Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1273

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Chapter 1273

At the same time, all the people in the spiritual world noticed this scene.
"There is a change in the North!"
Tan Hai of Shushan looks at the north, and his eyes are full of surprise, "this power Will it be the Qin Dynasty? "
"Amitabha, there is a strong evil spirit in the North!"
Master Shitian of Songshan held a Zen stick in one hand, put one hand on his body, and read the name of Buddha, "younger martial brother, please send someone to find out what's going on in the north and whether there's a big devil coming out."
"Yes! Senior brother
Relieved to nod, turned out of the front door of the host room.
Not only Shushan and Songshan, but other major sects have been aware of this strong evil spirit.
Who on earth could have such a terrible evil spirit?
"What are you going to do, girl?"
Seeing that Princess Su stood up and walked towards the Qin Dynasty, Rodden was shocked and stopped in front of her with the Yinyang bell.
"I'm going to save him."
Su Fei firmly looked at the direction of the Qin Dynasty, slightly gentle in her eyes, "he saved me so many times, this time, it's my turn to save him..."
Rodden cursed, "you're just a physical fetus. What can you do! You can't save anyone. Just stay here! Qin Xiaozi can survive. He's the successor of this audience! "
"Everyone needs help from others..."
Su Fei is still so firm, "he needs me now So please don't stop me
She said, dodging the Yinyang bell and going on to the Qin Dynasty.
"Crazy, crazy!"
Rod yelled, "one by one, you're going to be possessed."
As if she couldn't hear the old man's voice, she walked to the side of the Qin Dynasty and gently surrounded the waist of the Qin Dynasty. The whole person was stuck on his back.
"The Qin Dynasty I need you, so please come back... "
At this time, in the consciousness world of Qin Dynasty.
He looked around, blankly, at the darkness.
"Princess Su?"
"Where are you?"
Qin Dynasty called for a long time, did not see anyone.
He kept moving forward in the dark, looking around, but no matter where he went, it was the darkness.
How could this happen
The Qin Dynasty was anxious. He was worried about the situation of the imperial concubine su.
At this time, a small spot of light suddenly appeared in front of me.
That seems to be the exit!
The Qin Dynasty was very excited and ran to the spot.
The spot of light gradually becomes bigger and bigger. In a twinkling of an eye, it forms a white exit, which is placed in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm back!"
The Qin Dynasty followed the light mouth and jumped out.
For a moment, he sat up from the bed.
Looking around the scene, Qin Dynasty touched his head.
How did you get here?
This is clearly his small house in southern Jiangsu Province. When the Qin Dynasty was a little confused, there was a sudden knock on the door.
"Bang bang bang!"
Along with the knock on the door, a little hysterical voice came in.
"Qin Dynasty, open the door quickly. I know you are at home! Open the door
Hearing this sound, the Qin Dynasty was even more surprised.
This voice, if you remember correctly, is Xie Wenjun's!
How did this former landlord come here?
The Qin Dynasty was very surprised. When he went down to wear shoes, he would go to open the door.
He froze as he passed the mirror.
Because in the mirror, his appearance, or once that some fat guy.
How could this happen?
The Qin Dynasty subconsciously aimed at the vase on one side, and wanted to move it with ideation.
However, after waving the palm of one's hand for a long time, the vase did not move.
Well, what's going on
The Qin Dynasty was stunned instantly.
Is it that everything before is actually a dream?
Wake up and everything is gone?
The Qin Dynasty found that all the vitality in his body was gone.
Inside the body, there is no Rhode, the legendary existence of Liyin
Is it really a dream?
The Qin Dynasty suddenly felt decadent.
Until now, he is realizing what is really Nanke's dream.
In fact, I am Or nothing
What godfather of Daqin Gang, President of Dafa group, master of luochamen
It's just a mirage.
After waking up from a dream, he was still the homestead man abandoned by his girlfriend.
"Open the door! I know you are at home! Grandma, open the doorXie Wenjun's voice continued to come from the door.
"Coming, coming."
Qin Dynasty shook his head, let his spirit for a while, this just ran to open the door.
Outside the door, it was Xie Wenjun, wearing a white vest, holding half a cucumber in his hand and chewing nonstop.
"Damn it, I knew you were there! When are you going to pay the rent this month? "
"It's fast. It's only these two days..."
Qin Chaoxin said that he was penniless, and he was about to be swept out of the house.
"Shit, I'm tired of hearing this sentence every day! I tell you, only three days. If you don't pay the rent within three days, get out of here! I'm upset to see you, poor B! "
With that, Xie Wenjun slammed the door out.
Qin Dynasty sat in the sofa dejectedly.
The dream is over, and the day goes on.
Look for a job. Find a job that can provide dormitories. Leave the house early.
Here, after all, is someone else's place.
Just when the Qin Dynasty was thinking about where the road ahead was, the knock on the door rang again.
"Dong Dong Dong..."
This time the knock on the door is very gentle, at least more than Xie Wenjun's.
"Who is it?"
Qin Dynasty sat on the sofa and asked.
"It's me, brother Qin..."
Li Na's soft voice rang out the door.
Qin Dynasty suddenly surprised, is it small Nana?
Remember, in the dream, little Nana has gone to university and become an underground couple with herself
It's a beautiful and flowery dream.
the Qin Dynasty rushed over and opened the door.
Sure enough, outside stood a pink cartoon pajamas little Li Na, this little girl, with a blush, pretty standing at the door.
"Brother Qin, I was reviewing at home just now. I heard the roar of your landlord He has a big voice
"I'll make you laugh..."
Qin Dynasty embarrassed to let Li Na come in.
Looking at Li Na's graceful figure, the Qin Dynasty suddenly remembered the story of her marriage in her dream
Suddenly, the Qin Dynasty blushed.
Own dream, is not too lewd - Dang a bit.
"Brother Qin, what's delicious at home? I'm hungry, and my mother is not at home."
Li Na bent her knees and sat on the sofa of the Qin Dynasty.
"I'll look for..."
Qin Dynasty went to the kitchen and looked for some dishes. It seems that I haven't bought them for a long time. The refrigerator is empty.
In the end, he found only a bag of French buns in the corner.
It's estimated to be your own stock.
"It's just bread. Deal with it."
The Qin Dynasty came over and handed the bread to Li Na.
"Hee hee, thank you, elder brother Qin. I know that elder brother Qin will not make me hungry."
Li Na sits on the sofa and reaches for the bread. Her lapel is opened carelessly, revealing a little greasy and bright red inside.
Qin took two deep breaths.
There were some rising trends in the Xiao Qin Dynasty.
Amitabha, Amitabha
The other party is just a high school student. Don't think about it. She is not the little lover in your dream
The Qin Dynasty recited the name of Buddha.
the Qin Dynasty suddenly covered his forehead and squatted on the ground.
"Ah, brother Qin, what's the matter with you?"
Seeing the painful appearance of Qin Dynasty, Li Na was startled and jumped over to help him ask.
"No, it's nothing. It's just a headache all of a sudden..."
Qin Dynasty also don't know why, the head will suddenly ache fierce, "may be a little cold."
"Oh, I need medicine for a cold."
Little Li Na immediately ran to one side of the drawer, to find cold medicine, "here, brother Qin, take the medicine!"
"You are more familiar with my things than I am..."
The Qin Dynasty took the medicine with a smile.
"Of course, because I helped elder brother Qin clean up the house."
Little Li Na also smile way, smile in do not know why, some complacent.
"By the way, brother Qin, this is for you!"
All of a sudden, she pulled a cut newspaper out of her Pajama pocket.
The Qin Dynasty took a look, it was full of recruitment information.
"This is..."
"Brother Qin, this is the life newspaper I bought today. There are several jobs on it that seem very good. Look, I have marked them in red ink!"
"I've been helping elder brother Qin pick it up for a long time," said Li Na, who offered his treasure"You study so hard and you have to help me find a job. It's really a pretty girl who can't help me..."
The Qin Dynasty held out her hand and scratched Li Na's nose.
"Go, it's said not to shave my nose..."
Li Na pushed away the talons of the Qin Dynasty, "how to deal with it if it collapses?"
"It's collapsed. My little Nana is as good-looking."
Qin Dynasty in accordance with his dream appearance, subconsciously on a joke.
"Fuck you Who is your little Nana Brother Qin is really annoying. I don't care about you! "
Li Na's face suddenly turned red and ran out of the house of the Qin Dynasty, like a frightened deer.
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said, "I forgot. I accidentally put out the words in my dream Now, little Li Na can't be angry with me Well, I'm stupid
He shook his head and sat down on the sofa with his eyes on the newspaper.
There are a lot of recruitment information on it.
Various, such as sales, administrative assistants, a lot of them.
It's not hard to find a job. The key is to find a job.
There are a few red markers on it. Remember, it's really good.
Unfortunately, many of them require CET-4 and so on.
In addition to their own English can be said to be a few basic words, it can be said that is completely ignorant.
Qin Dynasty is very helpless, continue to look down.
"My God!"
Suddenly, his eyes almost fell out.
A piece of news in the newspaper caught his attention.
It was clearly printed with a row of small characters.
"Guangyuan College of Southern Jiangsu is looking for student counselors..."
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