Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 811

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Chapter 811

"Don't move the damn thing!"
After babrov shot the man opposite, he took Eliza's arm in one hand and a pistol in the other, and fired a shot at the ceiling.
Huge gunfire, so that the people here are quiet, all squat on the ground dare not move.
At the same time, outside KFC shopping malls, there are also gunshots.
The other pirates, too, are starting to do it.
These men drove the people out of the mall, and every floor was gathered together and guarded. Originally, this is a small mall. Now, there are four floors in total, more than 20 pirates have been sealed off.
"All of you are obedient to me!"
Babelov let the little princess sit next to him, while he continued to eat the hamburger. "If anyone wants to be a hero or escape, he will end up like the man on the ground."
Eliza looked pale at the Qin Dynasty lying on the ground, and said to her heart, is this annoying ghost so dead? When he was fighting with Smith, he was so fierce! A soft needle can be used to hurt people!
Well, no matter how hard she was, she was not worth mentioning in front of the guns. Eliza was a little sad for no reason.
But she was, after all, a Royal Princess. Looking at the Russian people who were eating at her side, she calmed down and asked.
"Who are you and what are you going to do?"
"Hey, little beauty, I have courage."
Babelov took a bite of the chicken leg, chewed the meat, and grinned grimly. "I'm bablov, a member of the dagger pirates! You should also know that the head of our dagger pirate regiment was captured by the United Nations army a while ago! I found you today to borrow you, a little English beauty, and change our heads back! "
"It was to take me as a hostage."
The little princess nodded, "then please take me away. Don't be embarrassed by these ordinary people."
"Hey, this is not good."
"These people are our chips against the Chinese government! With you and them, our bargaining chips will be even greater! "
"If you do this, you will go to hell."
The little princess couldn't help cursing.
"Hey, baby, you're wrong."
The Russian man sneered, "this is hell already."
He took a drumstick out of three, five, and two, and said, "well, to make you despair, I have to tell you. Mr. 007, who secretly protects you, has been controlled by our people. Hehe, that guy thinks, I don't know such a famous royal guard! "
"You, you caught Smith?"
The little princess knew that this time, it was a bit of an end.
"Of course."
Babrov said to the walkie talkie, "get him in."
Suddenly, two pirates pushed a man with ropes on his body and pushed him into the KFC.
"Princess highness?"
Smith was a little relieved to see that the little princess was still safe. But thinking of being tied up now, I am full of shame.
These pirates are really prepared.
I just hope that those people of Mr. Liu can do something.
Eliza quickly asked, "they didn't hurt you, did they?"
The princess asked, and Smith was more ashamed.
"Don't worry, this is also a very important chip."
Bablov said with a smile, "important chips, we won't break them easily."
"Don't think it's over if you catch me!"
"The Chinese government won't let you go," Smith said with gnashing teeth
"Ha ha ha, you are all in my hands, I am not afraid of it!"
Babloff laughed wildly. At this time, the alarm bell outside the window was loud, and the police had surrounded the place.
"Are the police here? Good coming
Pablo still laughed. "With them, the chips are important, don't they?"
As he spoke, he picked up the walkie talkie and said.
"Charles, the police are here. Go and talk to them!"
"In your words, you stupid pig! Look after the little princess
"Size, I hope you are hit by police guns full of holes!"
Bablov put down his walkie talkie and sneered.
At this time, from the sound of the mall, Charles that some of the sharp voice.
"Good afternoon, dear friends! Welcome to my Charles stage
"Damn it, this guy is here again!"
"It's like a draught recently," babloff said crossly, throwing coke on the floor
"Welcome to my beautiful farce. Let's enjoy the craziness together! Listen to the police outside. I'm a member of the dagger pirates, Charles! Now, I have one hundred and twenty-three hostages in my hand, and a Royal Princess and a royal guard. If you don't want them to have an accident, send for a helicopter immediately, with 50 million dollars in cash! I only want dollars in cash! I can't take it if it's too much! ""I just wanted to ask him why he didn't want $500 million."
Bablov shrugged his shoulders.
"And contact the United Nations for me! If they do not release our leader George, we will kill the beautiful princess, so that the British royal family will lose their future queen, ha ha ha! "
Charles laughed so crazy that Smith's eyes turned red with hate.
These people are really crazy.
At this time, Liu Chang hid in the crowd, heard the voice of the call, estimated the time, and secretly gave orders to the walkie talkie.
"SM, move."
At her command, a man squatting in the crowd of KFC suddenly flew up with a dagger in his hand. First, a flying knife was shot on the head of a pirate, and then the dagger in the other hand was stabbed into the chest of the pirate nearby.
By this time, babrov had already reflected and turned to point at the violent man with the muzzle of the gun.
But the man threw out his black coat and let bablov shoot him in the air.
At the same time, he flew forward, the dagger in his hand swept hard at babrov's neck.
But babrov, more ferocious, held out his other hand and blocked the dagger with his arm. Blood rolled down at the same time, a kick in the man's body, huge force kicked him to the ground.
"Good at it."
Watching the man fall to the ground, Smith and Eliza's renewed hope is extinguished by cold water once again.
Babrov stepped on the man with one foot, pointed the gun in his hand to the other side's head, "Chinese agents, right? Want to be a hero? I'm sorry, there are no heroes in this world, only clowns. "
Then he would pull the trigger.
Just then, a man behind him suddenly patted him on the shoulder.
The Russian man was shocked and turned to shoot.
The bullet, hitting a man's palm, did not bring out the slightest blood, and did not explode the man's palm. Instead, it was honestly held up, as if holding a peanut bean.
"Sorry, meal time is over."
The Qin Dynasty threw away the bullet, patted his palm and said, "should I pay this time?"
"See, hell!"
Seeing that the other side's forehead is safe and sound, and now he receives the bullet with his bare hands, the Russian man's head is covered with sweat, and his eyes seem to see the devil.
"If it's the devil, go back to hell!"
The magnum pistol in his hand repeatedly pulled the trigger to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to behave like a diamond gourd baby in front of so many people. He reached out and pulled the corpse of the pirate nearby and blocked him in front of him.
Crazy bullets, all hit on the pirate's body, blood large pieces of the year burst out.
The Qin Dynasty pulled out the dagger on the top of the corpse, then waved and threw it on the wrist of the Russian Han.
"Ah The Russian man stabbed the dagger into his wrist and the pistol fell to the ground.
"Go to hell!"
However, the Russian Han was extremely fierce. He pulled out the dagger on his wrist with his other hand, which was not seriously injured, and rushed at the Qin Dynasty, which was a bear.
The Qin Dynasty left the corpse and kicked the heavy body of the Russian Han.
Then, the Qin Dynasty stretched out his foot and stepped on the pistol on the ground. With the help of cleverness, the pistol flew up and was beautifully held in his hand. Then he shot the Russian man lying opposite.
Just now the majestic Russian man suddenly opened a blood hole in his forehead.
"This is for you."
Qin Dynasty lost the pistol, and then went to the body of the Russian Han, took it out of his pocket, and turned out dozens of yuan.
"It's 58 yuan. Thank you for your patronage."
The Qin Dynasty threw the extra money on the body and stood up.
At this time, Smith and Eliza, looking at the Qin Dynasty's eyes, already looked at the monster.
Although the man later used the body to block the bullet, but in a moment, he really caught a bullet with his palm!
Eliza is the most surprised, she saw Qin Dynasty was shot in the head, and then fell down. But this man, how nothing happened, not even a scar on his forehead.
Is he really the devil in bablov's mouth?
People are surprised, but the Qin Dynasty took a dagger, came over and cut the rope on Smith's body.
"You stay here and take care of the princess, and I'll take care of the other pirates. I thought it would be a holiday, but I didn't expect it would be so lively. "
"You, are you ok?"
Eliza looked at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, there is an incredible, there is a little fear.
"Of course, how can a charming man like me die casually?"Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "moreover, my meal expenses have not been reimbursed, I can not bear to die."
He said, glancing out at the crowd, and saying, "Charles, is he This guy doesn't want to play a farce, so I'll play with him... "
With that, the Qin Dynasty walked to the door of KFC.
Looking at the back of the Qin Dynasty, the little princess suddenly called out.
The Qin Dynasty turned and looked at the foreign princess with golden hair and blue eyes.
"Be careful."
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