Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 657

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Chapter 657

The Qin Dynasty followed FA Xiang all the way through the streets of Jingyang city and finally walked into a very remote lane.
"Is your home here?"
"It's just around the corner." FA Xiang touched the head of ban cuntou and pointed to the dark lane in front of him.
The Qin Dynasty followed him into the room. In his eyes, there were two large red painted signboards.
"Shit, isn't it?"
Qin Dynasty swallows saliva, "you and Bai Jiaojiao, live in this kind of small hotel?"
"Yes, we don't have any money..."
FA Xiang touched his hair with embarrassment. "It's cheap here. A while ago, I couldn't afford the rent. I had no choice but to work as a porter at the railway station. I made a little money and barely paid the rent until next month. I don't think the porter can do it any more. I should change my job. "
The Qin Dynasty patted FA Xiang on the shoulder and said, "brother, I understand your feeling of living for rent. Don't say anything. I'll take care of the house. "
"How can it be done?" FA Xiang shook his head. "I have hands and feet. I can work and bear hardships. Why should I ask you to help me?"
"You're right." The Qin Dynasty knew that FA Xiang was a stubborn donkey sometimes. But he also has his methods. As soon as the topic changes, she is guided to say, "if you can lose yourself, then you will not consider it for Bai Jiaojiao? The little girl has worked hard for hundreds of years. Now she has to suffer with you. FA Xiang Ah, no, Zhang Xiang, you can't be too selfish! "
A few words in the Qin Dynasty made FA Xiang fall into a silent state.
"What's more, my eldest daughter, who is your younger sister Suji, will not do it if she knows about you! Just be honest and ready to pack up and move! Also, don't worry about the work. In a few days, you will go to Sunan with us. There is a Blue Shield security company under my banner. If you go to be a security guard, it will be most suitable for you. "
"But, but I don't want to bully people with force..."
FA Xiang was embarrassed.
"Damn it!" The Qin Dynasty stopped working. He pulled the collar of FA Xiang's coat and said to him, "security guard is not a thug. Security guard is to protect the safety of employers and property! Have you practiced Vajra Sutra? Although it is not as high as I am, there is nothing wrong with blocking a bullet! That's the deal! Don't mess with me. I'll set the hotel on fire
"Chengcheng, it's up to you."
FA Xiang was a little moved. He led the Qin Dynasty to the small hotel.
"It's early to get off work today?"
As soon as they entered the hotel, in the small hall on the first floor, a woman in her thirties was cutting her nails and saying without raising her head and eyes.
"Zhang Xiang, you haven't paid the water and electricity bill for next month."
"No, I paid the rent for next month..."
FA Xiang stood there, facing the female boss, a little at a loss. The Qin Dynasty understood that FA Xiang lived in the temple since he was a child. After returning to the secular world, he should have little contact with the society.
The woman boss's eyes glared, patted her fingernail knife on the counter and chided, "let me tell you how many times, the water and electricity charge is not equal to the rent! Rent, just the money you can live with me! You have to pay for water and electricity! Otherwise, you want me to help you dig it out! I tell you, 50 yuan of water and electricity should be handed in tomorrow, otherwise, the water and electricity in your house will be cut off! "
"I will, I will..." FA Xiang repeatedly agreed.
The Qin Dynasty did not do, all can not live, also pay what pay.
He took out a cigarette, lit it, went up to the woman boss and said directly.
"Thank you. My friend won't live next month. Please return the rent."
That female boss a listen, eyebrow raises old tall, "do not live? What place do you think this is? You can live if you can't, and you can't live if you can't? The rent has been paid, there is no reason to refund! You can't live, you can't leave! "
Looking at the landlady's unruly appearance, the Qin Dynasty didn't get angry, he he said with a smile, "we suddenly checked out, and we didn't pay attention to it first. However, it's all my brother's hard-earned money. If you don't want to give it all back, give us half, that's what you mean
"Pooh!" The female boss stares at the big eyeballs like a light bulb, spits the star son to fly, "you want to live, do not want to live to go, ask for money, not a hair!"
"Qin Dynasty, forget it. Don't take it."
FA Xiang didn't want to cause trouble, so he took the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty pushed him away and said, "no, you earned the money as a porter. Why did you feed the dog for no reason? I have to help you get it back. "
"You little bunny! Who are you scolding
As soon as the landlady heard the words in Qin Dynasty, she immediately blew her hair, patted the counter and stood up, "you know where this is, dare to run this trouble! It's crooked, you! ""Ha ha, who lives twisted crooked, it is not clear now." The Qin Dynasty didn't eat the proprietress's way at all. "If you don't return the money today, we are just one thing."
"Son of a bitch, you can still pretend!" The proprietress immediately yelled, "Dabiao, you don't come out, your wife has been bullied!"
Well, it's starting to shout for help.
Qin Dynasty hands in the pocket, mouth in the mouth with a cigarette, smiling and waiting for the big mark out.
After a while, a big five and three thick man, wearing a small vest, bare thick arms, came out of the inner room.
"Fuck, daughter-in-law, who dares to bully you, I cut him off!"
As soon as the big sign looks at Zhang Xiang standing opposite him, he murmurs in his heart.
Alas, Zhang Xiang is also a coolie's life! However, his little daughter-in-law is pretty. Hey, I've been greedy for a long time. However, the tigress at home is very strict, because she has no chance to attack.
"King de?"
Qin Dynasty saw out of the people, eyebrows immediately pick pick.
"Qin Dynasty?"
Wang Debao was stunned when he saw the Qin Dynasty. Then, he laughed twice, "this is quite a long time no see Ha, you are not less long."
"What's going on?" When they met, the landlady frowned.
"Oh, my junior high school classmate, Qin Dynasty." Pointing to the Qin Dynasty, Wang Debao said, "it's been a while since I've seen you for several years. How time flies"
"it's a hindrance..." The Qin Dynasty also sighed with emotion. He looked at Wang Debao, a 24-5-year-old woman and a woman in her thirties.
Well, the taste of Wang Debao is really bad
"Your junior high school classmate?" The owner's wife was obviously a master who didn't like to make peace. She pinched her waist and said, "Wang Debao, you junior high school classmate, have bullied your wife!"
"What?" Wang Debao immediately frowned and said angrily, "boy, junior high school, you are a counsellor. You are not less beaten by me! Now that you're growing up, you're on your way. "
"Wang Debao." Qin Dynasty threw cigarette butts on the ground, twisted out, "you and I are junior high school students, don't force me to start."
"Do it? I want to see what you can do
Wang Debao said, taking a mountain knife from under the counter, he went out, "Damn it, this shop is covered by Laozi all the time. I'll cut down anyone who dares to offend my wife! If you don't want to be cut down, get the hell out of here. "
Ordinary guests, as soon as they see that they take out the mountain knife, their legs are scared and soft.
Those who live here are usually migrant workers who come from other places to work. They are honest and honest and dare not make trouble.
But Wang Debao did not expect that the Qin Dynasty was not afraid of things.
"Ask your wife to refund the house money, and I will leave naturally."
The Qin Dynasty didn't pay attention to the mountain knife at all.
"Ouch, this is your junior high school classmate, AI." the landlady held her arm and glanced at her husband. "It seems that all the things you said to my mother before were just bragging and forcing her. You didn't do well in junior high school."
"Boy, don't blame me for not being a classmate!" Wang Debao felt that he had lost his dignity in front of his wife. He took up his knife and cut it on the arm of the Qin Dynasty.
But as expected, the scene of blood flying, did not appear. The Qin Dynasty just raised his hand and grasped the mountain knife.
The sharp blade, split in his palm, there is no wound at all.
Wang Debiao's eyes almost didn't fly out. After graduating from junior high school, the boy didn't run to Shaolin to practice the golden bell cover iron cloth shirt!
"Dabiao, you forgot to cut the edge of the knife
The landlady was also startled and exclaimed.
"Shit, why didn't you cut the edge! I grind it several times a day
Wang Debiao's arm, a little shaking.
"Wang Debao, you are a bully in the class from junior high school." The Qin Dynasty broke the blade with an effort and a click. As soon as he shook his hand, the blade of the knife wiped the landlady's ear and shot it into the back wall.
The Qin Dynasty clapped his hands and said, "but I didn't expect that you still look like that until now. Don't go too far in life "
" what are you going to do
Looking at the Qin Dynasty, Wang Debao stretched out his hand and leaned against the counter.
"I don't want to argue with you for refund."
The other side of the body where the fetus, the Qin Dynasty really did not bully that mind.
"Back, back..."
Wang Debao quickly said to the boss's wife who was shaking into a group after retiring from the stage, "get the money for brother Qin, hurry up!"
The landlady seemed to be very distressed and hesitated to take it.
"Hurry up! Don't kill yourself
Wang Debao quickly cheered.
The insolent landlady was soft now, so she had to take the key, open the drawer and take out the money.The Qin Dynasty looked at the 200 yuan money handed over, and his eyebrows jumped.
"How much is a month's room price?"
"Four, four hundred..."
"And you give me two hundred to send the beggar?"
"Not that Back, half... "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but be happy, "that was just now. Didn't you refuse it to me. If you don't do it, I'll refund the money honestly now! Four hundred dollars, not a cent less! "
"No, no more At home, there are only two hundred at home... "
The landlady was so sad that the Qin Dynasty felt that she was about to be robbed.
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