Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 637

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Chapter 637

Rouge is very powerful. With her flexible hand and anger, she has no power to fight back at a super corpse king.
"Look at my left hook! Right hook! Hook! Hook! Ah, ah, ah, again Tianma meteor boxing! "
Rouge didn't know how many punches he had hit each other. Anyway, he didn't know that he was tired. As long as Xi's vitality was enough, he could run away at will.
This Rouge stayed in the island country with the Qin Dynasty for a period of time, but did not learn the others. Instead, he studied Liu Jiaquan. He swam in the middle of several super corpse kings. The Dragon King Kaitian in his hand, what kind of Dragon King travels and so on, plays like a real one.
For a while, it is to let those super corpse king be hit dizzy.
"Besiege." Shen Dong sits there and orders.
The order was immediately passed down. Suddenly, the people of the gate of Yama gate began to control more super corpses and began to besiege rouge.
"I'll go to your uncle and play the sea of people tactics with me, right?"
As soon as rouge's eyes swept, she saw the two octagonal copper hammers that had fallen on the ground. She immediately jumped over and picked up the hammer and held it in her hands.
"Wow, I'll show you today. You're so good at Rouge!"
Said, as if carrying two firecrackers like, waving two sledgehammers, into the super corpse king group. These two sledgehammers are called happy. You can beat a corpse with a super hammer.
But those super corpse King's claws scratch on his body, is blocked by his yuan Qi shield. Wish for a time, this Rouge has become a character like Zhao Zilong, killing seven in seven out.
Because Rouge gathered around most of the super corpse king, Hu Qing side, it is to reduce part of the pressure.
"Do I have a bunch of trash under my hands?"
Shen Dongqi crushed the teacup, "can't you use your brain?"
Shen Dong said, personally controlling a super corpse king, and then passed on his ideas.
A super corpse king, suddenly standing in place, put his hands into the sand under his body. Then, a pair of hands came out of the Rouge's body, and grabbed his wrist, so a twist.
Rouge is just about to run forward and beat a super corpse king. With these hands, she immediately pulls him to the ground.
"Shit, what the hell!"
Before he got up, several super corpses had been pressed on him. These super corpses, meanwhile, open their mouths and aim at rouge.
A large group of fierce ghosts were released and rushed into the body of the corpse king with rouge.
Rouge wailed and was quickly pushed out.
He was transformed into a Pink Cosmetic Case and floated in the air.
"Rouge, come back!"
Hee knew that his plan had been destroyed.
But Rouge didn't listen to her. This guy turned around in the air and suddenly his eyes fell on a far away place.
A golden light lit up on him.
"Great, that's it! Only that is what I need With that, he turned into a golden light and flew to the depth of the desert.
Xi heart surprised, this Rouge do not know how, with the Qin Dynasty, even for the first time did not listen to their own words!
And at this time, more super corpse king, toward Xi.
"Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals!"
Xi also spilled beans on the ground and turned into more than ten golden armour generals, carrying Fang Tian Hua halberd and rushed over.
But these golden armour generals, in front of the super corpse king, are vulnerable and can not withstand several rounds of attacks. This let Xi eyebrow not to show, she touched the wrist of the Kowloon ring, is it, want to launch Jiulong Shenyou?
But in this case, the movement caused will surely lead to the group of fierce animals in Shanhai tomb! In this way, it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst!
I can't help it. It's time to resist for a while!
Xi suddenly flew forward, in the super corpse king group, took out a spell, threw it into the air, and then quickly returned to the Qin Dynasty.
"The curse of five thunders!"
The charms are spinning in the direction of a phalanx. But at this time, the sky suddenly overcast, a thick thunder and lightning, suddenly fell, fell in those super corpse king group.
The thunder, so that the people present, some can not help but cover their ears.
Several super corpses, scorched and black, fell to the ground. But soon, the ability of demon wings to regroup allowed them to get up again.
"Ha ha ha, you stupid woman!" Shen Dong sat in his chair and couldn't help laughing, "any means you take will have no effect on my super corpse army! When I wait for Hongmeng Taoist Association, I will use these super corpse King legions to subvert the whole Xiuzhen world
"A fool talks about dreams!"
Xi couldn't help but snorted coldly, "there are countless masters in the Xiuzhen world. If you send out a big master in the thunder robbery period, you can kill these little things in the invisible"Nonono, these are just my little soldiers." Shen Dong laughed, "do you know how to play chess? There are not only pawns in a chess game. I also have chariots, chariots, even marshals
Xi's heart was startled. Listening to Shen Dong's tone, Yan Luomen's strength now seems to be very strong.
Are these super corpses just pawns?
"Shen Dong, you are not afraid of the wind, your tongue is flashing!"
Hu Qing beat back a corpse king with her whip, and sneered sarcastically, "if you really have such a powerful power, you would have taken it out to sweep other people's sects long ago!"
"Well, it's still under study, but it's going to show up soon!"
Shen Dong's face turned blue. "That will be your nightmare! It's a pity that you won't live to that time. Release the mutant corpse king and let them see the power of our Yama before they die. "
One of his men nodded and took out a black jade pendant from his arms.
This jade pendant seems to be a magic weapon used to control the corpse king.
From the sand, suddenly two corpse kings came out. However, these two corpse kings are somewhat different in form. One had red hair and was red all over; the other had blue hair and was purple all over.
"This is our ice fire double evil spirit, ha ha ha, have a good taste!"
The two mutant corpses Wang Dun ran up and attacked Xi and Hu Qing respectively.
Where the king's feet burn. And the place where the blue corpse King stepped on, there was ice. No wonder, Shen Dong will call them ice fire double evils.
The red corpse King ran to Xi's body, suddenly jumped up, and then with a red flame, hit her head.
"Heavenly Master's talisman!"
Xi tried his best to throw a spell.
The spell combined into a larger spell, turned into a golden light, and hit the red corpse king.
But the charm power of Xi is far from that of Li Baishan.
"Click!" A sound, that day Division Fu unexpectedly by the red Zombie's flame to break, then smashed down.
Xi did not hesitate to copy the Qin Dynasty, and then flew back and forth.
The red zombie fell to the ground, smashing the ground out of a burning pit.
It missed a move, roared angrily, waved its flaming arms, and approached Xi.
Hu Qing's side is not easy. Where the blue corpse King ran, it would be frozen. Hu Lili, who is the lowest in cultivation, seems to have been unable to support her, and her mouth is purple.
"Wolf, you are the fastest. Take the little alliance leader with you
Nine days with a big sword to block the king's attack, his sword, constantly blowing up broken ice. Their hands are also frozen to be stiff, but still adhere to.
"There are super corpses all around me. I can't get out at all!"
The wolf's claw flies a super corpse king, but is blocked back by more.
"I'll open the way for you!"
Nine days spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, the Red Mansions fall all over the sky and gather in his sword.
"Endless Shura sword!"
Red whirlwind swept out, immediately in front of a row of super corpse King smashed.
The wolf seized the gap, picked up Hu Lili, shivering with cold, and ran out of the gap.
When he just ran out for two steps, a dark shadow flashed in front of him. Then, a black Zombie seems to come out of the void, a claw on his body.
The wolf screamed and fell to the ground. Hu Lili, too, was thrown out.
"Hehe, do you think you can escape?"
Shen Dong laughed, "I have not only ice and fire double evil spirits, but also shadow corpse king. Enjoy the feast, but this time you are not guests, but food. "
The shadow corpse king was about to bite Hu Lili on the ground.
At this time, a missile suddenly fell from the sky and hit the shadow corpse king.
The huge fire waves were flying around, and the shadow corpse king was fried into flesh.
Then, with a bang, a huge metal foot stepped on the top of the mud.
"Hey, my uncle is back again!"
The wolf looked up and was speechless in surprise.
There was a huge airplane robot standing there. There was a painted face on that chest.
Xi was also surprised. Unexpectedly, rouge ran to find the wreckage of the fallen plane.
"Hey, this is my favorite body!"
Rouge waved a huge metal arm, took out a giant machine gun, and fired at the super corpse on the ground. Bullet rain, those who beat the king of corpses to retreat.But even if the corpse king was broken, they would regroup their bodies and rush towards rouge.
"Damn it, what a nuisance!" Rouge couldn't help shouting, "if there were railguns, it would be his mother's good!"
Rouge kept shooting, but it could only stop for a while.
Hu Lili was just the flame explosion fly far away, unexpectedly fell on the side of the Qin Dynasty.
She struggled and climbed towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Qin Dynasty, come back, you are needed here..."
Her lips, gently pressed on the Qin Dynasty's mouth.
Enchanted soul sucking method, let Hu Lili use it in turn. The reason why she grabbed Yuan Ying and magic Dan from Qin Dynasty was to fight for returning it to him.
At this moment, her goal was finally achieved.
In a state of bewilderment in the Qin Dynasty, Yuanying and Mudan returned to his body. Full of vitality, awakened again.
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