Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 570

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Chapter 570

"Sorry, this book has been borrowed again."
In the library of MIT, Suu Kyi stood in front of the administrator in despair, pouting her lovely little mouth.
"How can I be borrowed again? I come here three times a day. Why is it so difficult?"
Suu Kyi is going crazy.
Recently, a young writer in China wrote a book called my beautiful teacher. A lot of people told Suu Kyi that the heroine was very similar to her. So, Suu Kyi didn't know how many times she went to the library to read the English version of the book.
But this book seems to be very popular, every time I come, it is in the state of borrowing.
Originally, the administrator said that today was the day when the last person returned the book. SUJ came to borrow it in a hurry. I didn't expect it, but I was empty again.
"I'm so sorry."
The librarian, who was already a middle-aged woman, said, "before you, there was a handsome young man who had just lent it away."
"My God!" Suu Kyi wanted to drop her schoolbag. "I told you to keep it for me I have been waiting for a month
"Sorry!" Su Ji shrugged her shoulders.
Suu Kyi has no words. She can see that the librarian should be confused by men.
She could only carry her schoolbag and walk out disappointed.
As soon as she stepped out of the room, a very handsome blonde came up to her and said with a smile.
"Hi, Anna. What a coincidence. I met you here."
Suu Kyi gave him a blank look.
"Yes, what a coincidence. You've been following for an hour and 20 minutes. It's a coincidence."
"Well Anna, I didn't expect you to look so good
Jim gave an embarrassed smile.
"Come on, Jim, if you have anything, I'll go back to my dorm."
Suu Kyi is really not very cold to this British Prince. He said that his brother was married. Why didn't he go back to find a princess or something? Why didn't he stare at himself.
"Anna, look what this is."
Said Jim, taking a book out of his shoulder bag.
Suu Kyi can't help but get angry.
Ya's, this is not "my beautiful teacher", I have been looking for it for a long time. I didn't expect that it was borrowed by this ya.
"Anna, I heard you've been looking for it for a long time, so I borrowed this book for you."
"Thank you so much, Jim. It's very kind of you." Suu Kyi is not stingy, she is very happy to take the book, and then from her bag, took out a bag of snacks, put into Jim's hands.
"Anna! Is this what you treat me to eat? "
It moved Jim for a while.
"No, it's for you." Suu Kyi shook a playful ponytail she had just made today, and said, "you ask me to read a book, and I will treat you to eat. Now we are two equals! 3q, thank you for your book. I'll go back! "
“NO! Anna! Don't do this! "
Jim is not willing to catch up and want to talk to Suzy.
And Suu Kyi is too lazy to entangle with this guy. She has not had a free day since she went to MIT.
Every day, Suu Kyi has made a flower garden for herself.
And the biggest headache is that this guy has so many fans. Everyone was trying to persuade themselves to be with Jim.
Go to his prince Jim, my mother is not without a target!
Just when Suu Kyi was wondering how to get rid of this haunting prince, a girl with red hair and very white skin came to her.
"Classmate, I've been looking for this book for a long time. Can you lend it to me first?"
The girl said, pointing to "my beautiful teacher" in SUJ's hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I've been looking for it for a long time." Suu Kyi shook her head very sorry. "But, I can give you priority after reading it!"
"Really! That would be great! " The girl took Suu Kyi's arm affectionately and said happily, "you should have a quick look. In return, I'll treat you to a cold drink! My name is Indy
"Good! Thank you very much. My name is Anna
Suu Kyi looked at the Jim prince, as long as she could get rid of this guy, not to mention eating cold drinks, even if she would eat nails.
"I'll invite you, two beauties. I know a good cold drink shop."
Before Suu Kyi refused, the red haired girl said in advance.
"We girls eat, what do you mix in! Go, go, go. "
Then she pulled some stunned Suji and left.
Suu Kyi is still surprised. In addition to herself, there are people in MIT who don't dump Prince Jim? Is this girl a lesbian?
Thinking of this, Suu Kyi couldn't help shivering and pulled back her arm which was held by Indy.Jim was also stunned. He stayed in school for such a long time, but it was the second time that he was rejected.
As for the first time, it was Anna, of course.
China is still in the daytime, and it is night here in the United States.
Indy takes Suu Kyi out of the library and onto a boulevard.
"Anna, are you Chinese?" Asked Indy as he walked.
"Well." Suji's reply is a little cautious. She always thinks that Indy is a bit strange. It seems that she is really a Lala.
"China is very good. Why did Anna come to the United States to study?"
Indy asked again.
"I can't explain this one sentence or two. In short, I will return to China in the end." In Suji's mind, can't help but think of the Qin Dynasty. This guy, what are you doing now? Does he miss me.
"So..." Yin Di suddenly said a word that made Suji startled. "Sister Suji, do you know a man named Qin Dynasty?"
"Qin Dynasty? You, you know him? " When Suu Kyi mentioned these two words, she couldn't help getting excited.
"Of course Yin Di nodded and said, "in fact, I'm a distant cousin of the Qin Dynasty. His aunt married to America, and I am his aunt's daughter. "
"Really, really?" Suu Kyi covered her mouth with a surprise in her eyes. "Well, I have to call you cousin, cousin Yindi!"
"Mm-hmm. In fact, I've heard all about you. Anna's father really broke you up
"My father In fact, it's for my good... " Suu Kyi's expression was a little gloomy.
Yindi looked in his eyes and couldn't help smiling.
"It doesn't matter. It's me. I brought the boy of Qin Dynasty to MIT just to let you see each other. "
"Really, really?"
Suu Kyi's whole body trembles, the whole person happy is about to die.
Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty came to America to see me
I waited so long that I finally got him
"He, why didn't he come to see me himself..."
"He's not very nice." Yindi said, "after all, it's you who made an appointment with your father. He's afraid that if he breaks the agreement, you'll be angry with him."
"This idiot!" Suu Kyi's beautiful eyes are full of tears. She reached out her hand, wiped away the tears, and then said with a smile, "idiot, I will be angry with him if he doesn't come to see me! Well, when I see him, I'll knock him on the head! "
"Yes, I'll teach this boy a good lesson then!"
Indy's snickering.
"Come on, Anna. He's waiting for you in the woods over there."
"Well! I'm going to hit him hard when I meet him Cousin Yindi, is my hairstyle OK now? Oh, I cried just now. Do you want to mend my bottom? "
"No, you are so beautiful that I am jealous."
Indy was a little impatient and took SUJ's hand and got into the woods.
Suji was full of excitement. She was dreaming about what to say and do when she saw the Qin Dynasty. Give him a big hug? Well, that's too cheap for him! Give him a big kiss? Hum, isn't it cheaper for him! Yes, give him a big mouth!
Isn't there a saying good, hit is pro, scold is love!
Yes, give him a big mouth! It's a deal!
Suu Kyi thought of this and secretly raised her small fist.
"Anna, here he is. There he is." Indy stops and points behind a tree in the distance.
"Qin Dynasty?" Suu Kyi immediately looked there carefully, but it was a little dark. She only saw some black shadows. Hum, this boy is still hiding. I'll see where you're hiding!
Just as she was about to go over and have a look, Suji suddenly felt a chill coming from her neck.
After the meditation period, there will be a kind of natural induction. When there is danger, there will be such a sense.
Suu Kyi subconsciously took a step aside.
At this time, a cold wind swept through her neck.
Su Ji was surprised to look at her, the so-called cousin of Qin Dynasty.
"Oh, dear..." Indy licked her sharp fingernails and said, not very happy, "did you escape?"
"Who the hell are you?" Suu Kyi knew she had been cheated, and the little girl was furious. It's really fuck. What do you do to cheat me? You even cheat me about the Qin Dynasty!
"Me?" Yindi's eyebrows picked up, and her skin became even whiter in the dark. "I'm here to kill you."
As she spoke, she moved, and instantly appeared in front of Suu Kyi. At the same time, the fingernail of the right hand grabs at Suki's neck.
"Oh!" Suu Kyi's action is faster. She reaches out and pushes. A white Buddhist seal slams into Yin Di's body, beating the woman away."If you dare to cheat my mother with Qin Dynasty, you can die!"
But without waiting for Suji to make a move, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the shade.
"Miss Su, get out of here. I'll take care of this assassin. "
It's a man's voice. Judging from his figure, he is still a young man.
As soon as he reached out his hand, the black haired young man suddenly condensed a long white ice sword in his right hand, and then stabbed Yin Di, who was leaning against a tree.
"Go away!"
Yin Di just suffered a loss and seemed very angry. He roared at the man in the air.
A sound wave burst out and the man's clothes were lifted up. But he was not in a hurry. He waved the ice sword in his hand and chopped the invisible sound wave.
But this also hindered his jump, and he fell in the air.
"And who are you?"
Suu Kyi asked the man with his back to herself.
"My code name is ice." The man waved the ice arrow in his hand. With a sense of chill, he replied to Suji, "I serve the organization. It is Mr. Qin who sent to protect Miss Su."
This ice is the man that Li Baishan promised the Qin Dynasty to send to protect Suji from skeleton damage.
He joined the organization in his early years, because of his unique ability, he is also excellent in the organization. Relying on this ability, he secretly helped Suu Kyi kill many skeleton killers.
But I didn't expect that this time, the skeleton of the people, even disguised as a student. And it's not just an ordinary killer, it's a vampire.
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