Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 862

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Chapter 862

The old monster's body trembled. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't because the Qin Dynasty had sealed all his senses. But the pain, it is from the soul, the pain is incredible.
Qin Yi's magic elixir whirled quickly. After a while, he sucked in all the old monster's yuan babies, turned into his own vitality, and kept swimming in his body.
"Good boy, this is my son of Qin Dynasty."
The Qin Dynasty was a little relieved.
Looking at the slowly shriveled corpse on the ground, Qin Yi can't help but lie down by the river and vomit loudly.
"The boy is still young."
Qin Dynasty loudly told his son, "teach you a way, if you feel sick, burn it."
Say, the palm of Qin Dynasty jumps out of the forest white nine you Yin Fire, threw in that shriveled corpse above.
The power of Jiuyou Yin fire is so powerful that it swallows up the corpse in an instant.
But Qin Yi hasn't recovered and vomited for a long time.
Finally, the boy was lying by the river, panting and pale.
"Why, that's what scares you so much?"
When Qin Dynasty saw his son like this, he couldn't help laughing.
"You son of a bitch!"
Qin Yi eased up his strength, and his fearless character came up again that day, "how can anyone teach his son to kill?"
"You are different from your sister."
Qin Dynasty sat next to Qin Yi, patted the boy on the head and said, "your sister inherited the power of Vajra Sutra and angel, and she is a girl, so it doesn't matter if she is kind. And you, you inherit the power of Jiuyou Dharma and the devil. You can be friendly to your friends. Be cruel to the enemy, but be cruel
With that, he stretched out his hand and bounced a brain on Qin Yi's head. Qin Yi screamed in pain.
"I've heard from your sister what you look like in Shushan. What's the use of a rat carrying a gun! Moreover, the practitioners should not bully the weak, but challenge the strong! You, you, just like you, when I go out to talk about being a father in the future, it's disgraceful. "
"Who wants to be your son! Irresponsible father
Qin Yi's mouth is unforgiving. He rubbed his forehead and said with tears.
"If I'm not responsible, I won't come all the way to Shushan to find you! You son of a bitch! Go back to Shushan. I'm going back. "
How dare you talk to your son.
"Hee hee, Dad, don't do this. I'm your flesh and blood. You can't just leave me alone."
Who knows, the boy Qin Yi smiles in a twinkling of an eye, hugs Qin Dynasty's thigh and says.
"Stinky boy, what do you want?"
Qin Chaoxin said that this is another self angstrom with you one second before, and laughing with you the next. Well, I let this boy learn all his fine traditions.
"Dad, it's hard for you to come to see me in Shushan. You'd better take me down the mountain for a walk."
"You can't do it yourself?"
Qin Dynasty glared at his son one eye, "big man, have hand and foot, oneself cannot go?"
"Sob, my mother is very strict and never let me go down the mountain."
Said this, Qin Yi is very painful, "I'm like a rural child who has never been to the city. Dad, do you have the heart to see your son become a village man?"
"I'll go. Where did you learn the words?"
Qin Dynasty is a little bit defeated by this boy.
"Well, Dad, since you are my father, you must take me on a journey and have a good experience."
Qin Yi held up his little hand and shook it with the hand of Qin Dynasty.
"Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng, you make my head ache."
After all, the Qin Dynasty still loved his son, so he should come down.
"Yeah, dad is still the greatest!"
According to the truth, it is the mother who loves his son the most, while the father loves his daughter the most.
But the character of Qin Dynasty and Shen Qing
Shen Qingleng is like a fairy. It's a little difficult for her to let go of her body and love her son. Moreover, Shen Qingtian has a strong nature and always wants to be on the same level with the Qin Dynasty, so he has a black face and wants to cultivate his baby son.
Unexpectedly, Qin Yi was born with a playful life. He wanted to run outside for three days. Shen Qing wanted to get a chain and tie it to his son's neck.
"Why, won't your mother take you down the mountain?"
The Qin Dynasty held up his son, resisted on the shoulder and asked.
"Well, my mother said," it's too chaotic at the foot of the mountain, which will damage my character, so she won't let me go! "
Qin Yi sat on his father's shoulder and was very proud. He shook his head and said, "but I'm too familiar with those little girls on the Shushan mountain. I don't want to see any girls down the mountain
"I'll go. You're just over a year old, and you're going to get a girl? And let your dad take you to the girls? "The Qin Dynasty was surprised.
"People can say that to me, but Dad, you can't, you are not qualified! This is heredity, typical heredity
Qin Yi laughs.
Qin Dynasty was choked by his son.
"So, Dad, what means do you want? You can't hide it privately. You have to give it to your son and me! I swore in front of the ancestors of Sanqing that I would soak up all the chicks in the world. If my wife is no more than 100, I will become a monk! "
"Damn it, you can't inherit my good!"
Qin Dynasty was defeated by this boy's idea.
"What's more, you are better than blue! I'll go, one hundred wives. Do you think you're an ancient emperor
"The emperor can't talk about it, but we are the mendists!"
Qin Yi was very open to this point. "I know that in today's society, it's all monogamous, but it's all a constraint on ordinary people. I am a practitioner. Naturally, I am proud of the world! If you don't have a hundred wives, I'm sorry for your heredity, Dad
"Stop, strangle this idea for me, crush it, and throw it away!"
Qin Dynasty doesn't want his son to become a playboy, asshole.
"I tell you, although women are good, they must not be greedy. Do you know that if you have more than two wives, you will have a headache. "
"Hey, Dad, that's you!"
Qin Yi tugged at his father's ear, "as you said, I'm better than blue. I don't have any other skills. The girls in Shushan are obedient to me! Down to one year old, up to five years old, all the same! After you wait for me, there are a hundred wives. All of them must obey my orders, or they will quit her! Hum, it's against her
Qin's legs trembled. "Maybe, I should take you to your little mother and let her educate you..."
Qin Chaoxin said that it is estimated that the men on the mountain of Shu are a bit of male chauvinism. No wonder Qin Yi has such fantastic ideas when he follows those people.
"I also want to live with my dad. It must be fun. But since then, my mother will be sad. "
Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Oh, I really envy Xiaoying. I can be with my father. It's so boring on the mountain of Shu. Those people know to practice, practice and practice every day. I'm only a little over a year old. Oh, I want a childhood
The heart of Qin Dynasty was heavy, but he didn't speak.
He also knew that if he took Qin Yi away by force, Shen Qing would go crazy.
The biggest shortcoming of Shen Qing's life is that she is so strong. The reason why she takes a child with herself is to see who is really strong.
Because she became a magic puppet, her realm was temporarily limited to the middle of Yuanying.
Always lower than the Qin Dynasty, she can not defeat the Qin Dynasty.
Even if she used Tibetan swordsmanship, it would be triple gold body at most, and she was not the opponent of Qin Dynasty at all.
What they can't achieve is usually given to their children to complete.
Shen Qing is also the mother of her own children.
Moreover, he has deep feelings for Shen Qing.
In this way, we can only sacrifice the happy childhood of Qin Yi. It's a big deal. When he grows up, he can make more compensation.
"Well, I've decided to teach you some ways to pick up girls. But don't tell your mother that she will kill me
"Hey, don't worry, Dad, I'll keep it secret for you..."
"OK, listen up..."
As the Qin Dynasty went down the mountain, he told his son what he had learned over the years.
At the foot of the mountain, he almost finished what he knew.
Who knows, but caused Qin Yi's contempt.
"Dad, you can't do it! It's not the eighties now. You are a village girl! Now the little girl, one by one personality, also wild, where do you line ah! No, no, no
"I'll take a ride..."
Qin Dynasty was completely defeated by his son, and some of his complacent methods were totally refuted by his son.
"No, as the son of the sect leader of luochamen, I must carry forward the Heart Sutra of chasing girls! Don't worry, Dad. I won't insult my family. What's more, I will improve your methods and integrate the new generation of girl chasing techniques, so that we Qin family can spread the seeds everywhere
“…… What are you thinking, boy! If you talk nonsense again, I will throw you directly back to Shushan! "
"Don't, Dad, I just say it casually..."
Qin Yi suddenly withered, and his excitement just disappeared.
The Qin Dynasty did not speak because his son, like himself, had a magic pill. That means that in this world, only one kind of woman can make a grandson for herself.
That's the woman of Jueyin.But Jueyin woman where so easy to find, Shen Qing is his very accidental encounter.
If it wasn't for that accidental night, there would have been no Qin Ying and Qin Yi now.
These two children are almost a gift from heaven.
"Dad, look, look, I see the city!"
Qin Yi's eyes suddenly turn to a vague high-rise building in the distance.
"Well, it's the city. I want to be more stable. Don't do anything for me. Do you hear me
"I hear you, I hear you!"
Qin Yi was so excited that the Qin Dynasty doubted whether he had listened.
"All right, let's go."
Qin Dynasty a jump, the body instantly across a distance of dozens of meters, so a fall, toward the direction of the city gallop away.
At this time, at the foot of another mountain in Shushan.
"Martial uncle, I still can't find Xiaoyi. What should I do?"
"if we go to the city, if he has already left Shushan, he will surely run there."
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