Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1001

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Chapter 1001

The eight magic puppets are the unity of man and nature.
At this time, in addition to Suji, Xiaobai, Zhao Jingjing, and Shen Qing were all gone.
The Qin Dynasty understood that they were temporarily integrated with Suji.
"Heaven and man are one!"
Luo Rumeng was even more surprised. "They believe you so much. Aren't you afraid that you took the opportunity to devour their strength and body?"
"I'm different from you."
Suji's body, gradually wrapped in a black helmet, a strong momentum also appeared on her body.
Tianwei has been built.
Su Ji's accomplishments, the Dragon leaping and the tiger leaping, entered the level of flying immortal.
At least, we should be at the same level as Naro.
"I am a woman, you are a madman."
"I hate it when people say I'm crazy!"
Luo Rumeng stood there, with a dense white air on his body.
She's angry.
Under Suu Kyi's mask, there is a smile on her mouth.
At this time, an open space between the two people suddenly sank down, leaving a deep hole.
All the practitioners present were very strange and surprised. How could they suddenly have such a pit?
Only the Qin Dynasty, the use of magic eye, see is still clear.
Just then, it was Luo Rumeng who suddenly shot and rushed towards Suji like lightning. And Suu Kyi also moved, flashed out, and Luo Rumeng in the middle of the two people contact, a fight.
The power of the two men fluctuated, leaving a deep hole in the ground.
Then, one after another, in the middle of the two, there were pits coming out.
"Bang bang bang!"
That heavy sound, as if knocking on the heart of each of the practitioners, let them all have some fear.
What happened and why they couldn't see anything!
This fear of the unknown haunts everyone.
"Madman, you can't deal with us any more. You'd better admit defeat."
Suu Kyi is still standing there, no one knows how many moves she made in a moment.
She looked at the opposite Luo Rumeng and continued.
"Don't call me crazy!" Luo Rumeng's body was full of white gas, and her whole person was in a very crazy state, "you women, know what! You know what true love is. You know what real hate is! No, you don't understand, because you haven't seen the true face of a man yet
"Look at yourself first! Madman
Suu Kyi continues to stimulate Luo Rumeng.
"Looking for death!"
Luo Rumeng is crazy. Instead of attacking with high speed, she grabs a stone axe and jumps forward to Suji.
It seems that she is going to directly suppress Suu Kyi with her strength.
"You will, and so will I
Suji said, her hands condensed out a petrochemical shield, and beat forward, blocking Luo Rumeng's axe.
Mars twinkled in the place where the axe and shield crossed, very dazzling.
"And stronger than you!"
Suu Kyi blocked Cairo's dream ax, and at the same time flew a foot and kicked Luo Rumeng's abdomen.
This Luo Rumeng's body suddenly flew out and fell far away.
With the strength of Jiuyou giant elephant's foot, Luo Rumeng's armour was directly cracked.
"I, I was hurt?"
Luo Rumeng spits out a mouthful of blood.
The mask woman's strength after the unity of man and nature seems to be one step higher than her!
"Thunder chain!"
But Suu Kyi's attack is not over. She reaches out her hand and releases a thunder and lightning. In a blink of an eye, it turns into a chain around Luo Rumeng's body, and instantly catches her in front of her.
"Ice thorn!"
On the ground, rows and rows of ice thorns come out, cross impact on Luo Rumeng's body, and lift her body up.
"Black blade!"
Suji held a black sickle in both hands and threw it down heavily. She chopped Luo Rumeng's neck.
But at this critical moment, Luo Rumeng stretched out his hand and blocked the impregnable black sickle with his stone helmet on his arm.
Jiuyou Xuanniu's defense is indeed very strong, but Luo Rumeng's arm has also been cut off half, the sickle has not entered her arm.
Black blood, constantly flowing down.
"You seem very proud..."
Luo Rumeng raised his head, with blood on his mouth, and looked at the mask woman on the other side coldly.
Suu Kyi said, "I don't want to kill people if I can. But our security is threatened. I'm the only one who can get rid of you"You are so naive that you think you can kill me?"
Luo Rumeng suddenly raised his right hand and punched Suji across the air.
The power of Jiuyou giant elephant!
In the Qin Dynasty, this is elephant roar!
The impact of the fierce impact on Suu Kyi's body, she had to temporarily extend her hands in front of her body.
At this time, Luo Rumeng's figure flashed quickly, and instantly returned to the back, standing beside Mo Fei Yan and Chun Jiuniang.
"Sisters, I need your help."
"Sister Luo, this is a Feixian level battle We can't help you... "
Chun Jiuniang said with trepidation.
"Hehe, of course I know."
Luo Ru Meng but laughed, "so, I want to let you also enter the Feixian period."
"Ah? Really? "
Chun Jiuniang thinks that Luo Rumeng wants to teach them some secret arts, which is very informative.
But Mo Fei Yan understood something. His body turned into black smoke and seemed to escape.
"Where to go!"
Who knows, Luo Rumeng moves faster, grabs the black smoke and grabs Mo Fei Yan's body shape back and presses it in front of him.
Chun Jiuniang is shocked and doesn't know what Luo Rumeng means.
"Sister Luo, what are you going to do
"I am looking for your help."
LUO Rumeng laughed, and his right hand suddenly turned into a huge tiger head and swallowed Mo Fei Yan's body.
Then, on her body, lit up black light.
"You, you madman
Spring nine Niang scared silly, Luo Rumeng actually swallowed Mo Fei smoke!
She has to run away!
Spring nine Niang tore open the space, ready to move directly, leaving this terrible place.
But her speed is not as fast as Luo Rumeng.
Luo Rumeng's right hand swung, a black knife came out, in spring nine Niang's waist rib so cut open.
This spring nine Niang stare big eyes, eyes open to see oneself upper half body, and lower half body slowly break away.
"Be my strength!"
Luo Rumeng had broken the general left hand has been restored instantly. This will become a tiger's head and swallow chunjiuniang's body into it.
The blue and purple light was shining on her.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Now, I see who can beat me! "
Luo Rumeng's realm ascended in an instant and entered the realm of immortals, which was one level higher than that of meat immortals. She covered her face and laughed wildly.
All the practitioners are stupid.
This woman is really crazy.
Even his two companions were swallowed up.
"Your sister is a woman, too fierce."
Qin Dynasty also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, said.
"It's all my fault..."
Rod deeply sighed, "Qin boy, can you promise me one thing..."
He appealed to the Qin Dynasty.
"Come on, come and die!"
Luo Rumeng held out his index finger to Suji. That originally a pair of cold star's eyes, now flashing crazy light.
"Then let me kill you again."
Suu Ji's hand, holding a lightning halberd.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty suddenly began to speak.
"I'll fight her."
"No, this is our women's war."
Suji refused the Qin Dynasty.
"Leave it to me."
The Qin Dynasty insisted, "this is also rod's request."
Hearing this from Qin Dynasty, Suji said it.
"In that case Or Qin Dynasty, take over the power of our sisters... "
She suddenly turned into a colorful light and rushed into the body of Qin Dynasty.
Before the Qin Dynasty reacts, Suji has become one with him!
The unity of heaven and man between the demons and puppets is different from that of the master!
As long as they can reach a certain degree of fit, there will be no harm.
And with the Qin Dynasty Tianren one word, is to hurt their Shouyuan!
There was no way for the Qin Dynasty. Suji was too strong. Even if she hurt Shou yuan, she had to teach Luo Rumeng with their strength.
After the unity of heaven and man with the eight magic puppets, the power inside the Qin Dynasty instantly rose.
At the same time, he also got Suu Kyi's ability, the power of the emperor's magic puppet.
The Qin Dynasty didn't think about the power of the emperor after he got the demon dragon and the magic puppet.
But rod told him that the sacrifice to summon the real emperor demon puppet was the emperor magic puppet itself.The news shocked the Qin Dynasty.
He couldn't have done it to Suu Kyi.
Even if he could not get the real power of the emperor's magic puppet, he recognized it.
However, the way of the unity of man and nature has enabled the Qin Dynasty to temporarily acquire the ability of the emperor as a magic puppet.
The power of several magic puppets can work at the same time.
"Are you the heir of my good brother? Why, feeling, are you not like him at all... "
Luo Rumeng looked at the Qin Dynasty, slightly tilted his head.
"Of course, I am. He is him."
After the Qin Dynasty stabilized its own strength, he raised his head, looked at Luo Rumeng and said, "I am the Qin Dynasty, I am not anyone."
I'm not rod, I'm not Yingtian!
This is the heart of the Qin Dynasty.
"But you are a man after all!"
Luo Rumeng's eyes showed murderous spirit, "if you are a man, you will certainly hurt a woman. Some of your women are very nice, really nice, willing to give up their lives for you. In order that they will not be betrayed by you, I will be merciful and kill you
Luo Rumeng said, the body quickly moved up.
The speed of the evil tiger!
Come on, it's coming to the end!
If the Qin Dynasty did not have the power of evil tigers, I am afraid it would be a loss.
But in his eyes, he could see clearly that the whole world was slowing down.
The breath of those who practice around becomes very long.
Those frightened faces are also infinitely frozen.
This is the power of the evil tiger.
When you become extremely fast, the actions of others, in your own eyes, will become particularly slow.
And Naro's dream like movements are also clearly visible.
She held a long black knife in her hand and stabbed it into her abdomen.
The Qin Dynasty seized a long black flame sword and quickly opened the other side's knife.
Then, and Luo Rumeng sword added, a moment to fight several moves.
The sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, leaving cracks on the ground around.
But in the eyes of those who practice the truth, they don't know anything. They only hear the sound of Dangdang and the sword marks left on the ground.
These two people's speed, has reached the acme!
All the people present can harvest their lives as long as they start!
It's terrible!
"Die, dirty man!"
Luo Rumeng suddenly drank, and countless spider silk flew out of his body, winding in the body of the Qin Dynasty.
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