Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1075

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Chapter 1075

"Jinyu building".
This building is a famous office building in southern Jiangsu.
Because it is said that there are some well-known enterprises in the contract, these enterprises are very rich.
The building is very large, twenty stories in height.
People who come and go can't help but stop for a moment, look up at such a high-rise building, and guess at the same time.
What kind of boss can you work in such a powerful building?
At this time, the Qin Dynasty also stood under the building, surrounded by some people in ancient clothes.
These people, one by one, are elegant and do not touch the ordinary world, which attract the attention of passers-by frequently.
Is this a TV play?
Large scale antique film?
Qin Dynasty knew what people were looking at, and he couldn't help it.
This group of people are stubborn guys, one by one to the city to come, do not change the clothes of the city people now.
Anyway, no one will watch it after entering the building.
Who could have thought that such a beautiful and modern building is actually the headquarters of the evil alliance.
"Here it is. Let's go straight in."
Tiandanzi's face is angry.
Tan Hai shook his head and said, "as far as I know, it's not all the people from the evil alliance, but also some ordinary people. We, the practitioners, have strict rules. We can't do it in front of ordinary people, and we can't hurt ordinary people! Otherwise, it will be punished by heaven. "
"What can we do? Do we go in and tell people politely that we are here to kill people. Ordinary people, please leave quickly?"
An elder of Qinghong snorted coldly.
"Let's talk about it first. Don't you see that people look at us strangely."
Qin Dynasty was annoyed by those people's eyes and couldn't help saying.
"Lord Qin, the leader of this time is leader tiandanzi. Please listen to Kunlun's arrangement."
Oriental cherry now everywhere and the Qin Dynasty to do, heard the complaint of the Qin Dynasty, in the side holding arm sneer way.
"Yes, when do you like to enter? I have plenty of time anyway."
Qin Chaoxin said, seeing the Mid Autumn Festival, you guys don't have a good holiday and run to the gate of other people's company to stand guard. It's strange that the members of the evil alliance don't know such a big momentum!
Sure enough, while a group of people were arguing endlessly, a tall man came out of the gate of Jinyu building.
The man had an arm, a hooked nose, and he looked handsome.
But Qin Dynasty can know him, this is once attacked his own demon beast door, Hawk Eye.
"You are friends of the right way. I'm a member of the demon beast clan."
The eagle eyed man saluted a large number of ancient costume people gathered outside the door, and then said, "I wonder if you will come to our evil alliance industry on this mid autumn festival? If we don't agree, we won't be together
Since the other party has arrived, this eagle eye also admits that this is the industry of evil alliance. He felt that, in broad daylight, these noble and decent practitioners could not do anything out of the ordinary.
"Bah, who wants to have a festival with you heretics?"
Huo Yan, the elder of Kunlun's Tianhuo Pavilion, said angrily, blowing his beard and saying, "we are here to wait for these demons!"
"Yes! Kill the devil
"For all the people in the world!"
A group of practitioners followed.
That's good. It attracted a lot of people to watch. They really thought it was filming here.
Costume drama?
Xianxia opera?
As a person in the play, the eagle eye is not in the mood to watch the play.
In the morning, I saw this group of decent guys gathered at the company's downstairs, and Hu Qing didn't know what these people were going to do. This sent Hawk Eye down to ask the truth first.
I didn't expect that they came to besiege the demon gate?
"This Taoist friend, we are demons. Since the Millennium war, the two have nothing to do with each other. The well water does not invade the river. It doesn't make sense that you came to besiege us for no reason! Do you want to set off a second battle between the right and the devil? "
"For no reason? Well, that's not true. "
Oriental cherry sneered, "you devil road people, opened the forbidden land of Shanhai tomb, and now say we have no reason, don't you think it's a little funny?"
"Shanhai tomb, when are we going to open it! You hypocritical and righteous people who want to besiege us even add this unwarranted accusation
Eagle eye was very angry.
"Go away, we won't quarrel with you, the little one! Let Hu Qing get out of here, or we'll kill him! "
"Wait a minute!"
Eagle eye frowned and said, "according to the rules, the war between the devil and the devil does not involve mortals. Even if we are demons, we also abide by this rule. If you really find a reason to carry out, we should wait for our time, and we will put the innocent mortals away from here. "The enterprises in the Jinyu building are all the six industries of magic road.
Although most of the employees are from the devil's road, some of them are ordinary graduates and high-ranking leaders.
"Who knows if you're going to run away?"
Tiandanzi snorted coldly.
"Master tiandanzi, you are too small."
Eagle eye laughed, "you have so many decent families in the door, even if we want to mix in and leave, but also can not escape your eyes. Although you are famous and upright, we are not vegetarian. If you want to fight, I will fight. "
"What you say can represent the leader of the evil alliance?"
Oriental cherry raised her eyebrows.
"I'm the representative of the evil alliance, and my words will count."
Eagle eye arrogantly said, "and the devil's talk, one is one, two is two, will not be like you these hypocritical villains, look for those ridiculous reasons!"
"If you don't want to die, do it quickly."
Oriental cherry wave, a lightning fell on the eagle's eye side, split out a dark pit.
The onlookers were startled and said that thunder broke out in the daytime?
That's great. Good movie! Now, in order to make movies, the cost is not low!
Eagle eye as a monster, most afraid of lightning, he slightly shivered, cold hum, turned into the company door.
"Can't he really run?"
An elder of Qinghong asked.
"What are you afraid of? You can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple."
Tiandanzi is the old God. He has already inquired about it. The Jinyu building is the biggest industry of the evil alliance. Even if Hu Qing is a heroine, he is not willing to give up such a good place.
Oneself, just need to catch turtle in urn can, this patience, He Tian Dan son still has.
Sure enough, after a while, the automatic door of the building opened again, and some employees in suits and leather shoes walked out in mist.
I don't know how to dress up at the entrance.
What do these guys do?
The company is also strange today, the whole building people, all counted as the Mid Autumn Festival holiday to have a holiday.
Although a holiday is a good thing, but not the whole building.
It's strange.
But although these people are strange, they are also full of joy when they have a holiday, and soon they are all gone.
The eagle eye came out again and made a gesture of invitation to the crowd.
"Come in, gentlemen."
Please come in, but there is no smile on your face.
This group of righteous people didn't care whether he was laughing or crying.
This is a huge hall, very luxurious and spacious.
After the group came in, one by one looked like a cannon into the city. They looked around in surprise.
First of all, the beautiful walls of goldfish are all made of crystal fish tanks. There are different kinds of goldfish in it. They are very lively and lively, which adds a touch of vitality to the hall.
After entering, there is a huge color fountain in the center, which is luxurious and elegant. With the sound of music, the water is surging, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.
At the foot of the smooth marble floor tiles, reflecting everyone's face of surprise.
In this world, could there be such a beautiful place like fairyland?
Qin Dynasty is the most normal one. He is familiar with this kind of scene.
In today's society, as long as you have money, you can be God.
The six gates business of magic road has been operating for thousands of years, and it must be a lot of money.
This is the difference between right way and evil way.
One is forgetfulness and repression.
One is indulgence and carefree.
However, although they both come to the same goal by different ways, they both have the same goal, that is, to find the true self, and then to rise and become a free fairy.
Among these people, Qin Dynasty is the most complicated one.
Because he is not only practicing the magic way, but also the Buddhist scriptures, the way of heaven, and the power of God.
The magic way is the nine you method, that is, how to indulge yourself and dominate the world.
The Buddhist scriptures are about causality and good luck.
The way of heaven, the broken heart sword array, is self-cultivation and self-respect.
Finally, the power of God, that is the cultivation of great powers, discovered how to make people become true gods, beyond everything, even the universe.
Therefore, the road of cultivation in the Qin Dynasty was also the most difficult.
But future achievements are also the brightest!
"Where are your allies! Shall we see her in person
Tiandanzi recovered from shock and questioned eagle eye.
"That is to say, the evil way is too arrogant."
"This is not to our group of well-known and decent people in the eyes of ah!"
"I'll kill you then."A group of righteous people followed.
"Here it is."
Eagle eye was not angry, he reached out.
People follow and look, see in the fountain above, slowly put down a huge LCD screen.
In that screen, she is the female leader of the evil alliance, Hu Qing.
"Friends of the road, this mid autumn festival, you don't have a good holiday on the mountain, come to me, really let me shine here, ha ha..."
Hu Qing's tone is not cold or hot, and I can't see what mood she is now.
She's sitting in the office, looking through the camera at these annoying and hypocritical celebrities in front of her.
These guys have gone to their own places to look for trouble. It's a sin that can't be redeemed!
However, since the Millennium war, the devil's road has always been weak. If there was a real fight, this time, the injury would be out of school.
Hu Qing felt a little heavy in her heart, but she looked indifferent on her face.
However, when she saw the Qin Dynasty in the crowd, she was slightly surprised, but soon returned to normal.
"Hu Qing, you have opened the mountain and sea tomb, so that the world's living creatures are about to paint charcoal. We can't forgive you!"
Tiandanzi snorted coldly.
"If you want to add a crime, why have no words to it?"
Hu Qing laughed and said, "if you want to fight, I will take it. Although the evil alliance is not big, it will not be afraid of you people. However, what surprised me was that, Lord Qin, you were also in it "
" ha ha, master Hu, long time no see. "
The Qin Dynasty said a little awkwardly.
"Long time no see."
Hu Qing chuckled, "it's been a long time since I gave you the big Linglong rejuvenation needle last time Unexpectedly, this period of time, let a close comrade in arms of this seat, become the enemy. "
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