Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1140

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Chapter 1140

"Ah, ah, ah!"
"Help! Someone's dead!"
People around, scared to face big change, one by one panic to escape.
Cheng Ying is also staring at the Qin Dynasty, "you, what do you do, how to kill people casually!"
"It's just the people in the dream. Naturally, we can't do this in reality. But it's all a dream, and I'm just telling you, it's just a dream. "
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
Cheng Ying looked at the woman who fell in the pool of blood. Her head was gone, and the blood dyed the white dress on her body.
All around were people who were scared away. They were afraid that the man who did not know why to kill would be targeted at them next time.
Such a real scene, is it really a dream
"Is it really a dream But I feel so real... "
Cheng Ying couldn't help saying.
"It's all subconscious reactions in your own dreams."
Qin Dynasty laughs a way, "you forget, true you and I, still lie on the bed of a small inn, close head to sleep."
When he said this, Cheng Ying suddenly realized.
Oh, by the way, they were sleeping next to each other in a shabby inn that couldn't be broken any more.
But how can this guy talk about such a lewd look.
Hate, is he in his dream, is also so addicted.
Everything is decided by their own consciousness, that is to say, the Qin Dynasty in their own impression, is so color.
Well, that's right. He's always been like this, big lecher.
While the two men were talking, the alarm bell was ringing all around. Cheng Ying looked under the overpass, only to see a flashing red and blue lights of the police cars stopped, the overpass under the surrounding full.
A group of police jumped out of the police car and came up from both sides of the flyover, each with a guy in his hand.
"Listen to the gangsters above, our policy is lenient. As long as you hand over the hostages, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!
A seemingly captain like figure, with a trumpet in his hand, lay down behind the police car and yelled to the Qin Dynasty, "otherwise, if you fight against the people, you will die!"
"This guy seems to take you as my hostage."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing, "right, beautiful hostage lady."
Cheng Ying looked back at the Qin Dynasty and said, "you are not allowed to flirt with the hostage lady."
"You're my hostage, so listen to me!"
Qin said rudely, suddenly pulled off Cheng Ying's pants, revealing her wheat thighs and warped parts.
Cheng Ying suddenly exclaimed, looking back at the Qin Dynasty, eyes with anger.
"You, what are you doing?"
"You don't want that. We'll do it here."
The Qin Dynasty said with a smile.
"You're crazy!"
Cheng Ying blushed, want to pull up the pants, a bow but found their pants inexplicably missing!
She was holding her legs and her eyes were angry. "Here, there are so many people here..."
"It's said it's a dream..."
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and patted Cheng Ying's crisp part. "These are illusory characters. What are you afraid of..."
"Yes, but..."
Cheng Ying also remembered that it was a dream. However, the people below were too real
The police, one by one, stare at their thighs, gaping.
The captain holding the trumpet even spat.
This, this is really a little scary.
Cheng Ying is about to say something, suddenly feel a swelling in his body, and then some pain.
"Well You, what are you doing... "
She realized something, turned back with a red tide on her face and said angrily, "it's really here..."
"It's just a dream. I'm afraid of something."
In the dream, Qin Dynasty has no burden.
The feeling is real, but the experience is illusory.
Especially in this kind of occasion, the Qin Dynasty felt that the extraordinary stimulation ability of
illusory ability was really good.
Go back by yourself. Would you like to have a try with Nana.
For example, in my dream with little Nana, I went to the classroom in front of the whole class
There is no limit to human evil
Cheng Ying now do not know what to say, her mind began to some confusion.
Because it is in a dream, the sudden pain will go down quickly, and then there is a strange feeling.
Under the eyes of those policemen and pedestrians, Cheng Ying is ashamed to get into the crack in the ground.
Qin Dynasty is too hateful. How can you do such a thing in full view of the publicWait, wait
What the Qin Dynasty did was a dream. And dreams are the reflection of one's true thoughts in his heart
Well, in fact, I really want to do such a thing on this occasion
My God, how could I have such an idea!
Cheng Ying, you are such a hooligan!
If the Qin Dynasty knew that Cheng Ying attributed this matter to himself, he would have laughed straight.
Only he knew that he was responsible for all this.
Poor Cheng Ying is still there, ashamed.
"Up, up there! You did this to the hostages... "
This is also the first time to encounter such a thing, the captain did not know what to say.
Does the people's Government tolerate a lot?
Can you forgive such a thing
In public, killing with guns, strong x girl
Oh, my God, how could there be such a pervert.
"Don't talk nonsense and disturb me to do business."
Because it was in a dream, the Qin Dynasty was particularly open.
He held Cheng Ying's crisp part with one hand, and let Cheng Ying lie on the railing of the overpass. The other hand, holding up the sand hawk, fired a shot at the captain.
After the gunshot, the captain fell directly into a pool of blood.
The police were furious.
This guy, how dare you!
Even the police dare to kill!
Is he the legendary killer?
"You, why do you kill again..."
Cheng Ying murmured and complained at the same time.
"You can actually think of it as a game."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "in the game we play is the gangster and the hostage. Because they are virtual characters, you will have no psychological burden. Of course, I don't agree with you to do the same in reality. After all, games are games and dreams are dreams. Everyone's heart, there will be his dark depression side, through the game, through the dream to vent a good. In reality, life is only once, and we should learn to respect life. "
Qin Dynasty is doing a sprint movement, while shooting at the police below, while telling Cheng Ying great truth.
Cheng Ying couldn't help rolling her eyes.
This guy, the mouth can say!
"We're not going to stop the local police. We're too fierce to stop them!"
"That's the only way."
The police officers all hid behind the car and started calling for help.
Armed police action is very fast, in the Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying in the dream unscrupulously do happy things, arrived under the overpass.
Armed police with guns and live ammunition jumped out of the car, and there were snipers in the distance, aiming their guns at the Qin Dynasty.
"Make sure the hostages are safe and one shot is killed."
Even the chief of the police came in person and ordered, "this is a big incident. We must ensure the safety of the hostages, shoot down the gangsters and give an account to the people."
There's a statement on it. A few snipers are ready to start.
Though fierce, the gangster is a fool.
There is no blind spot on the overpass. He is dead.
"Yes, there are snipers..."
Cheng Ying's voice is intermittent, but as an excellent agent, the attention of the surrounding is not completely distracted.
Subconsciously, she reminded the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, I see it all."
Qin Dynasty nodded, "see me kill the sniper with a pistol."
With that, he raised his hand and shot at random.
In the dream, there are countless bullets.
It's like a plug-in.
Those snipers hiding on the roof, behind the police car, were shot in each head and fell dead.
The police are stunned. This guy, who is the sniper!
It's going to be tricky.
The other side is not afraid of snipers, and there are hostages in their hands. Should he be allowed to be so rampant?
"Director You, what do you want to do? "
The following people came to ask for instructions.
"Ask the gangster what conditions can release the hostages Make sure the hostages are safe. "
The director said helplessly.
The people below immediately came to the negotiation experts. When the Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying were working, they kept communicating with the Qin Dynasty and asking about the conditions of the Qin Dynasty.
"Do you think that guy is a little annoying?"
The Qin Dynasty launched the first round of sprint, Cheng Ying body soft into a group.
"Well, well, well..."
She couldn't even hear her promise.
"Well, listen to you."
The Qin Dynasty raised its hand and killed the negotiator."How, how did you kill again..."
"Don't you think he's boring? I'll send him to annoy Lord Yan."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
Cheng Ying even rolled her eyes.
Two people are happy, the police below are in a mess.
That gangster, oil and salt will not enter!
Did he really enjoy killing people?
"I'll come myself!"
The director picked up a loudspeaker, frowned and asked, "what do you want! As long as you release the hostages, we will try our best to satisfy you! "
"What do I want?"
The Qin Dynasty laughed loudly, "ha ha, isn't it obvious? I just want to do something I love to do! You people who go to the theatre for free, all pay for the tickets to Laozi
The police below are stupid.
Cheng Ying is biting her lips.
"You, you go to die, return the ticket money When, when we are performing... "
"Hey, hey, this is not a free time to tease them."
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, "to point to the effect of the performance."
They were about to continue talking when a loud telephone ring rang.
"Whose cell phone?"
Qin Dynasty is very unhappy, a sand hawk swept up and down the police, "whose mobile phone!"
The police looked at each other.
Cheng Ying suddenly exclaimed, "it seems that it's mine..."
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