Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1114

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Chapter 1114

"No way!"
Al's pretty face was very clear in the fire, and the astonishment of that face was even more obvious.
Ford, who had just barely stood up, was the same.
This is al's flame! A flame that even stones can burn! This man has nothing to do!
How can it be!
It's horrible! How can there be such a terrible person in this world!
Can ignore al's fire! Is he really a human being on the earth!
Even their super S-class captain can't take al's flame so easily!
"You, you are not human..."
Al made a voice of panic.
"Who said, I'm a very standard human being."
"You can't believe that the fire can't be dispelled by the fire
As he spoke, his left hand turned into a black claw, and then clasped al's head.
Although Al is now the body of fire, but it can not escape the capture of the Qin Dynasty.
Jiuyou Yin Fire jumps on the palm of the Qin Dynasty, and the burning aer constantly murmurs in pain.
Their own flame is ineffective to the other party, but the other party's white flame can burn itself.
What the hell is going on!
What a pain I just want to die.
Ford knew that his companion might die if he went on like this.
He supported his body in agony, grabbed a fire axe nearby with his mind, and then threw it towards the Qin Dynasty.
The fire axe was so fast that it made a track in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty did not even move his hands, just turned around and glared at the fire axe.
It was as if the fire axe had hit an invisible wall. It bounced out, rubbed Ford's ear corners and split into the wall behind him.
Ford was so frightened that he couldn't breathe. His legs were shaking uncontrollably, just like chaff.
"Little skills."
Qin Dynasty, holding Al, sneered at Ford, "is this what you call A-level power? It's ridiculous. It's no different from a P in my eyes. By the way, what level of strength should I have now
The Qin Dynasty says, another hand is opposite Ford, every other space grabs.
Suddenly, the man's body was lifted up, floating in the air.
Ford struggled and pedaled his legs.
He didn't expect that this was a trick he used to deal with others, but now it's being used on himself It's a strange feeling.
Was it like this when I was strangled by the mind?
"Qin Dynasty, don't kill them!"
When the Qin Dynasty was ready to fight hard, Cheng Ying behind him suddenly opened his mouth to block the way.
"What? Why can't you kill them? Do you keep them
Qin Dynasty frowned and asked.
"The two of them are from the United States special police group A. I know a little about this organization."
"Just like an organization, this department is full of people with special abilities. I suggest that we should not kill them and save them for our national research and Research... "
Cheng Ying's words made Al and Ford cold.
"Or you think far away."
Qin Dynasty nodded, "worthy of being a black woman."
"What are you talking about?"
Cheng Ying raised her eyebrows and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"No, it's nothing. I said that you are worthy of our military master. The brain is better than us."
The Qin Dynasty quickly hit ha ha.
When Cheng Ying looks at her, she feels hairy all over her body.
"You, you can't do this..."
Ford protested feebly.
"No objection."
Cheng Ying put his hands, a face of heroic said, "you are our prisoners now, we want to deal with you can."
"This is against international regulations!"
Al's body returned to normal. He was pinched by a hand of the Qin Dynasty and said in a thick voice, "it's inhumane..."
"Who knows that we've got you two?"
Cheng Ying laughed, "your government also secretly sent you to look for us. Even if we dissected you two, they did not dare to ask us for people."
"You, you..."
Al and Ford were stunned.
"Cheng Ying's idea is very good."
The Qin Dynasty came over and found their respective bank cards from the two of them, "but I'll pay the money for me first! 30 million per person, not one point less! ""You, you are so shameless!"
There is no place for two super powerful warriors to cry.
"Who is shameless?"
Qin Dynasty glared at them two people one eye, "willing to gamble and admit defeat! What's more, you've made a mess of my place. I'll have to pay for it! One person plus 10 million is the price of cabbage! "
Ten million is the price of cabbage!
Grandma, what cabbage is so expensive!
Al and Ford really want to run into each other.
What's more, this guy has made a lot of trouble in Washington, the United States. Five of the 100 million dollar Eden tanks have been blown up. He still cares about these tens of millions!
If it is said, the U.S. government must be very angry!
These Chinese people are really hateful. They are extremely hateful!
Qin Dynasty just regardless of these two super ability soldier is willing or not, seeks the staff, forced to transfer account to two people.
The gambling house was destroyed like this and could not be operated for several days. It really cost a lot of money.
"It's going to be a lot of trouble if these two guys keep following me. I'd better get a professional to deal with them. "
The Qin Dynasty decided to give the two guys to professionals first, so as not to be eye-catching.
Therefore, he calls Xiaobai with his soul call.
In the blink of an eye, the air in front of me fluctuated.
A woman wrapped in a black dress appeared in the cabin.
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are scared, and the heart says, where are these people from?
American power agent?
No, look at the face. It's Asian!
"Xiaobai has met Mr. Qin."
Then, the woman in black, to the Qin Dynasty gave a gift, let two people down, and in surprise.
People of Qin Dynasty?
Or Mr. Qin?
This guy And this kind of subordinate?
Cheng Ying guessed in her heart.
"Xiaobai, take them back. Send it to Xi, and let Xi give it to the people of the organization to study and see why they have powers. "
"Yes, Mr. Qin. Xiaobai will do it now."
Xiaobai said, holding an American agent in one hand, and then disappearing with them. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the front of the two women.
"Well Where have they been? "
Cheng Ying said very curious, how can this person say come, said not to be gone?
Zheng Siqi is also very surprised that many things she saw today are beyond the scope of her study.
With science, it seems that more and more can not explain ah!
All this is wonderful!
First of all, Qin Dynasty, I must study this guy well!
"It was sent to Sunan City, and then the people from southern Jiangsu city were transferred to the organization."
The Qin Dynasty explained it.
"Since you have the ability to teleport directly..." Cheng Ying thought of a question, "then why not send the two of us back?"
"If you two don't mind being ripped into parts."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "I pour can try."
"Forget it, then."
As soon as I heard that the free ride still had such a danger, Cheng Ying quickly waved her hand, "I'd better go back by boat."
"Well, hold on for another night, and we'll be on shore tomorrow."
Qin Chaoxin said that tonight can finally be a peaceful night.
When you finish this task, you must have a good rest. Grandma's, it's a mess.
A good mid autumn festival, let him live is fragmented.
It's tragic.
However, it can also be counted as a Diyuan elixir.
The Qin Dynasty didn't like to do things that didn't benefit them.
"It's over. I can't bet on cards if I want to No fun. Go back to the cabin and go to bed
Zheng Siqi stretched out a big stretch, "toss for a day, I want to take a bath first, the body is very dirty."
"Come on, I'll take a bath, too."
Cheng Ying also followed, but by the way back to warn the Qin Dynasty, "you are not allowed to peek!"
“…… I'm tired of watching yours. I'm not interested in watching it again. "
In a word of the Qin Dynasty, Cheng Ying was almost angry and ran away.
"You, you ugly cow! Dr. Zheng, let's go and ignore him! "
"Well But Miss Cheng Did you really show it to him? "
"It wasn't intentional No, I didn't show it to him! It's all his own wishful thinking
Cheng Ying almost said something, but it's too late to cover up. Zheng Siqi, a woman with an IQ of up to 150, instantly understands it.
She looked at Cheng Ying and Qin Dynasty's eyes, a little ambiguous.
"So you two Well, it's a good story. The two agents fell in love when they were on duty Then, the night before the mission, I opened my house and did what I love to do... ""Dr. Zheng! No, it's not like that! "
Cheng Ying was Zheng Siqi's words made a big red face, "we, we have not done such a thing!"
"That's what we have to do in the future Hee hee, could you let me, a newcomer, have a look at it then? "
"Watch What's wrong with this Wait, the two of us can't do it well at all
Cheng Ying explained.
Can't do it? You can't learn... "
Zheng Siqi took out another USB flash disk that was not a record of the satellite plan, and shook it in front of Cheng Ying, "I have recorded a lot of films here No matter what posture, what position In short, where will not learn where! How about it? Would you like to have a look at it at night
I'll go, Zheng Siqi, the world famous female doctor, should have such a powerful thing!
"Do you like to watch abuse, or exposure, or 3P I have everything here
"I, I don't even look!"
"How swollen is the queen? This is my favorite. I'd like to share it with you... "
"Dr. Zheng! You are a well-known doctor. Do you look good... "
"In the way of It seems that you like uniforms... "
"I didn't..."
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