Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 561

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Chapter 561

"Immortal is not old, honest and stay in your fairyland, run down the mortal to do what!"
Rod has completely recovered his strength, feeling unprecedented violence.
Although the power is not permanent, it was given to him temporarily by the Qin Dynasty. But he believed that sooner or later, the Qin Dynasty would become a great power. At that time, it would be the day when he really recovered his strength.
Therefore, when he speaks, even if the other party is a fairy, he also takes a pride.
"Boy, how dare you talk to me in this tone! You are looking for death
The Jinwu general's brow was raised, and he seemed to be very angry.
"Dead?" Rod scornfully Pooh, "I'm really sorry, I've been dead once."
"Jiuyang pure fire! Turn it into ashes
Jinwu war general suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a golden red flame. The flame turned into a blackbird and slapped across to rod.
"Little skills."
Rod laughs, carrying his hands, but he doesn't move.
But I saw him, a little bit of wandering out to count to the black smoke. Those black smoke, blink of an eye into the shape of a dragon, constantly revolving around the body.
The golden crow that flew over, before he got close, several small black dragons flew up and scrambled to bite. It was easy to tear up the flaming ebony.
"What a powerful evil spirit!"
Jinwu war will send out a solemn exclamation.
"Jie Jie..."
Rod laughed. He was really happy and satisfied.
"Yes, this is the real strength of this seat! Jinwu war will be right, this time, it will be your most regretful action. I will tell you, mortal, what a terrible place
"I'm not ashamed of it!"
Once again, the flame of the war broke out.
The whirling tornado roared again. This time, the tornado was even more terrible, as if it had life. It was like a swimming dragon. It rolled horizontally at rod.
"You look down on the Xiuzhen world!"
Rod took a deep breath of heaven and earth, and then the power of God in his body was activated.
"The most evil place, the darkest devil's land. I, rod, command you to open your door
Rod stretched out his hands and pulled him around like this, and at the same time drank, "come out, Jiuyou luochamen!"
In the sky, suddenly opened a black door, the door did not know what was trapped, only a sharp and shrill roar, and the clattering of chains.
This door is very huge, within 100 meters, it is the shadow.
The strong evil spirit also flies with it, and flows out continuously from the door.
When the fire broke the door, it broke into pieces.
And this is not over, this Jiuyou luochamen, listening to rod's control, continues to exert its domineering power towards the Jinwu war generals.
The Jinwu war general felt an unprecedented pulling force, tearing his body.
His strength, his flesh and blood, were attracted by the door.
"What is this?" The general of Jinwu war quickly put a pair of sledgehammers across his body and forced himself to hold his body. But Jiuyou luochamen is very arrogant, I don't know when, he will be unable to resist, was pulled into the door.
"On the other side of the door is the nine hell. It's definitely a good place for you to be satisfied
"Devil, you won't succeed!" Suddenly, the general of Jinwu war broke two big hammers in his hand and cried, "come out, my son and son!"
The two sledgehammers turned into countless golden birds, flapping with flames, as if a hundred birds were facing the Phoenix, forming a dark golden red cloud, rushing towards the Jiuyou luochamen in groups.
Every Jinwu bird bumps into it, can blow up big groups of fire.
This fire is not ordinary fire, but pure fire of Nine Yang! In the world, the flame with the most Yang.
"It's a good bird. I'll keep one."
Rod burst out laughing, reached out his hand and pointed to one of them.
Behind him, a black smoke flew past, and soon turned into a magic claw. He grabbed the golden blackbird and pulled it back.
"This kid still has the most rubbish fire in the world. I will use the pure fire of nine yang to quench it for you."
With a big mouth, rod swallowed up the struggling ebony.
As soon as the golden crow entered rod's body, there was an explosion. Jiuyang pure fire swam around with the power of the explosion, as if to destroy rod in his body.
"No use! Ha ha ha! I have never been afraid of any fire
Jiuyou Dharma is determined to cultivate the power of fire.
There was no fire between heaven and earth that could do harm to rod.Therefore, soon, the power of the golden crow was suppressed. Then rod controlled the flame to quench the earthly fire in the nine hell fire.
All fire in the world is also a positive flame, but compared with the pure fire of Jiuyang, it is just a sky and an underground.
As soon as they come into contact with each other, the fire in the world is immediately digested and swallowed by the pure fire of Jiuyang.
A sense of power expansion, let rod very satisfied.
At the same time, he made the Jiuyou luochamen, but it was very badly bombarded.
There are constantly jinwuniao suicide attacks, head-on hit.
Finally, the door produced a crack, in a succession of attacks, bang, explosion smashed.
"See, this is the power of the immortal!"
The Jinwu war general made a successful move, laughed, and then controlled the Jinwu birds and rushed to rod again.
"I'm just playing with you. I really take it seriously." Rod curled his lips. "People in fairyland are really stupid."
"Whether I am stupid or you are arrogant, I will know immediately!"
Jinwu war general is so angry. What the hell do you come from! If I don't kill you today, I will not have the face to go back to heaven!
"Yes, I'll find out soon."
Rod is still carrying his hands, a look of indifference. Looking at the golden and red birds all over the sky, he only spat out a few words.
"Three thousand roads, three thousand magic roads. Come out, three thousand luochagui
Rod said, from his body, suddenly flew out of countless black smoke. Those smoke drill into the air, immediately turned into a ferocious devil, to meet the Jinwu bird in the air.
The golden crows seem to be inferior in comparison. Hit by the devil, big mouth a bite, have a whine, into a broken flame.
Three thousand luochagui, with extremely vicious power, soon broke through the Jinwu group in the sky, and then ran to the Jinwu general not far away.
"No! No way
"Jinwu war general is still in consternation," how can there be earthly cultivators, break my Jinwu general's fairyland magic! "
Looking at the Jinwu war will be annihilated by his three thousand Luocha ghosts, rod is still that indifferent appearance, and said with a negative hand, "the power of man is really incomparable with the power of immortals. Therefore, for so many years, you immortals have been pressing on the top of our practitioners. It's a pity that what we have now is not the power of man, but the power of God that can create the world! It's easy to destroy your magic
"The power of God?"
A huge golden bird with golden red flame appeared in the sky. He uttered human words from his mouth, and he was quite astonished.
"How can it be that the power of God has broken the void, or has fallen asleep in the seal! You, how can you have the power of God
"You know too much."
Rod suddenly turned into a shadow and remained where he was.
And the real one, already on the back of the golden bird, with his feet on his flaming feathers.
"Get off my back!"
Jinwu let out a roar, slapped and rolled.
"I want to report back to heaven. There will be 100000 generals coming down to arrest you!"
No matter how the golden crow rolled, rod firmly stepped on his back. "Today you come down and come down. But I'm afraid you'll never go back to heaven again. "
"Dare you kill me? I am a fairy
"If you are the Jade Emperor, I will kill you Rod's voice, cold and determined.
The Jinwu war general finally knew that he was afraid. He kept rolling back and forth in the clouds, beating the flames, but still could not get rid of the little human on his back.
"If you want to blame it, you should not owe it to the world today." Rod suddenly grinned, his left arm turned into black claw, and then turned into black smoke again, condensed into a bigger claw.
"Although you can't go back to heaven, hell still welcomes you. This seat, I'll give you a ride
Said, that black magic claw, a head stabbed into the body of Jinwu.
With a roar, the giant Kingfisher flapped its wings feebly, then fell into the clouds and fell into the ocean below.
The fall was so fast that rod heard the roar in his ear.
But he was not afraid at all. Instead, he pressed his hand and directly pierced the body of Jinwu.
"How dare you, dare to kill an immortal..." Jinwu's mouth spewed out golden blood and said powerlessly, "God, heaven will not let you go..."
"What are you afraid of?" Rod disdained to curl his lips, "if you want to learn from that monkey, you'll make a big fuss in heaven. I dare not only to kill the immortal, but also to pick up your immortal spirit. "
"You, what do you say?" Jinwu's body was shocked and his eyes glowed with gold, "ha ha ha, that's impossible! When we went down to earth, the immortal spirits were all left in the heaven! Even if you kill me, I can rise in heaven! Then it will be your death. ""Who are you lying to?" Rod grinned. "Do you think this seat hasn't been to that place in heaven? If you say that, you can deceive ghosts. "
With that, rod turned his claws and took out a blue light from his body.
"Did you not stay in the sky? What is this?"
"You, how did you know that?" Jinwu is so scared.
"Why can't I know? At that time, this seat has also soared, only to throw away its own immortal spirit and return to the mortal world. Tianting, is that a fuckin 'place? There are women can not hold, there are enemies can not kill, what the hell is the meaning! It's better to be mortal! "
With that, rod pulled the spirit out of Jinwu's body.
"Give me back my soul!"
Jinwu is going crazy. This immortal spirit is the root of his immortality. Without it, he is really dead.
But Luo de doesn't care whether he lives or not. He takes that group of immortal spirits and gets into Xumi's ring.
"No, you can't..."
The golden crow wailed, and suddenly turned into a thick flame, burning violently, and finally fell into the sea water.
And rod, after confirming that the golden crow was completely dead, slowly floated out of the water.
Immortal spirit, although it is useless for the Qin Dynasty who has learned the power of God, it is a great tonic for his nine magic puppets.
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