Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 677

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Chapter 677

Night in Guangyuan.
The Qin Dynasty walked here, step by step toward the administrative building.
He came to ask for leave from Princess su. It's not a day or two to go to Wudang Mountain.
In his ears, also echoed his own and Li Baishan said those words.
"Oh? Do you want to hide swordsmanship? "
Li Baishan legs on the table, heard the request of the Qin Dynasty, expression a little curious, "really rare, you should be so interested in Shushan's secret arts."
Xi, wearing a phoenix mask, stood aside and did not speak.
Although the Qin Dynasty has given Xi back his freedom, Xi is still at the side of Li Baishan. Qin Dynasty some do not understand, Li Baishan took her as a person occasionally, why she still stay here.
"Yes, I can't go to my realm for the time being." The Qin Dynasty looked at Li Baishan and was angry, "someone said he would give me yuan Lingdan, but now he also repented."
"Oh? Who is that man? " Li Baishan drank sprite carelessly, "how can you not keep your word. If you find him, I will educate him well. "
For Li Baishan's face, Qin Dynasty has seen it. He could only sulk, and could not say anything else.
"In a word, do you give me Tibetan swordsmanship?"
"Oh, how can I say that I am also your boss? You are not talking to the leaders"
Li Baishan pinches his ears. "Moreover, the tone of asking for help is too horizontal, which makes me very uncomfortable"
"chief Li!"
The Qin Dynasty clenched his teeth, arched his hand and said, "please, please give me the Tibetan sword skill."
"It's not impossible."
Said Li Baishan, opening his drawer.
Inside, there are all kinds of pamphlets. He turned it over and pulled out a copy, which was printed with the three characters of Tibetan swordsmanship.
Moreover, the Qin Dynasty also saw the "Vajra Sutra" inside.
Damn it, how can this guy have all these secret scripts! Is he selling pirated books?
"The secret is here. I can give it to you, but you also know that if I want anything, I have to exchange it. "
"What do you want?"
For this, the Qin Dynasty is the most know.
"Wudang, you are going to the mountain."
Li Baishan did not directly put forward the conditions, but asked first.
Qin immediately covered his heart and said angrily, "you are reading my thoughts again."
"I'm sorry, it's your idea that's too strong, I don't want to feel it, not even." Li Baishan shrugged his shoulders, "I can tell you something about Wudang Mountain as a supplementary gift of the condition. And my conditions, of course, are also related to Wudang Mountain, which is very convenient for you. "
"Go ahead, your terms."
Li Baishan put the secret script into the arms of the Qin Dynasty, "give me the five elements treasure of Wudang Mountain, the great doomsday burning flag."
The Qin Dynasty was surprised, "Wudang Mountain has five elements of treasure!"
"Nature has never been mentioned." Li Baishan drank Sprite, "it's a pity that I know it best. I want that thing. Anyway, you're going to get yuanjindan. You'd better take it together. "
“…… You want to steal from your own sect? "
"I'm sorry, I'm not a straight brow for a long time." Li Baishan was smiling at the Qin Dynasty, "even, I am not a person in the Xiuzhen world. Now, I'm the section chief of section seven. Take the government money and give it to the government. "
"For the government? What's the use of burning the sky flag at the end of the day
"Haven't you heard a word?" Li Baishan hated the iron and steel ground. He patted his thigh and said, "Confucianism confronts law by writing, and Xia violates the ban with martial arts. Among the five elements, the most powerful one will lose the great doomsday flag. If this kind of weapon of terror is not in the hands of the government, the government is naturally not at ease. "
"All right, all right. I'll get it for you."
The last thing the Qin Dynasty could not resist was that Li Baishan always gave the benefits to himself first, and then asked himself to fulfill the conditions.
As the saying goes, eating people's mouth is short, holding hands is short.
Looking at the Tibetan swordsmanship in his arms, the Qin Dynasty could not resist this temptation.
"Oh, by the way, I have a little gift for you."
Li Baishan seemed to suddenly think of something, laughing, "it's an immortal tool!"
Xianqi two words out, one side of the Xi, a shock.
"Fairy ware?" Qin Dynasty heard rod said that the immortals were beyond the existence of the five elements.
"Yes, fairy." Li Baishan nodded and then said to Xi on the side, "Xi, if you don't give things to Qin Dynasty at this time, when will you wait? There are many masters in Yimei Road, one more magic weapon to protect his body and one more way to live "
Xi took a look at the Qin Dynasty through his mask.
Is this man, after all, unable to escape from the palm of Li Baishan?She had no choice but to sigh and come over.
She stretched out her wrist and took off the Jiulong ring hidden in her sleeve and handed it to the Qin Dynasty.
"What is this?"
The Qin Dynasty did not know Xi's mind. He took over the Jiulong ring and immediately felt the vigorous power inside.
"Jiulonghuan is a magic weapon left by the ancient great power and the immortal."
Li Baishan said with a smile.
"Should be the immortal!"
There was a dark earthquake in the Qin Dynasty.
"That's right." Li Baishan nodded, "that Ying Tianxian Zun is the first person in ancient times after Pangu. It was he who, with all his strength, sealed the ancient fierce beast. This calmed down the chaos at that time and created a civilization of all ages. "
"Ancient fierce beast..."
In Qin Dynasty's mind, can't help but think of Taotie.
"Those ancient fierce beasts, are they powerful?"
"Of course Li Baishan nodded, "not all are strong, but most of them are strong fighting units. The man led by the fierce beast, who they called Wang, was a super draught, named Xuanyuan Yingji. This woman, the power has been through God. Those fierce beasts are very fierce one by one. What's more, if you die, you will lose your soul mark and attract more powerful companions. So, in the future, if you meet them, run as fast as you can. "
The heart of the Qin Dynasty moved slightly. It seems that Li Baishan did not know that those fierce beasts had already found their own affairs.
Holding the Jiulong ring, he only felt that the spirit in the ring was joyful.
Moreover, the bracelet and oneself, there is such a feeling of flesh and blood.
"Lying trough, this is an immortal tool! What a fairy
Rod, in the soul of the Qin Dynasty, has been agitated to shout.
"The spirit still echoes with you! My God, stinky boy, are you really the immortal
"I, I don't know..."
Qin Dynasty shook his head in his heart. He put the nine dragon ring around his wrist, then raised his head and said.
"Please tell me something about Yimei, please..."
The Qin Dynasty looked at the Jiulong ring on his wrist and couldn't help feeling.
"Is it true that I am the immortal? That's ridiculous. "
Shaking his head, he walked into the administration building.
"Secretary Qin, still working overtime so late"
Qin Dynasty saw Qin Ling at the door of the office and said hello.
"Su Dong didn't leave work, so I naturally wanted to work together"
Qin Ling laughed at the Qin Dynasty, "although it was a little hard, there was still a lot of overtime pay. But what are you doing so late
"I came to ask for Su Dong's leave."
Qin Dynasty suddenly said to Qin Ling, "Secretary Qin, you lost your money!"
"Ah? Where? "
Qin Ling immediately lowered her head and looked for money on the ground.
With this bow of her head, the Qin Dynasty immediately pushed the door in accordance with the usual practice.
"Ah, Qin Dynasty, you lied to me! You don't knock
Behind her came Qin Ling's angry scolding.
The Qin Dynasty laughs. He wants to have a try and see something good like last time.
But this time, it was obviously a disappointment.
I saw Su feiduan upright sitting in front of the desk, wearing that black uniform, processing the documents on her hands.
"What can I do for you?"
The Qin Dynasty doesn't know why. Recently, Princess Su's attitude towards herself has become colder.
The beautiful headmaster, without raising her head, said to the Qin Dynasty coldly.
Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "I come to ask for a two-day leave, something to go busy."
"Whatever you want."
Su Fei didn't seem to put it in her heart at all. "Anyway, you're not once or twice."
"Well, this..."
Qin Dynasty looked at Su Fei's bustling, and didn't know what to say.
But he did not know, Su Fei's heart is also a burst of panic.
Be restrained, be restrained!
Don't give this guy a good look!
It's not easy for me to make this decision. I have to restrain my feelings. So, we should stick to it.
Suji has a lot of enemies. You can't get involved in it together and add trouble to your sister.
"When you're done, go back. I have to work."
Su Fei took out a document, but found that she couldn't read it at all. As long as the Qin Dynasty is here, she can't do anything else.
The leave was over, and the Qin Dynasty had no reason to stay.
But at this time, he suddenly noticed that there was a slight frost on the fish tank beside the office.It's still cold in the office. In the fish tank, how can it freeze?
Qin Dynasty had a bad idea, he did not say a word, back out, and to Su Fei good office door.
"Well, let's not knock on the door, and you'll be shut off!"
Qin Ling is still on the side, throwing a blind eye to the Qin Dynasty.
"Secretary Qin, said Su Dong, there is an important document left in tension. Please go and get it."
Qin Ling raised eyebrows, "this matter, let the tension come not on line."
"No way." Qin Yao is on duty for a while, so he doesn't open the office by himself
"Well, I'll go."
Knowing that the Qin Dynasty and Su Dong had a good personal relationship, Qin Ling did not doubt that it had it. She took up her coat and went out.
Seeing her back disappear, Qin Dynasty just took out his mobile phone and called while walking.
"Tension? Qin Ling will come to you in a moment. You will try your best to keep her for one more minute, one minute. This is my task for you. Do you hear me? "
Got accurate answer, Qin Dynasty just hung up the phone. At the same time, black scales wrapped his face.
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