Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 764

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Chapter 764

"Too weak."
Qin Dynasty looked at Mo Tianya lying on the ground, but a light sentence, "if you want to defeat this seat, you can go back to practice for 3000 years."
"Damn it!"
Mo Tianya is shy and angry. He didn't expect that he couldn't even support a move of the Qin Dynasty.
One punch, hard hit on the ground next to himself.
Suddenly, the vertical and horizontal sword Qi cut the ground into a mess.
"When I was young, I had such accomplishments..."
A group of well-known and decent people discussed in succession, "this son, the future achievements, is limitless"
The young master of the Beitang family, seeing the Qin Dynasty, didn't know why, even snickered.
"Do you think it's a good thing that you practice so fast? One day, you will know how stupid you are
The North Hall bully murmured a word, only he could hear it.
"Why, why have I failed in my eight fold cultivation of golden body..."
Mo Tianya's face is a little pale, not very good-looking.
How could he not understand that the last time he fought with the Qin Dynasty in Shushan was less than a year. At that time, the Qin Dynasty was only able to reach the six levels of the golden body.
Now, how could you beat yourself?
This, this is just unthinkable.
"Don't you understand?"
The figure of Qin Dynasty suddenly appears in front of that Mo Tianya.
He stretched out his hand to grasp, Mo Tianya's body, unexpectedly flew up, floating in the air.
The mind skill, the mind skill of the golden body nine heavy, compared with the self weaker cultivator, all have some effect.
Although namotanya is the favorite son of Shushan, it is no exception.
"Because, this seat is better than you, and much better than you!"
On the fist of Qin Dynasty, there is black light.
"Go, full moon!"
This blow, in fact, hit Na Mo Tianya's body.
"Bang bang bang!"
A series of blasts, Mo Tianya's body, like a kite broken the line, flew out. At the same time, the body, constantly black light in the explosion.
Finally, when he fell to the ground, a huge black moon, like an energy ball, flashed out, pressing the ground out of a deep hole.
Mo Tianya lies in the pit, motionless.
I don't know if this guy has fainted or is ashamed to look up.
"Next scene, who else?"
The Qin Dynasty returned to the side of the stone tablet and was proud of all the heroes.
"The headmaster is so powerful!"
"We are worthy of being the master of our sect."
"Now, at last, we can make our best of ourselves!"
The disciples of luochamen admired the appearance of the Qin Dynasty.
These famous and honest people look at each other.
Finally, or tan Hai nodded, stood up and waved his hand to the body of his disciple in the distance.
The sword spirit flew out, like a hook, to hook Mo Tianya back.
"We have seen the ability of the Lord Qin."
After Tan Hai brought Mo Tianya back, he opened his mouth and said, "the Lord of Qin wants to set up luochamen, which is qualified. Therefore, we declare that... "
"Hold on!"
Just as the old man was about to announce his recognition of luochamen, a discordant voice suddenly came out from the side.
People were surprised to turn to see, good guy, from the southeast direction, Hula La, to a large group of people.
These people, each dressed in dark blue strong clothes, one by one, with magic weapons around them.
Looking at the posture, it seems that you are here to choose a place!
"Well, they are all one of the eight sects. We Qinghong Wuji Gang hasn't spoken yet. Can't headmaster Tan make decisions for us? "
The speaker was recognized by Qin Dynasty.
It was mukhan who was beaten up by him that day.
A lot of old men of this age, who are just in their infancy, still have the face to come here.
"Mukhan, I haven't seen Egypt for a long time"
the Qin Dynasty laughed, and then with a smile on his face, he said coldly, "why, are you here to fight again today?"
The Mu Khan said with a cold face, "Qin boy, don't think that if you beat me, you will be invincible in the world! Let me tell you, Qinghong Wuji Gang, more people than I have gone! Today, I am bringing people to teach you! Luochamen is a demon sect. It's out of place with my famous sect! All of you here, if you are still a respectable and decent sect, you will fight against the devil together
Mukhan threw his arm in one fell swoop. He had thought that this call could be answered by all means.
Unexpectedly, he held it for a long time, and there was no decent person to answer him.Well, I don't want to embarrass him.
"It seems that all of you here are going to get involved with the devil?"
A man in a green robe and a goatee stood out, looked around, and said, "since ancient times, eight generations of sects have been connected with each other. I didn't expect that you would yield to the influence of the devil's way today? "
"Qingzhenren, I'm afraid that's not true."
Tan Hai took a look at the green robed goatee and said, "today we are here just to witness the existence of luochamen. Since the Lord of Qin of luochamen has won us, he is naturally qualified to set up luoshamen. As a respectable and decent person, I have to count my words. "
"Jie Jie..."
And a man in a red robe, not too tall, also came out with a scar on his face. When he spoke, his voice was strange and his face was ferocious.
"Master Tan, I didn't expect that as the leader of Shushan, you would speak for evil spirits. Tut Tut, a thousand years of anecdotes, a thousand years of anecdotes
"Immortal Hong, you don't have to run on this seat with words."
Tan Hai naturally knew what this guy meant. He threw his sword and said, "if you want to challenge luochamen, I will not interfere. This is the enmity between you and luochamen. I wait, just watch, don't do anything. "
"Tut Tut, if you have this sentence, I'll convince you master Tan once."
One side of the green robe man, also said.
These two people are the masters of Qinghong generation.
The green robe is called Qingcheng, and the red robe is called Hongliang.
Both of them are masters of golden body six.
Today, I came with mukhan to make a big fool of luochamen and then destroy them.
Since ancient times, the eight sects have been the powerful sects in the Xiuzhen realm. And Qinghong Wuji gang has always been at the end of the team. In other words, they are actually the weakest among the eight schools.
These people of Qinghong Wuji Gang have been unconvinced.
Today, they are going to find a place in front of the Luocha gate!
"It seems that you are here to make trouble today."
The Qin Dynasty went forward two steps, and behind him, all the disciples of luochamen who had originally been divided around gathered together.
Closely following the Qin Dynasty are his several magic puppet beauties.
Xiaobai, Qiandai, Zhao Jingjing, AI Xiaoxue and Liu Ying are all here.
After that, it was mo Ling, with more than 30 disciples of luochamen.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Qingcheng looked at the Qin Dynasty and couldn't help laughing.
"Do you want to compete with us? Mukhan, let them know what the eight sects are
Mukhan responded and whistled.
"Brothers of Qinghong, come out!"
It doesn't matter that he whistled. Hundreds of young monks came out of the woods and bushes around him.
These practitioners, each with his own magic weapon, even surrounded the manor.
"Ha ha, it seems that you want more people to bully less people"
"Hey, talk about more people and less bullying with you demons. As long as you can kill demons by any means
Mukhan laughed. "Here today, there are five hundred disciples of Qinghong. Or, you will admit defeat and kneel down in front of us and announce the dissolution of luochamen. Or, you can wait and be killed
Mo Ling was angry, although when she was the head of the gate, she always took luochamen to hide in the East.
However, with such a chance to shine again, how could she give up!
Qin Dynasty took her, waved to her, and then turned to tell Qiandai.
"Kill mukhan."
Qian Dai nodded and took a look at the opposite Mu Khan. He slowly pulled out a long black knife in his hand.
"Ha ha ha ha! Are they joking? "
Mu Khan laughed at the fact that he was out of breath. Qingcheng and Hongliang both sneered.
In front of so many experts, you want to kill mukhan?
Don't say that mukhan himself is yuanyingqi. Qingcheng and Hongliang are standing here now. How can they let others do it!
But what they didn't expect was that the best thing for chidai was to assassinate.
Qian Dai listened to the words of Qin Dynasty very much. She had a long sword in her hand. As soon as she flashed, she rushed to Namu Khan.
"Come and die!"
Qingcheng's eyes glared, a hand suddenly toward the thousand generations and caught it.
"Dragon catcher!"
The Dragon catcher of Qingcheng is powerful and powerful, and the sound of dragon chanting is faintly heard in the air.The strength of cyan's Qi is also tumbling around, as if to scratch everything in front of him.
After all, he is a master of six levels of golden body, and Qiandai is caught by the Dragon catcher.
Qingcheng complacent smile, a force on the hand, that thousand generations of the body, suddenly turned into pieces.
But to Qingcheng's surprise, he didn't feel like killing people.
And the body that was broken, in an instant, turned into black smoke.
"Mukhan, take your life."
While he was still surprised, a cold voice suddenly rang out among the Qinghong disciples behind Mu Khan.
I don't know when a black woman appeared behind him.
At the same time, she flashed a black light in her hand, which made mukhan's head move.
The woman took mukhan's head in her hand. Then, his body flashed and ran back towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it, where to escape!"
In front of Hongliang in Qingcheng, he killed Mu Khan. What a shame to Qinghong!
Therefore, two people's bodies flashed at the same time, trying to capture the thousand generations of Zhu
but the body of Qiandai turned into hundreds. At the same time, hundreds of women in black appeared in front of Qingcheng and Hongliang, which dazzled them.
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