Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1022

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Chapter 1022

All of us didn't expect that someone would carry a thunder and lightning for Qin Dynasty.
"If you can die for Mr. Qin, Xiaobai will not live for nothing."
Xiaobai felt tired and wanted to close her eyes.
"You'll be fine..."
The eyes of the Qin Dynasty were red.
God, you dare to hurt me!
"No one, no one can take my woman's life from my hands in Qin Dynasty."
Qin Dynasty hands around Xiaobai light body, slowly stood up.
At this time, a red thunder and lightning, mercilessly, fell from the sky, toward the Qin Dynasty.
God seems to want to turn this pair of men and women who dare to shout at it into fly ash.
Red lightning is its punishment.
However, before this arrogant and domineering red thunder and lightning, at the moment when it was about to touch the body of the Qin Dynasty, suddenly disappeared!
Maybe many practitioners didn't pay attention to it.
But Ji Yuanyuan noticed!
She did not expect the Qin Dynasty to be chopped to death in her heart, so when the thunder and lightning fell, she had been watching nervously.
And this red thunderbolt, when it fell to about one meter around the Qin Dynasty, disappeared like that.
Yeah, it's gone!
Ji Yuanyuan believed that her eyes would not deceive herself.
This is the nine nine heavenly power!
Red lightning, one can directly destroy a small school!
She also understood that the cultivation of the Qin Dynasty, which can withstand so many red lightning, must be the cultivation of Jinxian level.
But even Jinxian can't make Honglei disappear!
There has been a restriction in the human world since ancient times. It is impossible for people to surpass the level of Jinxian!
So, in the Qin Dynasty, how did he do it?
"It's just a matter of ninety-nine Tianwei. It's just like the original Buddha!"
At this time, the Qin Dynasty hung his head, but suddenly opened his mouth.
As if the God in response to him, a long gestated red lightning, again roaring down.
But in the Qin Dynasty side about a meter place, the lightning and no shadow, as if evaporated out of thin air.
"In front of me, what is thunder robbery?"
Qin Dynasty raised his head and looked at the sky with scorn in his eyes.
"Now the Thor, I don't know which one, dares to challenge him. It's interesting. It's really interesting."
Ji Yuanyuan was shocked again.
This man, how can he know about the sky!
There is a god of thunder.
This Thor is responsible for the punishment in heaven.
If there is injustice in the world, he will also appear, with lightning warning.
And this nine nine nine heavenly power is also his ability to show.
However, the Thor was not under the control of the emperor.
Because he is a God left from ancient times.
Whether it is a person or an immortal, as long as there is a big crime, he will be punished.
Even the emperor of heaven is no exception.
That's the real, ancient god.
They are the immortals who dare not provoke them.
"Hoo Hoo..."
The sky was rolling with thunder.
A large red eye, looming in the clouds, seems to be staring at the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Oh? Are you unconvinced? "
Qin Dynasty seems to understand the meaning of the eyes, he held Xiaobai in his arms, ha ha, a smile, "I give you a chance, you can have a try."
The thunder cloud rolled again.
Ji Yuanyuan felt a greater pressure coming from the thunder clouds.
This thunder robbery, changed again!
Now the situation is beyond her control.
"Boom boom boom boom!"
In the blink of an eye, hundreds of red mines fell in the sky.
These red bombs and thunder gathered together one after another. They were so terrible that they all went to the Qin Dynasty alone.
All the practitioners are stupid.
You're kidding me!
A red thunder is enough to kill people.
It's coming directly hundreds of times!
The end of the world!
But a more startling scene appeared.
The hundreds of red thunder and lightning disappeared one meter close to the Qin Dynasty. It was as if this man had done something to wipe them out.
"Here, what happened..."
Ji Yuanyuan also looked silly, this, what is going on!
Red thunder and lightning, so many, dense like raindrops, how did it disappear?
"It's just a matter of ninety-nine heavenly power. How can you touch your own body?"Qin Dynasty laughs, as if in casually said a small matter.
But it is this small matter that has brought shock like missile bombing to others.
The clouds in the sky are still rolling.
That one blood red eye, stare round.
"Not convinced? Then you will be completely convinced. "
Qin Dynasty did not know what method to use, let Xiaobai's body float in front of him.
At the same time, he raised a hand and pointed his finger at the bloody eye in the sky.
He had a soft drink in his mouth, and then the bloody eyes in the air suddenly inflated and twisted.
In the end, the blood eye inflated to a limit, and it exploded with a bang.
With the smell of blood rain, floating down.
And with the disappearance of blood eye, black rob cloud, also retreat to scatter without a trace.
Ji Yuanyuan was stunned.
The seal of Unicorn fell down. There is a huge crack on the magic weapon. It seems that it can't be used any more.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty took back his fingers and looked down at the dying Xiaobai.
"You woman, love is very deep. In my life, it is no waste to know such a woman. Well, it's your luck to meet me. If I don't let you die, you can't die. "
Said, small white body out of Yingying white light.
If the nine heavenly fairies were there, they would exclaim. This is the power of careless recitation.
Even the blood eye explosion just now is the same.
Xiaobai's body recovered in a short time.
"It's almost time for me to show my face. It's time to go back..."
Qin Dynasty said very strange words, and then slightly closed his eyes.
At this moment, there is a distinct feeling in everything.
The momentum of Qin Dynasty is weak!
That's right. It's really weak.
Just now he looked around all the practitioners.
At that glance, all the practitioners felt as if they had been beaten by a dull hammer, and they were jumping fiercely!
It's not an immeasurable threat!
Now, as soon as his eyes were closed, his incredible momentum disappeared.
Qin Dynasty just now, what happened!
"Hoo Hoo..."
And when the Qin Dynasty opened his eyes again, there was a touch of pain and cynicism in his look.
The body is really too painful, press a bah.
But when he saw the little white in his arms, he was all recovered.
This should be, and should be, a good thing to do.
Unexpectedly, Xiaobai had an accident, but he awakened the consciousness of Yingtian.
"Fortunately, Yingtian is in the way..."
At this time, rod finally had a chance to speak.
He had no chance to speak because he had to maintain the energy of yin and Yang bells.
"Otherwise, you will die this time."
"I said, I won't die."
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"Mr. Qin..."
But in the bosom small white, the injury stable, the consciousness also restores.
Her eyelashes moved, opened her eyes, a pair of watery eyes, fell on the face of the Qin Dynasty.
"Just wake up. Don't do such stupid things next time. Go to Suu Kyi've got something else to do. "
The Qin Dynasty let Xiaobai down.
Xiaobai nods and instantly returns to Suji's side.
And Suu Kyi, she's already passed out.
She had been standing there, and when she saw the Qin Dynasty Jiulong armor was broken, she was completely unconscious.
Had it not been for Zhao Jingjing's help, he would have fallen to the ground.
After Xiaobai went back, several women were in a hurry to wake her up.
"Qin Dynasty, you get back to me!"
As soon as Suu Kyi opened her eyes, she broke into a direct curse.
Next to a few girls looking at her, crying and laughing.
Suji found that the situation was not right. She blinked her eyes and looked around. All the practitioners pulled out the defensive state.
The sky is blue, too.
The sun is still there.
As for his man, although he has a lot of injuries, he seems to be alive!
"Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty..."
"Don't worry, I said I would not die."
The Qin Dynasty smiles at Suji.
Tears, can not stop pouring out.
He's OK. It's great if he's OK
Sure enough, it's the man I like.
"The thunder robbery is over, and some things have to be solved."
the Qin Dynasty looked at Ji Yuanyuan standing on Shen Dong's head and laughed.
"I didn't expect you to have such a terrible ability..."Looking at the Qin Dynasty, Ji Yuanyuan felt very complicated.
The plan was ruined by this man.
Since he is not dead, the immortal envoy will be very angry.
But these are not their own can control, no one knows, 99 Tianwei unexpectedly can't help him.
Even Raytheon seems to have been hurt by him.
"I'm curious why you want to collect our baby. Let's find a romantic place and have a good talk. But I like to chat with beautiful women
Qin Dynasty said, jump forward, toward Ji Yuanyuan on the past.
"Sorry, I'm not interested in you."
Ji Yuanyuan knew that she couldn't beat the Qin Dynasty.
But if she ran away, no one could stop her, and the sky began to snow heavily.
In this snowflake, Ji Yuanyuan's body turned into nothingness and disappeared in front of Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty rushed past, but caught a blank.
"Damn it, she ran away!"
The Qin Dynasty was very reluctant.
But after Ji Yuanyuan ran away, there was another person who couldn't run.
Qin Dynasty flew up a foot, directly kicked the statue under his body.
Shen Dong's body becomes a ground of broken ice.
His infant, however, drifted out leisurely and tried to escape in panic.
"You don't want to run away. Stay for me!"
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to let people run under their eyelids. He threw out the prison soul lock and tied up Shendong's Yuanying.
Shen Dong is also unlucky. He can't be a God. Now he is a prisoner.
"Put Ben Shen, you damned rubbish!"
Shen Dong twists his body and looks like an egotist.
"I don't think you know the lesson."
In the Qin Dynasty, the left hand was demonized and penetrated into Shen Dong's Yuanying.
Magic Dan works, sucking and pulling Shen Dong's Yuanying, which makes him miserable.
"Ah! You, what are you going to do? "
"Tell me what you know, or you will be broken and will never be born."
Qin Dynasty threatened coldly.
"You, you devil Don't, don't smoke, I said, I can't do it all! "
Shen Dong is obviously afraid.
"That's about it. Come on, don't you have a mysterious military master? Why didn't you see him this time? "
"He, he's just a partner who has a partnership with me, not one of us He provides us with the eighteen judgments to strengthen our strength, but also to revenge on you. Because you are our common enemy, so he will help us
"Revenge on me?"
Qin Dynasty frowned, "who is he?"
"I don't know him."
"You want to die..."
"Oh, stop, stop! I really don't know him! "
Shen Dong wailed.
"Since you don't know each other, you can die."
The Qin Dynasty knew that Shen Dong didn't speak, so he directly opened the magic pill, thoroughly and thoroughly made this man who had been right with him for a long time, and gave him a clean inhalation.
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