Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 828

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Chapter 828

"Hoo Hoo..."
The fierce roller coaster finally stopped. Su Fei stepped down from the car and her legs were soft. Only when she managed to keep the Qin Dynasty from falling down.
"Sister, you lost!"
Inside, she said, "no one but you screamed at us."
"You, are you all monsters?"
Su Fei is particularly unconvinced. How can these people not be afraid? What a terrible roller coaster
"Hee hee, it's clearly my sister who is timid!"
Suu Kyi won't tell her sister that they are all a group of practitioners.
"It's a good thing. You have to promise me a request."
"Tell me what you want."
Su Fei always felt as if she had been cheated by her sister.
"Hee hee, I don't know yet. Let's talk about it later. But if I ask for it, my sister must do it! "
"Don't worry. When will I say nothing?"
Princess Su waved her hand.
"Well, let's go and have a big pendulum."
Suu Kyi reached out and pointed to a big hammer that was shaking in front of her.
There were seats on the hammer, and a group of people were fixed on the seat, shouting with the swing hammer madly.
Qin Chaoxin said that if he was not a practitioner and played these games, he would be afraid to open his eyes. Br > "don't be afraid of yourself! Don't
Su Fei said in a hurry, "you let me have a rest. Just after playing the roller coaster, you come to such a fierce situation. Do you want your sister's life?"
"Well, let's play a mild relaxation first How about the torrent
"It's not easy..."
Su Fei was in a cold sweat. She looked around, and suddenly saw the slowly turning Ferris wheel, so she reached out and said, "just play that."
"Ferris wheel, well, it's never been done."
Suu Kyi nodded and agreed, so she took the people to the ferris wheel again.
Finally, it was decided that Qin Dynasty and Su's sisters would sit together, and Estee and j would sit together. There was no suspense.
The ferris wheel slowly lifted into the sky and looked at the whole amusement park outside. Sufei felt that this was the real relaxation.
"By the way, have you ever heard of a legend?"
Suu Kyi was also looking at the scenery outside the window. Suddenly she turned around and said to her sister and boyfriend.
"That's the question I haven't heard of it. Tell me
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders.
"Well, that's it. It is said that every couple who have sat on Ferris wheel will break up in the end. "
Su Ji blinked at the Qin Dynasty, causing Qin Dynasty's stare.
This chick, what nonsense.
"Where do you hear the fallacy?"
Su Fei also glared at her sister, "every day there is no serious."
"Hee hee, that's what I heard."
Suu Kyi took her sister's hand and said with a smile, "anyway, we are three people now, not lovers, right?"
Princess Su wanted to nod her head. Seeing the Qin Dynasty's eyes turned away, she couldn't help but think of the three people wearing the couple's shirts that day. Suddenly, she turned red and flustered.
"Yes, right..."
She couldn't give a positive answer.
"I've got a lot of good fortune in my life. I can get a good result with a pair of twins and get married."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help joking.
"Bah, you are beautiful!"
Because on the ferris wheel, Suji didn't move her hands, just a white look of the Qin Dynasty.
"You men, not a good thing. It's not enough to have one. It's disgusting to have two people
"It's called the love of beauty. Everyone has it."
The Qin Dynasty raised his finger, shook it and said, "the mistake is that you two sisters are so beautiful. And one is like fire, the other is like ice, which is the most perfect pair of works in heaven. Men will go crazy when they see you. "
"I think you're in the heat."
Suji quarreled with the Qin Dynasty.
"Stop fighting..."
Su Fei could only persuade her weakly by the side.
She found that with the Qin Dynasty for a long time, her influence on the Qin Dynasty was getting lower and lower. On the contrary, the influence of Qin Dynasty on her became more and more intense.
I don't know where I went now because I used to be a strong woman.
Now, completely a little woman!
It's amazing
"It's too boring to sit on Ferris wheel. I'd better have some fun later."
Suu Kyi is just looking for excitement.
At the same time, under the ferris wheel, a little Lori holding a bubble blowing toy in her hand is following a young beauty, blowing bubbles while walking."Cousin, I found dad."
Little Lori suddenly stretched out her little hand, pointed to a giant Ferris wheel in the air, and said.
"Did you find him?"
The young beauty seemed to believe the little girl's judgment. "In that case, I should leave. Sakura, are you waiting for your father here alone
"No problem, my cousin. I know my cousin doesn't like her father. Xiao Ying can wait for her father alone. "
Said the little girl in a tender voice.
The young beauty looked at little Lori a few times, her eyes seemed vaguely reluctant. But in the end, he finally made up his mind, touched the hair of little Lori, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
Thus, under the ferris wheel, there is a unique landscape.
A lovely little Lori with two lovely buns in her hair was sitting on a stone tablet in the amusement park. She was holding a bubble blowing toy in her hand. Her head was tilted and she was blowing bright bubbles lovingly, floating among the crowd.
"Wow, whose child is this"
"Oh, how lovely the child is!"
"Woo hoo, I really want to hold it!"
Many people can't help being knocked over when they see little Lori.
"Little sister, uncle has ice cream here. Do you want to go with uncle?"
A strange broomcorn came over, with an ice cream, lured - confused.
"Thank you, Uncle But my mother said, "don't talk to strangers, and you can't take things from strangers."
Little Lori gave the man a sweet smile and then went on blowing bubbles.
The man did not look good, many people around him covetously, so they shrugged their shoulders and left.
Little Lori didn't take the man seriously and kept blowing bubbles.
At this time, a small white fox, do not know from where to slip over, saw the little Lori sitting on the stone tablet, immediately stopped to look at her.
"Why? Little fox
Little Lori noticed the fox and gave a cry of joy. She put down the bubble blowing toy and clapped her hands at the fox. "Come and play with me."
The little fox was lazy to pay attention to children, but when he saw this little Lori, he didn't know why. He felt a little intimate, so he ran over and jumped into her arms.
"Hee hee, what a lovely little fox."
Sakura can't help saying. The little fox also secretly said in his heart, what a lovely little Lori, I don't know who can give birth to such a lovely daughter.
"Why, fox, are you a goblin?"
Sakura touched the head of the little fox, and her white hands gave out a golden light. "No wonder you are so full of aura Well, there is not enough energy in the body to restore the prototype, right? According to my mother, as long as one yuan gold elixir, you can recover. "
Little Lori's words surprised the little fox. The girl was actually a member of the cultivation world?
I can't see that it's getting in the way of
However, her words reminded the little fox that she could still recover her human form? No less than yuanjindan, that thing is not available.
Little fox is strange, Laurie cherry suddenly pointed to the ferris wheel opposite.
"Here comes the father!"
"What's next?"
Suu Kyi looked around and said, "Oh, my sister, who is too exciting, dare not play. It's a shame."
"It's you who played too much, ok..."
Su Fei is very helpless. She says that her sister is so big.
Several people were talking when Suu Kyi let out a cry of surprise.
"My God, how lovely!"
What's cute
The Qin Dynasty was startled by Suji's sudden voice. Following Suji's gesture, she suddenly found a lovely little Lori sitting on a stone tablet, holding a fox in one hand and blowing bubbles in the other.
Beautiful women have no resistance to the more cute things, and the Su sisters are no exception. This pair of beautiful women, immediately ran past, Suu Kyi can't help but hold a little Lori.
"Little sister, what's your name? Let her hug you."
Suu Kyi knows that she can't have children in the future, so she has a special love for children.
"My name is Qin Ying."
"I know you, you are my little mother," said little Lori sweetly
"Little mother?"
Suu Kyi blinked, not knowing where the words came from.
"Daddy, daddy hug!"
And Qin Ying did not answer her, just turned around and looked at the Qin Dynasty, which was slightly sluggish behind, and stretched out her small hand.
"Dad hugs..."
This voice, how familiar."Qin Ying Have you finally come back to Dad... "
Qin Dynasty in see Qin Ying that moment, only feel the world is so beautiful. I am already a father and have such a lovely daughter!
He immediately went over and took Qin Ying from Suji's arms.
"Let dad have a look. They are all so big..."
"Dad, I miss you so much..."
Qin Ying tightly hugs his father's neck, sticks to his body, feels very warm.
Suu Kyi understood what was going on and felt a little bitter. This, should be he and Shushan ice-white Narcissus, Shen Qing's daughter. There should be a boy in Shen Qing.
As expected, she is a lovely daughter I wish I could give birth to a child in Qin Dynasty
"What's going on?"
The most surprising thing is Su Fei. She doesn't know about the chaotic things of Qin Dynasty. The twin sister covered her mouth in surprise and looked at the child in the Qin Dynasty's arms. "Qin Dynasty, you, when did you have a daughter?"
"Sorry, boss su..."
The Qin Dynasty held Qin Ying in his arms. Knowing how much shock the child had brought to Su's sisters, he had to sincerely apologize, "this was a long time ago..."
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