Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 628

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Chapter 628

All the way, it was quite safe. A group of people, in a mighty way, soon came to the airport. They entered a special passage. On the vast airport, there was a military transport plane.
"Special commissioner, please board the plane."
An agent went to the red flag car and asked Xi to lead her to the cabin.
"The soldiers of the military district are only responsible for being here."
Li Dewang stood under the plane and ordered, "other agents and security personnel, please hurry to board."
With that, the old man also stepped on the plane with the help of two nursing nurses.
Qin Dynasty is very strange. This old man is so old that he has to be supported by others?
"Brother, do you want me to help you?"
Yang Li, beside her, looked at him with a smile.
"No more!" Qin Dynasty quickly refused, "I'm not the old man Li Dewang, the old man can't walk."
"Hee hee, Minister Li is not old either," Yang Li said, "but in this way, he can show his noble status, and he can also take the opportunity to take advantage of it. What a good thing to do"
"Damn it, this old guy..." The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and couldn't help cursing. It is estimated that among these people, he and Xi are the only ones who can directly scold Li Dewang.
"If you don't use the right in your hand, it will expire." Yang Li took Qin Dynasty's arm and said, "brother, don't use it quickly! Don't you look down on me. Shall I call you our most beautiful nurse flower this time
"No Well, where are the nurse flowers you mentioned? "
"Well, I knew that my brother was a sex wolf!" The little girl took a look at the Qin Dynasty, then straightened up her chest, "here, the nurse flower is in front of you! You don't know how to cherish it! "
"That It's a fine day today. Let's get on the plane
Qin Dynasty coughed twice and turned to the plane.
"Hello, Hello, Hello!" Yang Leighton stomped angrily, "what do you mean! Can't I be a nurse flower
"You are a bean curd at best..."
"Ah, ah, you are the bean curd flower, your whole family is tofu flower..."
Two people noisy, also on the plane.
That young officer, Xiao Zhao, is going to have a headache. Qin Dynasty this guy, occupy the public channel chat bullshit, on the plane and the little girl quarrel, his eyes, there is no organizational discipline!
What kind of security company should not be found this time? It's really a mess!
The young officer may have forgotten that if it was not for the Qin Dynasty, the precious imperial seal of the country might have been stolen.
Although there are AI Xiaoxue and Xi on board, which of these two women has nothing to do with him?
Everyone got on the transport plane, and the two security companies stopped here. Each company only sent three representatives to the computer.
Because the plane arrived in Kyoto, with the soldiers of the Kyoto military region taking over, there was basically no big problem. The security company is mainly responsible for the section from the wharf to the airport.
Blue Shield came from the Qin Dynasty, Chu mountain and Leizi. On the other side of Jinxing company, Ye Qing, Feng xiaorou, and a senior employee of Jinxing company who do not know each other.
Feng xiaorou is OK. Looking at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, although he is not very kind, there is no fierce light.
Ye Qing is different from that senior employee. Ye Qing is gloomy and seems to be brewing something. And that senior employee, basically see Qin Dynasty a few is gnashing teeth, want to come up to bite him.
Of course, the Qin Dynasty didn't mind biting yourself, as long as the other side was not afraid of being broken teeth.
"Brother, it's my first time to fly in a military plane."
Because she was an exclusive nurse of the Qin Dynasty, Yang Li was also qualified to board the plane. She looked curiously at the vast space, and finally curled her lips and said a word.
"Well, it's a pity there's no stewardess."
"You girl." Qin Dynasty helpless all, "you are not a man, what beautiful stewardess ah!"
"Although I'm not a boy, I'm starting from my brother's point of view! For my brother
Yang Li's words are reasonable.
"Brother Qin, I envy you so much..."
Leizi was beside him, sighing, "you've got on the plane with Yang Li. Poor me, it's just a temporary separation from my family."
"If you really miss her, I can help kick you down." Chu mountain hate teeth itch, mother, I am an old bachelor inside and outside!
"No Leizi said quickly, "if I want to go down, I'm also skydiving, ah ha ha! By the way, whether the umbrella bags here are enough or not, don't give enough points when something goes wrong
"Damn it, crow's mouth!"
The senior employee of Venus company couldn't help but scold.
"Fuck, who are you scolding?"Leizi was a little angry. This Venus company people, how endless, like a dog.
"He's a bastard. I'll scold you! If you have the ability to bite me
The senior employee pointed at Lei Zi and swore.
"You want to die
Leizi was about to stand up and was held down by the Qin Dynasty.
"The plane is about to take off. Take your seat."
"Brother Qin, that Bi Yang's provocative
Lei Zi was indignant and panted in his nose.
"There's no need to see them." Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "it seems that our quality is too low."
"Grass Mud Horse!" The employees of Venus company immediately scolded, "who the hell do you think is low quality?"
Feng xiaorou sat there, seemingly nervous.
She was afraid that people from the two companies would quarrel again.
Even if it's really noisy, it's the company's side that will suffer. Moreover, the Qin Dynasty how to hate, also saved her once, also helped her once.
Well, why is this so
"Just say you." The Qin Dynasty said to him, "if you have the ability, you can bite me"
The employee of Venus company was infuriated. He untied his seat belt and was about to stand up.
"Sit down the hell for me!"
Officer Xiao Zhao looked straight beside him, and thought that Jinxing company, you idiots, can't be a little bit honest, you must provoke that guy of Qin Dynasty!
Can you afford him, too!
At the end of the day, I'm still looking for trouble!
"The plane is about to take off. Are you looking for death?"
"Knife, sit down." Ye Qing also grabbed the employee, "what's the matter, settle the account after the task is over."
"Ye Ge, I can't bear this tone!"
The employee named Xiaodao was staring at the Qin Dynasty with gnashing teeth.
"Sit down! You don't listen to me? "
"Listen, listen."
These people seem to have prestige in their eyes. He spoke, and the knife could only sit back and tie his seat belt.
At this time, the plane finally took off, pulled up at high speed and drilled into the clouds.
Soon, the plane got into the clouds and finally calmed down.
At this time, everyone can also unfasten their seat belts and walk around.
"Come on, come on!"
At this time, Leizi took out a small box from the bag, "it's just four of us, get together a table, and come to the Three Kingdoms to kill."
The seats on the transport plane are different from those on the passenger plane.
Here are two seats facing each other with a small table in the middle. It's a bit like the hard seat structure of a train, but the seat is much more advanced than the hard seat.
"Three Kingdoms?"
Yang Li blinked her big eyes. "Do you still play this?"
"Why, you can't play?" Leizi asked.
"Nonsense Yang Leidun yelled, "when playing the online version, I still scold people and run away! That silly fork said that other people play rubbish, and as a result, he lost all his hands. I hate this kind of person
"Hey, it's better for us to sit together and have fun."
Lei Zi opened the box and began to divide the cards. "Come on, anyway, the plane has to fly for a while. Let's all pass the time."
"You're here on a mission Or a holiday... "
The Qin Dynasty was speechless.
"There are always some boring tasks." Lei Zi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Hey, hey, so, I'm wearing some entertainment articles. Brother Qin, damn it. How did you show your ID card? "
"I, I can't play..."
The Qin Dynasty expressed helplessness.
When you graduate from college, this game comes out. I heard it was hot, but I didn't have time to play.
"Hee hee, my brother won't!"
"I'll teach you!" she said
In any case, it was to pass the time, and the Qin Dynasty followed them to play together. But several times, he played the wrong card. When she was not a loyal minister, she mistakenly killed Yang Li, who was the Lord. When he was the Lord, he directly stabbed Chu Shan, a loyal minister.
"God, brother Qin, you really can't!"
Chu Shan is almost crying.
"5555, brother, you are my minister. How can you kill me! Lei Zi, the anti thief, has been stabbed into a drop of blood by me
"I, I don't know who's in the way..."
The Qin Dynasty cut down the people's line, let him calculate who is the anti thief, who is the traitor and so on, for a while and a half, really don't understand.
"Count me in..."
At this time, Xi unexpectedly came over and said to them, "Three Kingdoms kill Five people can play too... "
"Oh, of course I can!"Lei Zi nodded, "just add an anti thief However, comrade special commissioner, where are you sitting "
" I'll just squeeze with him. "
Xi pointed to the Qin Dynasty.
Everyone's seat is very loose. There's no problem squeezing two people up.
But Yang Li is a little jealous.
"Sister Xi, you can sit with me! Sit with my brother. He's so big. It's crowded. "
"It's OK."
Xi, however, laughed this time and pushed the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty has no choice but to move to the side, let Xi squeeze in.
I don't know what Xi Chang looks like, but her figure is very enchanting.
When she sat down, the Qin Dynasty felt a burst of softness, tightly leaning against her arms.
This woman, indeed, is very life threatening
"All right, let's deal the cards..." Xi's heart also with a little rabbit in the jump, since no soul, she felt like this for the first time Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "but How to play? "
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