Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 831

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Chapter 831

When Qin Yi saw the man, he was honest in an instant.
"Xiaoyi, you are naughty again."
Shen Qing held the bell in his hand, and his beautiful face was stern to his son. "He threw your Uncle Xu away again."
"That's Uncle Xu stupid. He can't find me all the time!"
Qin Yi said with a smile, "Mom, it's not my fault. I'm just a child's nature! Children are innocent! "
Qin Yi jumps into his mother's arms and is picked up by Shen Qing.
Although Qin Yi is intelligent and powerful, he is still a child under one year old.
"You child, Uncle Xu is going crazy looking for you. You still use this set of excuses to deceive mother. When you go back, deal with it according to family law. "
Qin Yi covered his butt, "I won't do it! I don't want to be spanked because I don't have Vajra Sutra! I'm so angry. Why did I inherit the Jiuyou Dharma, while the girl Xiaoying inherited the Diamond Sutra
"It's you who are mischievous."
Shen Qing slaps his son's ass, and Qin Yi shows his teeth in pain.
"Mom, I'm your son. Why don't you be so cruel?"
"Can I help you or not?"
Shen Qing blocked his son's mouth with a word, "and your father's virtue, don't accept people on the mouth."
"Hum, I'm better than my father!"
Qin Yi shook his little finger and said, "those little sisters and sisters on the mountain of Shu are all taken care of by me! Now every day, line up to give me candy to eat. "
Shen Qing slapped him again. Qin Yi cried out in pain, "you still have the face to say! My younger martial brothers and nephews come to me every day to cry! Next time you dare to go out and provoke other people's daughter, I'll smash your ass! You're not allowed to learn from you, don't you hear me? "
"I heard that..."
Qin Yi is honest. He takes the grass bell from his mother's hand and shakes it around and listens to the crisp bell.
"What's more, do you want to sneak down the mountain to find your father this time?"
"No, I just walk around."
Qin Yi refuses to admit it. If he does, he will be beaten again.
"Really not?"
"That's not true!"
The wave of Qin Yi is like a drum.
"But why don't you go the other way, but take this way down the mountain? Do you know that the only way down the mountain in Shushan is the plank road. But the plank road here is mostly the spirit of the monster, in order to test the strength of the disciples. If you can't deal with these monsters, you're not qualified to go down the mountain. "
"I can deal with them easily!"
Qin Yi shook his small fist and said.
Shen Qing slapped Qin Yi in tears.
"It's not going down the mountain!"
"Mom, I was wrong..."
"If I raise you so much, I will find your father! Your father is not a serious man. He knows to hang out with girls every day. You can't develop with him. "
"But why did you send your sister to Egypt"
"this is an agreement between me and your father."
Shen Qing sighed, held her son in her arms and said, "at the Hongmeng Taoist meeting, I want you two to have a try. If Sakura wins, it means your father is good. If you win, it means I'm better. Xiaoyi, do you want your mother to lose? "
"Of course not, and I will never lose to the girl Xiaoying!"
Qin Yi raised his small fist again, "no one can bully my mother, nor can my father! Don't worry, mom. I'll protect you! "
"Xiaoyi is good."
Shen Qing gently touched his son's head, "but how are you doing with that set of Dingjun eleven swords? Play the rainbow sword and show it to your mother. "
"Well, this..."
Qin Yi touches his head and makes Shen Qing cry and laugh.
"Well, I have embarrassed you. The strength you inherited is not suitable for practicing the "Ding Jun Yi Jian". What's more, I remember that your father also practiced the eleven swords of Dingjun, and only learned the first three swords. After learning the broken heart sword array, Dingjun gave up the eleven swords. "
"Mom, we are born with the sword array of broken heart."
Qin Yi said. With a wave of his hand, a long black sword appeared in his hand. "This is the evil king sword. His sister inherited the Chiyang sword. I've got 3500 now. Xiaoying that girl, I feel she seems to have more than 3000. But mother rest assured, my fighting talent is higher than Sakura. Xiaoying is not good at fighting... "
"What is it?"
Twins, brother is always the most familiar with his sister, "but she should not kill me, ah ha ha. So don't worry, mom. You've won this bet. "
However, Shen Qing shook his head and said, "put the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation on you. I may have made a very wrong decision Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, what did I do wrong to have a bad relationship with you... ""Achoo!"
Qin Dynasty, who was making a carousel, couldn't help sneezing.
"Which mm is missing me again."
He rubbed his nose and said.
"I don't know where you're in trouble again." With Qin Ying in her arms, Suji couldn't help giving Qin Dynasty a white eye.
"No, I am the purest man."
The Qin Dynasty said a word that even the mentally handicapped didn't believe it.
"My mother also said that my father is the most romantic person. After I go down the mountain, I must not learn from my father."
Qin Ying also said in a coquettish voice, which attracted Su's sister's approval, but made Qin Dynasty depressed and wanted to die.
My own daughter, how can I sink into the well at this time.
"And, Dad, it's time for you to teach Sakura skills."
Qin Ying's words stunned the Qin Dynasty.
"How old are you. You have to have a good childhood at this time
Thinking of his tragic childhood, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying, "my father, I'm very open-minded and won't put so much pressure on you. At this time, you will be happy to enjoy your childhood. As for those who practice martial arts, let's go. And you're strong enough to learn. "
"No, you have an appointment with mom."
Qin Ying shook her head and said, "at the Hongmeng road meeting, I want to compete with my brother. If I lose, it doesn't mean dad lost. "
However, the Qin Dynasty laughed, "the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation should be added to my children! You just listen to Dad. Have fun. As for the contest, let him. It doesn't matter if your brother wins. It's all about his family. What's the level of contention? "
"Well, well..."
Qin Ying knew that she could not say her father's, so she nodded and agreed.
Qin Dynasty is very satisfied, this is his good daughter.
Besides, he didn't know what to give to his daughter. Vajra Sutra, a natural four layers. Broken heart sword array, this girl also practices very terrifying. The power of God is playing better than her father. The power of angels, this Lao Tzu also has no routine
in addition, the Qin Dynasty only had the ability of jiulonghuan. But this is only for their own use, temporarily can not give their own daughter.
Take a look at Qin Yi's boy, Jiuyou FA Jue, broken heart sword array, devil's power and general mindfulness. He was in Shushan, and Shen Qing had to teach him ten swords. But because of the broken heart sword array, he couldn't learn this set of swordsmanship. But Jiuyou summoning skill and Tibetan sword skill are definitely learned.
It can be said that Qin Yi's power is more suitable for fighting.
"What an unreliable father."
Suji was beside her and said, "Sakura, mix with your little mother. Don't be with your father. It's time to learn."
Qin Ying is very sticky to Suji, which makes Suji very happy.
Su Fei also sighed that such an unreliable man in the Qin Dynasty had such a lovely daughter.
When the carousel stops, Suji asks Qin Ying in her arms.
"Sakura, what do you want to eat? The little mother treats you to eat
"I don't know..."
Qin Ying bit her finger, "when I was on the mountain, it was all cabbage and tofu..."
The food on the mountain of Shu is very light, which can be understood in the Qin Dynasty.
Because this is what the practitioners pay attention to. Only by having a light meal with tea can we not destroy the balance among the organs in the human body. Just like some people like to eat spicy, the more spicy they can eat, and the more greedy for spicy people, they often represent that there is something in the body. Only empty, will have the request, wants spicy even more.
"How boring that life is."
Suu Kyi shook her head and said, "since it's down the mountain, my little mother will take you to eat something good. Let's go to the barbecue
"Well, let's go."
The Qin Dynasty did not object to it, and naturally the imperial concubine followed.
A few people went to the outside of the playground. At this time, it was slightly dark.
They got into Jiang Dong's car, and Jiang Dong was a little sleepy.
Watching them bring back a child, Jiang Dong couldn't help asking.
"Oh, whose child is this? How lovely."
"My daughter."
The Qin Dynasty sat on the copilot and threw out a sentence, which made Jiang Dongmu gape.
"You, your daughter!"
He took a look at Suu Kyi from the rearview mirror. He found that the second lady of his family was not the same. He also made the little girl laugh happily. This guy can't help admiring him. It's really the Qin Dynasty. He's so skilled that he can train these girls so well.
It is said that men envy three wives and four concubines, but if the harem is in chaos, it is worse than life.
"Sakura, say hello to your uncle." Suji took Qin Ying's small hand and said.
"Hello, uncle. My name is Qin Ying."
"How niceQin Ying's crisp voice made Jiang Dong feel pity. "Let's go to Busan to barbecue."
Su Fei ordered.
Jiang Dong immediately stepped on the door, ready to start the car. At this time, a figure, as if falling from the sky, fell in front of the car with a bang, which scared the whole car into cold sweat.
"Lying trough, it's not killing me!"
Jiang Dong is most afraid. Fortunately, the brake was stepped on in time, otherwise he would have hit it!
The Qin Dynasty is to stare at the eyes, looking at the figure outside the car.
The big man in black is no other than a glutton.
"Gluttonous, get out of the way."
From behind the big man, came a soft and boneless voice, which made Qin Dynasty full of cold sweat.
It's her. It's her!
Taotie answered and took two steps to the side. The beautiful face of Qin yuan is reflected in her eyes.
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