Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 847

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Chapter 847

"Please promise me not to hurt ordinary believers."
Every day, they ask the Vatican priests not to hurt the Vatican
"Don't worry."
The Qin Dynasty jumped into the hall on the first floor, stood in front of father mallog and said, "I'm not a murderer. I'm just going to find Argus to solve the trouble of angels."
"Well, remember your agreement with me that God is our witness."
Father mallog made a cross on his body and then took a sad look at the nun lying on the ground.
"She's still a child, not old enough to get married. Her heart is the wireless yearning for God and piety, just came here. May she return to the embrace of God, Amen... "
"The soul of an angel is so powerful that ordinary people can't bear it. But when the soul enters the human body, the original soul will be crushed and dissipated
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "now you know how crazy Argus is. If he is allowed to go on like this, the consequences will be quite heavy. "
"Come with me, young man."
Father mallog strengthened his faith and led the Qin Dynasty to the studio.
Pooh quickly followed and ran after them.
She hesitated to go to the Vatican with the Qin Dynasty.
Obviously, the level of the battle had left her out of the way. He was not afraid of death, but was afraid that he would become a burden of the Qin Dynasty, which made his fighting become timid.
"Pooh, you stay here. I'll leave the rest to father mallog and me
Qin Dynasty seems to see through the mind of Weini, explain the Weini said.
Vini is not that affectation person, hear Qin Dynasty say so, then agreed to come down.
"I'll go back to the dark Abbey and see if there's anything I need to set up."
"Don't look after me, Suu Kyi. It's time for me."
Qin Dynasty also no longer said much, followed father mallog into the studio.
Or this familiar studio, the painting scroll of Vatican on the wall is still so magnificent.
"Ready, let's go."
Don't forget the appointment, father Qin
"Don't worry, I'm a man of credit."
The Qin Dynasty nodded to father mallog and rushed to the picture on the wall.
Who knows, that wall trembled for a while, unexpectedly bumped the Qin Dynasty back.
"Damn it!"
Qin Dynasty covered his forehead, a little irritable, "old priest, you are not playing me!"
Father mallogue was also a little surprised, "I've turned on teleportation."
He said, touching his hand on the scroll.
"No! The Vatican has blocked all transmissions! I can't help it... "
Father mallog's face was helpless.
"Shit, Argus is a tough guy."
The Qin Dynasty disdained to curl his lips, "but he thought it would stop me from going to the Vatican? Every road leads to chrysanthemum. I have many methods. "
With that, he turns and rushes out of the studio and finds Winnie, who hasn't had time to leave.
"Wait a minute, Winnie. Don't go yet."
"Why? Qin Dynasty, how did you come back? "
Weini was surprised and didn't expect that the Qin Dynasty would come back again.
"The Vatican has blocked the transmission here. Go and buy me a ticket to the Vatican! I want the fastest. Go on
"I see. Leave it to me."
Winnie smiles. With the development of modern science and technology, this method of shielding the portal can't stop people. As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. She turned away from the church and went to help the Qin Dynasty get the plane tickets.
"Young man..."
You can keep the promise, father rogue
"Don't worry, old father."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't laugh or cry, "I said, I'm not a murderer anymore. Those believers have nothing to do with me. If we kill people, it will also have an impact on my way to practice
"Well, I believe you."
"You should have believed me."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "say, father mallog, do you know anything about the asshole Argus, can you tell me?"
"Argus is a complete religious lunatic."
Father mallog sat in the church chair, looking at the dead nuns on the ground, and his voice was full of sadness. "He never agreed with some crazy religious proposals. The former Pope, in particular, has always suppressed his proposals. ""What are the proposals?"
The Qin Dynasty did not understand.
"He wants another crusade."
When father mallog said this, there was a kind of fear in his eyes, "Argus, in those days, suggested that his holiness should use the power of Vatican to rule the whole human race. Now that his holiness is gone, he will certainly carry out the plan. At that time, it will be a real loss of life... "
"His wish will not come true."
However, the Qin Dynasty scorned to laugh, "it was not that there was no such thing in those years. The East beat the West in confusion, and then there was a later contract between China and the West. If Argus does it again, hit him again
"But the last time it was just a battle between the magic world and the Chinese Xiuzhen world."
The old priest warned the Qin Dynasty, "this time, the West will send out an army of angels. Child, do you know the hierarchy of angels
"I don't know. I just heard there are nine grades."
"Yes, the nine levels are just the ranks of the Legion of angels."
Father mallog touched his cross and said, "I can see that one day you will fight the Legion of angels. I'll tell you something about the Legion of angels, so that you don't know anything about it
"Thank you, old priest."
"Listen, the Legion of angels has nine levels. Among them, the lower angel has three levels, which are angel, archangel and power angel. They are angels who are closely related to human beings. They appear at the prayer of human beings and help human beings overcome various difficulties. Then there are the middle angels, which also have three levels, namely, the energy angel, the power angel and the Lord angel. They are responsible for the rule of the universe, separating the God's world from the human world and maintaining their own order. Finally, there are the upper angels, which are divided into three parts: the angel of God, the angel of wisdom and the angel of blazing. These angels serve on God's right and left, and take care of everything in the divine world. "
"So this is the level of an angel. The blazing angel is probably the most powerful. "
The Qin Dynasty had some understanding.
"No, it's just an army of angels. On top of the Legion, there are the ultimate archangels, also known as octagonal angels. There are five archangels, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel. There was Lucifer, but this angel has fallen into hell
The Qin Dynasty frowned, and he made a little planning. If the angel Legion is defined according to the golden body period, the lowest level angel is Jinshen Yizhong, and the highest level blazing angel is Jinshen Jiuchong. So, archangel, it should be the power of thunder robbery period.
In this way, I and Archangel also have a fight.
Of course, the premise still depends on the Kowloon ring road. If it's your own strength, you can also beat the angel of force.
The Qin Dynasty felt the Jiulong ring on his wrist and couldn't help feeling.
"So the archangel that appears today is just a little second-class angel. Above him, there is a higher level. Young man, if you think you can crush Argus' ambition, be more careful. You keep waiting for Shana. I'm going to bury the child's body in the back of the church. This child has no father and no mother. I adopted her, until now... "
Looking at marlog's lonely figure, Qin Dynasty didn't know how to comfort.
In the past, mallog's children were killed by the people of the dark Vatican.
Now, his adopted daughter died at the hands of the Roman Church.
Satire, great irony.
But this time, to a certain extent, it was because of myself that the nun died.
To some extent, I am also a disaster star
In the Qin Dynasty, a man waited in the church for a while, but father mallog didn't see him, but vini came back first.
"Tickets have been bought. The plane leaves for the Vatican at 12 o'clock tonight. There is a car at the door. I'll take you to the airport
"Thank you."
Qin Dynasty followed vini out of the church, outside has been dark, church in the night, it seems very gloomy and grim.
Outside, there was an inconspicuous Ford. Two people got on the car. Vinnie sat in the driver's seat and slowly started the car.
"Don't you say hello to the priest?"
Vini asked the Qin Dynasty.
"No, I don't know what to do with him."
Qin Dynasty thought of the dead nun, a little sad for the old priest.
"Martha is an orphan."
"She's been adopted by the old priest ever since the skeletons killed mallogue's daughter," she said as she drove. It's fair to say that marlog basically treats Martha as her own daughter. "
"I killed Martha."
Qin Chao sighed, "if I didn't insist on coming to the Vatican, she would not have been possessed by an angel."
"No, you don't understand."
Winnie shook his head. "An important condition for an angel's attachment is that it must be approved by the host. If the host says no to the angels, the angels can't come to them"Oh?" Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, which he did not expect.
"After all, angels and demons are different. Their rules are more and more annoying. Therefore, Archangel Xiuyi to come down on Martha, also obtained Martha's consent. That's why Martha's soul was crushed. This may be one of the reasons why marlog is so sad
"I don't dare to come back to Forbes church, anyway."
The Qin Dynasty still had a little bit of self blame.
"Think about business. What are you going to do when you get to the Vatican?"
"Hold Argus!"
"And after you catch him? What should I do? Do you want him to let you go? "
The Qin dynasty fell into silence.
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