
Chen Yingyang cried heartbroken, "his master also left a message, saying that I and tension meddle in business, do not give him master Si face. After that, he would find someone to beat us every day until we quit. "
Qin Dynasty waved a fist to discount a tree beside her, scaring Su Fei and Chen Yingyang.
"If you dare to beat my brother, I'd like to see how arrogant he is!"
"Calm down!"
Su Fei said quickly, "this Si Longkang is the eldest young master of the Si family in Kyoto. I don't know why. I came to school in Sunan. Si family's Beijing is very strong in Kyoto, even stronger than the Su family. Therefore, we should not provoke him to be a member of the family? Kyoto Shijia?
Qin Dynasty sneered in the heart, this Si Jia is really more and more arrogant.
"Boss Su, do you remember when we first met?"
Qin Dynasty suddenly asked.
"Ah? What's the matter? "
Su Fei didn't know what Qin Dynasty wanted to ask.
"At that time, it was Fang Hua of the Fang family who was domineering. In the whole school, no one dared to provoke him."
Qin Dynasty put his hands in his uniform pocket and said, "only I, Qin Dynasty, dare to stop him when he beats people. I'm not stupid, I'm not impulsive, I just understand a truth
"What's the reason?"
"I'm a security guard. I've got school money."
The Qin Dynasty said, "every student here pays money to go to school. I take the money from the school. I take their money. With their money, I want to give them a fair, clean and peaceful learning and living environment. Otherwise, I'm sorry for my salary of 4000 yuan a month. In the past, Chen Yingyang and they were all inaction, taking money to close their eyes. Now, they're starting to do it. How can I let go of it
Qin said, turning to Chen Yingyang, "don't worry, you won't be beaten in vain. What about tension? How is he? "
"At that time, he resisted more seriously and was beaten very hard. He was slashed on his face, which was frightening. He just came back from the infirmary and is now recovering from his injuries in the security office."
Chen Yingyang thought of the appearance of tension and said with lingering fear.
"Boss Su, I'm helping you feel your legs when I come back. I'm going to check the tension."
Qin Dynasty held back a stomach fire, turned to the security office to walk.
"You slow down, I'll go with you!"
Su Fei was afraid of the impulse of the Qin Dynasty and ran after her.
Su Ji also followed, heart said that this student named Si Longkang, it is estimated that bad luck.
Qin Dynasty just came back from Hongmeng Daohui, but he didn't get the first place in the world as he wanted. I guess there is anger in his stomach.Now there is such a thing again. Oh, my
A group of four returned to the security office.
The security office is now very lively, a group of security guards around the tension, shouting.
"Fuck him, isn't it just a childe? It's so cruel! No, take someone. Let's settle with him. "
"Slow down! Don't mess around! I really got into a fight with that student, didn't it make trouble for Su Dong? "
Said the security guard.
"What should I do? Let tension be beaten in vain!"
Some security guards are unconvinced. The Qin Dynasty has got used to these security guards' temperaments. They are not afraid to cause trouble if they have nothing to do with them!
"Of course not. Let's wait for elder brother Qin to come back and ask him to help him figure out a way. He has great ability!"
Tension a wave of hand, "this matter, or don't let Qin elder brother know."
On the forehead of tension, there are several stitches. A large piece of gauze, wrapped there. If the gauze is pulled off, you will see a twisted scar, like a centipede.
Tension used to be a handsome guy, but now he's been ruined.
Other security guards don't understand.
"Brother Qin is already very busy. Don't disturb him. Didn't they say they were going to beat me to quit? If I don't resign, I don't believe they can kill me! "
Tension is also angry, but he can't find the student's trouble, otherwise it will be to discredit the school, add chaos.
"Code, I can't swallow this evil spirit!"
A security guard said, "why should we be bullied! We are security guards, not the student's outlet! Dog's Day
"If you can't bear it, you'll make a big plan."
Tension is also saying to himself, "or don't add chaos to the school."
"I can't bear it. I don't need to bear it any more!"
At this time, the gate of the security office was pushed open.
The Qin Dynasty took Su's sisters, followed by Chen Yingyang, and pushed the door in.
"Brother Qin!"
"Su Dong!"
All the security guards were surprised.
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