Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1249

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Chapter 1249

The smoke bomb exploded, and thick smoke suddenly came out.
The killer's heart is unwilling, but the opponent is too strong, he gritted his teeth and was about to escape.
At this time, a scene that surprised him appeared.
See oneself throw out smoke bomb, that smoke unexpectedly a little bit close.
And the figure of the man opposite, also gradually clear up.
He stretched out a hand, holding something in the void.
And those smog, actually gather together, line into a ball of white, floating on the ground.
The killer suddenly realized who he had met!
He's scared!
Two hundred million dollars is not as important as your own life!
Oh, my God, I took such a task!
No wonder it will be 200 million US dollars. It turns out that the other party is so difficult!
Run! Must run!
But before you run, you have to kill that woman!
His intact hand, pulling a pistol out of his arms, was about to shoot the man in black opposite him.
Su Fei looked at the side of the real, found that the man took out a pistol again, quickly exclaimed.
At this time, the man in black started again.
He threw the white ball out, which made a visible mark on the ground, and then crashed into the shooter before he could shoot.
The killer's body was like a kite with a broken string. He bumped his head into the wall behind him, making a dent in the wall.
After all this, the man in black looked back. His eyes hidden behind the scales seemed to take a look at Su Fei.
Don't know why, Su Fei's body suddenly trembled.
She seems to feel that this look is special and familiar
It seems that I have seen
This look, let her special peace of mind
Who is he?
Do you know him yourself?
But among the people she knows, it seems that she is not so tall
The man in black passed by Su Fei, then his body flashed, and the whole person disappeared out of the window.
The people in the restaurant haven't responded.
But the two bodyguards protected Princess Su from assassins.
Jiang Dong tied up the killer in all kinds of ways. In fact, he couldn't use it because the killer was foaming at his mouth and rolling his eyes.
Jiang Dong found that the whole body of the killer's bones are almost broken, there is no complete part.
It's impossible even if he wants to jump up and kill people.
Not to mention killing people. Escaping is a big problem.
Soon, the police came and took the man away.
A criminal policeman asked Su Fei a few questions, cleaned up the scene and left.
However, these police officers obviously do not believe in the "Superman" of these people present.
"Xie team, what do you think of it?"
After leaving the restaurant, a young policeman asked the captain of the criminal police team.
"It's hard to say."
Xie Jun, who has always been an excellent criminal investigator, has also fallen into a mystery.
If he is right, the superman in the crowd should be more capable.
For those who are capable, they still believe in them.
After all, in the seventh subject, there are such strong people.
Is there such a person around Miss Su of the Su family?
He was puzzled.
He suddenly remembered a series of strange events in southern Jiangsu recently.
From Fang Hua's death.
It seems that this is a man whose face is covered with black scales.
Then there were several big events.
It seems that there are some large monsters and so on, and they all have their own. Who is this and what is he going to do to southern Jiangsu?
As the captain of the criminal police team in southern Jiangsu, Xie Jun can't watch someone destroy the harmony of Southern Jiangsu!
It's a pity that AI Xiaoxue has been transferred away and is now back in the organization.
Otherwise, oneself lets this proud hand go down to look up, certainly can have what harvest.
"Go back and send more people and stare at Princess Su's side all day. I'd like to see who this expert is. "
At the same time, the Qin Dynasty was sitting on the roof of the restaurant with a cigarette in his mouth.
He didn't smoke though he was holding it.
I said I would start to quit smoking.
Since Suu Kyi has to work with him all day.
Well, of course, even if Princess Su goes to the bathroom He had to follow.Cough, he swore, he's not a pervert!
What if someone is not good for Princess Su in the toilet.
Big deal, after su fei took off her pants, he asked the luochagui who was sent to follow to close her eyes.
If these killers were true practitioners or something, the Qin Dynasty would feel it at the first time.
It's a pity. They're just ordinary killers.
The murderous spirit of these killers is well disguised. If they don't start, they can't find out.
This point, or Xiaobai is the most powerful.
She could catch even the faint murderous air.
But Li Qiang looks at Su Fei to walk down the stairs, in the heart straight suddenly.
I'll go. How can I follow such a tough character next to Sufei?
The other side is a killer, they are defeated so miserably
It seems that I have to reconsider the combat effectiveness of the Su family
"You two, you've recovered a life."
Jiang Dong followed Su Fei down to the restaurant. He did not forget to say to the two bodyguards, "those two guns were all hit in your heart. It's a miracle that nothing happens now."
When she heard them, she was very interested.
How did the man manage to pull back two people who had already arrived at the gate of the underworld.
"Yes, yes, I thought I was dead. But soon, I felt a warm current all over my body, which finally reached the position of my chest Then I woke up... "
One of the bodyguards named Xiaonan said excitedly, while touching himself.
There should have been a hole here, but now, it's intact.
"It's amazing Do you know who is the one who protects you
Jiang Dong also thought it was incredible.
"I don't know..."
Su Fei shook her head. If only she knew.
"Don't talk to my dad about tonight, so he won't worry."
She did not forget to ask.
Jiang Dong was in some difficulty.
"Jiang Dong, you are my housekeeper now."
"Well, well..."
Jiang Dong knew the eldest lady's temper and had to nod his head.
"This mysterious man is really powerful In my opinion, even if the Qin Dynasty is here, it is not his opponent. "
The only person Jiang Dong admired was the Qin Dynasty.
This kid is the only one to beat himself.
He should also have some extraordinary skills.
But on the monster, it should not be!
That man is definitely a monster
He couldn't help shivering. It was terrible not to think about it.
"Take me back to school..."
Su Fei couldn't figure out who this person was, so she didn't want to.
I have more things to hurt brain cells.
"Miss, this time You'd better go home and have a rest... "
Jiang Dong suggested in a hurry.
Oh, my God, the eldest lady has been so cruel all day. Do you have to go back to school to work?
But now, it's more than 11 o'clock in the night!
Besides, the eldest lady has been working all day. How can it be achieved without rest?
"No, there is still a lot of work to do. Send me back to school."
"Miss, you need to rest. People can't work for a long time, otherwise the brain will be tired, which will affect a series of physiological functions..."
"Jiang Dong, don't give me lessons. Otherwise, I don't mind changing the driver. "
Said Su Fei.
"This All right... "
Jiang Dong can't help it. He can't beat her.
He had to open the door of the Mercedes and let Sufei sit in it.
All the rest of the guards on the land.
Jiang Dongliu's bodyguards are here to let them watch. No one will do anything to the car.
It's an extraordinary time, indeed.
If it wasn't for the mysterious man, she would have died there.
After he got on the bus, he began to arrange for more staff.
Those professional killers, if they continue to fight, this is not enough.
"Jiang Dong, who do you think will want to attack me?"
Sufei was sitting in the car with a headache.
Jiang Dong thought while driving.
"It's hard to say After all, there are too many competitors in business I think they may all want to kill the first lady. "
"Most people only have this idea. For example, I want to kill Li Qiang, but I didn't really look for the killer."Su Fei said, "most business people are brave enough to let them hire people to beat people, but they have the courage because they can afford to pay compensation. But if you let them buy murderers It needs more courage than usual. "
"Well, miss, who among the opponents you have contacted would have such courage?"
"Not sure Most of them are tough guys
Su Fei is not sure.
"Can it be the guy Li Qiang?"
Jiang Dong chose a target to judge.
"No, he's a man of his own. And his father is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. If he does, his family will be ruined once he is exposed. "
"Deputy director of the Public Security Bureau As far as I know, there are several heads of the public security bureau who are also involved in the underworld. "
Said Jiang Dong.
"It's all a little fuss."
Su Fei waved her hand. "When it comes to killing people, they dare not. In particular, I am not an ordinary common people, but the eldest lady of the Su family. If they do something to me, they will never use this publicity method. "
"Who would that be..."
Jiang Dong also had a headache.
"No matter who it is, send more people. There have been a lot of things recently, and I don't want to have anything else to disturb my mind
"Yes, miss!"
Jiang Dong nodded and continued to think about who was behind the scenes.
At this time, a car suddenly jumped out of the road and ran into the silver Mercedes Benz.
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