Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1090

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Chapter 1090

Wayne's wallet is missing.
Originally, the Qin Dynasty intended to steal all the wallets of all the people present in the room, and make it a little bigger. Only in this way can we be happy.
Stealing everyone's wallet right now at the FBI is like slapping them in the face.
Later, I felt that if I was so happy, I would delay my task.
The FBI will never give up. Can make such a big noise, their eyes will not only be locked on the Korean people, they must continue to investigate.
So, the plan of the Qin Dynasty was to take the FBI's wallet and let them focus on the Korean. Finally, the wallet was sent back to the FBI.
Of course, the premise of all this is the need for Cheng Yinggang's help.
There is also an FBI outside, and the police come quickly. After a while, the hall is completely blocked.
These diners are very angry. Most of the people who can eat in this hotel are famous people. Who would steal a broken FBI wallet!
"Asshole, who told you to block us? Do you know who we are?"
"I want to call your director!"
"Sorry, we're the FBI."
Wayne and his companions looked at each other and showed them their identity. It's a pity that Wayne's ID was stolen along with it. Only his fellow FBI can prove his identity.
"I have something very important in my wallet, so please forgive me."
Wayne felt humiliated, but also felt it was an opportunity.
Those Asians who attended the conference are also here. Take this opportunity to search them, and maybe we can find something unexpected.
"I hope you can cooperate with us. We need to check the clothes on your guests. We apologize for the inconvenience. "
"What are you talking about? You have to search yourself!"
Li Enhao immediately stood up and said, "are you not a human rights society here! You want to search us! "
"We have relevant procedures."
Wayne's companion blinked at the embarrassed Wayne and said, "because we are also hunting for a famous international thief, I heard that he has mixed up with this hotel. If you don't want to continue to lose some important items, please cooperate with us. We are also thinking about your property safety. Sir, if you don't have a ghost in your mind, what can't be checked? "
"I hate a man touching me!"
Said Li en Hao, biting his teeth.
When did he get such unfair treatment in Korea.
"Do you know who I am? I'm Li Enhao, executive director of four star heavy industry! Is it possible for me to steal a poor FBI wallet? "
He exclaimed.
Wayne's eyebrows wrinkled.
"Well, my director."
Wayne's companion shrugged. "We respect you, so we'll arrange for a pretty policewoman to search you. Alice, it's for you
"Yes, sir."
A policewoman with blonde hair and blue eyes came up to Li en Hao and said, "Sir, please cooperate with me."
This female police officer's long is OK, although Li Enhao's heart is angry, but in the beauty's sake also tolerated.
It's no harm to let her touch herself twice.
This female police officer is very professional, and checks carefully, even Li Enhao's crotch.
In other people's eyes, it's like an affair.
In Li's opinion, if two people do these things in private, he must be very happy.
But in this public, in full view of the public, can not be so cool!
He only felt that the eyes of people looking at him were hot, which made him very uncomfortable.
"Hello, Hello, have you finished?"
He couldn't help urging.
The policewoman should a, and then put the slender jade hand into his pocket in the arms.
The policewoman drew a purse from Li Enhao's arms.
"This purse is my own."
Li Enhao said haughtily, "the amount inside is not something that an FBI can have."
But his proud face soon changed.
Because in that wallet, there is also an object that should never appear.
This is a very delicate instrument. Its appearance surprised both the police and the FBI.
"Signal eavesdropper!"
Wayne exclaimed, "arrest him. He's an agent!"
This signal eavesdropper is a common tool for agents.
Although it is not large, it can intercept all signals within 500 meters. Including mobile phone, radio and other signal transmission.This so-called Korean has this thing in his hand!
"This, this is not mine!"
Although Li Enhao did not recognize this thing, he was not stupid. In the reaction of the police and the FBI, he knew that it was not a good thing. However, when did this thing appear on him!
This is too unjust!
"If it's yours, just come with us."
Wayne came up to him and said coldly, "Mr. Lee, please accept our investigation."
"You, you can't take him away!"
"He is the executive director of our four star heavy industries."
South Korean people nearby said pale.
"If you do this to me, I will complain to you!"
Li Enhao's heart was furious, "this thing is not mine at all. You are planting it! This is a frame up
"We don't need to frame you up. Let's make it clear to the bureau what we have to say."
Wayne doesn't eat his way at all. He sees a lot of people like this.
"Take it."
"Wayne, you haven't found your wallet yet."
After seeing the howling Li Enhao away, his companion quickly reminds Wayne.
"Oh, by the way, which bastard stole the salary I just paid this month?"
Wayne was about to continue searching when he felt a little heavy in his right pocket.
He couldn't help but reach out and feel it in the right pocket of his suit.
This touch, I pull a grass, cold sweat brush down.
Wayne took out his wallet and looked at the FBI papers on it.
"You can do it, Wayne!"
His companion burst into laughter and patted Wayne on the back. "I said," you FBI, how could your wallet be stolen. It turns out that this is a good play that you want. It's not bad. You'll be rewarded by the spy. I didn't expect you to have such a clever way
"Hehe, hehe, hehe..."
Wayne smiles awkwardly.
He was a little confused.
Have you never lost your wallet?
No way. As an FBI, Wayne may not have high other skills, but he has a strong memory.
He definitely remembered that before, his wallet was on the table.
After losing it, he also carefully touched all his pockets, which were empty.
Now, I come to my pocket somehow.
Did a thief give him a black light just now?
It's impossible. From the blackout to the present, no one has contacted with him except his own companions.
It can't have been done by a companion. He was watching outside the hotel when the power went out. Besides, he didn't have to do it.
What the hell is going on.
Is it true that I remember wrong?
Now that the FBI hasn't lost his wallet, it's clear that they're playing an agent hunt. Although I despised them, I didn't take them to heart. The fun of eating was gone, and the people in the restaurant began to disperse.
In the Qin Dynasty, they went back leisurely.
In the elevator, Cheng Ying couldn't help asking.
"How do you do it?"
After that, why did Wayne send her a call in her pocket? In this period of time, Qin Dynasty has been sitting beside her, drinking red wine with her, enjoying the good play on the opposite side.
The Qin Dynasty was a mysterious smile, which did not reveal the mystery at all.
Cheng Ying takes a look at the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, Yang Zi has gone home. There are only Cheng Ying and Qin Dynasty in the elevator.
Cheng Ying is indeed a beauty, especially in a noble evening dress, with a low cut V-neck, a pair of full showing a small half, quite eye-catching.
But the Qin Dynasty tried not to see them, although he wanted to.
With Cheng Ying, a little flirting is enough. After all, she was still someone else's girlfriend, and Qin Dynasty didn't want to destroy a beautiful relationship.
But Zhou Su Bin's character, if it goes on like this, sooner or later, the two people will still quarrel.
From the Qin Dynasty, Zhou Su bin looked at himself is quite unpleasant.
Is it the legendary colleagues meet, especially jealous?
"The Qin Dynasty Zhou Subin is that character, but the person is not bad, you must not be angry with him. "
This elevator rises very slowly, Cheng Ying takes advantage of the opportunity in the elevator, can't help but whisper to the Qin Dynasty.
"I apologize for him..."
"Ha ha..."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and chuckled, "I didn't pay attention to him at all. It's a little arrogant, but it's true. You are the best agents of mi7, but you don't know the organization. In the organization here, you and Zhou Subin's ability, can't rank at all. "For example, ice, his ability, can kill these two super agents.
There are many capable people in the organization. Their toughness is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.
Of course, the toughness of these practitioners is beyond the imagination of people in the organization.
Only Liu Aiguo, as an ordinary person, has been creating the myth of the organization, no one can match.
I don't know what Liu Aiguo has in the end. Even ice admires him.
"Is the organization so terrible?"
Cheng Ying is a little unconvinced.
Although mi7 has been collecting information about the organization, its visibility is 10%. And Cheng Ying will not believe that she has always felt that super agents like Zhou Subin have been the peak state of human beings. Is there going to be something stronger?
"You'll get the chance."
The Qin Dynasty took a deep look at Cheng Ying.
"But not now, because we are here."
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