Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 617

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Chapter 617

The sisters of the Su family were sitting in the canteen. They were also very interested. They ordered a large bowl of Yunnan cross bridge rice noodles which were slightly spicy. They ate and chatted with each other.
Of course, the Qin Dynasty also ate together. Eating and thinking of Li Na that little girl, she is the favorite to eat rice noodles. I really have some evil. I have dinner with two beautiful women. One of them is his real girlfriend, but I think of other girls
Tut Tut, if Suji knew this, she would not slap herself to death.
"By the way, Qin Dynasty, do you want to come back and continue to be a security guard?"
Su Fei filled herself a bowl of rice noodles and asked the Qin Dynasty by the way. "Chairman Qin is going to work as a security guard for our small Guangyuan college. We can't afford it"
"let's see what you said." The Qin Dynasty drank a big mouthful of soup and said with a smile, "even if I am the Secretary General of the United Nations, I can't forget boss Su's kindness to me. Besides, if I stay in Guangyuan, I can't be closer to my Suji."
"I think the last sentence is your real purpose..."
Princess Su asked.
"Ha ha, where..." Qin Dynasty touched his nose awkwardly.
Suu Kyi, next to her, saw all this in her eyes. She took a breath, then put a smile back on her face and said.
"Fool, I'm going to graduate school, not in Guangyuan school! It's Sunan Normal University in southern Jiangsu! "
"Eh?" The Qin Dynasty was stunned for a moment, but he forgot that Guangyuan was only a third class school and could not carry out postgraduate education.
"What's more, the security quota of our school has just been expanded, and the staff has been saturated."
Su Fei picked up a rice noodle and shook it in front of her eyes.
"Ah?" The Qin Dynasty was stunned again. Seeing his slightly disappointed look, Su Fei added another sentence.
"So, if you come, you have to kick someone out. I thought about it for a while. It seems that other people are nothing. Let's open Wang wenkun. You are also your security director. "
"Ah?" Today, Qin Dynasty was shocked, but this time, it was a surprise.
Can be security officer again! Although the Qin Dynasty didn't care about the money, he was very content to kick Wang wenkun away.
"Go to Shenzhou, I think so!" Qin Dynasty smilingly expressed his thanks to Princess Su, "thank you so much for giving me a second life!"
"Damn you. When can you be more serious?" Su Fei rolled her eyes.
"If you look so devout, you may as well agree with each other." Suu Kyi suggested, "my sister is good. How many people can't catch up with BMW and Mercedes Benz. Maybe it will be cheaper for you."
"This..." Qin Dynasty did not speak for a long time. Su Fei, who was eating rice noodles, was obviously slightly shocked, but soon calmed down and continued to eat rice noodles.
All this, of course, was seen by Suu Kyi.
"Suu Ji, this time you come back from the United States, you've learned a lot." Su Fei wiped her mouth and said, "I dare to make fun of your sister. Have you forgotten how she punished you?"
"Well Sister, I'm wrong. Don't play the game of punishment any more. " As if thinking of a particularly terrible thing, Suu Kyi's small face suddenly turned white.
This makes Qin Dynasty very curious, punish game! What kind of punishment game can make Suji, who is invincible in her own family, be afraid to be like this. Hey, if you can master it, then you can take the initiative!
In the mind of the Qin Dynasty, a very lovely picture began to emerge. That is, Suu Kyi timidly hide in a corner, mouth carefully shout.
"Husband, I was wrong, I dare not..."
Hey, hey, hey
Thinking of this, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help but drool.
The sisters of the Su family cast scorn on this man.
"This guy is thinking about something evil." Su Fei couldn't help asking.
"Hee hee..." Suji, however, began to laugh. She held out her hand and patted Qin Dynasty's face.
"Qin Dynasty, come on, wake up and stop dreaming."
"Eh?" Qin Dynasty was pulled back from the fantasy state and looked at the two beauties in front of him.
"Qin Dynasty, are you imagining that you get the punishment game that scares me, and then I will yield to your power, and you will become a slave and sing as a master?"
"No, no, I don't have that in mind!"
Qin Dynasty in the heart of this surprised ah, Suji is his stomach Ascaris, how to understand him so!
"Hum, don't think I don't know about your dirty, dirty and dirty ideas!" Suji held out her finger and poked at the forehead of the Qin Dynasty, "I know you so well! Hum
"What nonsense! How can I be interested in these things? " Qin Chaoyi told Suji solemnly, then turned around and asked Su Fei."Boss Su, in other words, is that punishment game a god horse?"
"Poof!" Su Fei spurted the rice noodles out of her mouth. She quickly wiped her mouth, a white eye of the Qin Dynasty.
"Talk about it. Good things should be shared by everyone." Qin Dynasty ignored two sisters to throw his white eyes together, said brazenly.
"You'll never know. It's our secret." Su Fei ignored the thick skin of the Qin Dynasty. She waved to Qin Ling, who ate with other workers.
"Qin Ling, come here."
"Su Dong, what's the matter?"
Qin Ling immediately put down her plate and walked over with dignity and elegance.
"Inform the personnel department that Wang wenkun's files can be sent back."
"To dismiss Wang Dian Wang wenkun? " Don't know why, Qin Ling's face, seems to have some joy. The imperial concubine may not understand, but the Qin Dynasty knew that Wang wenkun once scolded Qin Ling for her ugly words.
As the saying goes, you can't be careful with a woman all her life.
"Why, Qin Ling, do you think it's not right?" Su Fei was also wondering if she would be too impulsive to do so.
"Good! Quite right Qin Ling has already seen that Su Dong really wants to expel Wang wenkun. She said quickly, "Wang wenkun, who is a distant relative of Su Dong, is domineering in the school, which has made many students and teachers complain. To dismiss him is also to clean up the staff of our school. In my opinion, Su Dong made a wise decision. "
"Well, since you say that, I'm relieved." Su Fei nodded and then added, "let the personnel department inform Wang wenkun to get his salary today. In addition, the Qin Dynasty was appointed the new security officer Well, Qin Ling, remember to take a Blue Shield uniform and give it to the Qin Dynasty. Do it after dinner. It's not urgent. "
Blue Shield company, this is the security company established by Su family.
"OK." Qin Ling took a look at the Qin Dynasty. She didn't say much. She didn't care about the rest of her lunch. She went to deal with it immediately.
"Qin Dynasty, in addition to Guangyuan school, I have other things to ask you." Su Fei told the Qin Dynasty formally, "I want to leave the blue shield company to you. What do you think?"
"Ah?" Qin Dynasty shook his head, "can't, I guess I can't control."
I have a burden of the seventh subject on my body, and I may not be able to help Princess su. Moreover, the cultivation of truth is the first priority. I want to make more rapid progress before the Hongmeng Taoism meeting. Otherwise, take what to get rid of the pigsty man, the old man of thunder robbery period!
"Don't you think about it..." Su Fei seems to be a little disappointed, "the development of blue shield company has been hindered recently. It seems that there are other companies that have been doing the right thing with us. We have failed several times, making us very passive and greatly reducing our credit. "
The Qin Dynasty is still hesitating, Su Ji on one side glared at the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty turned her head and saw Su Fei's eyes. Her heart seemed to throb.
He remembered that when she was in the hospital, Princess Su wept for herself.
"If you don't want to, forget it."
Su Fei said faintly.
"No, no, I'm honored, really." Qin Dynasty said very seriously, "I would like to help you, but let me manage a company, I really do not have the ability. Well, if there are some big tasks with high risk, you can give them to me. There's no risk with me. "
The Qin Dynasty was very confident about himself.
"If you say so, I really have something for you to do."
Su Fei smiles and her eyes complete the beautiful crescent. I don't know why. The Qin Dynasty felt cheated.
"Recently, the government has to transport a batch of precious cultural relics from the seaside. What we have to do is to transport the cultural relics safely from the coast to Kyoto. Among them, there is a very precious cultural relic, which is the imperial seal that has just been bought from England. "
"What?" The Qin Dynasty was a little shocked. "Is the imperial seal really fake?"
"It's true, of course." Su Fei gave the Qin Dynasty a look of discontent.
"If it's true, then how can the security company deliver it?"
Some of the Qin Dynasty did not understand, "such a valuable treasure, at least the government must send troops to escort it!"
"This time, the government is carrying it out in public, to make the whole incident open and transparent." "In this way, you can prevent a lot of black box operations. In addition to the security company that can bid successfully, there are also agents of the government's own who are responsible for the delivery together. "
"I see." The Qin Dynasty nodded, "it's really a big deal. It's exciting. I'll take it
"Don't worry." Su Fei was smiling, waving her hand and saying, "first of all, we must finish it before you can take over this task."
"Tender." On the second day of the first lunar month, the imperial concubine of Qin Dynasty took out the official document bag from the government. Only the security company with the highest reputation and passed the assessment will get the tender. It's a pity that the reputation of blue shield company is very low now. It seems that we can't meet the minimum requirements. ""So..."
"So we turn the hand for the cloud, cover the hand for the rain, can you help to deal with this tender?" Su Fei then said her theme, "if we win the tender, we will be half successful! So many security companies, as well as government agents, must be foolproof! At that time, the reputation of our blue shield company will rise to a new height again. "
Qin Dynasty was defeated by Su Fei. No wonder that Su Xianqin, the old fox, would trust his eldest daughter to take care of many of his companies. It turns out that boss Su's head is really turning! Unexpectedly, I thought of using this resource.
"Well, what do you think?" Su Ji gave the Qin Dynasty a punch, "my elder sister asks you to handle affairs, you are not smooth and agile!"
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