Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1126

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Chapter 1126

Just as number zero was calculating how to escape, the eyebrows of Qin Dynasty suddenly wrinkled again.
He turned his head and looked out the dark window.
"Is there another guest? Tonight, it's really lively... "
As long as the personnel from mi7 and the organization will come tomorrow morning, they will not miss the opportunity of the last night.
what a group of hardworking people. The Qin Dynasty suddenly jumped back two steps and left the window of the moonlight.
"Bang bang bang!"
As soon as he left, the sound of heavy machine guns began.
The room was already very miserable, this time, even more tragic.
Everything that can be destroyed has been destroyed. Even the walls have been blasted by bullets. Fortunately, no one lives next door. Otherwise, other innocent people will be injured by accident.
But there's an innocent here.
The bullet was obviously unusual. Zero was embedded with warheads all over his body, one of which hit the chip in front of his forehead.
This intelligent destroyer also fell to the ground.
"Yin Yang bell!"
The Qin Dynasty knew that a bed board could not protect the two beauties, so he threw out his defense weapon.
This little black bell flew out. It sounded a few times and knocked the bed board aside.
Seeing the little bell in the air, Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are all in a daze.
What is this?
What a lovely look!
is too laggy, and the tiny bells of the two beautiful women are suddenly enlarged to a black bell size, and then they are covered by two beautiful women.
"Well, what is this How big... "
Zheng Siqi's voice is somewhat ambiguous.
"The Qin Dynasty What is this Damn it! Let us out
Cheng Yingzhi is still so roaring.
"Stay inside for a while, and you'll be released."
The Qin Dynasty did not have time to explain to this woman what he had buckled to her. Only by protecting them with the Yinyang bell, could he rest assured of the guests outside.
He put the bodies of No. 1 and No. 0 into his xumaijie, and then looked up at the sky through the battered window.
Under the full moon, several black mechas are flying around and constantly adjusting their direction. It seems that they want to launch a second round attack on the Qin Dynasty.
"The little devil is here, too?"
Standing in the window and lighting the black cigarette.
Below are a lot of onlookers. The explosion in the room of the Qin Dynasty has already attracted their attention.
If the security of the hotel was not put down by two destroyers, it is estimated that the gate of the Qin Dynasty would have been full of hotel security personnel.
"My God, what's flying in the air!"
"Mecha? Am I right? "
"You don't understand. This is the most advanced weapon of the island country. It was reported in the newspapers a while ago."
The people below were talking.
All sorts of unknown spectators were exclaiming.
Although it has been reported before, the island's latest weapon invention, mecha.
But this is, for the first time, seen.
"Do the little devils from the island come to join in the fun?"
Qin Dynasty smoking, said.
His voice, wrapped in vitality, was sent into the cabs of these mechs.
"Nonono, we are terrorists."
Long er, speaking poor Japanese English, said.
"We have been unhappy with you for a long time. Hand over the satellite weapons immediately, or I will order the destruction of this place!"
Long er continued.
The Qin Dynasty pressed his forehead.
This kind of poor English can only be spoken by island people.
This is a kind of The most powerless cover up
"satellite weapons? What are satellite weapons? I don't know. "
Qin Dynasty simply pretended to be stupid. If you want to play, let's play slowly.
"Baga Oh, no, fuck
Dragon two broke a curse, "you don't have to cheat us, we know the satellite weapon is in your hand! If you don't hand it in Ha ha... "
He said, holding a huge machine gun and firing at the crowd under him.
There were a lot of people injured in the crowd below.
Blood is flying and panic is spreading.
The crowd, who had been watching the excitement, ran frantically in panic.
How can these mecha shoot themselves?
It's terrible. It's better to run away from here!
All the onlookers ran away.The Qin Dynasty was furious.
"Do you really shoot?"
"Or do you think we're at home?"
Dragon two laughed wildly, "hand over the satellite weapon quickly, otherwise this is the hell on earth!"
"I'll give your grandmother a leg!"
Qin Dynasty suddenly jump, his figure seems to disappear out of thin air, so that the pilots in the mecha look at each other.
Where's that man?
Why did you jump down the stairs?
Do you want to commit suicide?
But there is no body downstairs!
All of a sudden, a driver exclaimed.
"Miyamoto, you, on your head!"
The drivers turned their heads and saw a man in a black windbreaker standing on top of a driver's armor called Miyamoto.
This man is the Chinese agent who just jumped downstairs.
He, how did he show up there?
"Baga, get off my head!"
Miyamoto manipulated the mecha, stretched out a robotic arm and grasped the Qin Dynasty overhead.
"Sorry, I can't go down yet."
Qin Dynasty looks cold, "because I came to kill you."
With that, he flew to the cockpit of the mecha.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Miyamoto laughed, "idiot, this is carbon fiber toughened glass that explains more than steel! How can you step on it when the bullets can't come in In the meantime
His triumphant laughter soon turned into a shrill scream.
Because the so-called glass that can't even be shot through by bullets was broken by the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty's feet, directly trampled on this man's face, trampled his head into a red and white object, printed all over the cab.
Without the driver's control, the mecha quickly fell to the ground and burst into flames.
But Qin Dynasty body leaps, blinks of an eye fell on another machine armor.
The other drivers were scared to death.
Lying trough, how could this man be so terrible that he killed an island's mecha with one foot?
This, this is too terrible!
Is this what humans can do?
"I'll pay for you, my people."
Qin's body stepped on the top of another machine armor and said coldly to the opposite dragon er.
"Bagabalu! Kill him, kill him
Long er is angry, this man, how dare to challenge the prestige of big island empire!
He must be killed!
"Kawabata, get out of the cockpit!"
He exclaimed.
But it was too late, because the feet of the Qin Dynasty broke the glass of the cab again and trampled the small island man to death in the cabin.
You have to get in the cockpit of this island country.
"Baga! Kill
Dragon two urged the team members to open fire together with so many mecha, trying to make the Qin Dynasty into a sieve.
But the bullets went out and all fell into the air. I don't know when the figure of the Qin Dynasty disappeared again. In a twinkling of an eye, it stepped on the top of a mecha.
And his hands, is no longer empty, more a black scythe.
The Qin Dynasty wanted to let the dwarfs of these island countries know their anger.
The black sickle swung down, and the pilot, together with the mecha, was cut in half and fell rapidly from the air.
"No way Why... "
Long er's eyes are a little dull.
"Because you've offended someone you shouldn't have..."
The voice of the Qin Dynasty began to ring.
His figure, again appeared on the head of other mecha.
Black sickle, like the scythe of death. Every time you wave it, it takes the life of a pilot.
The mecha, too, will be chopped.
Dragon two doesn't know why.
The island's mecha technology should not be invincible!
How can a man be beaten by the strength of his body without fighting back
All of a sudden, dragon two's mind, think of the man who once destroyed half of Tokyo.
He grew his mouth and looked at the sickle wielding figure.
Is he the man?
Only he has the ability to destroy mecha with his own body!
God, how could I meet him!
This man is not a man, he is a devil! It's the real devil!
Longer began to tremble. His eyes were filled with fear.
Ignoring those who were killed one by one, he turned the mecha's body and planned to escape the country where the devil lived.All the nuclear power inside the mecha is turned on, and the whole mecha enters the flight state of the highest speed.
Faster than the speed of sound!
In a few minutes, the sea area of the high sea appeared in the sight of longer.
It's been so far away that I finally left
The nuclear power was a little extreme. Long er turned off the acceleration engine and floated quietly in the air, panting.
Finally, I left that terrible place
I will never go again in my life
"Want to run?"
And just then, a cold voice that made him despair sounded overhead.
"Ah, ah, ah!"
Long er gave out a shrill cry, because in his pupil, a man in a black windbreaker and a black sickle in his hand was stepping on the mecha window, sneering at himself.
The cigarette end in his mouth was still slowly smoking white smoke.
Why, why did he follow!
Myself, I'm running away beyond the speed of sound!
Who can tell himself, what is going on here!
Who can come Help him
"Pay for the blood on your hands!"
The eyes of the Qin Dynasty were sharp, and the sickle in his hand turned into a long black knife, aiming at the frightened face of dragon ER in the cab, he stabbed it in.
Fresh blood splashed on the driver's cab window, and blood continued to gush along the sarcasm.
The last fighter pilot was also solved by the Qin Dynasty.
"It's all over now It was a hard night.
the Qin Dynasty took a puff of smoke and thought that things were at ease, but they didn't know. At this time, there was another storm at Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi.
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