Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1007

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Chapter 1007

This big fireball is very fast, flying left and right, constantly hitting AI Xiaoxue.
"Bang! Bang! Bang
Three times in a row, AI Xiaoxue's body was hit.
The red fire explodes. If AI Xiaoxue is not covered by a helmet, she will be hurt.
"Ha ha, have you seen it? That's the power of my master!"
Huo Yao controls the fireball of the hairy mouse's illusion. Looking at Ai Xiaoxue's embarrassed appearance, he laughs.
"Police sister, can you do it?"
Liu Ying asked below, "if you can't, change Xiaoying! Xiao Ying looks at the fire he plays with. It's so boring! My hands are itching! "
Liu Ying said, grabbing a red flame in her hand.
"No need of you! I'm just playing around. "
AI Xiaoxue said, hands a swing, white palm, immediately grabbed two petrified 54 pistols.
She had been wearing a clean and beautiful police uniform, and now she was holding two pistols. She was majestic and attracted the attention of many practitioners.
"Bang bang bang!"
AI Xiaoxue stood there, facing the big fireball flying over, fired several shots in a row, and immediately put the fireball to fight again and again.
The fire mouse fell to the ground, its fur was a little dark, and the corners of its mouth were still covered with blood.
It seems that AI Xiaoxue's bullet has done great harm to it.
"You, you dare to hurt me
Huo Yao looked at his poor fire mousse, and his anger came up again.
With a flame on his body, he has to settle accounts with AI Xiaoxue.
"Wait, elder martial brother!"
Mu Ling held the fire and said, "let's three together! Don't rush in! "
While talking, Tu Kun, who was standing beside them, disappeared.
Under AI Xiaoxue's body, a pair of hands suddenly broke through the soil layer and came out, holding her two wrists.
"Younger martial brother has given us a chance! Go on
Seeing Tu Kun's success, Muling immediately threw out his wishful branch.
This small branch, suddenly become extremely large, when the wind is long.
In the twinkling of an eye, it grew into a towering tree ten meters high, and pressed down toward AI Xiaoxue.
"The method of fire breaking!"
Huo Yao also pinched a Dharma, then opened his mouth and spewed out a long fire dragon. He ran into AI Xiaoxue head-on.
The huge firelight exploded and made the arena red.
Huo Yao is very proud, pinching his waist and laughing.
"What's the matter? This is what happened to the three Kunlun swordsmen."
"Lord Qin, it seems that you luochamen lost the battle."
The elder Huoyan of Kunlun touched his beard and laughed, "the dream of being the first in the world seems to be broken."
"That's not necessarily true, old xiansen."
Qin Dynasty drink tea, ha ha smile way.
"It's not sure. The victory or defeat has already..."
Fire Yan's words suddenly stopped.
Because in that by the fire dragon boom, but also by the huge wood place, a beautiful image is slowly standing up.
The female police uniform was covered with black helmets.
The red flame was burning on the helmet, but it did no harm to her.
The fallen wood, split in two, stood on the ground like a fork.
"Think you can beat me like this?"
AI Xiaoxue stood there, even her face was covered by a stone helmet. She couldn't see her expression clearly, "too naive Come out to me
She said, waving her hand.
All of a sudden, the earth around me rolled up.
A stout stone arm, holding the short and fat earth tightly, stretched out from the ground and lifted it into the air.
It was not easy for Tu Kun to struggle, but he could not get rid of the stone arm.
"As long as I am above the earth, I am invincible."
AI Xiaoxue herself is the seven fold cultivation of the golden body. Although the other three are powerful, their cultivation is only three or four times, which is much worse than her.
In addition, she has the defense power of Jiuyou Xuanniu. As long as she is on the ground, her defense will be infinitely high. How can these three people do nothing for her.
"I don't believe it!"
Huo Yao opened his mouth, opened his eyes, and pinched a Dharma, "the way of fire is broken!"
A longer than before the fire dragon, spray out, open teeth and claws toward AI Xiaoxue.
"The method of wood line · entanglement!"
Mu Ling also quickly pinches the Dharma, and suddenly a lot of plants come out of the ground, winding around AI Xiaoxue's body.
"It's no use. Give up!"
AI Xiaoxue's feet move, hard to break away from those entangled in her body of plants, facing the flame long dragon, vigorously ran past."Man Wang collision!"
The best way to do it!
With an absolutely defensive stone armor, plus the all-out running, just like the Spanish bullfight, a terrible hit.
It's just a contest. AI Xiaoxue hasn't killed her.
Otherwise, a pair of sharp horns will grow on her shoulder armor, directly stabbing the two Kunlun disciples.
Fire Yao and wood spirit also a bit silly, they did not expect, such a move, also can't let each other stop.
AI Xiaoxue first smashed the flame dragon, and then continued to stride forward. Before the two Kunlun disciples could react, they bumped into them one after another.
The two Kunlun disciples screamed in unison. They were hit and flew out of the challenge arena.
Looking at Ai Xiaoxue, she turns around and faces Tu Kun raised by her stone arm.
"Do you admit defeat yourself, or shall I do it?"
"I don't give up!"
Although Tu Kun was not tall, his temper was quite stubborn, biting his teeth and refusing to admit defeat.
"Then I don't mind sending you to the West."
AI Xiaoxue said, holding the petrochemical sniper gun in his hand, the muzzle of the gun pointed to tukun's forehead.
"If you can stop my bullet, I will let you down and let you fight me again"
Tu Kun pinches up the five elements and forms a shield of earth in front of him.
"Wait, wait!"
At this time, Tu Xiang, the elder of Houtu Pavilion in Kunlun, who was sitting on one side, suddenly stood up and said, "I, we give up!"
"Tuxiang, what the hell are you doing?"
Fire Yan is discontented immediately, "Tu Kun has not lost yet! What are you doing? "
"I don't want to kill my disciples."
Tuxiang's face was iron green, and he looked at fire Yan with a look of displeasure, "the one who is in danger is the disciple of my thick soil Pavilion, but not of your Tianhuo Pavilion. Naturally, you are not distressed! We give in! "
When Tu Xiang spoke, Tu Kun couldn't say anything, so he had to give up in despair.
"The local elder is a person who knows the current affairs well"
while tasting tea slowly, the Qin Dynasty said.
"See you."
Tu Xiang sat down, his face was still not very good-looking, "but I have to admire the Lord of Qin. There is such a master under his hand. It's really admirable."
"Laugh, laugh."
One hit three, but also hit the other side, there is no strength to fight back.
Luochamen's prestige, can be said to be a great shine.
Other people in Kunlun are all sighing.
Unexpectedly, in this year's competition, Kunlun stopped in the top eight!
This, too dramatic!
Are they Kunlun no longer the eight sects!
"You don't have to sigh."
Tan Hai of Shushan said, "even if Kunlun can't make it into the top eight, Kunlun's strength ranks among the eight major sects, and other sects will recognize it."
"Master Tan, don't try to persuade me. This year, we have become a joke."
Huo Yan grinned at the Qin Dynasty.
In the face of so many hateful eyes, the Qin Dynasty, like a spring breeze, continued to enjoy tea calmly and watch the martial arts competition. It seemed that they did not pay attention to those people at all.
In other venues, the top eight were also selected.
In addition to Kunlun, the other eight sects are among them.
This year's luochamen has become a group of the largest black horses, which makes everyone feel shocked.
A new round of grouping has begun.
People of all major sects are in fear, a little do not want to meet luochamen in the last eight.
In the previous two games, the strength of rochamen has shocked everyone.
Fortunately, they only go on one person at a time. If three people do, there is no hope.
"Luochamen, group A, No. 1!"
Liu Ying looked at the bamboo stick in her hand, and the people from the misty peak immediately announced with their vitality.
"The first one is us. That's good."
Liu Ying took Zhao Jingjing and AI Xiaoxue by the hand and said, "two sisters, let me go this time You all did it once. OK, ok... "
Little Liu Ying is a coquettish girl. Zhao Jingjing and AI Xiaoxue, as sisters, are not easy to argue.
"Well, well, let you do it."
"Yes! Two sisters are the best
Little Liu Ying is very excited.
She's excited. She's the second in group A, but she's twitching.
"Why did we get it..."
A disciple of Qinghong, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, kept shaking."Elder martial brother, you're too damn smelly
The other two representatives of Qinghong are ugly. They want to let the people who organize the contest take another round!
"Let's face it..."
The disciple of Qinghong with a bamboo stick said, "look at each other. It's a little girl coming up. Maybe we can win."
"Is it done?"
Another disciple was still a little worried, "before her, she beat the iron ox of Zixia cave very much"
"joking, how can the small Zixia cave compare with our Qinghong! How can you compare with you and me! What's more, we're three to one. Don't you have confidence? "
The elder martial brother glanced at him.
"Yes, yes, we must win!"
The other two representatives of Qinghong Wuji help said quickly, "the sky and the earth, only I Qinghong!"
"Hong Wei Qing!"
After the group finished, the competition began to open vigorously.
Liu Ying stood on the challenge arena, looking at the three Qinghong disciples opposite, and said with a smile.
"Three brothers, be merciful. I'm still a little girl. You can't kill flowers."
"Well, it's hard to say!"
As soon as Liu Ying spoke, he was a little fascinated by Liu Ying's beauty. But soon, he came to his senses again and said quickly, "no matter what men or women are in the competition field, you, you should realize it!"
"But she is a little girl..."
The second younger martial brother couldn't help but ask, "can't we be bullied by girls?"
"Whether she is a man or a woman!"
The third younger martial brother could not help saying, "if you and I are merciful, when we lose, we will only become the jokes of other practitioners! At that time, the lost people will be much bigger than you said
"Well! Go on, kill her
Master brother waved.
"I'll come first!"
The third younger martial brother was able to destroy the flowers. He stood forward and pointed to Liu Ying.
"What do you think of me, little girl?"
The third younger martial brother stood there, pointed to his face and said.
Liu Ying tilted her head and lovingly looked at the third younger martial brother of Qinghong, who was really not so good-looking. "I, I'm afraid you'll miss it if you say it out, you..."
Liu Ying looked at the miserable appearance of the third younger martial brother, and all of a sudden she was stagnant.
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