Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 790

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Chapter 790

Suu Kyi has never met longbell.
But, Su Fei actually met.
The last time she was hospitalized in the Qin Dynasty, she saw this girl in the ward. At that time, the girl also took off the trousers of Qin Dynasty.
It seems that this is also one of the lovers of the Qin Dynasty.
Although she was very uncomfortable in her heart, she decided not to talk about it.
Suu Kyi is very happy today. She doesn't want her sister to get angry.
Besides, the Qin Dynasty has always been so romantic, showing mercy everywhere.
"Hello, two beauties."
Long BEI'ER no longer looks at the Qin Dynasty, which is not very good-looking. Instead, she turns to Su style sisters. "My name is longbei'er, the president of Tianlong Group."
"It's Miss long. Hello."
Tianlong Group.
Princess Su understood more or less in her heart. When long Tianzheng died suddenly, Tianlong Group was greedy for food by CHEN Si. It seems that longbei'er should be the daughter of long Tianzheng.
She reached out her hand politely and shook longbei'er.
But Longbei Er took Su Fei's hand and rubbed it with her fingers.
Su Fei is shocked. Is this girl bisexual?
How did she know that longbei'er was a lesbian before and was transformed into bisexual by the Qin Dynasty
Of course, the Qin Dynasty understood what was going on. He quickly opened longbei'er's hand and said with a smile.
"Miss long, we'll have two more drinks today. After all, we haven't seen you for a long time."
"That's necessary."
Longbei Er chuckled playfully, "didn't you see that I came with the wine?"
"Find a place to eat first."
Suji pushed the Qin Dynasty, complaining, "my sister is hungry, but also chat."
"Yes, yes, yes."
Qin Dynasty quickly looked around, pointing to a small stall said.
"That's it. I remember the lamb chops and grilled wings were very good. What do you think, boss Su? "
"All right."
Su Fei's face was cold and did not give Qin Chao a good look.
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and led the three girls to the stall.
At this point, J and Estee came by themselves. They did not step forward, but stood on the left and right side of the stall to protect Suu Kyi's safety.
Qin Dynasty looked at them and said nothing.
"Boss, give me ten lamb chops, five Orleans wings, five honey roasted wings! Come on
The Qin Dynasty ordered.
The boss took a look at Qin Dynasty, and his heart was shaking.
He clearly remembers that this guy ate here a year ago.
That time, the boss of a nearby entertainment city came to him with a group of younger brothers, but he beat him to pieces. At that time, he also nailed a man's hand with a pin, which was clearly in the way of my eyes
Now I see so many people. They all look like they are beholden to him. Obviously, this guy should be a black boss.
Their small business, which can not provoke this kind of people, naturally is the start of barbecue.
Some of the meat has been hidden for a long time. All the meat is fresh and has just been fed.
"Just eat?"
Longbei'er thought of getting everyone drunk and said, "xiaochuanzi, go to fight against a box of Harbin beer classic 1900."
"Well, good..."
It seems that Liu Chuan was also ordered by longbei'er and ran to resist wine.
"Well, let's not get drunk today."
Suu Kyi, who was also afraid that the world would not be in disorder, waved her hand and cried.
Qin Dynasty is beside, cold sweat all came down.
Classic 1900, this is a fighter in beer.
as a Northeast Chinese, Qin Dynasty had the deepest impression on the two kinds of beer. One is that the snowflake bravely enters the horizon, good to drink, but like water, how to drink is not drunk, is the belly.
The second is the Harbin beer classic 1900. This beer is very strong. Generally, people who have a little capacity for alcohol drink two or three bottles, they are easy to get on the head.
It seems that today's longbei'er is really going to be cruel.
"hehe, let's not drink some snowflakes and brave the world."
The Qin Dynasty wiped the cold sweat and suggested.
"Why, you want to drink the wine that the dame drinks?"
Longbei'er raised her eyebrows and said, "Lord Qin, how come you have no confidence today."
"Don't drink snow, drink classic 1900."
Suu Kyi raised her eyebrows, too.
Qin Dynasty heart secretly way, you a little girl can drink naturally, you still have a elder sister!
"Drink classic 1900."
Su Fei is light to say, "you don't worry, I have a little alcohol."
No matter how to say, it is also a young girl who runs out to do business. Sufei's capacity is also very good.Suu Kyi has always been at school.
Other su Yao, as well as Su Fei, came out very early to start a business with Su Xianqin.
But Su Yao was depressed and degenerated because of a business failure and no help from his father.
Su Fei, on the contrary, is making the family business bigger and bigger.
"It seems that you are all dionysians."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose, and he knew three tough girls today.
"Xiaochuanzi, what about you? Can you be quick and quick
Longbei'er waited for a long time. The lamb chops were almost ready to be baked. Liu Chuan was not seen. So she patted the table of the stall and yelled.
"Coming, coming!"
Liu Chuan, the famous Chuange of Daqin Gang, is running here with a box of beer on his shoulder.
There is a younger brother to help, Liu Chuan kicked a foot.
"Go away! Don't you see me carrying wine for brother Qin and miss long? "
With that, Liu Chuan ran to the stall and put down a box of wine.
"Why so slow!"
Longbell rolled her eyes.
"My miss long!"
Liu Chuan cried, "how can you sell classic 1900 around here? This wine is so expensive. I'm driving. I'll get it from the supermarket. "
"Well, I'll spare you. Let's play."
Longbell shook her hand gracefully.
Liu Chuan was silly and blinked his eyes. "I, I also want to drink with brother Qin"
"what to drink, drink with your big men."
Longbei'er glared at her eyes and said, "don't you see all the beauties here?"
"Well, well, you are the eldest sister. I can't afford it."
Liu Chuan said bitterly, "I'll have a toast to brother Qin later. Brother Qin, take your time and call me when you have something to do. "
The little fat man also knew that longbei'er was brother Qin's woman, and she could not stir up her anger.
"Miss long, it's not very good of you to treat chuanzi like this."
Seeing Liu Chuan go, Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said.
"I treat people like this"
longbei'er raised her eyebrows, directly lifted up a bottle of wine with chopsticks and said, "of course, I dare not to treat you Lord Qin."
"Ha ha, I have nothing special."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose again.
He was afraid that Suu Kyi could see something.
"Come on, let's drink."
But Suu Kyi didn't seem to notice anything, because she disliked the dirty glass in the stall. She broke open two bottles of wine and gave her sister a bottle and left one for herself.
Qin Dynasty a look, good guy, all blow to the bottle. Well, sacrifice your life to accompany the gentleman.
He himself, too, unscrewed a bottle of wine and held it in his hand.
"A couple of people, make a string."
At this time, the shop owner brought up the lamb chops and baked wings.
"OK, thank you."
Qin Dynasty put the plate in front of him, picked up a lamb chop, smelled it and said, "well, I haven't eaten it for a long time. I miss it so much. Come on, Suu Kyi, take a bite first
She took the lamb chops and handed it to Suji.
Suu Kyi opened her small mouth and took a sweet bite.
"It's really good." Suji pressed the hand of the Qin Dynasty, pushed the lamb chops back to the Qin Dynasty, "you also eat, accompany me to stroll the street all day, are hungry."
"Nonsense, I can't be tired to go shopping with you."
Qin Dynasty smiles, picks up a napkin and wipes Suji's mouth.
Su Fei and longbei'er, beside them, look strange at the same time. They are all sour.
They hope that the one who flirts with the Qin Dynasty will be their own. Unfortunately, all this is just thinking about it.
The No.1 of Qin Dynasty will never become Suji.
They can only regret that they knew the Qin Dynasty too late.
"Hee hee, we want to live happily for a lifetime
Su Ji's eyes are full of joy, one hand holding the hand of the Qin Dynasty, said.
"Of course."
Qin Dynasty embraces Suji's waist, "we will be lucky to be happy forever."
Both of them were practitioners, and the Qin Dynasty was also a quasi immortal. He believed that the love between him and Suji could last forever.
Because nine days fairy princess, Xuanyuan Yingji, after such a long time, still love Yingtian. Since they can, they can.
Suji was very happy at this moment and put her head in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
"I'll stop. The oil on your mouth is rubbing on my shirt."
"Nonsense, I don't have oil on my mouth. I didn't let you wipe it."
"I didn't really wipe It's just a little bit of meaning... ""You deserve it!"
Seeing the sweet appearance of two people, longbei'er is very delicious.
She calmed herself down, then raised the bottle and said.
"Ladies and gentlemen, don't be busy making friends. Let's have a toast to your happiness for the rest of your life
With that, longbeier held up the bottle and put it on her lips. She began to fill it with gas.
Su Fei's heart is also very bitter, she also began to drink.
Qin Dynasty and Suji two people, also raised the bottle, all blow to the bottle.
To their surprise, longbeier and Sufei, as if they were fighting against each other, killed a bottle quickly.
I'll cut it. Girls don't drink like that.
Longbei'er shouts the most joyful, but in fact, her drinking capacity is really not very good.
When the bottle is poured down, it is a little confused in an instant.
"Then, drink again..."
The girl said, the whole person is a little shaky.
The Qin Dynasty was frightened. I was afraid that the girl would drink too much and say something that should not be said.
But his idea is a little redundant, because longbeier just stood up to take the wine, this body softened.
She fell on the table and fell asleep.
"Hee hee I dare to drink so much wine. "
Su Fei also has so much, blushing, pointing to longbei'er and laughing.
"That's it. Your sister has drunk too much."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Let's have a drink and let sister have a rest."
Said Suu Kyi.
At this time, a hand on the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, boy, let's talk about it."
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