Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 483

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Chapter 483

"What underwear is Shangguan's sister wearing?" Xiaoying was excited. Her eyes were full of curiosity. And next to the upper Guanyan, has been ashamed of the face is about to burn up.
"Well I remember, it's like t... "
"Qin Dynasty, you are a god killer!" Shangguanyan can't bear it any longer. It's like a small volcano that has been accumulating for a long time. It finally erupts with a bang.
She picked up the durian which fell to one side, held it in both hands, and smashed down the head of Qin Dynasty.
One, two, three, four!
"Stop! I, my God... "
Qin Dynasty stretched out an arm to block, Niang, for the shell of durian so many thorns!
Liu Chang is also gnashing her teeth. Shangguanyan likes to wear T-Back, which she naturally knows. Because shangguanyan always likes to wear tight skirts outside. If you wear briefs, there will be deep marks.
But how did the son of a bitch in the Qin Dynasty know that he really saw the naked body of shangguanyan?
At first, I thought that shangguanyan, a girl with no cover up, was just talking nonsense.
Looking at shangguanyan's abuse of her patients, Hu Ke is like nothing. She sits beside her, holding a newspaper in her hand, as if she didn't care about the situation in the Qin Dynasty.
She read some interesting news casually while reading the newspaper.
"Young students, in order to buy an iPad 2, they sold their kidneys for 20000 yuan? Tut Tut, there are too many mentally disabled people these days. A kidney in the black market can be fried for 200000 yuan, but this guy sold it for 20000 yuan. Qin Dynasty, how to say it in your words. Well, kengdai, kengdaoai "
she seems to speak to the Qin Dynasty, but at this time, the Qin Dynasty has no time to answer her
" Qin Dynasty, what did you do to shangguanyan? "
Liu Chang didn't want to listen to Hu Ke Nian's news. After a long time, she couldn't help asking the question.
"I, I didn't do anything..." The Qin Dynasty couldn't laugh or cry. It was just an accident that the shangguanyan was seen by himself.
"all, you dare to say that you didn't do anything!"
"That is, irresponsible fellow!" Shangguanyan, who has been so shy that she has no reason, also said with her fist.
"Brother Qin has always been like this..." Xiaoying riding on the body of the Qin Dynasty, like a coquettish twist small waist. Suddenly, the girl blinked and asked the Qin Dynasty.
"Brother Qin, what's down there? It's hard. How did you suddenly get to Xiaoying?"
Qin Dynasty is full of sweat. You've been writhing about me in my heart, and you asked Laozi in turn?
Liu Chang's eyes lit up with fierce light and swept over some part of the Qin Dynasty. When Qin Dynasty was cold, she felt that the girl would suddenly pull out her pistol hidden in her leg, and then give the little Qin Dynasty a bullet.
I'm weak now If you get shot, you won't lose your children, but I'm sure his mother will hurt me to death
"You, you all misunderstood..." The heart of Qin Dynasty's death has already been found. It's better for him to let the people of the island country arrest themselves and lock them up for research. It's also better than being tortured by these women
"That Xiaoying, can you go down first
"No, Xiao Ying likes to hold elder brother Qin best." Xiaoying pursed her mouth and said, "what's more, the bottom is hard, but the top one is very comfortable. Eh, it seems to be a little bigger... "
The Qin Dynasty is about to collapse.
There is nothing to stop shangguanyan and Liu Chang, the two beauties. They immediately step forward and one of them holds Liu Ying's arm to pull her down.
But Xiaoying's strength is so strong that she is also a magic puppet of the Qin Dynasty. If it wasn't for her sister, Xiaoying would have thrown the two beauties out.
"No, no, Xiao Ying, don't go down." In order not to hurt her sister and her friends, Xiaoying has no strength in her hands. However, her legs, like a clip, tightly clamped the waist of the Qin Dynasty.
The body of Qin Dynasty is still burning and painful, and he can't make any strength at all. Therefore, this guy was pulled by two beauties, plus a little beauty, and pulled down to the bed.
"Shit, I'm a patient! What are you going to do? " Qin Dynasty two hands to pull the bedside railing, the whole person was pulled into a straight line, crying desperately.
"Patient!" Liu Chang's murderous spirit, "I'll make you dead in a moment!"
"Help, help..."
The Qin Dynasty cast a look for help to Hu Ke.
And Hu Ke is still flipping through the newspaper.
"Well? Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung divorced? Well, they're all divorced, and I don't believe in love anymore. "
Believe, believe grandma's leg is in the way
Qin Dynasty was Huke that female zombie angry to death, this ya, is obviously in ignore oneself!
When the Qin Dynasty was wondering whether to bite his tongue and commit suicide, the sound of high-heeled shoes came from the door of the ward.The four men who were in a tug of war stopped at once and looked around.
I saw two women come into the door, a small and thin, dressed in cotton padded clothes, wrapped in tight jeans inside. On her feet, she stepped on low-heeled cowhide boots, showing great vitality. Before some immature face, now more than a trace of flattery.
And another woman, the figure enchanting, winter, still wearing a low chest dress, the body of the two white, dazzling.
However, I don't know if this woman is beautiful. Because she had a phoenix mask on her face.
These two women are longbeier and Xi.
"Oh Naxi is leaning on her small waist with one hand and her long thigh on the ground, perfectly depicting the arc of her warped part. If it is normal, the Qin Dynasty will wipe saliva wantonly appreciate some.
But at this juncture, let alone appreciate, he is even crying heart.
"I thought you were seriously ill, but I didn't expect that you had a good life."
"Hehe, hehe..." Qin Dynasty two hands pull the implantation fence, unable to touch his nose, had to laugh twice, "you, you really misunderstood..."
Xi Leng hum a, slant head, no longer see this man that appears suddenly in his life.
"I knew you'd be OK."
Compared with hee, longbell's reaction is much more natural. As if he didn't care how many women there were around him in the Qin Dynasty, longbei'er walked forward with his hands in his trouser pockets coolly, and then said, "how could my man of longbei'er die in such a place as the island country?"
"Dragon, longbeier's man?"
Shangguanyan and Liu Changqi are stunned.
Longbeier, they don't know each other. Later, the contact with the Qin Dynasty was so deep that it was also due to the worship of this savage little girl. But isn't this girl gay? How can she shout out this word all of a sudden!
"Yes, that's right." Longbei'er seemed very proud, and nodded, "Qin Dynasty is really qualified to be my man, only he can conquer me."
Murderous Qin Dynasty smelled the smell of murderous gas again
When I was a child watching seven dragon beads, Monkey King and vegeta would scream a few times when they were ready to fight, and then burst out all kinds of colors.
Now, the Qin Dynasty seems to be in shangguanyan and Liu Chang's body, also saw this kind of terrible Qi strength.
Oh, no, two girls are going to get angry.
What Longbei er said is too straightforward And her man, can conquer her
Tears hinder The Qin Dynasty is full of tears.
"You, don't you like women..." Liu Chang endured his anger and asked with gnashing teeth.
"No matter men or women, I like it all the same."
Longbei'er's answer is so cool that two murderous girls will be silly.
The former Mafia lady, with one hand in her trouser pocket and the other outstretched, held little Liu Ying's chin and asked, "beautiful lady, what's your name?"
I'll wipe it!
In the Qin Dynasty, cold sweat flowed through.
, this dead son, dare to molester other people in front of this uncle. Woman!
It's unbearable for uncle, but not for aunt!
"No matter what she is, Xiao Ying, get down quickly!" Liu Chang and shangguanyan are pulling Xiaoying.
"No, if I don't, I won't!" Xiaoying struggles hard.
"Beautiful girl, I'll save you." Long BEI'ER took off her cotton coat, then rolled up her sleeves and grabbed Liu Ying from the other side, adding to the confusion of the battle.
God, who will stop this ridiculous farce!
The Qin Dynasty cried hysterically in his heart.
On the other side, Hu Ke is still reading today's newspaper.
"Ah, ah, ah, Kyoto is flooded I can't believe it. Because of the problem of drainage, there is water on the rainy ground. What this interviewer said is very interesting. On that day, there was only one platform left for buses in Kyoto, which was called Jishuitan. "
Ji your sister!
The Qin Dynasty wants to cry without tears. If he has the strength, he must jump out of the window of the ward and hide in silence first. But Xiaoying, why are you so tight! Let's clip you Oh, you don't rub! Motherfucker, the gun is easy to be rubbed off, don't you know!
The body of Qin Dynasty couldn't help shaking for two times, and finally closed his eyes.
I've accepted my fate. You can do it!
"Qin Dynasty! How can you enjoy yourself on your face! " Shangguanyan patted durian on his face.
Xiaobai, where are you? Come to help me. Take me to Huizi
Fortunately, sister Zhao Jingjing will be more terrible if she is not in the farce
"Tut, this news is interesting..." Hu Ke is still reading the news, "a man who married four wives ran away from home because he couldn't stand the quarrel between the wives. It's so funny. How could there be such an idiot man... "Qin Dynasty really wanted to get the yuan Shen out of the body, and then went all out with Hu Ke.
It's a pity that the present vitality, not to mention the vitality out of the body, is not enough to treat one's own injury.
"No, can no one come to help me?"
The Qin Dynasty cried out helplessly. At this time, an angel voice rang in his ear.
"Qin, brother of Qin Dynasty?"
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