Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1242

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Chapter 1242

Lilith nodded, then flashed, she suddenly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, a hand in the white light, toward the forehead of the Qin Dynasty.
Do you want to burn your soul?
Qin Dynasty heart sneers.
He held out his hand and grabbed the other person's wrist so that Lilith's palm could not be touched.
"Sorry, I don't want to die in such a beautiful place."
"It's a good place for you already!"
Lilith's eyes were shining, and her palm continued to press the power of the Qin Dynasty.
"It's boring to play with you."
Who knows, the Qin Dynasty is a shake hands, directly grabbed Lilith's wrist, and then let go of her body to throw out.
This Lilith's body directly smashed into the side of the single room, the whole room smashed a mess, the toilet was smashed.
The water in the tank kept coming out as if it had formed a small fountain.
Lilith was sitting on the ground, covered with lime and broken stone bricks.
She was staring at a pair of golden eyes, some surprised to see the Qin Dynasty standing there.
This guy, how could he have such great strength?
The Qin Dynasty stood there, wrapped in a white boxing set.
The other side, like himself, is the seven strength of the golden body.
This is the airport toilet again. It is not advisable to make too much noise. It seems that they should make a quick decision.
"Liyin, nishang, fantasy, Begonia Be my strength... "
Qin Dynasty low shout, four armor appeared on his body.
"You do have some strength."
Lilith's body floated up from the mess of the single room, looking at the Qin Dynasty, said, "but that's it."
With that, she had a golden lightsaber in her hand. She jumped over in an instant, and the lightsaber chopped at the head of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty subconsciously flashed to the left, and the lightsaber suddenly cut the hand washing basin behind the Qin Dynasty into two parts as if it were cut into tofu.
"The sword is very sharp."
The Qin Dynasty stood aside and looked at it vividly and couldn't help but praise it.
"The next time you're cut, it's your body!"
Lilith quickly turned back and swept the body of the Qin Dynasty with a sword.
Unable to dodge, the Qin Dynasty stretched out his right hand and tried to block the sword.
Lilith grinned at the corners of her mouth.
This invincible sword can cut the man's palm and body in two directly.
The Qin Dynasty's outstretched right hand palm, when a sound, actually seized the blade of that sword.
Lilith was stunned.
How could this invincible sword be blocked so easily?
How could it be!
What can resist the sword!
"It's boring."
Qin Dynasty stretched out a finger and flicked it on Lilith's forehead.
All of a sudden, Lilith's body flew out, directly smashed the long sink beside her.
One side through the magic looking at all this Argus, almost did not fly out of his eyes.
How could it be!
This is a superior angel!
The powerful superior angel was beaten by an Asian man, just like a dog!
Are you dazzled?
"Cough, you, who are you..."
Lilith got up, her mouth dripping with silver blood.
"I'm your grandfather."
Qin Chao flew up and chopped like a sharp axe, directly on Lilith's body.
The ground of the airport trembled.
People in the airport were scared and thought it was an earthquake.
But fortunately, only a shock, and soon calmed down, these people calculate peace of mind.
It's very strange that there will be earthquakes in southern Jiangsu.
It's clearly not in the seismic zone.
Grandma's, kengdai's Seismological Bureau, why didn't you report an earthquake!
No one knows that the source of the earthquake came from a small toilet in the airport.
To this end, the earthquake bureau for the Qin Dynasty back a black pot.
At this time, Lilith's whole body twitches and is trampled in the pit by the Qin Dynasty.
She was surrounded by broken marble floors.
These stones almost buried her body.
"With such a little strength, how can you be sure that you will die?"
Qin Dynasty looked down at Lilith, "or are you from the road of death?"
"Yes, hateful..."
Lilith managed to spit out a few bloody words.There was a flash of gold in her eyes.
The golden light came out and dashed into the body of Qin Dynasty.
But the golden light also appeared in the Vajra Sutra, which counteracted Lilith's holy light.
"Holy light Is it ineffective? "
Lilith was astonished.
"You did it yourself."
The Qin Dynasty says, raise a foot, want to come again earthquake.
At this time, Lilith's back, suddenly pop out a pair of huge wings, are two pairs of white feather.
As soon as she flapped the wings, she wanted to fly away.
"Want to run?"
She grabs qinlishi's foot and throws her hand out of the air.
Lilith felt her bones fall apart.
She was convulsing, but she couldn't get up again.
One foot of Qin Dynasty stepped on Lilith's back and grabbed the upper wings. In Lilith's wail, she tore the wings off one by one.
Silver blood, immediately sprinkled all over the bathroom.
"I, my God..."
Argus was watching with chills.
Why, how could there be such a terrible Asian man.
After the Qin Dynasty ripped off Lilith's wings, she grabbed Lilith who had completely fainted and sent it to Argus.
"See, this is the way of suicide"
he said, his palm turned into a black magic claw and directly penetrated Lilith's body.
Magic Dan crazy operation, this Lilith as a gold body seven master, the nutrition of the soul let magic Dan begin to shake.
In a twinkling of an eye, the Qin Dynasty only felt the power of their own inhalation, constantly expanding in the body!
With the breakthrough of the golden body's state of seven, in the blink of an eye, towards eight, nine!
At the same time, in his body, the golden light, the black light, the white light, three kinds of light floated out, constantly winding.
Finally, the realm of the Qin Dynasty, can be stopped in the thunder robbery period!
He himself was stunned!
Inhaled a superior angel, he even entered the thunder robbery period!
And the poor angel, before he had time to play his divine power, had become the ghost of hell.
No, she didn't even leave the dead. She was killed by the Qin Dynasty.
"You, you killed a superior angel..."
Argus watched Lilith disappear completely in the white flame. The whole person's face changed greatly and her body was shaking.
"Is there anything difficult?"
The Qin Dynasty clapped hands and said with a smile, "it's just a piece of work."
"God God will be angry. "
Angus, with his anger and fear, exclaimed, "you will be punished by God!"
"Whatever you want
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I dare to provoke the queen mother and empress, let alone God."
Argus didn't know who the so-called queen mother was. He thought, is this old lady at the same level as God?
How is it possible, how can there be a stronger existence than God.
"I see when you can be proud of yourself!"
Angus gnawed his teeth and said, "when the Lord Michael recovers, you pagans will all die!"
"If she wakes up, I'll send her to bed again."
Qin Dynasty clenched two fists and said coldly.
"Argus, you old man who likes to get out of the toilet. You remember, Lilith, it's the people of the Roman church who dare to offend me in the Qin Dynasty. I will not let go of any of you! Now, I will destroy your Roman Church
With that, he kicked Argus out of the toilet and turned away from the toilet.
At this time, Argus stood in the new palace, standing and chestnut.
It's terrible. This man is terrible!
Is he really coming to destroy the Roman Church?
He turned and prayed, looking at the figure hidden in a white light behind him.
"Lord Michael, you must wake up as soon as possible, or the Roman Church may be in great danger..."
"Don't worry, no one can destroy god's people."
At this time, a man in gold armor came to comfort the God's spokesman, "although he can kill Lilith, it does not mean that he has the power to destroy the church. If he dares to come, I will kill him myself
Then, behind the welfare column, three pairs of wings suddenly appeared, beating slowly in the air.
"Yes, the church also has Blazing Angels. We will not be afraid of any darkness."
Seeing the power of this blazing angel, Argus was a little calm.
Yes, there is a blazing angel, how can I be afraid of an Asian man.It is said that these are the sick men of East Asia. Even if the man is a little stronger, can he compare with the blazing angel?
Blazing angel, but second only to Archangel's existence!
"Welfare, the church is left to you to protect. May you be with the light. "
"In me, the father will witness my glory."
Said Foley haughtily.
"Damn the dark Holy See, it can't be attacked for a long time. It seems that I need to increase my strength."
Although the church's safety is no problem, the dark holy see is like a thorn in the heart of Argus.
"The other Blazing Angels are about to come from heaven, and at that time, the powerful army of angels will completely destroy the dark holy see."
And when Michael wakes up, the whole world will be washed by the apocalypse. At that time, the whole world will be full of God's people. Only those who believe in our God can live. "
"Yes, the glory of God will spread all over the world
Argus is also full of excitement.
And when they had the dream of conquering the world, the Qin Dynasty also got on the plane smoothly.
There are many beautiful stewardesses on the plane. The Qin Dynasty made a careful investigation. This time, there was no angel to make trouble.
In recent days, it is more and more uneasy.
The Qin Dynasty sat in the first-class cabin. As soon as his eyes were closed, he was ready to have a little rest.
But at this moment, his xumaijie suddenly trembled.
It's like the soul lighting lamp inside, the misty print is shaking.
These two guys, why are they so restless all of a sudden?
At a strange time in the Qin Dynasty, two magic weapons became quiet again.
Is it the ethereal treasure house about to be born?
I'll go. Don't be too eager to be born. I have too many things on hand.
It seems that someone in the dark heard the voice of the Qin Dynasty. After the two magic weapons stopped, there was no movement.
Qin Dynasty this just at ease down, began to follow this plane, a take-off on the high altitude.
Just when the Qin Dynasty thought everything was ok, there was a sense of depression in the sky.
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