Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 530

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Chapter 530

There are too many cars. It's too much to see.
Rich people are different from poor people. But the Qin Dynasty felt that he was very happy with his artifact big 28 every day. But since Yu Jian, 28 has been eliminated.
It's a pity. It's equipped with the most advanced GPS navigator.
"Can you find it?"
Liao Shasha is also a teaser.
"I can't find it, Ya's I'm not a prophet!"
The Qin Dynasty gnawed its teeth.
"Well, there's your car."
Liao Shasha stretched out her hand, and Qin Dynasty's eyes immediately flew over.
All of a sudden, his sight was attracted.
Because in a corner, it is not a sports car or SUV, but a motorcycle like Dongdong.
The car was covered with gray cloth, so it was hard to see what it looked like.
The Qin Dynasty went by and pulled the gray cloth.
Suddenly, his eyes lit up.
Just before meeting, there was a fire red motorcycle, just like a burning flame.
This model, this streamline, this exhaust
There was a throb of youth in the Qin Dynasty.
This is a Yamaha 09 yzf-r1!
Moreover, the body of this car seems to have been modified. The Qin Dynasty didn't know how to change the car, but he could definitely see that the car had been changed.
"Well, not bad." Liao Shasha, holding the body of Yamaha, asked the Qin Dynasty with a smile.
"Yes, it's like a hungry man who sees a naked lover he's been looking for for for years."
"How vulgar Liao Shasha said, "it's rare that sister Yu Lu helped you get it with great efforts. This motorcycle is not an ordinary motorcycle. It was once loved by a talented driver in Dongchuan City. However, the talented driver, in the race with the Americans, accidentally broke his leg, which was helpless to retire. The motorcycle, which he didn't sell, was moved by sister Yu Lu. "
"Eh?" The Qin Dynasty blinked, "this motorcycle's origin is so unlucky?"
"Well, don't do it!" Liao Shasha said, will pick up the cloth to cover the body again.
"Who said no!" The Qin Dynasty immediately hugged and held Liao Shasha's hand, "I am not feeling two sentences. It's a great car. How could Yu Lu want to buy it for me? "
"By chance, it's suitable for you."
"It's a good car. It's just that the color is so dazzling." As soon as the Qin Dynasty lifted its legs, it stepped on the motorcycle.
The body is cold, but sitting on it, the Qin Dynasty has a very comfortable feeling, as if to be integrated with the car.
"If it's repainted, it'll take days." Said Liao Shasha.
"No, I'll show you a magic trick." The Qin Dynasty winked at Liao Shasha and said, "the next step is to witness the miracle. Give me a kiss and I'll make a miracle. As long as the kiss lasts, the miracle lasts
"Disgusting!" Liao Shasha threw a white eye to the Qin Dynasty, and then the girl moved forward and actually kissed her.
Qin Dynasty was really scared. He just made a joke, but she didn't expect Liao Shasha to play real!
The cold little mouth kisses to the Qin Dynasty's lip, and that sweet little tongue, initiative sent up.
There are beautiful women sent to the door, the Qin Dynasty is naturally not willing to let go.
He immediately sucked in the sweet little sweet tongue, which made Liao Shasha cry and fell into the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty is not polite, arms a force, put the little girl around, let her part pressure on the car body, the whole person across.
I have known Liao Shasha for a long time
But it was the first time that such a passionate kiss was made.
Two people, like fish without drinking water for a long time, greedily taste each other's saliva (cough...).
Liao Shasha's body was getting hotter and hotter, writhing in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
Push her down!
Push her down!
A voice sounded again in the mind of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but put her hand into Liao Shasha's skirt, which was a cotton skirt with cotton socks inside. Qin Dynasty's hand is from the back, and soon came across a very warped, full of flexibility of a bit valve.
He couldn't help but take a mouthful of water.
Liao Shasha also murmured.
Beauty, fragrant car
Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that he had everything.
But just when he wanted to go further, he suddenly came up with a scene of the same passion as Wu Xin in the bar bathroom that day.
Thinking of that scene, his flame suddenly began to fade.
God, what are you doing!
Not to say that Wu Xin is waiting for her own rescue, but how old Liao Shasha is! 17 years old! How can I do it to a 17-year-old girl!This is going to be thundered by heaven!
The Qin Dynasty suppressed the desire to tear off the clothes of both sides, and the handle was pulled out of the skirt and put on her back.
The power of the Vajra Sutra is constantly transmitted back and forth between the two people, which dissipates the deep love between the two sides.
"Qin Dynasty..." Liao Shasha finally opened her eyes, with moisture on her eyelashes, which made her look like a beautiful porcelain doll.
"That And now you're still... " The Qin Dynasty coughed twice.
"No small I'm about to turn 18 It's my birthday on the 30th of the year... "
Hey, the girl's birthday is quite coincident.
"I mean you're too small I'm not interested. You can develop again. "
"Qin Dynasty, why don't you die?" Liao Shasha flew up and kicked her little boot on the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty, "don't you hurry to magic for me!"
"Well, look at it." The Qin Dynasty put Liao Shasha on the ground and let her look at himself.
At the same time, Yuan Li in his body started to harden the motorcycle under him.
Yamaha yzf-r1, that red body, unexpectedly in Liao Shasha's eyes, a little bit faded into black. Soon, the dazzling fire red motorcycle sports car, has become a low-key and cooler dark black.
"It's amazing..." Liao Shasha couldn't help touching the metal body. "How did you do it"
"keep it secret." The Qin Dynasty winked at Liao Shasha. "I'll tell you when I get back. Now, I'll go to Yu Lu first. "
Qin Dynasty just want to start the car, suddenly think of what, a row of forehead said.
"By the way, I almost forgot the key thing."
"What's the matter?"
"You're not very safe now. So many people are looking at you. I have to arrange for someone to protect you by your side so that I can rest assured. "
"Besides you, who can protect me?" said Liao Shasha in a pun.
But the Qin Dynasty did not seem to hear another meaning, but very proud to tell her.
"Don't worry, I have several masters."
With that, Qin Dynasty closed his eyes and aroused telepathy in his heart.
After a while, in this underground parking lot, suddenly came the sound of air tearing.
"Boo Boo!"
Then, two empty sound, a pair of graceful figure, at the same time appeared in the parking lot.
The two women are different in shape and beauty.
One is more than 1.7 meters tall, tall and fair skinned. Just between the eyebrows, with a little indifference. She was dressed in black, as if she were a ghost hidden in the dark.
And the other, about 1.6 meters tall, although not so high, but it is a big part of the beauty. She was pretty, but there was a haze in her eyes.
"Xiaobai has met you, sir."
"Thousands of generations have seen the master."
Two beauties say hello to Qin Dynasty at the same time.
"She, who are they in the way of..." Two beautiful women suddenly appear, let Liao Shasha some reaction not come over.
"Don't worry, they are all my people." The Qin Dynasty was afraid that Liao Shasha thought they were enemies and patted her chest.
"Your men?" Liao Shasha raised her eyebrows and looked at the eyes of Qin Dynasty, which was very strange.
"Ah! What, you misunderstood The Qin Dynasty tried to explain, but found that it couldn't be explained. Because of what, Xiaobai is OK. In this thousand generations, he is clearly a person who has had an affair with himself The little white did not understand the situation, in order to show his loyalty, he replied with a high head, "and proud of this!"
"Thousand generations are just masters' slaves..." Thousands of generations said this with respect and loneliness.
"Slave?" What Xiaobai said, Liao Shasha also put up with it, while Qiandai's words made her have a tendency to go wild, "I think, it's almost * *"
Liao Shasha, who has read countless YY novels, still knows some of these, so she can't help asking.
"Eh? There is no such thing
The eyebrows of Qin Dynasty jumped wildly.
"The body of a thousand generations naturally belongs to the master." Chidai is also a natural fool, still there to answer, "so, it is not too much to say that it is * *
"Hehe, hehe, hehe..." Liao Shasha laughed twice and suddenly her eyes flashed.
The Qin Dynasty quickly scattered the Vajra Sutra because he knew what was going to happen next.
"Qin Dynasty, I fight with you!"
Liao Shasha yelled, jumped into the arms of the Qin Dynasty and took a heavy bite on his shoulder.
This is really a big hindrance The Qin Dynasty couldn't help shouting.
Xiaobai's eyes suddenly float over the murderous spirit, the hand knife has been raised.
But that thousand generation reacts more quickly, the black long knife on the waist has already come out half scabbard.
Qin Dynasty quickly gave them a warning look, and the two girls were honest.Loyalty is a good barrier to But too much loyalty can be disastrous.
"Well, girl, I'll bite you later. Let's get down to business first."
"Hum!" Liao Shasha knew that she could not bite the Qin Dynasty, so she could only roll her eyes at him.
"Chidai, how is your family dealing with it?"
"Recuperating." Chidai replied, "everything has started to be normal, and now most of the things are left to my sister to take care of it."
"Oh, it turns out that chidai has a younger sister." Qin Dynasty nodded, "can you follow me now?"
"Anytime, my master." Thousand generation nods to say.
"Xiaobai, what about you?" The Qin Dynasty turned his head to Xiaobai, the former king of killers.
"No problem. Miss Huizi has mastered the absolute real power, and Zhao Jingjing is also with her every day, so there is no need to consider the safety problem. "
"That's good." Qin Dynasty nodded, "in this case, I now officially announce that you two will be recalled, and I will accompany you in the future."
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