Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1226

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Chapter 1226

Yuan Yuan's mother put down the phone.
Do you really want to ask Huang Ping?
Wang Yuan is not stupid. She knows what Huang Ping wants.
If you ask for it yourself, the price must be to marry this man.
From then on, he will completely lose his freedom and become a victim of marriage in the upper class.
She thought about it and finally picked up her mobile phone and called her sister.
Li Na is sitting in an Audi in Shangluo, driving all the way to Kyoto Art Museum. All of a sudden, I got a call from Wang Yuan. She was very strange.
"It's sister Wang Yuan."
Li Na said with her mobile phone.
"What did she call you for?"
"I don't know..."
Li Na also doesn't understand. Although she has exchanged numbers, Wang yuanxuejie has never called her mobile phone before.
her work is so busy, how can she think of calling herself.
"Hello, sister."
"Li Na I'm sorry. I have something to ask of you
Wang Yuan was in a state of impatience at this time. As soon as Li Na answered the phone, she asked directly.
"Oh, you can't talk about it, sister. If you need my help, just say it. "
Li Na said quickly.
Wang Yuan has always helped herself. If she needs help, how can she stand aside.
"Well, Li Na I'd like to ask, what kind of business is your brother Qin? "
"You ask him"
Li Na is very curious about why Wang Yuan Xuejie cares about elder brother Qin. "I'm not sure, but it seems that a lot of business is done."
Dafa group, should be a very comprehensive enterprise.
"So In fact, I want to talk to him about cooperation. "
"Well, I have a good project in my hand, but now I'm a little short of money. I can't find anyone to help me. I have to ask elder brother Qin of your family whether he is interested in injecting capital. "
"Well, how much money is needed?"
"Well, it's not too much, about 200 million..."
"Two, two hundred million!"
Li Na was so scared that her mobile phone almost didn't fall to the ground.
When I worked in KFC, I talked about my part-time job for 4.50 cents a minute.
I'll cut it. The 200 million
I have to sit through KFC to earn money
"Well, it's 200 million yuan..."
Wang Yuan is a little embarrassed. She also knows that there is a great demand for funds.
Now it's a critical time.
If we can't fix the capital in two days, the Wangs will declare bankruptcy.
"Sister, I'd better give you elder brother Qin's phone number, and you can have a talk with him Maybe he's interested
With so much money, I can't make my own decisions.
If it's hundreds of thousands of things, she can persuade elder brother Qin to help because of her friendship with her sister.
Now it's a little too noisy, Li Na decided not to mix in with this matter.
Wang Yuan can only nod. She understands that Li Na should not be able to help in this matter. It depends on the will of the Qin Dynasty.
Soon, Li Na sent the phone of Qin Dynasty to Wang Yuan.
Wang Yuan looked at the numbers, took a deep breath, and then called the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, Qin Dynasty was smoking in the bathroom of the art museum when he received a strange number and picked it up.
"Hello, who is it?"
"Is it the Qin Dynasty..."
There was a girl's voice on the other end of the phone. Qin Dynasty slightly a Leng, the heart says who this is, how the voice is not familiar?
"I am. Who are you?"
"I'm wang yuan, Li Na's elder sister..."
Oh, boy, it's this girl.
When the sun comes out in the west, she calls herself?
Is it because of the last thing? She's never finished?
"Comrade Wang Yuan."
Qin Dynasty hastily said, "the last time you didn't scare me enough, did you call to chase me?"
"No, it's not..."
Wang Yuan said quickly, "I apologize for the last time. I hope you don't take it to heart It was too late that day, and the streetlights were not on. Maybe I was dazzled... "
"What's the meaning of possibility? You're just a fool! At that time, there was no one on me! "
Qin Dynasty vowed to say.
There is no one, but there is a female devil.
"Yes, yes, no one. I'm really dazzled."
Wang Yuan said quickly.
The Qin Dynasty began to be strange.This little girl, how can she talk so easily today?
"I said, beauty, it's the so-called three treasures hall. If you call me, you can tell me what you want
"I'm sorry..."
Wang Yuan hesitated, "actually, there is a project. I want to talk to you about I hope you can work with me. "
"Talk about work?"
The Qin Dynasty was stunned.
"Oh, this beauty Wang, have you ever talked about work on the phone?"
"No, no, but I'm in a hurry..."
Wang Yuan said.
"You can't worry about it any more. Well, I have something to do today. Let's make an appointment for lunch tomorrow. We'll solve this problem at the dinner table."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
Chinese people like to solve things while eating.
"Well I'll find a good place to call you tomorrow... "
Hearing that the other party did not directly refuse herself, Wang Yuan was relieved.
But she was worried that the funds of the Qin Dynasty would be enough to handle the matter.
200 million, not a small number, ordinary families dare not think about it.
Just as she put down the phone of Qin Dynasty, the phone in the office rang.
"Mr. Wang, Mr. Huang wants to see you."
The assistant's voice was on the phone.
"Tell him I'm not available!"
Wang Yuan said bluntly.
She knows what Huang Ping is here for.
She suddenly understood why the banks refused to lend to the company.
Behind this, there must be Huang Ping's action.
It seems that he wants to use this method to force himself to be obedient
But it's possible. She is Wang Yuan. She will never become Huang Ping's wife because of this kind of thing.
"Wang Yuan, why are you still in such a bad mood at this critical moment"
just after she put down the phone, Huang Ping opened the door of the office and walked in.
Wang Yuan was angry. How did this guy get in.
"You, you can't go in."
At this time, his female assistant also rushed over, but was pulled by two bodyguards in black.
"Forget it, Xiaoyue. Go back to work first."
Wang Yuan knew that Huang Ping had forced her to break in, and her assistant couldn't stop him. She said, "Huang Ping, what are you doing here? It seems that you are not welcome here."
Wang Yuan said straightforwardly.
With this man, she really has nothing to say.
There is nothing good about the four families.
"Wang Yuan, don't say that. After that, everyone will be our own. How can I say I'm not welcome to a place where I'm not welcome. "
Huang Ping lit a special cigarette and took a slow puff.
Wang Yuan waved to dispel the smell of smoke. She stood up and turned back to open the window behind her.
Huang Ping swallowed her mouth because of her exquisite figure and the warped part wrapped in her long skirt.
From her leg shape, we can see that this is still a place.
What a wonderful woman. She is going to be her own wife.
"Huang Ping, I'm still wondering who is targeting our Wang family."
Wang Yuan opened the window to let the smoke smell go out. Then, she turned and sat on the chair, looking at the proud face of Huang Ping.
"Now that you're here, the answer will be revealed. Huang Ping, I didn't expect that you would think of such a mean way to get me. "
"No poison, no husband."
Huang Ping waved his hand, and the bodyguard in black behind him stepped forward and pushed a chair for his young master to sit down.
He sat there, cocked his legs, continued to look at Wang Yuan, and then said, "I just want to tell you that you can't escape from the palm of my hand."
"You are very wrong
Wang Yuan replied, "I have never been afraid of anyone! Even if it's you, I won't be afraid! "
"It's not me that you're afraid of, it's our Huang family."
Huang Ping flicked the ash and continued, "in Kyoto, who dares to challenge our Huang family?"
"Do you think you've got a good eye for it?"
Wang Yuan curled her lips, "even if you block all my way, I will take the Wang family to break out."
"Even if you are monkey grandson, you can't escape from the palm of my Buddha"
Huang Ping still said calmly.
He thinks he has everything.
A small Wang family is not a matter of pinching and pinching.
"You overestimate yourself."
Wang Yuan said rudely, "I'm not a monkey, and you are not a Buddha. You, just Huang Ping. Although the Huang family is powerful, it can't decide everything. The life and death of our Wang family is up to me. ""It seems that you haven't seen the situation clearly yet"
Huang Ping looked at Wang Yuan and sneered, "you can go on like this. I see if you can be so tough in two days. Then you'll come to me crying
"That's you in the dream."
Wang Yuan made an order to leave, "now you'd better leave. This company belongs to the Wang family, and you are not welcome."
"Sooner or later, here, and you, will be mine."
Huang Ping said coldly, then turned to leave.
"I will always, always be my own."
Wang Yuan watched the young master of the Huang family leave.
After Huang Ping went out, he sat in the car and was furious.
"Grass him, the little girl of Wang family, is he really? Giant pout!"
"Huang Shao."
Ma Ruo hang has been sitting in the car. Seeing Huang Shao like this, he obviously knows that he has come back from behind closed doors.
"Is Wang Yuan so tough? Is there something to rely on?"
he said with some worry.
"No way."
Huang Ping immediately shook his head and said, "in Kyoto, who dares to protect her! The widow of the Yang family has no friendship with her. The Tang family now has self-protection problems. The Si family has been abolished. Who else will there be! She just couldn't tear her face off. After two days, I asked her to kneel down in front of my Huang Ping and cry for me
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