Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 959

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Chapter 959

The Qin Dynasty was too lazy to eavesdrop on the battle of intestines.
However, there is some seemingly useful information.
The immortal emissary, the 999 Tianren pill
What are these, exactly? Is it possible that the Oriental family is still planning something?
The two people in the room are no longer talking, and concentrate on the beginning of the pan Chang battle.
The Qin Dynasty knew that there was nothing to gain in staying there. He turned around and gently left the room, and then came to the sky above the East Palace, wondering where Huaniang was locked.
However, the East Palace is very big. It seems that it is not easy to find it at this moment.
the Qin Dynasty looked left and right, and suddenly found a guard of the Oriental family patrolling back and forth on the road.
He had an idea and released a Luocha ghost. In a flash, he turned into the oriental cherry and landed on the ground.
Patrol guards, suddenly saw oriental cherry from the side of the alley came out, suddenly surprised, quickly respectfully line a salute.
"Elder martial sister Dongfang."
Oriental cherry nodded and her voice was colder, "take me to see Huaniang."
How dare the guard hesitate? He immediately led the Oriental elder martial sister to the house where Huaniang lived.
Soon, they came to a house.
Oriental cherry a wave, "I have some words to talk with her alone, you go down."
The guard left in a hurry.
And then the door was opened.
Behind the door came a beautiful woman, colorful robes, tassels, beautiful amazing.
"Elder martial sister Dongfang, I don't know it's so late. What are you going to do to find younger martial sister?"
"Ha ha..."
The oriental cherry, suddenly covered his mouth and chuckled.
"Why are you laughing, elder martial sister?"
Hua Niang wiped her long sleeves, and her face was indifferent, "is she laughing at me? Can't I change all this? If elder martial sister Dongfang comes to see a joke, please come back. "
"How can I see your jokes?" he said
Oriental cherry's mouth, slowly became a man's voice.
Hua Niang's beautiful eyes stare at the man in front of her.
"You, you..."
"Yes, I am."
Oriental cherry suddenly took flower Niang's hand, "this place should not be said much, or go into the house."
Said, also regardless of flower Niang's surprise, took her to walk into the room.
Then, with a wave of her hand, the door closed itself.
"Mr. Qin Is that you... "
Hua Niang looked at the Oriental elder martial sister. Tears rolled out of her eyes. "It's not the elder martial sister who is teasing me..."
"You, elder martial sister Dongfang, don't have the mind to tease you now."
The oriental cherry turned around and said with a smile, "she is now, but she is busy serving the candle dragon on the bed."
Said, oriental cherry's body suddenly turned into black smoke, slowly toward a direction of convergence in the past.
And the figure of a man also came out of the void and inhaled the black smoke into his body.
"Mr. Qin..."
Hua Niang felt that her body was shaking.
She had been waiting for the man, but she didn't want to see him.
Because she knew what it meant when she saw this man.
He really came
"My Huaniang fairy, I've come all the way to meet you."
"You shouldn't have come..."
With tears in her eyes, Hua Niang felt that all kinds of grievances and resentments were out of control at this moment.
"Nonsense, I'm not coming. Who else can save you! If you expect Bai Jiaojiao to be an unreliable girl, you might as well find a rope to hang yourself. "
"No, don't say that, Jiaojiao..."
Hua Niang couldn't help but look at a cabinet nearby.
Bai Jiaojiao's separate body can be hidden there.
Bai Jiaojiao is also angry gnashing her teeth. If she doesn't feel that she is going out now, she must bite that guy hard! Let him be poisoned by his own poison!
"Hum, I'm telling the truth. I'm a real man."
The Qin Dynasty naturally knew that Bai Jiaojiao was here. At his moment, all the evil spirits and evil spirits could not escape.
"Mr. Qin Did anyone hurt you all the way here? "
Hua Niang can't help but step forward and examine the injury for the Qin Dynasty.
"Hi, I'm fine. I stole it in."
"But I can't go out with you secretly..."
Hua Niang shook her head, stretched out her arm, and took off the colorful sleeves, revealing her white wrist.
On the wrist, there is a small dragon shaped bracelet."This is the green dragon pattern that elder martial sister Dongfang brought to me. As long as I leave the misty peak, the green dragon pattern will turn into a dragon and fly to the sky for warning
"Who are you going to sneak away with me?"
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "that candle Dragon Master since want big square square, magnificent marry you. Then I can't do any errands. I'll take you away with great vigour. "
"This, how this makes it!"
Hua Niang shook her head again and again, "you don't know, master candle dragon is already a great master in the period of thunder robbery. But not to mention him, there are countless masters on the misty peak and many real people in the golden age. Master candlelong married my concubine. There must be many experts. There are many difficulties when you want to take my wife away... "
"I don't care about his difficulties!"
The Qin Dynasty stood there and said haughtily, "I am a demon cultivator. The more dangerous the place is, the more I like to go! The more dangerous things are, the more I like to do them! If the world wants to stop me, then I don't care to fight against the world! Hua Niang, you believe that I am. I will fight you to go now if you continue to talk about it. "
"Young master Huaniang, Huaniang will not go with you
Hua Niang bit her lip and said pale.
For his life, I must be heartless.
"Don't talk nonsense. I'll pick you up tomorrow! At that time, I want to let all people know, who dares to move you Huaniang in front of me, I will let him face down! Whoever dares to move your attention, I will let him die back to his mother's womb! "
Although the words of the Qin Dynasty were very rough, Huaniang was still standing still. Her memory drifted back to the past in a trance.
The black figure, standing in front of himself, in a loud voice.
"Hua Niang, don't worry. I'm here. No one dares to do harm to you!"
Two figures, gradually overlapping, and gradually separated.
He is the Qin Dynasty, he is not that person.
"Wait for me. I've been out for too long. It's time to go back."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "this time, I came to the mountain as a loose repair. Hua Niang, if you work hard for another night, I will save you from this ghost place tomorrow. "
Finish saying that, Qin Dynasty body turns into a black smoke, not even say goodbye, directly drill out the door crack to run.
"Childe, I won't go with you..."
Hua Niang insisted, but the Qin Dynasty did not pay any attention to her words, has disappeared in the crack of the door.
"Young master You What's the trouble... "
Hua Niang, with two lines of clear tears, slumped on the bed.
Bai Jiaojiao jumps out of the cupboard and falls on her elder martial sister.
"Why do you say that? He came all the way to pick you up. He may be sad if you say that
"It's better to be sad than to die"
Hua Niang sighed, "Jiaojiao, do you know how many experts there are on the misty peak. He rashly came to save me, that is to fight against the whole misty peak. At that time, the four mountain protecting beasts will fight together. I'm afraid of him "No, you should have more confidence in him."
Bai Jiaojiao advised, "you don't know him, Xiaoqiang lives one. There are so many disasters and disasters coming, but we need to shiver. "
"In the past, though dangerous, there was still life in it."
Hua Niang shakes her head, "but this time, she'll die."
"Elder sister, you said that if you die, it means that there is still a chance to survive."
Bai Jiaojiao continued, "he will create miracles for you, so you can wait at ease."
"How can I be at ease..."
Hua Niang was worried, "I wish he could suddenly understand tomorrow Don't help me. Don't get in the way Young master Concubine, it's not worth your doing this... "
In the night, the Qin Dynasty flies at full speed.
He resisted the displeasure in his heart, drilled through the gap on the east palace gate and flew toward the south palace.
In his heart, he knew that Huaniang said such words in order to stimulate himself and let him leave the misty peak.
But the more Huaniang does this, the more he wants to show her that he can definitely save her.
Only myself can save Huaniang.
"Ali, how long is it
"Soon, master, soon."
A Li's voice echoed in Qin Dynasty's ears, "master, you can rest assured that you can bring this misty peak, a big surprise. In those days, the gods should know how to let them know
"Yes, I'll let the man in the cage have a good time."
There was a sneer at the corners of the Qin Dynasty's mouth.
When he flew to the most central ethereal palace, he suddenly found two familiar figures beside a pool below.
The curiosity of the Qin Dynasty came again. He could not help slowing down. He landed on the top of a man's statue in the pool and looked at the two acquaintances beside the pool."Brother Beitang, long time no see..."
"Sister Bai, it makes me think bad..."
Two figures, hugging each other tightly.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but turn away his lips. It seems that this Beitang batian was also a flower hearted ghost. On the one hand, he tried his best to make friends with Emei's dream, and on the other hand, he kissed me and me with Bai Ye of Jinxian sect.
If Bai zhengruo knew that his good sister met the young master of Beitang family at night, he would be angry and spit blood.
"I've seen you a lot again
Beitang batian put his hand on Bai Ye's small waist, with a smile on his face.
"They don't have But the northern hall elder brother's cultivation is more refined. "
White leaf's face is blushing, and his other hand is held by Beitang batian.
"It's not because of the golden lion."
Beitang batian said with a smile, "if my sister Bai hadn't passed on my first level of Golden Lion sword spirit, I wouldn't have made any progress..."
"Brother Beitang, don't talk about it again..."
Bai Ye was a little alarmed and put his hand over Beitang batian's mouth. "The last time I was soft hearted, I secretly taught the first layer of mental skills to the North Hall elder brother, which was already against the door rules. If my elder brother knew that, he would certainly waste my kung fu... "
"Well, well, I don't want to mention it."
Beitang batian turned his eyes and said, "good sister, you must be tired after coming here for thousands of miles."
"Fortunately, I met some people in black on the road and nearly died. Big brother Beitang, what is the origin of those people in black? "
"I've been looking into it too!"
Beitang batian clenched his fist, "these people dare to hurt my good sister. I will not spare them! Alas, however, the woman who is the leader has a high level of accomplishment. Yesterday, I met her, fought with her, and got hurt. "
"Ah? Is big brother Beitang injured? "
White leaf was surprised, hurriedly stretched out his hand to feel on the North Hall bully sky, "where is it hurt? I'll help you to have a look."
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