Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1046

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Chapter 1046

Master release took back the hand on Yu Lu's forehead, folded his hands together, and sang a Buddha's name.
"Master, how about my sister Yu Lu
Liao Shasha asked nervously.
"This is the medicine drop of the head lowering division. In Nanyang area, those who have been treated by the medicine are basically equal to death. Because this medicine is an incredible secret recipe made by the head lowering master with unique herbal medicine, plus the scalp oil refined from the corpse of pregnant women. If you want to unravel the medicine, it is even more difficult unless you know the main medicinal materials of the secret recipe. "
"Well, it's hopeless..."
When Liao Shasha's eyes were red, she couldn't help crying.
And the Qin Dynasty also clenched his fist. If Yu Lu died, he let the whole family be buried with him.
"Amitabha, but one of my Buddhism is the great compassion mantra. As long as you use this great compassion mantra, you can dispel any evil spirit. Whether it's medicine or anything else, it's nothing
Release master blinks an eye to say with a smile.
When Liao Shasha heard this, she was relieved. She almost burst into tears just now.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help cursing.
Shaler, can this old man not breathe.
Before the medicine said so terrible, the feelings are to set off their own more powerful ah!
"Then please master."
As long as Yu Lu is saved, Liao Shasha touched her moist eyes and said.
"Amitabha, let others go out first. Benefactor Qin will stay with me."
"Master, can't I?"
Liao Shasha and Suji asked at the same time with tacit understanding. The two girls looked at each other.
"Ha ha, you can't do anything here"
the release master first said to Liao Shasha, "benefactor Liao is the daughter of Liao family. He wants wind and rain, but he can't help here."
Then, he turned to Suji and said, "although master sushi is an outsider of Buddhism, his Buddha power is still shallow, so he can't use much strength."
Suu Kyi was a little flustered.
I've been known that I'm a disciple of Buddhism.
"Ha ha, master Su, don't worry. I don't care about these love affairs. Naturally, I won't talk too much."
Hearing this, Suu Kyi was relieved.
"The Vajra Sutra of benefactor Qin can help. Therefore, benefactor Qin will stay, and others will have a rest for a while. "
Said the monk.
"Well, it will be hard for master Qin and elder brother Qin."
Liao Shasha had to nod and turn out of the ward.
"Be careful."
Suji also gave the Qin Dynasty a look, then left, and gently closed the door of the ward.
"With two beauties, benefactor Qin is so blessed"
the release master laughs.
"Master, don't make fun of me."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose awkwardly.
"I hope that benefactor Qin will not patronize these Orioles and swallow swallows, and ignore the little apprentice of the poor monk"
releasing the master has something to say.
"Well, it won't be..."
Thinking of Wu Xin who was thrown into violet, Qin Dynasty was more embarrassed.
"I hope so."
Release is just a reminder, and then turn around, facing the remaining dew on the hospital bed.
"Recite the medicine for a while. This medicine will certainly attract the attention of the head reducer. At that time, the head lowering division may launch an attack. Benefactor Qin, after you wait for the poor monk to force him to surrender, you should immediately protect the benefactor with the Vajra Sutra. Don't let her be hurt by counterattack. "
"No problem."
Qin Dynasty nods, also walked to Yu Lu's bedside.
At this time, Yu Lu, like a sleeping beauty, lies quietly on the hospital bed.
"Attention, I'm beginning to interpret the Dharma!"
Release Master said, hands together, eyelids closed, began to praise the great mercy mantra.
Gold Sanskrit flew out, constantly bumping into Yu Lu's forehead.
Coma in the dew, as if some pain, the body can not help shaking up.
Qin Dynasty is very distressed, can not help but grasp Yu Lu's cold hand.
But the pain returns to the pain, this effect is also very obvious.
A green and black smell appeared on Yu Lu's forehead and was being forced out.
It seems that the green and black Qi seems to be very reluctant, constantly twisted, want to return to the host body.
Although the release master closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the struggle of the green and black air.
The Sanskrit in his mouth is more intensive.
The green and black spirit couldn't bear the great sad mantra of an eminent monk, and he was knocked out by Sanskrit.At the same time, in the villa of Si family.
Wang Xinxin, who was resting in meditation, suddenly burst out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. Then he opened his eyes and screamed.
Her scream, instantly attracted the attention of other people in the Si family.
"Master Wang, what's wrong with Master Wang?"
Si Wuji and others heard the sound and saw Wang Xinxin with blood on his mouth. His face was blue and black, and his face was very ugly.
"The other party invited a virtuous monk and forced out my medicine with the great compassion mantra."
Wang Xinxin said with gnashing teeth, his face was ferocious, like a fierce ghost.
"What should we do? Have we done nothing?"
Mrs. Wang said angrily, "I'm not reconciled. I'll let those bitches die."
"Don't worry, madam."
Wang Xinxin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "I will detonate the medicine. Then, whether it is Yu Lu or the eminent monk, they will all die together. However, I carefully searched and refined the medicine, which is very precious... "
"Then please master Wang. We will reward you well. "
Si Wuji naturally knows the meaning of Wang Xinxin, and quickly follows.
"That's good."
Wang Xinxin closed her eyes.
It is the most economical thing to talk to a wise man.
With Wang Xinxin's eyes closed, here in the hospital ward, the green and black air quickly twisted up.
Then, a fierce ghost in the shape of a woman came out of the blue and black air and roared in a shrill voice.
"No, it's going to explode!"
Release master did not expect that the head lowering master should be so cruel, willing to detonate his own medicine.
Qin Dynasty sees this thing to not hit a gas to come out, paralyzed, is this thing pit Yu Lu!
"Give me a break
A white lotus flower flew out and nailed directly on the ghost's body, penetrating the other side's body.
The powerful Buddhist power attached to the sword immediately made the ghost wail.
Then, the golden light flickered, and the ghost's body twisted, and soon turned into fly ash.
"Little girl, dare to make trouble, do not know how to live or die!"
The Qin Dynasty snorted coldly and took back his own white gold lotus chop.
Master release blinked his eyes. Good guy, this guy has even practiced such a sword. He is worthy of his fate.
With the Qin Dynasty solved the ghost, in the Si family.
Wang Xinxin today's blood is not like money, but also spurt a big mouthful.
At the same time, her eyes, mouth, nostrils and ears, all shed blood, just like the so-called seven orifices bleeding.
"Master Wang, what's the matter with you?"
Secretary Wu Ji was frightened and asked in a hurry.
"I, my medicine, have been overdone..."
Wang Xinxin felt as if his soul had been torn apart.
Although self explosion will suffer a little bit, it is definitely not as serious as it is now.
Damn it, I made a mistake this time. I didn't expect the other party to have such a master!
"Well, what happened to Yu Lu, that bitch?"
Mrs. Wang doesn't care about the life and death of the headmaster. She only cares about revenge.
"Sorry There is nothing I can do... "
Mrs. Wang growled hysterically, "after all this hard work, that cheap woman hasn't died yet!"
"I'm really sorry..."
Looking at Mrs. Wang's appearance, Wang Xinxin's eyes flashed a sharp color.
"There's a good man in the other side. I don't remember my mana. If my wife wants revenge, I have to ask my master to come out. My master's mana is many times higher than I am. I have no problem dealing with several monks. "
"Your master?"
Mrs. Wang's face was sluggish and slightly happy. "Where is she? Let's go and pick her up."
Qin looked at the remaining dew on the hospital bed and saw the sleeping beauty. She blinked her eyelids slowly, and her fingers moved gently.
"She's OK!"
The Qin Dynasty was very happy.
Release the master's hands together, "how can there be no cure for the poor monk. How can a small Nanyang magic match my Buddhist magic. "
"Hard master."
Hearing the cry of the Qin Dynasty, Liao Shasha and Suji, who have been waiting for a long time outside, push the door and enter.
"Is sister Yu Lu OK?"
She is not happy at all.
"It's OK."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
Yao Jiang was removed, and Yu Lu's body was recuperated by the Qin Dynasty. At this time, he was very healthy.She seemed to have a long dream, at this time, the dream woke up, she raised her eyelids, looking at everything in the ward.
"Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty..."
Yu Lu gently spat out the name, "I, am I dreaming again..."
She only remembers that in her dream, she seems to have gone back to the days when Qin Dynasty lived in Liao family.
Two people buy vegetables together, cook together, and Coffee
If you can, I want to sleep in this dream all the time.
"Fool, it's not a dream."
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
Suu Kyi looked at the real side, this smart woman, from the two people's manner and dialogue, found the clue.
Sure enough, even Yu Lu couldn't escape from his clutches.
Liao Shasha was single-minded. Unexpectedly, when she saw her sister wake up, she jumped up and hugged her and cried.
"Sister Lulu, Wuwu, you finally wake up I'm scared to death... "
Yu Lu touched Liao Shasha's hair, and her eyes were full of softness. "Sasha, I'm ok You called the Qin Dynasty here. "
Liao Shasha nodded and said, "you've been in a coma for two days. The doctor has no choice but to look for elder brother Qin."
This Liao Shasha is much more clever in front of Yu Lu. Only in front of the Qin Dynasty can she unfold her arrogant, coquettish and savage side.
"It's hard for you again..."
Yu Lu nodded to the Qin Dynasty. Her eyes were full of strong attachment.
"I didn't help you either. It was the release master who saved you."
The Qin Dynasty was never greedy.
"Thank you for your help."
Yu Lu nods to the monk sitting on the side.
"Amitabha, don't take it to heart. I'm tired of the long journey here. As you say, I'm going to sleep under an overpass. "
Release the master, lift your feet and go.
"How can I do that? I'll arrange accommodation for the master."
Yu Lu said in a hurry, and then he would stand up.
"Sister Lulu, I'll do it."
Liao Shasha holds Yu Lu's body and corrects her color.
"How can I do that? You are the first lady..."
"Now there are no big girls and nannies, only sister Liao Shasha and Yu Lu."
Liao Shasha said seriously, "sister Lulu, you have a good rest. I'm not a kid anymore. I can do it. Release master, please follow me. "
"Amitabha, I will trouble almsgiving liao..."
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