Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 989

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Chapter 989

"Qin Dynasty, I will kill you!"
"Big sister, you are calm and calm."
In Liu Chang's duplex two story building in southern Jiangsu, Liu Chang is dressed in clean pajamas, which is amazing. At this time, the beauty, however, is holding a kitchen knife in her hand, completely ignoring the image, and chasing up and down the house of the Qin Dynasty.
As long as Liu Chang can grasp the things, they all greet the Qin Dynasty who is running away in front of him.
"Qin Dynasty, take your life!"
Liu Chang grabs a piggy piggy bank by the side and throws it out to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty flexibly turned around and took the money pot with both hands. Then he continued to run for his life. At the same time, he said, "Liu Chang, can you calm down a little bit? I'm not taking your sister to die!"
"Is there a difference?"
Liu changzhui is tired. After all, she is not such a cultivator of Qin Dynasty. After running more than ten times upstairs and downstairs, she is a bit out of breath.
She stood there, holding the stairs, panting on her chest.
"Damn it. She's only a junior in senior high school. She's only 17 years old. You encourage her to go to such a dangerous place! My sister's life is not worth money, is it
"No way!"
Qin Dynasty quickly yelled, "Xiaoying is very important in my heart, OK! How could I have ignored her life
"That's Hongmeng Taoist Association. They are all a group of abnormal practitioners like you! How can Xiaoying, such a weak girl, go to such a place! "
"You, you don't care too much."
The Qin Dynasty continued to try to comfort Liu Chang, who was a little violent. "I actually asked her to help me fill the scene. Don't be so excited
"I'm just such a sister. Can I not be excited?"
Liu Chang didn't intend to forgive Qin dynasty like this. She held the kitchen knife in her hand and said, "no, you are not allowed to take Xiaoying to such a dangerous place! If you really want to take me, I will fight with you
He waved the kitchen knife in his hand.
"Liu Chang, don't get excited. Do you think the kitchen knife in your hand works for me
Qin Dynasty funny way.
"It doesn't work?"
Liu Chang took a look at his kitchen knife and thought of the skills of the Qin Dynasty.
But she a ruthless, a bite teeth, put the kitchen knife on her neck, "you, you say it doesn't work!"
"It works, it works!"
The Qin Dynasty was startled. The heart said it was not. Liu Chang still played with Laozi. This is the legendary forced palace!
"Liu Chang, you, calm down!"
Qin Dynasty said quickly, "not as it is, you look at this matter too seriously!"
"I'm just a sister. My sister is asking you to provoke you. You have to send my sister to death!"
Liu Chang bit his silver teeth and said, "I'll just be cruel and send myself to the dead end first, so as not to see my sister later miserable and miserable. Qin Dynasty, I die, no one cares about you and my sister's affairs, how do you like it! We will never see each other in this life, and don't know each other in the next! Goodbye
With that, Liu Chang's kitchen knife was about to be cut.
The Qin Dynasty immediately stretched out his hand, the mind power to start, Liu Chang in the hand of the kitchen knife to fly.
The chopper went straight into the next closet, shocking.
"Liu Chang, you're really dead!"
Liu Chang looked at the Qin Dynasty.
Naturally, she knew that the Qin Dynasty would not see her die.
If you don't play so hard, you can't scare the Qin Dynasty.
This man, too cunning, too hateful.
To deal with such a man, we must make a hard move.
"Qin Dynasty, why didn't you let me die since you didn't agree to my request! What do you want me to do! I must have done something wrong in my last life to know such an asshole as you
"Liu Chang, let's not be excited. Let's have something to say."
The Qin Dynasty approached Liu Chang carefully and handed the money pot back to her. "Violence can't solve the problem, do you think so."
"What do you want to do? I tell you, I will never agree with my sister to do such a dangerous thing
Liu Chang glanced at the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was quite a headache. As the saying goes, women with personality are the most difficult to deal with.
"We can talk slowly..."
The Qin Dynasty put his hand on Liu Chang's shoulder, "Liu Chang, how long have we known each other?"
"More than a year..."
Although the Qin Dynasty suddenly changed the topic, Liu Chang was a little surprised. But she recalled it and said.
"Yes, more than a year. What do you think of me in the more than one year we've known? ""Not reliable, not serious, not much!"
Liu Chang's three no, like three arrows, pierced into the brain of the Qin Dynasty.
"I, am I so bad..."
"There must be, there must be!"
"Liu Chang, you don't speak with such a lack of conscience! You said, we have done so many tasks together, which time I let you down! "
The Qin Dynasty said reluctantly.
"Well That's not true Liu Chang finally reached a consensus with the Qin Dynasty on a certain point.
"That's right."
Qin Dynasty breathed a sigh of relief, and then patted his chest, "I work in Qin Dynasty, don't you worry?"
"Do you want to tell me that I can trust Liu Ying to you
Liu Chang is not stupid, Qin Dynasty that little trick, she saw through.
"Well It does mean that... "
The Qin Dynasty laughed awkwardly.
"Qin Dynasty, you know, Liu Ying is my sister given by heaven."
Liu Chang suddenly sighed and said, "I don't want to see my family, the last one, just leave me. Qin Dynasty, you have parents and family. And I, only one Liu Ying. If there's anything wrong with her, I don't know what to do with myself. "
"Liu Chang..."
Thinking of Liu Chang's father, the man who wanted to be a God, there was some guilt in the heart of Qin Dynasty.
It was herself who killed her father.
And these, can't tell Liu Chang.
In her heart, her father should be tall and sacred.
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to leave any shadow on her.
Looking at Liu Chang's lonely look, the Qin Dynasty some can't bear, gently hugged this woman.
Although she has always been so strong, so experienced. But in fact, the heart, it is so weak.
"Asshole, so I don't want you to take Liu Ying away"
after Liu Chang was held by the Qin Dynasty, he felt a little aggrieved. Once his nose was sour, jindoudou couldn't help falling out.
"If she has anything to do with her, what should I do?"
"She's grown up, Liu Chang."
The Qin Dynasty took Liu Chang's shoulder and said to her in a loud voice, "she can't live under your protection all her life. And she has power, and she has to pay for it. If she doesn't recognize her strength, then there will be a real tragedy you don't want to see. "
In the mind of the Qin Dynasty, there are three Angel contractors in his uniform.
Those people, who suddenly get power, don't know how to use it, resulting in scenes of tragedy.
"I, I am her sister, I can protect her..."
"No, you can't!"
The Qin Dynasty interrupted Liu Chang's words, "you are an ordinary person, you do not have that strength! And I can, I can! "
The Qin Dynasty pointed to himself and said, "Liu Ying is my magic puppet, and I brought her to this world. I have the responsibility to let her realize what is the world of the cultivator! In this way, she will know how to restrain herself and how to use her power! "
"You, you have said so much truth, but you don't want to take Liu Ying to the Hongmeng Taoist meeting."
Liu Chang is too clever. Although he was said to be stunned by the Qin Dynasty, he can still analyze the ultimate goal of the Qin Dynasty at a glance.
"Yes, there is such a meaning in it But... "
"No more."
Liu Chang opened his mouth and said, "if you insist on taking it, you can take it."
Qin Dynasty opened his eyes, Liu Chang agreed so quickly! He was ready to fight for a long time.
"I know, I can't tell you. But I only hope that you can protect my sister's integrity with your own life. You take her healthy, and I ask you to bring her back healthy. "
"Don't worry about it. I didn't do all the things you asked me to do well."
The Qin Dynasty patted the chest and said confidently.
"And I want you to ask her permission. If Xiaoying doesn't want to go, don't embarrass her, OK? "
"I've asked for it. She's too happy."
The Qin Dynasty thought of Liu Ying that small violent maniac, can't help but say.
Liu Chang thought, "there are no such violent people in our family. They are all so gentle Xiaoying, who can do this... "
It's not with her sister
The Qin Dynasty took a look at the kitchen knife on the side of the wardrobe.
"I'm quite curious about the things in the world of practice. Why don't you take me with me?"
Liu Chang also put forward a wonderful idea to make Qin Dynasty's eyes straight.
"No way!"
The Qin Dynasty refused without hesitation, "you are a mortal. To take you there is a violation of the principles of the cultivation world. Besides, you don't have any strength. If you go there, there will be danger. ""As a member of the organization, I really want to collect some information about your practice world."
Liu Chang has some regrets, "with your group of forces out of the control of the government, how are some unstable."
"It is impossible for the Xiuzhen world to belong to any organization, even the state."
The Qin Dynasty told Liu Chang, "otherwise, the Xiuzhen world will become a weapon, a very terrible weapon. As practitioners, what we pursue is freedom and the way of heaven. We can't be bound. "
"Didn't you join the seventh course
"I was forced, OK?"
The Qin Dynasty talks about this is a sweat, which was played by Li Baishan and Xi.
"I think you are very happy. You often use this identity to oppress people."
"That's what I have to do."
The Qin Dynasty was correcting Liu Chang's idea again, "you think I like to use this to suppress people, but it's not to punish those pretending to be forced criminals."
"Well, don't say that I want to ask you something important. Did you help Shangguan drive her ex boyfriend away? "
Liu Chang asked.
"Well done, but..."
"But what?"
"Nothing. You go."
Liu Chang pushed the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah? Then drive me away
The Qin Dynasty was very reluctant.
"Hurry up. If I don't go, I may change my mind. I won't let you take Xiaoying."
"All right, all right, I'll take you to dinner later."
The Qin Dynasty had to leave in a hurry.
Liu sighed, slumped on the sofa, picked up a picture of himself and shangguanyan on the table, and couldn't help talking to himself.
"You idiot, idiot, bore. If you do this, the Shangguan will pay more attention to you Asshole, how many girls are there for your side... "
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