Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 991

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Chapter 991

Shennongjia, an unknown underground cave.
I don't know how many years of pressing Yin Qi, in this cave constantly wandering.
Mo Fei Yan looked at the bottomless hole and couldn't help asking.
"Are you sure? Yes? "
Chun Jiuniang, standing next to her, nodded and said, "speaking of the old man who hates rod most, I can't find another one except her. As long as she's there, you can kill that son of a bitch. "
"She has been trapped for a thousand years. How can you save her?"
Mo Fei Yan asked again.
"There's no way for her to come into the hole. However, with this magic weapon in my body, I can surely save her! "
Say, spring nine Niang from chest, take out a small crystal pagoda, hold in hand.
"The great Vientiane glazed Tower!"
Seeing the crystal pagoda, Murphy could not help but exclaimed, "how did you get it?"
"Don't worry about it. I have my own way."
Chun Jiuniang said, "with this magic weapon to protect the body, there is no problem in getting in and out of the sky fire and earth cave. Would you like to go down with me? Or are you guarding my wife here? "
Mo Fei Yan also wants to see the legendary sky fire and earth cave.
In this underground cave, there is a terrible female devil's head. Her name is Luo rumong.
This female devil head, at that time, was as famous as rod. There is no one who is not afraid of her.
Because of her terrible magic power and talent, even rod was a little afraid, so he had to seal her in this hole.
This letter is more than one thousand years. I'm afraid that Luo Rumeng's hatred of rod can already compare with jiuchongtian.
"Let's go!"
Spring nine Niang to the big Vientiane glass tower, into the vitality.
The water system of the treasure immediately lit up a glittering blue light, and finally formed a blue aperture, covering two people at the same time.
Without hesitation, they jumped into the fire cave under the protection of the most precious water system.
Through a row of Yin Qi, red fire, appeared in the sight of the two women.
The nine days of fire formed a long red dragon, constantly swimming in the cave.
Jiutianjiehuo is very terrible. Even if it is encountered by a practitioner, it will be burned to ashes immediately.
The middle layer of the whole underground cave is all the fire of the nine days' robbery, which is densely woven into a wall of fire.
Even under the protection of the great Vientiane glazed pagoda, the two women also felt a burning heat.
"Fortunately, there is a treasure of water system, otherwise we will be burned to dry corpses."
Chun Jiuniang patted her plump chest, and then continued to go deep with Mo Fei smoke.
The further down they went, the more they felt a huge sense of oppression.
This sense of oppression can only be sent out by masters who are more powerful than them.
I haven't seen you for more than a thousand years. Has Luo Ru Meng reached such a state?
It's really annoying. They are all magic puppets. Why can she get different treatment? She can eat immortal spirit and get rid of rod's bondage.
Chun Jiuniang and Mo Feiyan think of it at the same time.
At this time, the depth of the cave, suddenly issued a startling roar.
Then, a hundred meters long huge white tiger, toward the two women in the blue light, rushed over.
"Sister Luo, don't be angry! It's a concubine, Chun Jiuniang! And the smoke of Murphy
The power of the white tiger can easily tear the blue light!
Chun Jiuniang called out in a hurry.
The huge white tiger, this just stopped the action, in the blink of an eye, it was just a momentum formed by the gas field!
Both women were panting and sweating.
"Come down."
Deep in the cave, a woman's voice flew out coldly.
This sound is very good, as if not contaminated with a trace of earthy breath, crisp and pleasant.
"Yes, sister Luo."
Two women did not dare to disobey, and quickly floated down to the bottom of the hole.
It's cool at the bottom of this cave.
They knew that it was because of the woman sitting in the middle.
She was born in the year of Yin, month and day. She was the daughter of nine Yin and the only woman who could have children with rod at that time.
Unfortunately, this woman is rod's half sister.
Luo Rumeng, white tiger puppet, rod's sister.
No one dares to laugh at Luo Rumeng's identity and feelings, because they dare not.
Naro is like a dream with white hair. It's so beautiful that it's just like the most perfect work in heaven.
She sat quietly on a stone bed, as if in one with everything around her.There are some chains scattered on the ground. These are the chains that rod used to imprison Luo Rumeng, but now they are broken by Luo Rumeng.
However, the nine day fire on the top of his head is the key to the real imprisonment of Luo Rumeng.
Chun Jiuniang looks at Luo Rumeng in front of her. Although the other party is closing her eyes, she feels that she is showing herself naked and naked in each other's eyes.
Her body trembled slightly.
This Luo is like a dream, but it is the strongest one among the magic puppets.
Because she is rod's sister, she can eat immortal spirits and improve her own realm infinitely.
And she was born to rod's father and a tiger demon woman. So, in her body, she has half of the demon blood. Let her do this white tiger demon puppet, is the most suitable.
So after eating the immortal spirit, Luo Rumeng and his realm were like flying, almost surpassing rod at that time.
This made rod panic, so he personally imprisoned his own sister.
All these are what chunjiuniang knows.
"What are you doing here, visiting me, a man waiting to die?"
Luo Rumeng did not open his eyes, but said in a low voice.
"No, it's not!"
Chun Jiuniang said in a hurry, "sister Luo, it has been more than a thousand years. Are you tired of being here?"
Luo Rumeng sneered, "these two words are too light. I want to get out of here all the time. But my brother, he did so well that he sealed this place with the fire of nine days. How did you two get in here
"We've been looking for ways to save our sister!"
Spring nine Niang hastily flatters like to say, "we finally found the water system treasure, the big Vientiane colored glass tower. As long as you use this body protection, you can save your sister! "
Naluo dream suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of eyes, like the stars in the cold night, the twinkling spring nine Niang has some inferiority complex.
Luo rumong reached out, and the great Vientiane glazed Pagoda in the hand of chunjiuniang did not know how to get to her hand.
Chun Jiuniang and Mo Feiyan looked at each other with fear.
How fast!
It is completely beyond the human eye, and even the practitioners can't catch the trace of each other.
"Good things, really good things!"
Naro was ecstatic and couldn't help laughing, "I, I can finally leave this damned place! You've done well, very well! "
"Ha ha, we are good sisters..."
Spring nine Niang hastily says.
"Very good Very good... "
Luo Rumeng began to mumble, "I'm going to find my brother now Let him know how "Miss" his good sister has been for more than a thousand years
Luo Rumeng gnaws his teeth, and his eyes show deep hatred.
"Well, I'm afraid it won't work..."
Chun Jiuniang said.
"Why, do you want to protect him?"
Luo Rumeng's vitality is vertical and horizontal. Her white hair is flying and staring at chunjiuniang.
Chun Jiuniang felt numb all over her body and couldn't help falling to the ground.
"No, no, sister, you misunderstood me!"
Chun Jiuniang quickly explained, "in fact, rod, rod, his body was destroyed a thousand years ago, and his soul was sealed."
Luo Rumeng breath stagnated, "he, he should have such an end? How can it be? He is the greatest devil in the world
Her eyes suddenly fell on spring nine Niang's body, "I understand, you betrayed him, right?"
"Well, there is something about my concubine But in the end, it's rod who's responsible for it... "
Luo Rumeng became very angry, and the ground around her suddenly sank into a deep place, with layers of cracks emerging, as if caught by a huge beast several times.
"My brother can only die in my hands! No one can kill him but me! You hurt him, you must die
She said, her eyes flashed a killing machine.
"Wait, wait!"
Spring nine Niang was scared to hit a shiver, hurriedly shouts, "the matter is not over! My body, I haven't finished yet
"You go on."
Luo Ru Meng hears this, the breath on the body receives, the way.
"Rod, his seal is broken. Now, attached to a young man. He, he can be said, is rod's successor. "
Luo Rumeng picked up eyebrows, "successor? There's an heir? Interesting, interesting. You go out with me and meet the so-called successor. I want to destroy all of rod's dreams and let him feel his sister's love for him! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... "
Looking at the crazy appearance of Luo Rumeng, Chun Jiuniang and Mo Feiyan are shaking their souls.This woman, in fact, is a madwoman!
How can a woman fall in love with her brother? This is what Luo Rumeng did!
How can a woman want to kill her brother, Luo Rumeng, also want to do so!
"By the way, the inheritor, who is he, what is his name, and what realm is he now! Tell me everything about him
Luo Rumeng is very eager.
"He, his name is Qin Dynasty. He is the leader of luochamen."
Chun Jiuniang didn't dare to hide anything, so she said, "he is not only good at Jiuyou Dharma, but also proficient in the Vajra Sutra of Buddhism. Moreover, it is understood that he will also be a magic sword array, which is very powerful. As for his realm, he should be in the golden age, but there is a secret method that can let him enter the early stage of thunder robbery. This man is very cunning and playful. There are countless women around him. "
"Oh? So he also has nine magic puppets? "
"I only saw two of them. There should be others."
"Ha ha, magic puppet..."
Luo Rumeng's eyes showed sarcasm, "it seems that he and my brother are all using strength to play with a woman's heart bastard."
"He seems more frivolous."
Chun Jiuniang added, "my concubine found that he would give the magic puppet a magic puppet release technique at will, without any hesitation."
Hearing this, Luo Rumeng was slightly surprised. But soon, it calmed down again.
"It's nothing. It's just a way to please women. You two, go out with me. We'll find other puppets and let the whole world know that women are not easy to bully. "
"Magic puppet There are only three of us left... "
Chun Jiuniang's face was a little ugly. "The others were killed by the famous and decent schools..."
"Is it a respectable school Good When I go out, let them, one by one, know the anger of Luo Rumeng! "
Luo Rumeng roared, and the cave trembled. Chun Jiuniang prayed in her heart, hoping that what she released was not a madwoman who only knew how to kill
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