Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 998

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Chapter 998

From the sky came a woman like thunder. Then, a huge white tiger appeared in the sky, which was very dazzling and powerful, which made all the practitioners present panic.
"What a strong pressure!"
"Amitabha! Is it impossible for a demon to be born? "
"Boundless heaven, you are not weak!"
All the practitioners are guessing.
And soon, the white tiger fell in front of this ethereal palace.
Seeing the figure of the man, the crowd could not help but exclaim.
She is a beautiful woman again!
The woman had white hair and was extremely beautiful, but she had an aura of rejecting everyone, so that the practitioners subconsciously dodged away, leaving a space with a radius of nearly 10 meters around the woman.
"It's her, it's her!"
I didn't expect that after seeing this woman, old man rod in Qin Dynasty's body actually roared in panic.
"What's the matter with you, old man? Haven't you seen a woman
"Qin boy, come on, let's go. Don't fight with this woman."
Rod said that for the first time.
Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "do you think I can't beat her?"
"No, it's not..."
Rod's words hesitated, "only, just I don't want you two to fight. "
Qin asked curiously.
While they were talking, on the other side, the practitioners also started to move hands with the woman who suddenly appeared.
"What a monster!"
When the woman appeared, the people in Shushan immediately found out, "where are you? How dare you break through the misty peak!"
"You don't deserve my name."
The woman's white hair covered half of her face and stood there quietly, as if naturally integrated with everything around her.
"Bold monster, what a big voice!"
A Shushan disciple, who had a magical cultivation period, immediately pulled out his sword and yelled, "we are Shu mountain disciples. We specially subdue demons and demons! Since you have come to die today, we will make you a success! "
With that, he showed his sword in his hand. With a move like a rainbow sword, the sword turned into a rainbow and went straight to the white haired woman.
Shushan's "Ding Jun Yi Jian" is very powerful. With the help of this sword technique, the disciples of Shushan have been wandering the real world for a long time.
This first move is like a rainbow sword. It is very fast and can be called a sound kill. Even the same level of practitioners, it is difficult to escape. The higher your accomplishments, the faster your speed of rainbow sword will be!
However, this extremely fast sword, from the white haired woman's body to wear out.
"Well, it's a suicide."
The Shushan disciple took back his sword and sneered with pride.
But soon, he couldn't laugh.
Because the woman was not hurt at all. She also raised her head and looked at him with the cold star like eyes.
"Shushan disciple, is that all?"
"No, it can't be!"
The disciple of Shushan was shocked. His sword passed through his opponent's body. How could he not do anything!
"Be careful, younger martial brother."
At this time, said Shen Qing, the thirty-six generation disciple of Shushan.
"She escaped your sword with great speed. It's just too fast. It seems to you that she hasn't moved
The Shushan disciple's face was full of amazement, "how could it be so fast as to be faster than Ruhong sword?"
Even the eyes of the practitioners can't see clearly, how fast that is!
"What's the point of living for a weak person like you?"
The white haired woman sneered repeatedly, and her voice had an indescribable coldness.
"I will be merciful and send you to death."
She raised her hand and gently licked her finger.
Nobody knows what happened.
Only saw the woman's finger, stained with red blood.
"Younger martial brother!"
And Shen Qing on one side, can't help frowning.
I saw the Shushan disciple who had just put out his flying sword. A bloody mouth burst out of his neck, and the blood gushed out like no money.
Before he could even scream, he knelt down on the ground and died.
Only the Yin God floated out, full of hatred and unwillingness.
"How I died! How could that happen! "
Shen Qing did not speak.
All the practitioners did not speak.
This only represents one thing, that is, the woman's speed was too fast to reflect or see, and she had already cut off the throat of the disciple of Shushan.What a terrible speed!
With so many people present, who can have such a speed!
Do you want to kill her?
"Who the hell are you?"
One of the disciples was frightened and cried out subconsciously.
"Her name is Luo rumong."
Rod told the Qin Dynasty, "it's my half sister It's also my own, evil tiger and devil puppet. "
Qin Dynasty stare big eyes, this is not the legend, incest?
"You boy, don't think about it!"
Rhode knew that the thought of the Qin Dynasty was famous and impure, so he said, "although there are feelings between me and her, I dare not go beyond the thunder pool.". In fact, when we first met her, we didn't know each other's identity, so we fell in love at first sight. Until later, only then knew each other unexpectedly has the blood relations. In the past, this seat is stronger than her. She can listen to the control of this seat and suppress the abnormal feelings. Later, because she ate the spirit of immortals, her strength gradually exceeded this seat. This seat in order to dust the feelings that will not be controlled, this just ruthless, seal her in the sky fire and earth cave. This is a thousand years. Unexpectedly, she left the place that was suppressed by the fire of nine days
"You are cruel..."
He sealed his sister and lover for over a thousand years.
Only rod can do this kind of thing.
"I just hope that she can be quiet for a while and gradually forget the feelings between us. But unexpectedly, this seat was later betrayed and sealed into an ancient bottle. My sister has been sleepy for so long. Well, you won't understand the pain of being trapped for more than a thousand years, little Qin. "
"So she came to avenge you..."
"Do you expect her to come and see you off? Hate it. Maybe it would be better for her to hate this seat. Although I am a devil mender, I really can't do what happened to my sister. "
"You say you!"
Qin Dynasty curls one's mouth, "the eye closes, is a Meng, you recognized Bai, where can have now so much trouble."
"Get out of here! What are you doing to your cousin, playing with your niece!"
"Shit, that's my cousin, my niece!"
"I don't recognize this either."
The two men quarreled.
"Sister Luo, you fly so fast that I almost miss you."
At this moment, two more lights flashed through the sky.
Then, two women stand beside Luo Rumeng.
One is as charming as spring, the other is as cold as ice.
It is the nine you poisonous spider Chun Jiuniang, and the nine ghost general Mo Fei Yan.
"It's them!"
All of a sudden, the Qin Dynasty was shocked.
"I know. Who killed those disciples and put the blame on luochamen?"
"It's Mo Fei smoke..."
Xiaobai Bingxue is smart. When she sees the appearance of Mo Fei smoke, she immediately understands it.
"You really let me down."
Chun Jiuniang, with her mouth curled, looked at all the practitioners and said, "a group of so-called noble and decent sects dare not deal with the luochamen of other people. It's really hard for me to think of such a method."
A group of practitioners don't quite understand what chunjiuniang means.
Only oriental cherry heart clear, but secretly.
This spring nine Niang, Ji Yuanyuan didn't let them bear it first! Why can't I sit down!
"I have no patience to wait any longer!"
Luo Rumeng's eyes swept up in the crowd, "my good brother is there. I haven't seen him for a thousand years. Can't I come out to see your good sister?"
"Luo Rumeng, I didn't expect that you were still alive."
The leader of Shushan, Tan Hai, came out and said, "when you suddenly disappeared, I thought you were dead."
"Well, it's not so easy to die. Tan Xiaozi, why do you want to trouble me
"You killed the disciples of our sect. Do you think we can leave it alone?"
Tan Hai is still that genial smile, but in the eyes, there is a killing opportunity to emerge.
"Tan boy, I would like to advise you for the sake of some friendship with you before."
Luo Ru dream but indifferent to smile, "you are not easy to repair a body of cultivation, or do not want to be so broken in vain."
"Luo Rumeng, what kind of cultivation have you achieved now?"
Tan Hai couldn't help frowning.
He himself is a master of golden body nine.
But he couldn't see the depth of the woman.
And Tan Hai separated from Luo Rumeng, who can be more than ten meters away, suddenly raised his hand and blew off the clothes debris on his fingers.
Tan Hai was surprised, looked down, his lapel, do not know when, was caught broken.I didn't notice it at all!
Not only he, all the practitioners, it seems that they have not seen it!
It's terrible! This power, absolutely beyond the thunder robbery period!
"You, have you entered the fairyland?"
"Ha ha, it's really Tan Xiaozi, but it's not stupid."
Luo Rumeng laughed, "indeed, to be exact, it should be the level of meat fairy. I should be able to enter the level of cultivation for another period of time
"When did you solve it?"
Tan Hai asked in a hurry.
"I don't have a solution."
Luo Rumeng shook his head and said, "it's just in the fire cave that day, isolating all foreign breath. If Lei Jie doesn't find me, I can practice secretly and enter the level of Feixian period. "
"It's a blessing in disguise."
Tan Hai said helplessly.
There's no way to do it. He and this woman are so much worse. To do it is to die.
"Ha ha, I'm afraid even my brother didn't think of it."
Luo Rumeng's words made rod sigh in Qin Dynasty.
His sister, seems to hate him to death.
"Bold banshee, bullying no one in our noble and decent families!"
When he found that the leader of Shushan counseled, some fiery practitioners immediately jumped out and said, "just like me, if there are just people who help justice and kill demons and demons, they will go up and kill the Banshee! With so many of us, can't we kill her
"Kill her! Kill her
A large group of practitioners immediately followed suit. As the saying goes, many people have great strength. Each of them picks up their own magic weapons and is ready to attack them.
"Find your own way."
Luo Rumeng but said a light.
Then, she suddenly looked around the group of monks who were about to attack.
An unprecedented sense of oppression, suddenly attacked the hearts of the group of practitioners.
They seem to have seen the most terrible thing in the world.
The gall seems to have been scared to break like, one by one began to shiver all over, the corner of the mouth flowing white foam, soft fall on the ground.
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