Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1103

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Chapter 1103

In the case of layers of encirclement and a barrage of bullets, could this man come out safe and sound?
Look at his whole body, intact, a black suit, not even a bullet hole!
He, who is he, Superman!
"Qin Dynasty, it's great that you're ok..."
Cheng Ying knew that the Qin Dynasty had some skills. She was gratified and admired at the same time.
All the people in the seventh department are really abnormal.
"if those people and a few guns can handle me, I can still call Qin Dynasty."
The Qin Dynasty laughs. He is also the first sect of the evil way and the leader of the evil alliance.
If you die at the gunpoint of the American devils, you will not all laugh off your big teeth if you let the people in the practice world know about it.
"If it's OK, if it's ok..."
Seeing that the Qin Dynasty was not dead, Zheng Si Qin's heart also relaxed.
Although she is a weapon research maniac, the last thing she wants to see is the dead.
Life, only once.
Withered, will never find back.
Zhou Subin is driving, while secretly hating, eager to bump into the truck next to him, and let it all go.
This man, is he immortal!
So many guns, they can't kill him!
American soldiers, are they all rubbish!
"There's a helicopter overhead."
Cheng Ying looked out of the window and saw the helicopter that was following.
"Get rid of it."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Are you kidding?"
Zhou Su bin was very angry, "I am a car, not an airplane, how can I throw away the helicopter! Do you think it's a top flight
"Then you have to knock it down."
Qin Dynasty said, took out his own desert eagle, gently stroked two.
"Do you understand?"
Zhou Subin despised the way, "when you take a sniper gun! That's a helicopter, flying at a safe distance all the time, you want to shoot it with a pistol! What a dream
The Qin Dynasty was too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Su bin. Half of his body jumped out of the car. The desert eagle in his hand aimed at the helicopter in the sky and fired a gun with a bang.
This bullet, very precisely, went into the fuel tank of the helicopter.
In the daze of a car of people, the helicopter turned into a group of fire, fell on the roof next to it.
He, he really hit it!
Also, only one shot!
Zhou Su bin felt only hair all over his body.
This man, is he still a man!
"It's quiet now."
Qin Dynasty shrinks the body to come back, sits again in the car, said.
"Good shot..."
Cheng Ying couldn't help boasting, "if you can shoot down a helicopter with a pistol, you Qin Dynasty is the first one."
"Ha ha, congratulations..."
Qin Chaoxin said that this is a hair. If it was not for fear of shocking the world, I would crush the helicopter with my mind.
"But We don't seem to be quiet... "
Zheng Siqi looked at the car, some worried said, "behind us, are police cars."
The Qin Dynasty took a look through the reversing mirror.
Sure enough, behind their cars, one by one flashing blue and red light police cars, whistling up.
Well, it's really the feeling of flying.
Many policemen stretched out their heads and kept shooting at Zhou Subin's car.
Bullets roared in and a lot of them hit the car. However, Yang Zi had been prepared. The car was wrapped with bulletproof materials, and the ordinary bullets could withstand well. However, the tires were not good. Fortunately, because they were driving, the shooting method was not very accurate, and the tire of Citroen had not been hit.
"No, the tire will be hit if it goes on like this!"
Zhou Subin, driving Citroen, vigorously swung the body of the car and knocked a police car that was leaning against it out of the road.
Although he is very jealous, he is also a very good ace agent.
"I'll do it."
The Qin Dynasty knew that this time the task was not so simple.
He got out of the co pilot's window and landed on the roof.
Qin chaoming stood on the Citroen rickety, looking at the police cars behind the car.
"Well, it's a pity that they are all broken. But blame yourself for your misfortune. "
"Knock that man down!"
Seeing an agent standing on the Citroen, a group of police couldn't help but look up.
Such a big goal, it is not their own death!
What a madman!
All of a sudden, the bullets of these policemen all saluted the Qin Dynasty.The Qin Dynasty stood there and let the bullets fall on them.
Vajra Sutra is the best bulletproof vest.
Bullets can't hurt the Qin Dynasty at all.
"He seems to be wearing a bulletproof vest!"
The police wake up, too.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty standing on the Citroen car made a sign of goodbye to them. Then, his hands, each raised a desert eagle.
"Bang bang bang!"
The bullets were fired one after another, and each bullet could accurately hit the tire of a police car.
The speeding police car, tire burst, the car has hit the horizontal, collided with each other, soon squeezed into a group. Some of the cars were directly pushed over, turned several times and fell to the ground.
But I have to admit that the quality of Laomei's cars is good. The car fell to the ground in a circle, and the police inside were still able to struggle to climb out with only minor injuries.
Cheng Ying and their car, see Qin Dynasty so easy to solve those difficult police, one by one can not help but be surprised.
This guy is just like God!
So many bullets just now didn't hit him!
Although Zhou Su bin is unconvinced in his heart, he is carrying out the task now, and he can't help thinking so much.
The success of the Qin Dynasty means that they can survive.
"It's coming to the embassy."
Cheng Ying calculated the distance, "Dr. Zheng Siqi, we are going to return home."
Zheng Siqi is also very excited, today is her Zheng Siqi lived more than 20 years, the most exciting day!
"Not good..."
Zhou Su bin, however, suddenly threw cold water, "the intersection ahead was blocked by SWAT riot truck!"
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi look forward, and suddenly their faces are pale.
At the only intersection in front of me, three SWAT riot vehicles were blocked side by side.
This riot truck has a wide body and is solid and heavy.
Even if Citroen hit it with all its might, Citroen would be crushed, and there would be nothing wrong with the riot truck.
Not to mention, on the suspension bridge at that intersection, there was a row of SWAT police officers with various weapons in their hands. Tactical shotgun, M4 assault rifle, PSG-1 semi-automatic police sniper rifle.
The original rising hope turned into a cloud again.
"Now, we are finished."
Zhou Su bin sighed, it seems that the task is really going to fail.
"Turn around and change direction."
Cheng Ying was not reconciled to failure and ordered Zhou Subin.
"It's no use."
Zhou Subin said rationally, "there must be more SWAT troops behind us. This is the only way for us to go."
Zhou Subin stepped on the brake and stopped the car in place.
It's a dead end ahead. It seems that we have to surrender.
"Everybody get out of the car now! Lay down your arms and surrender
Ralph came here again in a helicopter, holding up his horn and yelling, "this is American territory. You can't move a step!"
He is proud of himself. These agents are really fantastic.
If you want to take people away in Washington, you can't believe it!
"Did you really fail? I'm not willing to... "
Cheng Ying didn't want to give up.
Although, this is a seemingly desperate task.
He rescued a man from the strict protection of the United States and sent him safely to China.
It's impossible to accomplish!
However, they ignored another person.
With this person in, any impossible task can be easily reversed.
"Get out of my way, you are in my way!"
In Zhou Su Bin's line of sight, the figure of Qin Dynasty suddenly jumped down from the car and walked slowly towards the opposite side.
"Kill that guy, he's a terrorist!"
Ralph hated his teeth itching when he saw the Qin Dynasty. It was this guy who ran out of his encirclement.
Now, send him to hell!
A SWAT special police officer, the tactical shotgun in his hand, sprayed on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
It's a Bernelli M1, powerful enough to blow down a brick wall.
"Qin Dynasty!"
Cheng Ying is scared, even if Qin Dynasty really wore bulletproof vests, ate this gun, he can still live!
Zheng Siqi, is also nervous to stare big eyes, as if has seen the Qin Dynasty all over the blood, fell in the blood scene.
Only Zhou Subin is sneering.
This idiot, go and die yourself.People in the organization are such idiots!
But then, everyone was stunned.
The Qin Dynasty, which should have been shot upside down by this gun, just stopped for a moment, then continued to move forward.
The Swat officer's eyes widened even more. Bernelli M1 in his hand kept spraying bullets, and the sound of gunfire was heard all the time.
But the Qin Dynasty was like an Immortal King Kong, letting the bullets of the other side pour down on him, but he couldn't stop his progress.
"My God!"
Ralph, sitting in the helicopter, almost lost his loudspeaker. "This guy, is it the terminator of the devil?"
A police officer with a semi-automatic sniper rifle in his hand also fired. The bullet crossed a clear track and hit the forehead of the Qin Dynasty.
If this bullet goes down, the man's head will be blown to pieces.
But, again, all of us lost their chin.
The bullet hit a spark on the forehead of the Qin Dynasty, then flew to one side and embedded in the ground.
How could it be!
You can't hurt him with a sniper gun!
Is he really the Terminator!
"He, is he really a human being..."
Zhou Subin's hand holding the steering wheel was shaking.
The most exciting is Zheng Siqi, this man, he must be a reformed human weapon! As a weapon inventor, Zheng Siqi's eyes began to shine.
You must study this guy well!
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