Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 823

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Chapter 823

This captain is as like as two peas in Ai Xiaoxue.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help shaking his head.
If Meng Po is really sent to prison, she has so many secrets of official transactions, who dares to move her!
When the time comes, how she gets in and how she gets out.
"I'm going to kill her today. No one can stop me."
Qin Dynasty eyes a Li, can't help but want to next cruel hand.
But in the two sides some standoff time, from the stairs above, suddenly came down a group of timid little girls.
When a 12-year-old girl saw the Qin Dynasty, she was very happy. She rushed over and hugged her thigh.
The other girls also came to see the police opposite, they were very happy. But seeing that the police were all in front of Meng Po, their hearts were cold, so they had to stand behind the Qin Dynasty.
"Uncle, that mother-in-law is a bad person. Why should the police help her?"
Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.
"Uncle doesn't know."
Qin Chao shook his head and touched Xiaoyu's head. "Uncle only knows that bad people should be punished. If the law can't do it, let uncle do it. As the saying goes, there are gods at three feet above the head. People are doing it and the sky is watching. Those who do bad things may escape the punishment of the law. But, my God, I will never let them go. "
"Uncle, send Xiaoyu home. It's terrible here, and the people here are terrible."
Xiaoyu two small hands holding the big hand of Qin Dynasty, said.
"Uncle, take us home..."
All the girls begged that the police would be fooled by this scene.
Such a killer, how many children like it?
"Children, come here!"
The Deputy captain was terrified, "that man is a murderer, a bad man, come here quickly!"
"You are the bad guys!"
Xiaoyu immediately held a tender voice and called to the police opposite, "uncle is a good man! He helped us kill the bad guys and save us. You say uncle is a bad guy, you are a bad guy! "
"Yes, you are bad guys!"
The little girls took out the oranges and apples they found upstairs and smashed them in the opposite direction.
The police were panicked and didn't know why the kids were hitting themselves.
The Deputy captain was beaten twice and couldn't help but anger.
"What are you doing? We are here to save you!"
"Are you here to save us?"
Xiaoyu couldn't help retorting, "when we cheated here, where were you? Where are you when we don't have enough to eat? Where were you when we were nearly taken advantage of by the bad uncle
"This, this..."
The vice captain, he was speechless.
"We were deceived by that man and abducted here by her. We are not allowed to eat every day. We are not allowed to see our parents. We are also allowed to serve strange corn. Such a person, you protect her, but you point your gun at Uncle! "
When Xiaoyu said these things, she couldn't help crying, "you, where are you like good people?"
Many policemen, hearing this, could not help but put down their pistols in silence.
The vice captain saw them and looked at Ai Xiaoxue. Finally, his eyes fell on the light rain, as if thinking of his young daughter.
He sighed and lowered his pistol.
"What are you doing? I am a legal citizen. You should protect me, protect me!"
Meng Po saw that the policemen had put down their pistols, and she could not help but exclaimed.
"Legal citizen?"
Qin Dynasty sneered, "do you dare to go to the morgue on the fourth floor with me? You ask the people you take out of your organs alive and die. Will they recognize you as a legal citizen? I don't think you're even human? "
"I, I..."
In Meng Po's eyes, she suddenly remembered that she was surrounded by a group of corpses. The old lady's legs were shaking like chaff.
Around the police, one by one is also a big change in face.
Even take out the organs of living people for sale!
It's cruel.
"You have only one end, and that is death."
Qin Dynasty came over, all the police are not holding guns at him. Even, some people, gradually away from Meng Po, let her become a lonely family.
"Don't kill me, don't..."
Seeing the Qin Dynasty step by step, Meng Po couldn't help but kneel down and burst into tears.
"I know I was wrong, and I'll never dare. I, I'll give you all my money. Please let me go, let me go, this poor old lady I don't want to die. I really don't want to die... ""Did you hear their cry when you killed them and took their organs?"
The Qin Dynasty stood in front of her, looking down on Meng Po, just like a god looking at a sinner.
"Your hands are full of blood, even if I can let you go, those who cry in my ears will not agree."
With that, Qin Dynasty stretched out a hand, mentioned the Mencius, ignored her struggle, turned and walked to those little Lori.
"Apologize. Apologize to them."
Qin Dynasty left her on the ground, pressed her neck, and let her bow her head in front of those girls.
"You brutally exploit the compassion of these children and in turn hurt them and deceive them. One thing you have to do before you die is to apologize to them! "
"I, I..."
Meng Po's eyes were full of fear, but there was no regret.
The Qin Dynasty snapped.
"Yes, I'm sorry..."
Meng Po's a sorry, let all the girls, can't help crying out loud.
At this moment, their grievances, their pain, all burst out.
Many policemen couldn't help crying when they saw this scene.
These girls are so miserable.
They're so young, they've been through this. I am afraid, in their later life, will also leave a terrible shadow.
"Well, it's time for you to go to hell."
Qin Dynasty put his hand on the head of Meng Po, and the nine you Yin Fire instantly jumped into the woman's body.
Meng Po covered her eyes with white flame, and her mouth was covered with white inflammation. She murmured in pain and fell to the ground, and the whole person gradually turned into ashes.
Those cops were dumbfounded.
What is this? It's terrible!
Is it true that God is punishing him?
Only AI Xiaoxue understood what had happened. She shook her head with special emotion.
Qin Dynasty this person disposition is easy to be impulsive, the joy, anger, sadness and joy are never willing to control.
But that's what he is.
And AI Xiaoxue also knows that this man is not mature at all. He is like a child, need people to take care of, to love.
Although he has a strong power, if the power is not well controlled, it will become a nightmare for everyone.
But fortunately, he was not bad in nature and hated evil as a foe.
"Go and search to see if there are any abducted children!"
As soon as AI Xiaoxue waved her hand, the police rushed into the room.
The vice captain also went to Xiaoyu, apologized to her, and then picked her up.
"What's your name, little sister?"
"My name is Liu Xinyu!"
"That's the end of my mission."
Qin Dynasty was nearby. He took a long breath and looked at Dawei, who was held on the ground by the police, and said, "these people have been punished as they deserve. But the girls and the dead, they, who can save them... "
"Don't get tangled up."
AI Xiaoxue gently hugged the waist of Qin Dynasty from behind, "as you said, people are doing, the sky is watching. Moreover, there are so many unfair things in the world that you can't manage one by one. Let's leave these matters to the professionals like us. "
"I hope you can be relied on and trusted."
Qin Chao sighed. Indeed, he couldn't manage it.
He has to worry about a lot of things in the Xiuzhen world. How can he take care of the real things.
This time, it's just a coincidence. Eliza was abducted, and he found this hell on earth.
"Ai team! We found a lot of girls in the basement
AI Xiaoxue and Qin Dynasty are surprised at the same time that there are girls in the basement?
The two men followed a team of policemen to the dark basement.
In the deepest part of the basement, there were a group of very fair skinned girls. As soon as you can see, these people have been locked up for a long time, and they never see the sun.
What's more, they were all naked and naked, eating black steamed bread.
Now at the sight of the police's flashlights, the girls all step back in horror.
"I don't want to, I don't want to do that..."
"Let me go..."
"What's going on..."
Qin Dynasty frowned and asked.
"According to the man named Dawei, these girls are the people and animals they keep in captivity."
The Deputy captain sighed and gnashed his teeth. "They put these girls in captivity, let some guests adopt them, and enjoy the fun of raising beautiful women.""I fucked their ancestors!"
Qin Dynasty a punch, hit on the side of the wall. All of a sudden, the pit appeared and the rubble flew.
The Deputy captain shrank his neck in fear.
They are the seventh.
"I should kill all of them, not one of them."
"Calm down, Qin Dynasty, calm down."
AI Xiaoxue holds the cold hand of Qin Dynasty and comforts him.
"Those people have lost their humanity."
The teeth of the Qin Dynasty were rattling, "for their own benefit, they can sell everything. Humans, after all, are inferior to animals. Animals can protect their kin. As long as they can make money and sell their own kind, they are so terrible
"No, no more..."
The vice captain was a little ashamed and wanted to die.
Man, as expected, man is the most terrible animal.
"Dress these girls, find their relatives and send them home..."
All the people feel, go home, these two words, the first time so heavy
"Go home..."
Qin Dynasty also murmured a word.
That night, a big fire broke out in the city that never sleeps. This once brilliant Entertainment City, in one night, turned into dust and disappeared in the moon night.
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