Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1155

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Chapter 1155

Shi Ying wanted to hate the Qin Dynasty. She knew he was lying to herself, but she was scared to death.
The candle flickered, and Shi Ying seemed to feel that the shadow reflected on the wall had become very ferocious.
She hugged the Qin Dynasty tightly and almost integrated herself into the body of Qin Dynasty.
In the heart of Qin Dynasty, he laughed and said that the trick was successful.
"Damn, you, you know to scare me..."
Shi Ying recovered for a long time, her body was shaking, and she recovered a little bit.
It was a long time before she said that.
"Cough, if it's not like this, there's no atmosphere, isn't it?"
Qin Dynasty side hands slowly swimming in Shi Ying's body, while saying.
"Well, what happened later..."
After Shi Ying calmed down, she felt that the hands of the Qin Dynasty were acting on her.
Originally some hair cold body, suddenly became hot.
I haven't felt like this for years
She could not help wriggling and suddenly remembered that she was a widow.
She is not that kind of frivolous woman, how can she feel like this
No, no, we must suppress
By the way, by the way, the ghost story, and the ghost story, not finished
Therefore, Shi Ying tried to bring the topic back to the right path.
But two people's mood, has begun to be a little bit wrong.
Qin Dynasty was a young, strong and normal youth with strong firepower.
And Shi Ying, after giving birth to her baby, had just passed her lactation, and her desire for that kind of thing was the strongest. Usually no boy comes to tease her, but it's OK. Now being teased by the Qin Dynasty is just like a chemical reaction. It's starting to get more and more intense Probably, it's easy to stop.
"Later, we showed the video to the director. The director was also frightened because she was a girl. But she wouldn't let us make it public, but she changed our dormitories. I heard that the leader also wanted to arrange other people to go in, but after the video was released, no one was willing to wish that even the people in the dormitories around 106108 were clamoring to move out. As a result, in the end, the whole first floor was closed again and no one lived in it, so he would rather drop out of school and go home. "
"So much trouble..."
"It is Egypt"
the Qin Dynasty nodded, "the school once blocked this matter. Originally, all the third of us who were going to join the party were forced to withdraw their preparatory party membership because of this. My third brother is very depressed. He has been complaining about this matter and is still worried about it
"Well, then what happened later How to deal with it... "
"I don't know. You can't do anything about it. If you ask a master to do this, it's a school. It's a place where humanities and education science are promoted. It's not that kind of thing to get a mage. Therefore, it's not over. Maybe one day, the school will change its leadership, and the new leader will arrange some new students to live in due to the problem of funds... "
"So There are such things in your school... "
Although the story is over, Shi Ying is reluctant to give up the embrace of the Qin Dynasty. She hugs him tightly and sits on his leg.
"Well, what about your school? Have you ever had anything strange?"
"Yes, there are six famous forbidden areas in Fudan. Have you heard of them?"
"Ah? No, I don't know much about college. After all, I graduated from a third rate University. "
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"Well, I also listen to some elder students. Because I'm timid, I don't dare to go anywhere to practice. "
"Where is it?"
"The first one is classroom 309 on the fifth floor of the school, also known as the study room for 15 people."
Shi Ying took a breath and began to recall what her sister had told her. "The fifth floor is also called the martyr building because every year there are some students who jump out of the building because they can't think of it. I heard that there were only fourteen students who did not want to stay up late in the final semester. I fell asleep in the middle of the night and woke up to see a lot of people studying together. However, those students are all dressed in Zhongshan costume, and there is no sound when they open the book She counted and there were fourteen people in all As a result, she killed herself later. So, this is the famous study room for 15 people. "
"I'll go. There's such an interesting study room. Some other day, I really want to see it. "
Qin Chaoxin said that how could these dead students wear Zhongshan clothes?
I don't know whether it's true or not, but it sounds too fake.
"Well, the second one is the first floor water house of dormitory 58."
Shi Ying nodded and continued, "it is said that there was a student who went to the toilet there. As a result, the toilet was full of squats. He was anxious to pull his pants Hee hee... "
Speaking of this, Shi Ying couldn't help laughing, and she also spat out her little tongue, which made her look very cute. "As a result, she kicked open a squatting door and saw a headless corpse inside, which made her startled. Later, he found that there was no corpse at all. He didn't believe it. He squatted there every day. As a result, one day he was really in a hurry and squatted there to go to the toilet Guess what"Dead?"
"Well, how do you know..."
"This is how stories usually go about..."
"I hate it. I'm dead, but I fell off the water tank and smashed my head to death. Since then, no one dares to go there. "
"Well, this is boring. What about the third place?"
"The third one is more terrifying. It's the solar greenhouse in the backyard of the old biological building."
Thinking of the story, Shi Ying shivered. "I don't know whether it's true or not. Anyway, I'm not from the Department of biology. I haven't been there, and I dare not go there. Because it's the place for undergraduate plant research and experiment in biology department, it's spacious, with heating and lighting, so students of biology department often go there to read books
"Another senior student, who saw it very late and didn't know when he suddenly came out with big glasses. His whole body was covered with dirt. The old man is very talkative, like an old professor. The two of them have a good time chatting and chatting for one night. "
"Later, when the senior student went back, he told his classmates what the old man looked like. As a result, the classmate's face changed greatly, and he was dragged to the biological building. The senior student found that the photo of the old man was hanging on it. In fact, he was an old professor who had passed away for more than ten years. "
"I heard that the old professor's wish before he died was to bury his ashes in the warm room in the backyard of the biological building As a result, the elder student also disappeared. Half a year later, the warm room was renovated and his decayed body was found from the ground... "
"Well, it turns out that Fudan is not a school, but a Research Institute of supernatural beings..."
"What's more, where is this? The fourth place is room 115 on the sixth floor. Building 6 was built after the accident in building 5, but the classroom on the first floor was only 113117. Although 115 did, it was converted into a storage room. "
"The reason is that someone has seen a strange scene in 115, that is, a man's body, half outside, half in the wall. Later, I learned that it was when building a building that a worker's body was accidentally rolled into the mixer and crushed to pieces by the students At that time, no one knew. Later, when he painted the wall, he found his body had been stirred into pieces... "
"This is a little disgusting All right, next, next. "
Qin Dynasty is a little queasy. Two people haven't eaten yet. This kind of disgusting story is very uncomfortable.
"Next is the corridor of the old library building, also known as the staircase that never ends. This is the story of a schoolgirl. She came back from the library in the middle of the night. When she went downstairs, she could hear a footstep that seemed to follow her. She was so scared that she didn't dare to look back and ran down the stairs. But the usual five story staircase, actually went down more than 100 floors, finally went down to the bottom. As a result, in the mirror on the first floor, she saw the man's appearance... "
"What do you look like?" Qin asked curiously.
"I don't know. I lost my memory."
Shi Ying shrugged her shoulders.
"I'll cut it. It's not interesting. Next one!"
"This is said to be the most terrifying, the third computer room in the computer center. I heard that there was a computer teacher who was on duty in the computer building one day and had a nightmare. In the dream, a girl with a red scarf was crying bitterly. Then she told her that she was killed here at night more than ten years ago. In the past ten years, she watched the man rise to the top. Finally, she said melancholy, wondering when the man was going to make a great success... "
"And then?" The Qin Dynasty found the story interesting.
"Then the teacher woke up, and she didn't take it to heart. But the graduate students who often do experiments in the computer building late at night will mention that they can always see a strange girl wandering in the building. I can't see her face clearly. I just remember her wearing a red collar neck... "
"You Fudan is also very interesting Did you and your husband not go to those places to find out? "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"How dare you
Shi Ying shook her head, "that place is so terrible that I won't go. I went to school, not to practice courage... "
"How about a second tour of your hometown with me?"
The Qin Dynasty asked with a smile.
"I, I dare not..."
Shi Ying shook her head in a hurry.
"Don't be afraid of me."
"You're not good at Daoism..."
"That was before! I was not good at learning. Now, I can leave! It's easy to deal with those little ghosts and monsters, and you can also give them transcendence. This is also the way to accumulate virtue and do good deeds "
in fact, the Qin Dynasty wanted to increase the opportunity to be with beautiful women.
"Well, well..."
Girls have a special curiosity, and to the Qin Dynasty, Shi Ying has a blind newcomer.
Suddenly, they didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.
"I, I'll turn on the light, let's have dinner..."
Shi Ying felt the strong masculinity of Qin Dynasty and became more and more flustered. She subconsciously wanted to stand up, a hand, fingers touched the candle in an instant, pain she exclaimed."Ah
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