Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 872

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Chapter 872

With rod's sharing, the Qin Dynasty looked at this memory.
He was stunned.
Malgobi, what's the situation!
These angels are doing the same thing as the devil! They're trading souls with humans!
It's ridiculous. How could this be done by an angel!
"Yes, these angels, what are they going to do?"
Qin Dynasty was a little angry. He was a good child, but he became a murderer!
"Let me go!"
At this time, the field bound by the Qin Dynasty suddenly burst into a drink. A strong force burst out of his body. The golden light was everywhere. He pushed the flame palm away and struggled to jump to the sand behind.
"You devil, do you want to deprive me of the new life God has given me?"
The eyes of the field twinkled with anger, staring at the opposite man with black flame wings.
"You're being used by angels. Wake up."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying.
He couldn't bear to kill a student like this.
The boy was just blinded by anger.
Looking at the field, Qin Dynasty suddenly thought of his junior high school.
In my hometown, the security situation was not very good at that time, and the folk customs were fierce.
Therefore, children as old as them are fond of fighting. If you are a gang, you will fight if you don't like it.
In the Qin Dynasty, he was thin and small and was often bullied.
There was a fat man in the school. At that time, he took a group of people to bully the Qin Dynasty.
Finally, Qin Dynasty had a choice.
When the Qin Dynasty went to school the next day, he picked up a brick on the road and put it into the schoolbag.
At the gate of the school, I was blocked by the fat classmate and a group of people according to the Convention.
Fat classmate kicked Qin Dynasty to the ground, while he looked back and laughed, Qin Dynasty quickly got up, carrying his schoolbag and slapping the fat man's head.
At that time, the fat man's head directly bloomed, and the blood that came out scared all the children to pieces.
Only Qin Dynasty's face is bloody, ha ha.
Fortunately, even if the teacher who passed by sent the fat man to the hospital, otherwise the fat man would not die is also a dementia.
Because of this, the family of Qin Dynasty lost a lot of money and was beaten by the family. He didn't come to bed for three days.
Moreover, the school also expelled him. The Qin Dynasty transferred him to a school which was strict in the management of students, so he was much more honest.
Men, there are three blood, no one is willing to be bullied, no one is willing to be weak.
After the Qin Dynasty, he was also afraid. If he really beat the fat man to death, his life would be over.
After entering the reeducation through labor camp, he will carry the name of the murderer all his life.
Of course, it is different now. The Qin Dynasty has entered a new world, that is, Xiuzhen.
But he still adheres to the principle that he should not attack innocent mortals.
Life is very precious. Without it, there will be no second time.
"I was used by angels? Ha ha ha, it's so funny. "
The field stroked one of his wings and couldn't help laughing. "Although I'm still a high school student, I'm not stupid. I can tell right from wrong. Who is good to me, who bullies me, I see clearly. Those who bully me, they are all bad people, they die. "
"But have you ever thought that they are just like you, just children."
The Qin Dynasty stood there and said bitterly, "they don't understand many things now. Those people are just self righteous and bullying you, and they are not deprived of their lives. If you're a man, you should try to win their respect, not to kill. "
The Qin Dynasty felt that he was about to become a monk. He even guided people to be good.
He just, don't want this student to be taken advantage of by the angel. That's a jerk.
"What do you know?"
There was a roar in the field, the wings spread out, and a gust of wind, with dust flying around.
"Do you understand the pain of being bullied? Do you know the despair of your girlfriend betraying yourself and following others? You don't understand, you don't understand my pain! Only God, God came to save me! I'm going to kill the garbage, I'm going to clean the world... "
His words were interrupted by a fist wrapped in a black flame that hit him in the face and sent him flying out.
The field turned several times in the air and then slammed into the dust.
"Idiot, it's time to teach."
The Qin Dynasty shook his fist and said, "sure enough, you should wake up with your fist."
"Ouch, ouch!"
The field again felt the pain of being beaten, and he couldn't help but run away."I'm going to kill you, garbage! Go to hell
His figure flashed, accompanied by a white light, instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty. At the same time, a foot up, hard toward the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty.
And Qin Dynasty just stretched out his arm, startled easily to hold this falling foot.
Under him, the dust was within the reach of power, constantly spinning and flying.
"Go and wake up! Youth
The other hand of the Qin Dynasty reached out and grasped the wrist of the field. It was like throwing sandbags and waving it around in the air. Then, with a bang, he was smashed into the sand again.
The huge sandstorm rose, but the power of the Qin Dynasty was not light.
"Why, why can't I win?"
The field lay in the sand and howled bitterly, "I have got the power of God
Qin Dynasty a fist round in this boy's face, hit his nose blood crossflow, "you think, this world only you are the most painful? Think about the person you killed, his parents, will be painful! The pain of losing a son is a thousand times, ten thousand times more painful than you
With that, Qin Dynasty swung his fist again and hit him with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Wake up from the cover of angels, you idiot!"
"Asshole! Isn't power for killing? "
A mouthful of blood gushed out of the field, spit on the face of Qin Dynasty and roared at him.
"You fart
The Qin Dynasty gave him another punch, wiped the blood off his face, and said, "strength is used to protect important people! You don't deserve to have power
"I just want to be stronger. I just want to be not bullied! I just want her to look up to me again
The field suddenly burst into tears, especially fierce.
"Stinky boy..."
The Qin Dynasty lit a cigarette and said to the field lying in the sand, "but after you killed the boy, did she look at you with love and respect? It's fear, it's fear! She doesn't like you anymore. She's afraid of you. She's afraid of you! With such power, you are not the favorite of any God, nor the Savior, but a monster, fool. "
"Strange, monster..."
The field stretched out his right hand and looked at it carefully.
He recalled a scene in the cafe before that.
When Zhang Zhong's scum turned into flesh and blood and spilled all over the ground. Xinxin, looking at her eyes, is really so frightened, as if she is a terrible monster
"Originally, I am a monster..."
The field lies there in despair, with tears on his face, "I'm really a fool..."
"Come back, boy."
The Qin Dynasty put the cigarette into the mouth of the field, "just fall down like this, you will be nothing after. Now, I'm going to help you get rid of your power and make you a normal person again. "
"Come on..."
The field nodded, "but it seems that it can't be washed away. I'm a murderer."
"I'll help you with this matter."
Qin Dynasty said that he first hid the field, and then slowly washed away the memory of all the parties. It's a pity that Zhang Zhong can't revive himself.
It's a robbery in his life. Who makes him so arrogant.
"Thank you..."
Holding a cigarette in the field, he closed his eyes slowly, and tears began to flow down again.
"I just don't want to take advantage of the angels, the damned Roman Church."
Qin Dynasty handle, slowly put on the chest of the field.
He was going to use the nine hell fire to absorb the flame of light in the field. As long as there is no fire, he will become a normal person again.
But before he could start his magic, a white light came down from the sky.
In the holy light, there are many transparent angels of light, flying.
"What the hell?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but look up at the sky.
When he was stunned, he suddenly dropped a huge cross from the air, like lightning, and directly hit the body of the field, crushing his body, together with the cigarettes of the Qin Dynasty, into pieces.
And his soul was tightly bound up by several chains flying from the cross.
"Help, help me!"
The soul of the field kept howling, trying to break free of the chain, but could do nothing.
"Let go of it
Qin Dynasty immediately stretched out his hand and grasped the two people's high cross.
And the speed of the cross is very fast. In a twinkling of an eye, it seems to be taken away. In an instant, it flies to the sky along the holy light."Damn it!"
The Qin Dynasty immediately followed the flying, very fast, chasing the cross.
"Boom, boom!"
As if feeling the existence of the Qin Dynasty, the sky suddenly dropped a golden light cross to the Qin Dynasty.
The speed of light is very fast, the body of Qin Dynasty was hit one after another and fell to the ground.
When he climbed out of the sand again, the soul of the field had been taken by the cross and disappeared with the light.
On the ground, only a pool of blood was left. The fields, like Zhang Zhong, were also reduced to pieces of meat.
"Grass mud!"
Qin Chao was so angry that he hit the ground with a fist.
Sandstorm, suddenly lifted up.
These goddamn angels!
Even if it's the devil, the contract will last ten years!
But they were so anxious that they took away the soul of the field in just a few days!
Qin Dynasty looked at the sky, gnashing teeth.
"Roman Church, angel! Laozi, I will never let you go! "
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