Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1267

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Chapter 1267

On the playground of Guangyuan school, there is a large LCD screen standing upright.
This was meant to be active.
For example, the school has a large celebration and so on, you can play video.
Or, on film day, play movies to students.
Unexpectedly, it has become a tool for terrorists.
The screen lights up.
Tabala's figure appeared on the screen and waved his hand to the screen.
A technician was not far away, shivering.
And on the screen, it's a large staircase classroom.
In the classroom, many students and teachers are squatting on the ground, dare not move.
Several gangsters with guns were wandering around the screen.
"Bring me that girl!"
Tabara reached out.
Suddenly, a gangster went over and pulled a girl up from the ground.
Fang Wen was about to send a short message to Qin Dynasty when she was interrupted.
In panic, she was dragged to the ground by the gangster and pulled to the camera.
Tabala took out a pistol and pointed to the back of Fang Wen's head.
"If I count down to three, if you don't quit, the head of this beautiful girl will pop and become more beautiful blood..."
"Get out, get out of here at once!"
Xie Jun quickly roared.
The special police team did not dare to delay, and they withdrew from the campus one after another before the other side counted.
"Very well, it seems that you are still very obedient."
Tabala nodded with satisfaction and pushed Fang Wen aside.
Qin Dynasty and Su Fei were stunned.
"It was Fang Wen... "
Seeing her familiar girl being hijacked by bandits, Qin Dynasty was very nervous.
"I'm going to save her..."
"Let's go together!"
Su Fei immediately said.
"Send Qin Ling out first. At present, Fang Wen will not be in danger As long as the police don't act rashly. "
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"They dare not."
Su Fei sighed, "the school's monitoring is everywhere, the police want to come in, it's even more difficult."
"Then it's up to us..."
The Qin Dynasty thought, "is there any place that the camera can't capture? Blind spot? "
"If you say There is indeed a place... "
Su Fei thought for a moment, "there is a small warehouse behind the library. Because of the humidity there, the line can't be laid, so there's no camera. "
"Well, send Qin Ling to us first."
The Qin Dynasty suggested.
"Well, let's do it like this. Qin Ling of the province will hold us back."
Su Fei nodded and agreed to the attention of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty this shameful face, the heart says as if you don't drag my hind legs.
But protecting one is easier than protecting two.
After the three decided, they started to walk in the direction of the library.
"Chief, they've changed direction!"
Arsha found out the dynamic of Qin Dynasty on surveillance, and immediately reported to tabarahui.
"We can't let 200 million dollars run like this! Send everyone out there and kill them! Absolutely, never let them go! "
Tabala clenched his fist.
Alshaton turned on the walkie talkie and began to set up.
"All of you, join us at once to point B! Kill the target and her companion! At once
Arsha went to set it up, and tabara continued in front of the camera.
"Gentlemen, now that the foreplay is done, we should also talk about the conditions."
"What conditions do you have?"
Xie Jun's heart is tight, the heart said, sure enough to come.
In fact, we are not familiar with the conditions of your government
Tabala knocked on the table, "that is, to recognize the rule of our tabala regime in the western Xinjiang."
"That's impossible!"
Xie Jun immediately refused, "western Xinjiang will always be an inseparable part of China's territory!"
"Ha ha, if I were you, I would not be in such a hurry to answer."
"We have plenty of time, don't we? I give your government 24 hours to think about it. But every half an hour, I kill a hostage. "
With that, he turned off the video unilaterally.
The big screen on the playground went black.
"Damn it!"
Xie Jun hit the roof of the car next to him.
"Xie team, what should I do now?"Asked the officer next to him immediately.
"In 10 minutes, find me the blind spot of school monitoring and find a way to break through! Let all the people from the strategic group come here and come up with a feasible rescue plan! "
The police began to deploy, too.
At this time, they were also in action in the Qin Dynasty.
"More and more people are coming here..."
Qin Dynasty eyebrow a frown, "you two, hide behind that stone lion!"
He pointed to the two stone lions next to him.
Qin Ling was very obedient. She squatted over and hid her body.
"No, I'll help you!"
Su Fei insisted.
"I'll talk about it later! There are too many people this time! Too dangerous
The Qin Dynasty flatly refused.
"You look down on me!"
Su Fei raised her gun and said, "we girls can hold up half the sky as well!"
"Don't make trouble, Princess su. You can't have an accident. Hide there for me!"
There was a slight spark in the words of Qin Dynasty.
"You Do you care so much about me... "
All of a sudden, Princess Su was in a daze.
"When's the time to say that..."
The Qin Dynasty was about to enlighten the imperial concubine su. At this time, several bandits appeared from the corner of the building in the distance.
"There they are, shoot!"
In any case, there is no need to catch alive. As soon as these bandits show up, they shoot in succession.
The Qin Dynasty immediately pushed Su Fei to the back of the stone lion.
At the same time, several bullets swept over and hit the left and right.
On the stone lion, there were sparks everywhere, splashing with stone debris.
"Qin Dynasty, be careful!"
Su Fei quickly exclaimed.
"Don't worry about me, just a few little gangsters."
Qin Dynasty said, standing there, hands up and down, bullets fly out.
"Bang bang bang!"
After a few shots, the gangsters were shot in the head and fell into a pool of blood.
"What a danger..."
Su Fei saw a few bandits were put down, and then patted her chest, "so many bullets didn't hit you, you're really big!"
"Oh, of course..."
The Qin Dynasty patted the clothes.
By the way, I took a look at the bullets at my feet.
Where didn't get hit
It's just that I'm good at fighting.
Several terrorists were killed, but more and more terrorists gathered.
These guys are not afraid to die.
They risked being shot and killed by the Qin Dynasty and still rushed over.
There are still a few, even tied with explosives, howling on a run.
If they run here, they can't spread the two beauties of Princess Su to Egypt.
they are not afraid to blow up, but Princess Su and Qin Ling are mortal bodies!
"Get out of my way!"
Qin Chaofei kicks the corpse of a terrorist lying in front of him.
The body went through the air several times before hitting a terrorist.
The terrorists were rushing with explosives, and they were knocked back several steps in an instant.
But explosives don't wait.
Suddenly, boom, that terrorist turned into a startling flame, directly connected to the sky.
Around several of the death squads that followed the attack also turned into flames in an instant.
This is a mess of fried, blood and meat everywhere.
Black smoke, rolling out.
Tabara was sweating from the screen.
This, how can it be!
The people of God, how can they be killed so easily!
The other side, just a person!
Are they government agents?
Damn it!
"Keep sending people, send everyone over and kill him with the sea of men tactics!"
"Yes, but the leader Our people are dead... "
Alpha is also cold, he did not expect, his brothers, so a man to hang up.
Tabara is silent
After a while, he turned on the radio again.
"This friend near the library I admit, I underestimated you. "
Hearing the sound of the broadcast, the Qin Dynasty raised its head.
"He seems to be talking about me."
Su Fei nodded. "It seems that he found you."
"Come on, he found out about us long ago, OK?"
The Qin Dynasty changed the magazine for the pistol.Although you can make bullets with vitality, it is better not to take this ability out in front of Princess Su and Qin Ling.
He has been trying to cover up, not to let people in this world, involved in that world.
"In fact, I also think that there are heroes in this world."
Tabara's voice rang again.
Xie Jun and a group of police were listening to it in a muddle.
"Who is he talking about?"
"It seems that there are other people in the school."
Xie Jun responded, "it seems that this man also killed a lot of terrorists..."
"Whoever he is, he's a big help."
Said a police officer.
"No I'm afraid it'll backfire. "
Xie Jun shook his head. "After all, talaba still holds so many hostages in his hand. If one is not careful, the hostage will be injured... "
"I admire the hero very much. Why don't you show me your hero?"
Talaba said.
"He thought very well."
Qin Dynasty disdained to skim his mouth.
"I know you are reluctant to see me. But in this way, the hostages in the classroom may not be able to live. Besides, I've put a lot of explosives in the school. If I don't see you, I'll detonate the explosives. At that time, the whole school will turn into ashes and return to the embrace of God with us. "
Hearing this, Xie Jun was covered in cold sweat.
In this school, dynamite was buried!
It's cruel. These terrorists
They are really crazy!
"This guy is crazy."
The Qin Dynasty bit its teeth.
"So, for the sake of these hostages, you'd better take your boss with you to this classroom. If you are a hero, you can't be too selfish. Am I right? "
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